Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: HMOFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool HMOFile::write(Surface const& surface)
		// we can only write something if the file has been opened correctly
		if (!isOpen() || !(getOpenMode() & MODE_OUT))
			throw File::CannotWrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, name_);

		// write a comment as a header replacement
		if (comments_.size() == 0)
			getFileStream() << "# HYPERMESH file written by BALL::HMOFile" << std::endl << std::endl;
			for (Position i=0; i<comments_.size(); ++i)
				getFileStream() << comments_[i] << std::endl;
			getFileStream() << std::endl;


		return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: HMOFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool HMOFile::write(Surface const& surface, AtomContainer const& ac)
		if (!isOpen() || !(getOpenMode() & MODE_OUT))
			throw File::CannotWrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, name_);

		// write a comment as a header replacement
		if (comments_.size() == 0)
			getFileStream() << "# HYPERMESH file for " << ac.getName() << ", written by BALL::HMOFile" << std::endl << std::endl;
			for (Position i=0; i<comments_.size(); ++i)
				getFileStream() << comments_[i] << std::endl;
			getFileStream() << std::endl;


		return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: HMOFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	void HMOFile::writeNodes_(Surface const& surface)
		getFileStream() << "BEG_NODL_DATA" << std::endl;
		getFileStream() << "\t" << surface.vertex.size() << std::endl;

		for (Position i=0; i<surface.vertex.size(); ++i)
			Vector3 const& v = surface.vertex[i];

			getFileStream() << "\t" << i+1 << " " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << std::endl;

		getFileStream() << "END_NODL_DATA" << std::endl << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: HMOFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	void HMOFile::writeCharges_(AtomContainer const& ac)
		getFileStream() << "BEG_CHARGE_DATA" << std::endl;

		Size num_charges = ac.countAtoms();
		getFileStream() << "\t" << num_charges << std::endl;

		Size current_atom = 1;
		for (AtomConstIterator at_it = ac.beginAtom(); +at_it; ++at_it)
			Vector3 const& pos = at_it->getPosition();
			getFileStream() << "\t" << current_atom << " " << pos.x << " " << pos.y << " " << pos.z << " " << at_it->getCharge() << std::endl;

		getFileStream() << "END_CHARGE_DATA" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: HMOFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	void HMOFile::writeElements_(Surface const& surface)
		getFileStream() << "BEG_ELEM_DATA" << std::endl;

		// NOTE: so far, we only support elements of type T3, and single components
		Size num_triangles = surface.triangle.size();
		getFileStream() << "\t" << num_triangles << " 0 0 " << num_triangles << " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" << std::endl;

		for (Position i=0; i<num_triangles; ++i)
			Surface::Triangle const& t = surface.triangle[i];

			getFileStream() << "\t" << i+1 << "\t" << 1 << " " << T3 << "\t";
			getFileStream() << t.v1 << " " << t.v2 << " " << t.v3 << std::endl;

		getFileStream() << "END_ELEM_DATA" << std::endl << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
void sortFile(char* path, char* fileName){

  FILE* fileToRead = getFileStream(path, fileName);

  Mp3File fileData = malloc(sizeof(*fileData));
  collectFileData(fileData, fileToRead, fileName);

  copyFile(fileData, fileToRead, path);

Exemplo n.º 7
	bool LineBasedFile::readLine()
		if (!isOpen() || getOpenMode() != MODE_IN)
			throw Exception::ParseError(__FILE__, __LINE__, String("File '") + getName() + "' not open for reading" , 
		if (trim_whitespaces_) line_.trim();
		return !eof();
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: CIFFile.C Projeto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool CIFFile::write()
		if (!isOpen() || getOpenMode() != std::ios::out)
			throw(File::CannotWrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, name_));
		vector<Datablock>::iterator si;
		for (si = datablocks_.begin(); si != datablocks_.end(); si++)
			*si >> getFileStream();

		return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
void Document::close()
	for (const auto& memory: m_memoryFileList)
		TypeOut typeOut = typeToOut(memory.first);
		if (typeOut != rdo::converter::smr2rdox::UNDEFINED_OUT)
			LPFileStream pFileStream = getFileStream(typeOut);

	for (const auto& file: m_streamFileList)
Exemplo n.º 10
 * initialize() Information
 * This function initializes the data logger module.
static void initialize(void)
    dataFile = getFileStream();
Exemplo n.º 11
	bool KCFFile::write(const Molecule& molecule)
		if (!isOpen() || getOpenMode() != std::ios::out)
			throw File::CannotWrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, name_);

		// An alias for simplicity's sake...
		std::ostream& os(getFileStream());
		// Write ENTRY block
		// number of blanks????  properties are not read, written??? Which ones are there?
		os << ENTRY_TAG << "      " << molecule.getName() << std::endl;
		static char buffer[BALL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];

		// Write NODE block
		// How to create the KEGG atom types? How many blanks?
		// This is not specified in the KCF format description, so we use what we can
    // deduce from example files.
		// First line gets the NODE tag
		os << NODE_TAG << "      " << molecule.countAtoms() << "\n"; 
		Size count = 1;
		AtomConstIterator ai(molecule.beginAtom());
		std::map<const Atom*, Position> atom_to_index;
		for (; +ai; ++ai, ++count)
			// Write the atom line.
			// Blanks????
			String type = ai->getTypeName();
			String comment;
			// Make sure the type is in the set of KEGG types????
			// Blanks?
			sprintf(buffer, "             %d %s %s %6.4f %6.4f %s\n", 
							count, type.c_str(), ai->getElement().getSymbol().c_str(), 
							ai->getPosition().x, ai->getPosition().y, comment.c_str());
			os << buffer;
			// Remember the index of the current atom to map atom
			// pointers back to indices for the EDGE section.
			atom_to_index[&*ai] = count;
		// Write EDGE block. Walk over all bonds to do so.
		// Blanks????
		os << "EDGE    " << molecule.countBonds() << "\n";
		count = 1;
		for (ai = molecule.beginAtom(); +ai; ++ai)
			for (Atom::BondConstIterator bi(ai->beginBond()); +bi; ++bi)
				Position index1 = atom_to_index[bi->getFirstAtom()];
				Position index2 = atom_to_index[bi->getSecondAtom()];
				String comment;
				// Write every bond just once				
				if (bi->getFirstAtom() == &*ai)
					sprintf(buffer, "          %4d %4d %4d %1d%s\n", 
									count, index1, index2, bi->getOrder(), comment.c_str());
					os << buffer;
		// Write the DELIMITER block
		os << DELIMITER_TAG << std::endl;
		return true;