Exemplo n.º 1
void SkeletonModel::initJointStates() {
    const FBXGeometry& geometry = getFBXGeometry();
    glm::mat4 modelOffset = glm::scale(_scale) * glm::translate(_offset);
    _rig->initJointStates(geometry, modelOffset);

    // Determine the default eye position for avatar scale = 1.0
    int headJointIndex = geometry.headJointIndex;
    if (0 > headJointIndex || headJointIndex >= _rig->getJointStateCount()) {
        qCWarning(interfaceapp) << "Bad head joint! Got:" << headJointIndex << "jointCount:" << _rig->getJointStateCount();
    glm::vec3 leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition;
    getEyeModelPositions(leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition);
    glm::vec3 midEyePosition = (leftEyePosition + rightEyePosition) / 2.0f;

    int rootJointIndex = geometry.rootJointIndex;
    glm::vec3 rootModelPosition;
    getJointPosition(rootJointIndex, rootModelPosition);

    _defaultEyeModelPosition = midEyePosition - rootModelPosition;

    // Skeleton may have already been scaled so unscale it
    _defaultEyeModelPosition = _defaultEyeModelPosition / _scale;


    Extents meshExtents = getMeshExtents();
    _headClipDistance = -(meshExtents.minimum.z / _scale.z - _defaultEyeModelPosition.z);
    _headClipDistance = std::max(_headClipDistance, DEFAULT_NEAR_CLIP);

    emit skeletonLoaded();
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SkeletonModel::getEyeModelPositions(glm::vec3& firstEyePosition, glm::vec3& secondEyePosition) const {
    if (!isActive()) {
        return false;
    const FBXGeometry& geometry = getFBXGeometry();

    if (getJointPosition(geometry.leftEyeJointIndex, firstEyePosition) &&
        getJointPosition(geometry.rightEyeJointIndex, secondEyePosition)) {
        return true;
    // no eye joints; try to estimate based on head/neck joints
    glm::vec3 neckPosition, headPosition;
    if (getJointPosition(geometry.neckJointIndex, neckPosition) &&
        getJointPosition(geometry.headJointIndex, headPosition)) {
        const float EYE_PROPORTION = 0.6f;
        glm::vec3 baseEyePosition = glm::mix(neckPosition, headPosition, EYE_PROPORTION);
        glm::quat headRotation;
        getJointRotation(geometry.headJointIndex, headRotation);
        const float EYES_FORWARD = 0.25f;
        const float EYE_SEPARATION = 0.1f;
        float headHeight = glm::distance(neckPosition, headPosition);
        firstEyePosition = baseEyePosition + headRotation * glm::vec3(EYE_SEPARATION, 0.0f, EYES_FORWARD) * headHeight;
        secondEyePosition = baseEyePosition + headRotation * glm::vec3(-EYE_SEPARATION, 0.0f, EYES_FORWARD) * headHeight;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Called within Model::simulate call, below.
void SkeletonModel::updateRig(float deltaTime, glm::mat4 parentTransform) {
    const FBXGeometry& geometry = getFBXGeometry();

    Head* head = _owningAvatar->getHead();

    // make sure lookAt is not too close to face (avoid crosseyes)
    glm::vec3 lookAt = head->getCorrectedLookAtPosition();
    glm::vec3 focusOffset = lookAt - _owningAvatar->getHead()->getEyePosition();
    float focusDistance = glm::length(focusOffset);
    const float MIN_LOOK_AT_FOCUS_DISTANCE = 1.0f;
    if (focusDistance < MIN_LOOK_AT_FOCUS_DISTANCE && focusDistance > EPSILON) {
        lookAt = _owningAvatar->getHead()->getEyePosition() + (MIN_LOOK_AT_FOCUS_DISTANCE / focusDistance) * focusOffset;

    // no need to call Model::updateRig() because otherAvatars get their joint state
    // copied directly from AvtarData::_jointData (there are no Rig animations to blend)
    _needsUpdateClusterMatrices = true;

    // This is a little more work than we really want.
    // Other avatars joint, including their eyes, should already be set just like any other joints
    // from the wire data. But when looking at me, we want the eyes to use the corrected lookAt.
    // Thus this should really only be ... else if (_owningAvatar->getHead()->isLookingAtMe()) {...
    // However, in the !isLookingAtMe case, the eyes aren't rotating the way they should right now.
    // We will revisit that as priorities allow, and particularly after the new rig/animation/joints.

    // If the head is not positioned, updateEyeJoints won't get the math right
    glm::quat headOrientation;
    _rig.getJointRotation(geometry.headJointIndex, headOrientation);
    glm::vec3 eulers = safeEulerAngles(headOrientation);

    Rig::EyeParameters eyeParams;
    eyeParams.eyeLookAt = lookAt;
    eyeParams.eyeSaccade = glm::vec3(0.0f);
    eyeParams.modelRotation = getRotation();
    eyeParams.modelTranslation = getTranslation();
    eyeParams.leftEyeJointIndex = geometry.leftEyeJointIndex;
    eyeParams.rightEyeJointIndex = geometry.rightEyeJointIndex;

Exemplo n.º 4
// virtual
void SkeletonModel::computeBoundingShape() {
    if (!isLoaded() || _rig->jointStatesEmpty()) {

    const FBXGeometry& geometry = getFBXGeometry();
    if (geometry.joints.isEmpty() || geometry.rootJointIndex == -1) {
        // rootJointIndex == -1 if the avatar model has no skeleton

    float radius, height;
    glm::vec3 offset;
    _rig->computeAvatarBoundingCapsule(geometry, radius, height, offset);
    float invScale = 1.0f / _owningAvatar->getUniformScale();
    _boundingCapsuleRadius = invScale * radius;
    _boundingCapsuleHeight = invScale * height;
    _boundingCapsuleLocalOffset = invScale * offset;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Called within Model::simulate call, below.
void SkeletonModel::updateRig(float deltaTime, glm::mat4 parentTransform) {
    const FBXGeometry& geometry = getFBXGeometry();

    Head* head = _owningAvatar->getHead();

    if (_owningAvatar->isMyAvatar()) {
        MyAvatar* myAvatar = static_cast<MyAvatar*>(_owningAvatar);

        Rig::HeadParameters headParams;
        headParams.enableLean = qApp->isHMDMode();
        headParams.leanSideways = head->getFinalLeanSideways();
        headParams.leanForward = head->getFinalLeanForward();
        headParams.torsoTwist = head->getTorsoTwist();

        if (qApp->isHMDMode()) {
            headParams.isInHMD = true;

            // get HMD position from sensor space into world space, and back into rig space
            glm::mat4 worldHMDMat = myAvatar->getSensorToWorldMatrix() * myAvatar->getHMDSensorMatrix();
            glm::mat4 rigToWorld = createMatFromQuatAndPos(getRotation(), getTranslation());
            glm::mat4 worldToRig = glm::inverse(rigToWorld);
            glm::mat4 rigHMDMat = worldToRig * worldHMDMat;

            headParams.rigHeadPosition = extractTranslation(rigHMDMat);
            headParams.rigHeadOrientation = extractRotation(rigHMDMat);
            headParams.worldHeadOrientation = extractRotation(worldHMDMat);
        } else {
            headParams.isInHMD = false;

            // We don't have a valid localHeadPosition.
            headParams.rigHeadOrientation = Quaternions::Y_180 * head->getFinalOrientationInLocalFrame();
            headParams.worldHeadOrientation = head->getFinalOrientationInWorldFrame();

        headParams.leanJointIndex = geometry.leanJointIndex;
        headParams.neckJointIndex = geometry.neckJointIndex;
        headParams.isTalking = head->getTimeWithoutTalking() <= 1.5f;

        _rig->updateFromHeadParameters(headParams, deltaTime);

        Rig::HandParameters handParams;

        auto leftPose = myAvatar->getLeftHandControllerPoseInAvatarFrame();
        if (leftPose.isValid()) {
            handParams.isLeftEnabled = true;
            handParams.leftPosition = Quaternions::Y_180 * leftPose.getTranslation();
            handParams.leftOrientation = Quaternions::Y_180 * leftPose.getRotation();
        } else {
            handParams.isLeftEnabled = false;

        auto rightPose = myAvatar->getRightHandControllerPoseInAvatarFrame();
        if (rightPose.isValid()) {
            handParams.isRightEnabled = true;
            handParams.rightPosition = Quaternions::Y_180 * rightPose.getTranslation();
            handParams.rightOrientation = Quaternions::Y_180 * rightPose.getRotation();
        } else {
            handParams.isRightEnabled = false;

        handParams.bodyCapsuleRadius = myAvatar->getCharacterController()->getCapsuleRadius();
        handParams.bodyCapsuleHalfHeight = myAvatar->getCharacterController()->getCapsuleHalfHeight();
        handParams.bodyCapsuleLocalOffset = myAvatar->getCharacterController()->getCapsuleLocalOffset();

        _rig->updateFromHandParameters(handParams, deltaTime);

        Rig::CharacterControllerState ccState = convertCharacterControllerState(myAvatar->getCharacterController()->getState());

        auto velocity = myAvatar->getLocalVelocity();
        auto position = myAvatar->getLocalPosition();
        auto orientation = myAvatar->getLocalOrientation();
        _rig->computeMotionAnimationState(deltaTime, position, velocity, orientation, ccState);

        // evaluate AnimGraph animation and update jointStates.
        Model::updateRig(deltaTime, parentTransform);

        Rig::EyeParameters eyeParams;
        eyeParams.worldHeadOrientation = headParams.worldHeadOrientation;
        eyeParams.eyeLookAt = head->getLookAtPosition();
        eyeParams.eyeSaccade = head->getSaccade();
        eyeParams.modelRotation = getRotation();
        eyeParams.modelTranslation = getTranslation();
        eyeParams.leftEyeJointIndex = geometry.leftEyeJointIndex;
        eyeParams.rightEyeJointIndex = geometry.rightEyeJointIndex;


    } else {

        Model::updateRig(deltaTime, parentTransform);

        // This is a little more work than we really want.
        // Other avatars joint, including their eyes, should already be set just like any other joints
        // from the wire data. But when looking at me, we want the eyes to use the corrected lookAt.
        // Thus this should really only be ... else if (_owningAvatar->getHead()->isLookingAtMe()) {...
        // However, in the !isLookingAtMe case, the eyes aren't rotating the way they should right now.
        // We will revisit that as priorities allow, and particularly after the new rig/animation/joints.

        // If the head is not positioned, updateEyeJoints won't get the math right
        glm::quat headOrientation;
        _rig->getJointRotation(geometry.headJointIndex, headOrientation);
        glm::vec3 eulers = safeEulerAngles(headOrientation);

        Rig::EyeParameters eyeParams;
        eyeParams.worldHeadOrientation = head->getFinalOrientationInWorldFrame();
        eyeParams.eyeLookAt = head->getCorrectedLookAtPosition();
        eyeParams.eyeSaccade = glm::vec3();
        eyeParams.modelRotation = getRotation();
        eyeParams.modelTranslation = getTranslation();
        eyeParams.leftEyeJointIndex = geometry.leftEyeJointIndex;
        eyeParams.rightEyeJointIndex = geometry.rightEyeJointIndex;

Exemplo n.º 6
bool SkeletonModel::hasSkeleton() {
    return isActive() ? getFBXGeometry().rootJointIndex != -1 : false;
Exemplo n.º 7
bool SkeletonModel::getLocalNeckPosition(glm::vec3& neckPosition) const {
    return isActive() && getJointPosition(getFBXGeometry().neckJointIndex, neckPosition);
Exemplo n.º 8
bool SkeletonModel::getHeadPosition(glm::vec3& headPosition) const {
    return isActive() && getJointPositionInWorldFrame(getFBXGeometry().headJointIndex, headPosition);