Exemplo n.º 1
l3Mkdir( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) {
    //int rescTypeInx;
    fileMkdirInp_t fileMkdirInp;
    int status;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy
    std::string location;
    irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3Mkdir - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) );
        return -1;

    if ( getStructFileType( dataObjInfo->specColl ) >= 0 ) {
        subFile_t subFile;
        memset( &subFile, 0, sizeof( subFile ) );
        rstrcpy( subFile.subFilePath, dataObjInfo->subPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        subFile.mode = getDefDirMode();
        //rstrcpy (subFile.addr.hostAddr, dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc, NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( subFile.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );
        subFile.specColl = dataObjInfo->specColl;
        status = rsSubStructFileMkdir( rsComm, &subFile );
    else {
        memset( &fileMkdirInp, 0, sizeof( fileMkdirInp ) );
        rstrcpy( fileMkdirInp.dirName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( fileMkdirInp.rescHier, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( fileMkdirInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );
        fileMkdirInp.mode = getDefDirMode();
        status = rsFileMkdir( rsComm, &fileMkdirInp );
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief interface for POSIX mkdir
    irods::error univ_mss_file_mkdir(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // check context
        irods::error err = univ_mss_check_param< irods::collection_object >( _ctx );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << __FUNCTION__;
            msg << " - invalid context";
            return PASSMSG( msg.str(), err );


        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the script property
        std::string script;
        err = _ctx.prop_map().get< std::string >( SCRIPT_PROP, script );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( __FUNCTION__, err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // snag a ref to the fco
        irods::collection_object_ptr fco = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< irods::collection_object >( _ctx.fco() );
        std::string dirname = fco->physical_path();

        int status = 0;
        execCmd_t execCmdInp;
        char cmdArgv[HUGE_NAME_LEN] = "";
        execCmdOut_t *execCmdOut = NULL;

        bzero( &execCmdInp, sizeof( execCmdInp ) );
        rstrcpy( execCmdInp.cmd, script.c_str(), LONG_NAME_LEN );
        strcat( cmdArgv, "mkdir" );
        strcat( cmdArgv, " '" );
        strcat( cmdArgv, dirname.c_str() );
        strcat( cmdArgv, "'" );
        rstrcpy( execCmdInp.cmdArgv, cmdArgv, HUGE_NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( execCmdInp.execAddr, "localhost", LONG_NAME_LEN );
        status = _rsExecCmd( _ctx.comm(), &execCmdInp, &execCmdOut );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            status = UNIV_MSS_MKDIR_ERR - errno;
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "univ_mss_file_mkdir - mkdir failed for [";
            msg << dirname;
            msg << "]";
            return ERROR( status, msg.str() );

        int mode = getDefDirMode();
        fco->mode( mode );
        err = univ_mss_file_chmod( _ctx );

        return err;

    } // univ_mss_file_mkdir
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief interface for POSIX chmod
    irods::error univ_mss_file_chmod(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // check context
        irods::error err = univ_mss_check_param< irods::data_object >( _ctx );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << __FUNCTION__;
            msg << " - invalid context";
            return PASSMSG( msg.str(), err );


        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the script property
        std::string script;
        err = _ctx.prop_map().get< std::string >( SCRIPT_PROP, script );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( __FUNCTION__, err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // snag a ref to the fco
        irods::data_object_ptr fco = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< irods::data_object >( _ctx.fco() );
        std::string filename = fco->physical_path();

        int mode = fco->mode();
        int status = 0;
        execCmd_t execCmdInp;

        if ( mode != getDefDirMode() ) {
            mode = getDefFileMode();

        bzero( &execCmdInp, sizeof( execCmdInp ) );
        snprintf( execCmdInp.cmd, sizeof( execCmdInp.cmd ), "%s", script.c_str() );
        snprintf( execCmdInp.cmdArgv, sizeof( execCmdInp.cmdArgv ), "chmod '%s' %o", filename.c_str(), mode );
        snprintf( execCmdInp.execAddr, sizeof( execCmdInp.execAddr ), "%s", "localhost" );
        execCmdOut_t *execCmdOut = NULL;
        status = _rsExecCmd( &execCmdInp, &execCmdOut );
        freeCmdExecOut( execCmdOut );

        if ( status < 0 ) {
            status = UNIV_MSS_CHMOD_ERR - errno;
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "univ_mss_file_chmod - failed for [";
            msg << filename;
            msg << "]";
            return ERROR( status, msg.str() );


        return CODE( status );

    } // univ_mss_file_chmod
Exemplo n.º 4
createPhyBundleDir( rsComm_t *rsComm, char *bunFilePath,
                    char *outPhyBundleDir, char* hier ) {
    /* the dir where we put the files to bundle is in phyPath.dir */
    snprintf( outPhyBundleDir, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s.dir",  bunFilePath );
    int status = mkFileDirR( rsComm, 0, outPhyBundleDir, hier, getDefDirMode() );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR failed in createPhyBundleDir with status %d", status );
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 5
int _rsStructFileBundle( rsComm_t*                 rsComm,
                         structFileExtAndRegInp_t* structFileBundleInp ) {
    int status;
    int handleInx;
    char phyBunDir[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    int l1descInx;
    char* dataType = 0; // JMC - backport 4664
    openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // create an empty data obj
    dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
    memset( &dataObjInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjInp ) );
    dataObjInp.openFlags = O_WRONLY;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // get the data type of the structured file
    dataType = getValByKey( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // ensure that the file name will end in .zip, if necessary
    if ( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) {
        int len = strlen( structFileBundleInp->objPath );
        if ( strcmp( &structFileBundleInp->objPath[len - 4], ".zip" ) != 0 ) {
            strcat( structFileBundleInp->objPath, ".zip" );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // capture the object path in the data obj struct
    rstrcpy( dataObjInp.objPath, structFileBundleInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // replicate the condInput. may have resource input
    replKeyVal( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, &dataObjInp.condInput );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // open the file if we are in an add operation, otherwise create the new file
    if ( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR ) != 0 ) { // JMC - backport 4643
        l1descInx = rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, &dataObjInp );

    else {
        l1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, &dataObjInp );


    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // error check create / open
    if ( l1descInx < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsDataObjCreate of %s error. status = %d",
                 dataObjInp.objPath, l1descInx );
        return l1descInx;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // FIXME :: Why, when we replicate them above?
    clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput ); // JMC - backport 4637
    // ???? l3Close (rsComm, l1descInx);

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // zip does not like a zero length file as target
    //L1desc[ l1descInx ].l3descInx = 0;
    //if( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) {
    //    if( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR) == 0 ) { // JMC - backport 4643
    //        l3Unlink( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo );
    //    }

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // check object permissions / stat
    chkObjPermAndStat_t chkObjPermAndStatInp;
    memset( &chkObjPermAndStatInp, 0, sizeof( chkObjPermAndStatInp ) );
    rstrcpy( chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    chkObjPermAndStatInp.flags = CHK_COLL_FOR_BUNDLE_OPR;
    addKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW,     L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescName );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // get the resc hier string
    std::string resc_hier;
    char* resc_hier_ptr = getValByKey( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW );
    if ( !resc_hier_ptr ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "_rsStructFileBundle :: RESC_HIER_STR_KW is NULL" );
    else {
        addKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, resc_hier_ptr );
        resc_hier = resc_hier_ptr;

    status = rsChkObjPermAndStat( rsComm, &chkObjPermAndStatInp );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsChkObjPermAndStat of %s error. stat = %d",
                 chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, status );
        dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx;
        rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
        return status;

    clearKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // create the special hidden directory where the bundling happens
    createPhyBundleDir( rsComm, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->filePath, phyBunDir, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->rescHier );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // build a collection open input structure
    collInp_t collInp;
    bzero( &collInp, sizeof( collInp ) );
    rstrcpy( collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    addKeyVal( &collInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->rescName );

    rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "rsStructFileBundle: calling rsOpenCollection for [%s]", structFileBundleInp->collection );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // open the collection from which we will bundle
    handleInx = rsOpenCollection( rsComm, &collInp );
    if ( handleInx < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsOpenCollection of %s error. status = %d",
                 collInp.collName, handleInx );
        rmdir( phyBunDir );
        return handleInx;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // preserve the collection path?
    int collLen = 0;
    if ( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & PRESERVE_COLL_PATH ) != 0 ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // preserve the last entry of the coll path
        char* tmpPtr = collInp.collName;
        int   tmpLen = 0;
        collLen = 0;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // find length to the last '/'
        while ( *tmpPtr != '\0' ) {
            if ( *tmpPtr == '/' ) {
                collLen = tmpLen;


    else {
        collLen = strlen( collInp.collName );


    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // preserve the collection path?
    collEnt_t* collEnt = NULL;
    while ( ( status = rsReadCollection( rsComm, &handleInx, &collEnt ) ) >= 0 ) {
        if ( NULL == collEnt ) {
                "rsStructFileBundle: collEnt is NULL" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // entry is a data object
        if ( collEnt->objType == DATA_OBJ_T ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // filter out any possible replicas that are not on this resource
            if ( resc_hier != collEnt->resc_hier ) {
                    "_rsStructFileBundle - skipping [%s] on resc [%s]",
                    collEnt->resc_hier );
                free( collEnt );
                collEnt = NULL;

            if ( collEnt->collName[collLen] == '\0' ) {
                    collEnt->dataName );
            else {
                    MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s/%s",
                    collEnt->collName + collLen + 1,
                    collEnt->dataName );
                status = mkDirForFilePath(
                             strlen( phyBunDir ),
                             getDefDirMode() );
                if ( status < 0 ) {
                        "mkDirForFilePath failed in _rsStructFileBundle with status %d",
                        status );
                    free( collEnt );
                    return status;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // add a link
            status = link( collEnt->phyPath, tmpPath );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                    "rsStructFileBundle: link error %s to %s. errno = %d",
                    errno );
                rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir );
                rmdir( phyBunDir );
                free( collEnt );
                return UNIX_FILE_LINK_ERR - errno;
            else {
                    "_rsStructFileBundle - LINK  [%s] on resc [%s]",
                    collEnt->resc_hier );
        else {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // entry is a collection
            if ( ( int ) strlen( collEnt->collName ) + 1 <= collLen ) {
                free( collEnt );
                collEnt = NULL;
            snprintf( tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", phyBunDir, collEnt->collName + collLen );
            status = mkFileDirR( rsComm, strlen( phyBunDir ), tmpPath, resc_hier.c_str(), getDefDirMode() );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR failed in _rsStructFileBundle with status %d", status );
                free( collEnt );
                return status;
        } // else

        free( collEnt );
        collEnt = NULL;

    } // while

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // clean up key vals and close the collection
    clearKeyVal( &collInp.condInput );
    rsCloseCollection( rsComm, &handleInx );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call the helper function to do the actual bundling
    status = phyBundle( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, phyBunDir,
                        collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->oprType ); // JMC - backport 4643

    int savedStatus = 0;
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: phyBundle of %s error. stat = %d",
                 L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->objPath, status );
        L1desc[ l1descInx ].bytesWritten = 0;
        savedStatus = status;
    else {
        // mark it was written so the size would be adjusted
        L1desc[ l1descInx ].bytesWritten = 1;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // clean up after the bundle directory
    rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir );
    rmdir( phyBunDir );

    dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx;
    status = rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
    if ( status >= 0 ) {
        return savedStatus;

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 6
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// _rsFileSyncToArch - this the local version of rsFileSyncToArch.
int _rsFileSyncToArch(
    rsComm_t*           _comm,
    fileStageSyncInp_t* _sync_inp,
    fileSyncOut_t**     _sync_out ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // XXXX need to check resource permission and vault permission
    // when RCAT is available

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // prep
    if ( _sync_inp->objPath[0] == '\0' ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Empty logical path.";
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to synctoarch via resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            _sync_inp->filename, "", 0,
            _sync_inp->flags ) );
    file_obj->resc_hier( _sync_inp->rescHier );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // pass condInput
    file_obj->cond_input( _sync_inp->condInput );

    irods::error sync_err = fileSyncToArch( _comm, file_obj, _sync_inp->cacheFilename );

    if ( !sync_err.ok() ) {

        if ( getErrno( sync_err.code() ) == ENOENT ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // the directory does not exist, lets make one
            int status = mkDirForFilePath(
                             getDefDirMode() );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkDirForFilePath failed in _rsFileSyncToArch with status %d", status );
                return status;
        else if ( getErrno( sync_err.code() ) == EEXIST ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // an empty dir may be there, make the call to rmdir via the resource plugin
            irods::collection_object_ptr coll_obj(
                new irods::collection_object(
                    0, 0 ) );
            coll_obj->cond_input( _sync_inp->condInput );
            irods::error rmdir_err = fileRmdir( _comm, coll_obj );
            if ( !rmdir_err.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "fileRmdir failed for [";
                msg << _sync_inp->filename;
                msg << "]";
                irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
                irods::log( err );
        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileSyncToArch failed for [";
            msg << _sync_inp->filename;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
            irods::log( err );
            return sync_err.code();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // make call to synctoarch via resource plugin
        sync_err = fileSyncToArch( _comm, file_obj, _sync_inp->cacheFilename );
        if ( !sync_err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileSyncToArch failed for [";
            msg << _sync_inp->filename;
            msg << "]";
            msg << sync_err.code();
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
            irods::log( err );

    } // if !sync_err.ok()

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // has the file name has changed?
    if ( *_sync_out ) {
        rstrcpy( ( *_sync_out )->file_name, file_obj->physical_path().c_str(), MAX_NAME_LEN );

    return sync_err.code();

} // _rsFileSyncToArch
Exemplo n.º 7
mountFileDir (rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *phyPathRegInp, char *filePath,
rescInfo_t *rescInfo)
    collInp_t collCreateInp;
    int rescTypeInx;
    int status;
    fileStatInp_t fileStatInp;
    rodsStat_t *myStat = NULL;
    rodsObjStat_t *rodsObjStatOut = NULL;

   if (rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag < LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH)

    status = collStat (rsComm, phyPathRegInp, &rodsObjStatOut);
    if (status < 0) return status;

    if (rodsObjStatOut->specColl != NULL) {
        freeRodsObjStat (rodsObjStatOut);
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "mountFileDir: %s already mounted", phyPathRegInp->objPath);
        return (SYS_MOUNT_MOUNTED_COLL_ERR);
    freeRodsObjStat (rodsObjStatOut);

    if (isCollEmpty (rsComm, phyPathRegInp->objPath) == False) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "mountFileDir: collection %s not empty", phyPathRegInp->objPath);
        return (SYS_COLLECTION_NOT_EMPTY);

    memset (&fileStatInp, 0, sizeof (fileStatInp));

    rstrcpy (fileStatInp.fileName, filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN);

    rescTypeInx = rescInfo->rescTypeInx;
    fileStatInp.fileType = (fileDriverType_t)RescTypeDef[rescTypeInx].driverType;
    rstrcpy (fileStatInp.addr.hostAddr,  rescInfo->rescLoc, NAME_LEN);
    status = rsFileStat (rsComm, &fileStatInp, &myStat);

    if (status < 0) {
	fileMkdirInp_t fileMkdirInp;

        rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
          "mountFileDir: rsFileStat failed for %s, status = %d, create it",
          fileStatInp.fileName, status);
	memset (&fileMkdirInp, 0, sizeof (fileMkdirInp));
	rstrcpy (fileMkdirInp.dirName, filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
        fileMkdirInp.fileType = (fileDriverType_t)RescTypeDef[rescTypeInx].driverType;
	fileMkdirInp.mode = getDefDirMode ();
        rstrcpy (fileMkdirInp.addr.hostAddr,  rescInfo->rescLoc, NAME_LEN);
	status = rsFileMkdir (rsComm, &fileMkdirInp);
	if (status < 0) {
            return (status);
    } else if ((myStat->st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "mountFileDir: phyPath %s is not a directory",
	free (myStat);
        return (USER_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST);

    free (myStat);
    /* mk the collection */

    memset (&collCreateInp, 0, sizeof (collCreateInp));
    rstrcpy (collCreateInp.collName, phyPathRegInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
    addKeyVal (&collCreateInp.condInput, COLLECTION_TYPE_KW, MOUNT_POINT_STR);

    addKeyVal (&collCreateInp.condInput, COLLECTION_INFO1_KW, filePath);
    addKeyVal (&collCreateInp.condInput, COLLECTION_INFO2_KW, 

    /* try to mod the coll first */
    status = rsModColl (rsComm, &collCreateInp);

    if (status < 0) {	/* try to create it */
       status = rsRegColl (rsComm, &collCreateInp);

    if (status >= 0) {
        char outLogPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
	int status1;
	/* see if the phyPath is mapped into a real collection */
	if (getLogPathFromPhyPath (filePath, rescInfo, outLogPath) >= 0 &&
	  strcmp (outLogPath, phyPathRegInp->objPath) != 0) {
	    /* log path not the same as input objPath */
	    if (isColl (rsComm, outLogPath, NULL) >= 0) {
		modAccessControlInp_t modAccessControl;
		/* it is a real collection. better set the collection
		 * to read-only mode because any modification to files
		 * through this mounted collection can be trouble */
		bzero (&modAccessControl, sizeof (modAccessControl));
		modAccessControl.accessLevel = "read";
		modAccessControl.userName = rsComm->clientUser.userName;
		modAccessControl.zone = rsComm->clientUser.rodsZone;
		modAccessControl.path = phyPathRegInp->objPath;
                status1 = rsModAccessControl(rsComm, &modAccessControl);
                if (status1 < 0) {
                    rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, 
		      "mountFileDir: rsModAccessControl err for %s, stat = %d",
                      phyPathRegInp->objPath, status1);
    return (status);
Exemplo n.º 8
_rsStructFileBundle (rsComm_t *rsComm,
structFileExtAndRegInp_t *structFileBundleInp)
    int status;
    dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
    openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp;
    collInp_t collInp;
    collEnt_t *collEnt = NULL;
    int handleInx;
    int collLen;
    char phyBunDir[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    chkObjPermAndStat_t chkObjPermAndStatInp;
    int l1descInx;
    int savedStatus = 0;
    char *dataType;

    /* open the structured file */
    memset (&dataObjInp, 0, sizeof (dataObjInp));
    dataType = getValByKey (&structFileBundleInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW);
    if (dataType != NULL && strstr (dataType, ZIP_DT_STR) != NULL) {
	/* zipFile type. must end with .zip */
	int len = strlen (structFileBundleInp->objPath);
	if (strcmp (&structFileBundleInp->objPath[len - 4], ".zip") != 0) {
	    strcat (structFileBundleInp->objPath, ".zip");
    rstrcpy (dataObjInp.objPath, structFileBundleInp->objPath, 
    /* replicate the condInput. may have resource input */
    replKeyVal (&structFileBundleInp->condInput, &dataObjInp.condInput);

    dataObjInp.openFlags = O_WRONLY;  

    if ((structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR) != 0) {
        l1descInx = rsDataObjOpen (rsComm, &dataObjInp);
    } else {
        l1descInx = rsDataObjCreate (rsComm, &dataObjInp);
    if (l1descInx < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "rsStructFileBundle: rsDataObjCreate of %s error. status = %d",
          dataObjInp.objPath, l1descInx);
        return (l1descInx);
    clearKeyVal (&dataObjInp.condInput);
    l3Close (rsComm, l1descInx);
    L1desc[l1descInx].l3descInx = 0;
    /* zip does not like a zero length file as target */
    if ((structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR) == 0)
        l3Unlink (rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo);

    memset (&chkObjPermAndStatInp, 0, sizeof (chkObjPermAndStatInp));
    rstrcpy (chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, 
      structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN); 
    chkObjPermAndStatInp.flags = CHK_COLL_FOR_BUNDLE_OPR;
    addKeyVal (&chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW,

    status = rsChkObjPermAndStat (rsComm, &chkObjPermAndStatInp);

    clearKeyVal (&chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput);

    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "rsStructFileBundle: rsChkObjPermAndStat of %s error. stat = %d",
          chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, status);
        dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx;
        rsDataObjClose (rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp);
        return (status);

    createPhyBundleDir (rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->filePath,

    bzero (&collInp, sizeof (collInp));
    rstrcpy (collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN);
    addKeyVal (&collInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, 
    handleInx = rsOpenCollection (rsComm, &collInp);
    if (handleInx < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "rsStructFileBundle: rsOpenCollection of %s error. status = %d",
          collInp.collName, handleInx);
        rmdir (phyBunDir);
        return (handleInx);
    if ((structFileBundleInp->oprType & PRESERVE_COLL_PATH) != 0) {
	/* preserver the last entry of the coll path */
	char *tmpPtr = collInp.collName;
	int tmpLen = 0;
	collLen = 0;
	/* find length to the last '/' */
        while (*tmpPtr != '\0') {
	    if (*tmpPtr == '/') collLen = tmpLen;
    } else {
        collLen = strlen (collInp.collName);
    while ((status = rsReadCollection (rsComm, &handleInx, &collEnt)) >= 0) {
        if (collEnt->objType == DATA_OBJ_T) {
            if (collEnt->collName[collLen] == '\0') {
                snprintf (tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s",
                  phyBunDir, collEnt->dataName);
            } else {
                snprintf (tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s/%s",
                 phyBunDir, collEnt->collName + collLen + 1, collEnt->dataName);               
	        mkDirForFilePath (UNIX_FILE_TYPE, rsComm, phyBunDir, 
	          tmpPath, getDefDirMode ());
            /* add a link */
            status = link (collEnt->phyPath, tmpPath);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "rsStructFileBundle: link error %s to %s. errno = %d",
                  collEnt->phyPath, tmpPath, errno);
                rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir (phyBunDir);
                rmdir (phyBunDir);
                return (UNIX_FILE_LINK_ERR - errno);
        } else {        /* a collection */
	    if ((int) strlen (collEnt->collName) + 1 <= collLen) {
		free (collEnt);
            snprintf (tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s",
              phyBunDir, collEnt->collName + collLen);
            mkdirR (phyBunDir, tmpPath, getDefDirMode ());
	if (collEnt != NULL) {
	    free (collEnt);
	    collEnt = NULL;
    clearKeyVal (&collInp.condInput);
    rsCloseCollection (rsComm, &handleInx);

    status = phyBundle (rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, phyBunDir,
      collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->oprType);
    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "rsStructFileBundle: phyBundle of %s error. stat = %d",
          L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, status);
	L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 0;
	savedStatus = status;
    } else {
        /* mark it was written so the size would be adjusted */
        L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 1;

    rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir (phyBunDir);
    rmdir (phyBunDir);

    dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx;
    status = rsDataObjClose (rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp);

    if (status >= 0)
	return savedStatus;
        return (status);
chkCollForExtAndReg (rsComm_t *rsComm, char *collection, 
rodsObjStat_t **rodsObjStatOut)
    dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
    int status;
    rodsObjStat_t *myRodsObjStat = NULL;

    bzero (&dataObjInp, sizeof (dataObjInp));
    rstrcpy (dataObjInp.objPath, collection, MAX_NAME_LEN);
#if 0	/* allow mounted coll */
    status = collStat (rsComm, &dataObjInp, &myRodsObjStat);
    status = collStatAllKinds (rsComm, &dataObjInp, &myRodsObjStat);
#if 0
    if (status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND || status == OBJ_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST ||
      status == USER_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
    if (status < 0) { 
	status = rsMkCollR (rsComm, "/", collection);
	if (status < 0) {
            rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
              "chkCollForExtAndReg: rsMkCollR of %s error. status = %d",
              collection, status);
            return (status);
	} else {
#if 0	/* allow mounted coll */
	    status = collStat (rsComm, &dataObjInp, &myRodsObjStat);
	    status = collStatAllKinds (rsComm, &dataObjInp, &myRodsObjStat);

    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "chkCollForExtAndReg: collStat of %s error. status = %d",
          dataObjInp.objPath, status);
        return (status);
    } else if (myRodsObjStat->specColl != NULL && 
      myRodsObjStat->specColl->collClass != MOUNTED_COLL) {
	/* only do mounted coll */
        freeRodsObjStat (myRodsObjStat);
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "chkCollForExtAndReg: %s is a struct file collection",

    if (myRodsObjStat->specColl == NULL) {
        status = checkCollAccessPerm (rsComm, collection, ACCESS_DELETE_OBJECT);
    } else {
	status = checkCollAccessPerm (rsComm, 
	  myRodsObjStat->specColl->collection, ACCESS_DELETE_OBJECT);

    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "chkCollForExtAndReg: no permission to write %s, status = %d",
          collection, status);
        freeRodsObjStat (myRodsObjStat);
    } else {
	if (rodsObjStatOut != NULL) {
	    *rodsObjStatOut = myRodsObjStat;
	} else {
            freeRodsObjStat (myRodsObjStat);
    return (status);

/* regUnbunSubfiles - non bulk version of registering all files in phyBunDir 
 * to the collection. Valid values for flags are: 

regUnbunSubfiles (rsComm_t *rsComm, rescInfo_t *rescInfo, char *rescGroupName,
char *collection, char *phyBunDir, int flags, genQueryOut_t *attriArray)
#ifndef USE_BOOST_FS
    DIR *dirPtr;
    struct dirent *myDirent;
    struct stat statbuf;
    char subfilePath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char subObjPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
    int status;
    int savedStatus = 0;
    rodsLong_t st_size;

    path srcDirPath (phyBunDir);
    if (!exists(srcDirPath) || !is_directory(srcDirPath)) {
    dirPtr = opendir (phyBunDir);
    if (dirPtr == NULL) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
        "regUnbunphySubfiles: opendir error for %s, errno = %d",
         phyBunDir, errno);
        return (UNIX_FILE_OPENDIR_ERR - errno);
    bzero (&dataObjInp, sizeof (dataObjInp));
    directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end
    for (directory_iterator itr(srcDirPath); itr != end_itr;++itr) {
        path p = itr->path();
        snprintf (subfilePath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s",
          p.c_str ());
    while ((myDirent = readdir (dirPtr)) != NULL) {
        if (strcmp (myDirent->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
          strcmp (myDirent->d_name, "..") == 0) {
        snprintf (subfilePath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s",
          phyBunDir, myDirent->d_name);

        if (!exists (p)) {
        status = lstat (subfilePath, &statbuf);

        if (status != 0) {
            rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
              "regUnbunphySubfiles: stat error for %s, errno = %d",
              subfilePath, errno);
            savedStatus = UNIX_FILE_STAT_ERR - errno;
	    unlink (subfilePath);

	if (is_symlink (p)) {
	if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFLNK) == S_IFLNK) {
              "regUnbunSubfiles: %s is a symlink",
            savedStatus = SYMLINKED_BUNFILE_NOT_ALLOWED;
        path childPath = p.filename();
        snprintf (subObjPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s",
          collection, childPath.c_str());

	if (is_directory (p)) {
        snprintf (subObjPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s",
          collection, myDirent->d_name);

        if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0) {
            status = rsMkCollR (rsComm, "/", subObjPath);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "regUnbunSubfiles: rsMkCollR of %s error. status = %d",
                  subObjPath, status);
                savedStatus = status;
	    status = regUnbunSubfiles (rsComm, rescInfo, rescGroupName,
	      subObjPath, subfilePath, flags, attriArray);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "regUnbunSubfiles: regUnbunSubfiles of %s error. status=%d",
                  subObjPath, status);
                savedStatus = status;
        } else if (is_regular_file (p)) {
	    st_size = file_size (p);
        } else if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) != 0) {
	    st_size = statbuf.st_size;
	    status = regSubfile (rsComm, rescInfo, rescGroupName,
		subObjPath, subfilePath, st_size, flags);
	    unlink (subfilePath);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "regUnbunSubfiles: regSubfile of %s error. status=%d",
                  subObjPath, status);
                savedStatus = status;
#ifndef USE_BOOST_FS
    closedir (dirPtr);
    rmdir (phyBunDir);
    return savedStatus;

regSubfile (rsComm_t *rsComm, rescInfo_t *rescInfo, char *rescGroupName,
char *subObjPath, char *subfilePath, rodsLong_t dataSize, int flags)
    dataObjInfo_t dataObjInfo;
    dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
#ifndef USE_BOOST_FS
    struct stat statbuf;
    int status;
    int modFlag = 0;

    bzero (&dataObjInp, sizeof (dataObjInp));
    bzero (&dataObjInfo, sizeof (dataObjInfo));
    rstrcpy (dataObjInp.objPath, subObjPath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
    rstrcpy (dataObjInfo.objPath, subObjPath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
    rstrcpy (dataObjInfo.rescName, rescInfo->rescName, NAME_LEN);
    rstrcpy (dataObjInfo.dataType, "generic", NAME_LEN);
    dataObjInfo.rescInfo = rescInfo;
    rstrcpy (dataObjInfo.rescGroupName, rescGroupName, NAME_LEN);
    dataObjInfo.dataSize = dataSize;

    status = getFilePathName (rsComm, &dataObjInfo, &dataObjInp);
    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "regSubFile: getFilePathName err for %s. status = %d",
          dataObjInp.objPath, status);
        return (status);

    path p (dataObjInfo.filePath);
    if (exists (p)) {
	if (is_directory (p)) {
    status = stat (dataObjInfo.filePath, &statbuf);
    if (status == 0 || errno != ENOENT) {
        if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0) {
	    return SYS_PATH_IS_NOT_A_FILE;

        if (chkOrphanFile (rsComm, dataObjInfo.filePath, rescInfo->rescName, 
	  &dataObjInfo) > 0) {
	    /* an orphan file. just rename it */
	    fileRenameInp_t fileRenameInp;
	    bzero (&fileRenameInp, sizeof (fileRenameInp));
            rstrcpy (fileRenameInp.oldFileName, dataObjInfo.filePath, 
            status = renameFilePathToNewDir (rsComm, ORPHAN_DIR, 
	      &fileRenameInp, rescInfo, 1);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "regSubFile: renameFilePathToNewDir err for %s. status = %d",
                  fileRenameInp.oldFileName, status);
                return (status);
	} else {
	    /* not an orphan file */
	    if ((flags & FORCE_FLAG_FLAG) != 0 && dataObjInfo.dataId > 0 && 
	      strcmp (dataObjInfo.objPath, subObjPath) == 0) {
		/* overwrite the current file */
		modFlag = 1;
		unlink (dataObjInfo.filePath);
	    } else {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "regSubFile: phypath %s is already in use. status = %d",
                  dataObjInfo.filePath, status);
                return (status);
    /* make the necessary dir */
    mkDirForFilePath (UNIX_FILE_TYPE, rsComm, "/", dataObjInfo.filePath,
      getDefDirMode ());
    /* add a link */

#ifndef windows_platform   /* Windows does not support link */
    status = link (subfilePath, dataObjInfo.filePath);
    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "regSubFile: link error %s to %s. errno = %d",
          subfilePath, dataObjInfo.filePath, errno);
        return (UNIX_FILE_LINK_ERR - errno);

    if (modFlag == 0) {
        status = svrRegDataObj (rsComm, &dataObjInfo);
    } else {
        char tmpStr[MAX_NAME_LEN];
        modDataObjMeta_t modDataObjMetaInp;
	keyValPair_t regParam;

	bzero (&modDataObjMetaInp, sizeof (modDataObjMetaInp));
	bzero (&regParam, sizeof (regParam));
        snprintf (tmpStr, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%lld", dataSize);
        addKeyVal (&regParam, DATA_SIZE_KW, tmpStr);
        addKeyVal (&regParam, ALL_REPL_STATUS_KW, tmpStr);
        snprintf (tmpStr, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%d", (int) time (NULL));
        addKeyVal (&regParam, DATA_MODIFY_KW, tmpStr);

        modDataObjMetaInp.dataObjInfo = &dataObjInfo;
        modDataObjMetaInp.regParam = &regParam;

        status = rsModDataObjMeta (rsComm, &modDataObjMetaInp);

        clearKeyVal (&regParam);

    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
          "regSubFile: svrRegDataObj of %s. errno = %d",
          dataObjInfo.objPath, errno);
	unlink (dataObjInfo.filePath);
    } else {
	ruleExecInfo_t rei;
	dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;
	bzero (&dataObjInp, sizeof (dataObjInp));
	rstrcpy (dataObjInp.objPath, dataObjInfo.objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
	initReiWithDataObjInp (&rei, rsComm, &dataObjInp);
	rei.doi = &dataObjInfo;
	rei.status = applyRule ("acPostProcForTarFileReg", NULL, &rei,
	if (rei.status < 0) {
            rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, rei.status,
              "regSubFile: acPostProcForTarFileReg error for %s. status = %d",
    return status;