int main() { lightDir.x=0.5; lightDir.y=.7; lightDir.z=-0.5; kmVec3Normalize(&lightDir,&lightDir); // creates a window and GLES context // create a window and GLES context if (!glfwInit()) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); window = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "I N V A D E R S ! ! !", NULL, NULL); if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window,window_size_callback); glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); // all the shaders have at least texture unit 0 active so // activate it now and leave it active glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // The obj shapes and their textures are loaded cubeTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/dice.png"); loadObj(&cubeObj, "resources/models/cube.gbo", "resources/shaders/textured.vert", "resources/shaders/textured.frag"); shipTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/shipv2.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&shipObj,"resources/models/ship.gbo",&cubeObj); alienTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/alien.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&alienObj, "resources/models/alien.gbo", &cubeObj); shotTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/shot.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&shotObj, "resources/models/shot.gbo", &cubeObj); expTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/explosion.png"); playerPos.x = 0; playerPos.y = 0; playerPos.z = 0; kmMat4Identity(&view); pEye.x = 0; pEye.y = 2; pEye.z = 4; pCenter.x = 0; pCenter.y = 0; pCenter.z = -5; pUp.x = 0; pUp.y = 1; pUp.z = 0; kmMat4LookAt(&view, &pEye, &pCenter, &pUp); // projection matrix, as distance increases // the way the model is drawn is effected kmMat4Identity(&projection); kmMat4PerspectiveProjection(&projection, 45, (float)width/ height, 0.1, 1000); glViewport(0, 0, width,height); // these two matrices are pre combined for use with each model render kmMat4Assign(&vp, &projection); kmMat4Multiply(&vp, &vp, &view); // initialises glprint's matrix shader and texture initGlPrint(width,height); font1=createFont("resources/textures/font.png",0,256,16,16,16); font2=createFont("resources/textures/bigfont.png",32,512,9.5,32,48); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // only used by glprintf glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); int num_frames = 0; bool quit = false; resetAliens(); for (int n = 0; n < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; n++) { playerShots[n].alive = false; } initPointClouds("resources/shaders/particle.vert", "resources/shaders/particle.frag",(float)width/24.0); for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { aliens[n].explosion=createPointCloud(40); resetExposion(aliens[n].explosion); // sets initials positions } glClearColor(0, .5, 1, 1); while (!quit) { // the main loop clock_gettime(0,&ts); // note the time BEFORE we start to render the current frame glfwPollEvents(); if (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)==GLFW_PRESS || glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) quit = true; float rad; // radians rotation based on frame counter glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); frame++; rad = frame * (0.0175f * 2); //kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z); playerCroll += (PIDcal(playerRoll, playerCroll, &playerPre_error, &playerIntegral) / 2); // kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, 0, 3.1416, playerCroll * 3); // kmMat4RotationYawPitchRoll(&rot,0,3.1416,-playerCroll*3); kmMat4Multiply(&model, &model, &rot); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shipTex); drawObj(&shipObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); glPrintf(50 + sinf(rad) * 16, 240 + cosf(rad) * 16, font2,"frame=%i", frame); kmVec3 tmp; playerFireCount--; if (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)==GLFW_PRESS && playerFireCount < 0) { struct playerShot_t *freeShot; freeShot = getFreeShot(); if (freeShot != 0) { playerFireCount = 15; freeShot->alive = true; kmVec3Assign(&freeShot->pos, &playerPos); } } for (int n = 0; n < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; n++) { if (playerShots[n].alive) { playerShots[n].pos.z -= .08; if (playerShots[n].pos.z < -10) playerShots[n].alive = false; //kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, playerShots[n].pos.x, playerShots[n].pos.y, playerShots[n].pos.z); //kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, rad * 4, 0, // -rad * 4); kmMat4RotationYawPitchRoll(&rot,rad*4,0,-rad*4); kmMat4Multiply(&model,&model,&rot); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shotTex); drawObj(&shotObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); } } playerRoll = 0; if (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT)==GLFW_PRESS && playerPos.x > -10) { playerPos.x -= 0.1; playerRoll = .2; } if (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)==GLFW_PRESS && playerPos.x < 10) { playerPos.x += 0.1; playerRoll = -.2; } pEye.x = playerPos.x * 1.25; pCenter.x = playerPos.x; pCenter.y = playerPos.y + 1; pCenter.z = playerPos.z; int deadAliens; deadAliens = 0; for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { if (aliens[n].alive == true) { //kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, aliens[n].pos.x, aliens[n].pos.y, aliens[n].pos.z); //kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, -.4, 0, 0); kmMat4RotationYawPitchRoll(&rot,.2,0,0); kmMat4Multiply(&model,&model,&rot); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, alienTex); drawObj(&alienObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); kmVec3 d; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; i++) { kmVec3Subtract(&d, &aliens[n].pos, &playerShots[i].pos); if (kmVec3Length(&d) < .7 && playerShots[i].alive) { aliens[n].alive = false; playerShots[i].alive = false; aliens[n].exploding = true; resetExposion(aliens[n].explosion); } } } if (aliens[n].alive != true && aliens[n].exploding != true) { deadAliens++; } } if (deadAliens == MAX_ALIENS) { resetAliens(); } // draw explosions after ALL aliens for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { if (aliens[n].exploding==true) { kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, aliens[n].pos.x, aliens[n].pos.y, aliens[n].pos.z); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, expTex); drawPointCloud(aliens[n].explosion, &mvp); aliens[n].explosion->tick=aliens[n].explosion->tick+0.05; if (aliens[n].explosion->tick>1.25) { aliens[n].exploding=false; } else { // update the explosion for (int i=0; i<aliens[n].explosion->totalPoints; i++) { float t; t=aliens[n].explosion->tick; if (i>aliens[n].explosion->totalPoints/2) t=t/2.0; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3] * t; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3+1]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3+1] * t; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3+2]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3+2] * t; } } } } // move camera kmMat4LookAt(&view, &pEye, &pCenter, &pUp); kmMat4Assign(&vp, &projection); kmMat4Multiply(&vp, &vp, &view); kmVec3Subtract(&viewDir,&pEye,&pCenter); kmVec3Normalize(&viewDir,&viewDir); // dump values glPrintf(100, 280, font1,"eye %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f ", pEye.x, pEye.y, pEye.z); glPrintf(100, 296, font1,"centre %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f ", pCenter.x, pCenter.y, pCenter.z); glPrintf(100, 340, font1,"frame %i %i ", frame, frame % 20); glfwSwapBuffers(window); ts.tv_nsec+=20000000; // 1000000000 / 50 = 50hz less time to render the frame //thrd_sleep(&ts,NULL); // tinycthread usleep(20000); // while I work out why tinycthread that was working isnt.... :/ } glfwDestroyWindow(window); glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
int main() { lightDir.x=0.5; lightDir.y=.7; lightDir.z=-0.5; kmVec3Normalize(&lightDir,&lightDir); // creates a window and GLES context if (makeContext() != 0) exit(-1); // all the shaders have at least texture unit 0 active so // activate it now and leave it active glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // The obj shapes and their textures are loaded cubeTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/dice.png"); loadObj(&cubeObj, "resources/models/cube.gbo", "resources/shaders/textured.vert", "resources/shaders/textured.frag"); shipTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/shipv2.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&shipObj,"resources/models/ship.gbo",&cubeObj); alienTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/alien.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&alienObj, "resources/models/alien.gbo", &cubeObj); shotTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/shot.png"); loadObjCopyShader(&shotObj, "resources/models/shot.gbo", &cubeObj); expTex = loadPNG("resources/textures/explosion.png"); playerPos.x = 0; playerPos.y = 0; playerPos.z = 0; kmMat4Identity(&view); pEye.x = 0; pEye.y = 2; pEye.z = 4; pCenter.x = 0; pCenter.y = 0; pCenter.z = -5; pUp.x = 0; pUp.y = 1; pUp.z = 0; kmMat4LookAt(&view, &pEye, &pCenter, &pUp); // projection matrix, as distance increases // the way the model is drawn is effected kmMat4Identity(&projection); kmMat4PerspectiveProjection(&projection, 45, (float)getDisplayWidth() / getDisplayHeight(), 0.1, 100); glViewport(0, 0, getDisplayWidth(), getDisplayHeight()); // these two matrices are pre combined for use with each model render kmMat4Assign(&vp, &projection); kmMat4Multiply(&vp, &vp, &view); // initialises glprint's matrix shader and texture initGlPrint(getDisplayWidth(), getDisplayHeight()); font1=createFont("resources/textures/font.png",0,256,16,16,16); font2=createFont("resources/textures/bigfont.png",32,512,9.5,32,48); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // only used by glprintf glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); struct timeval t, ta, t1, t2; // fps stuff gettimeofday(&t1, NULL); int num_frames = 0; bool quit = false; mouse = getMouse(); keys = getKeys(); resetAliens(); for (int n = 0; n < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; n++) { playerShots[n].alive = false; } initPointClouds("resources/shaders/particle.vert", "resources/shaders/particle.frag",(float)getDisplayWidth()/24.0); for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { aliens[n].explosion=createPointCloud(40); resetExposion(aliens[n].explosion); // sets initials positions } while (!quit) { // the main loop doEvents(); // update mouse and key arrays // mask of 4 is right mouse if (keys[KEY_ESC]) quit = true; glClearColor(0, .5, 1, 1); // render between two gettimeofday calls so // we can sleep long enough to roughly sync // to ~60fps but not on the pi! // TODO find something a tad more elegent long i; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); i = t.tv_sec * 1e6 + t.tv_usec; // render(); float rad; // radians rotation based on frame counter glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); frame++; rad = frame * (0.0175f * 2); kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z); playerCroll += (PIDcal(playerRoll, playerCroll, &playerPre_error, &playerIntegral) / 2); kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, 0, 3.1416, playerCroll * 3); // kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shipTex); drawObj(&shipObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); glPrintf(50 + sinf(rad) * 16, 240 + cosf(rad) * 16, font2,"frame=%i fps=%3.2f", frame, lfps); kmVec3 tmp; playerFireCount--; if (keys[KEY_LCTRL] && playerFireCount < 0) { struct playerShot_t *freeShot; freeShot = getFreeShot(); if (freeShot != 0) { playerFireCount = 15; freeShot->alive = true; kmVec3Assign(&freeShot->pos, &playerPos); } } for (int n = 0; n < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; n++) { if (playerShots[n].alive) { playerShots[n].pos.z -= .08; if (playerShots[n].pos.z < -10) playerShots[n].alive = false; kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, playerShots[n].pos.x, playerShots[n].pos.y, playerShots[n].pos.z); kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, rad * 4, 0, -rad * 4); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shotTex); drawObj(&shotObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); } } playerRoll = 0; if (keys[KEY_CURSL] && playerPos.x > -10) { playerPos.x -= 0.1; playerRoll = .2; } if (keys[KEY_CURSR] && playerPos.x < 10) { playerPos.x += 0.1; playerRoll = -.2; } pEye.x = playerPos.x * 1.25; pCenter.x = playerPos.x; pCenter.y = playerPos.y + 1; pCenter.z = playerPos.z; int deadAliens; deadAliens = 0; for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { if (aliens[n].alive == true) { kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, aliens[n].pos.x, aliens[n].pos.y, aliens[n].pos.z); kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(&model, -.4, 0, 0); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); kmMat4Assign(&mv, &view); kmMat4Multiply(&mv, &mv, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, alienTex); drawObj(&alienObj, &mvp, &mv, lightDir, viewDir); kmVec3 d; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_SHOTS; i++) { kmVec3Subtract(&d, &aliens[n].pos, &playerShots[i].pos); if (kmVec3Length(&d) < .7 && playerShots[i].alive) { aliens[n].alive = false; playerShots[i].alive = false; aliens[n].exploding = true; resetExposion(aliens[n].explosion); } } } if (aliens[n].alive != true && aliens[n].exploding != true) { deadAliens++; } } if (deadAliens == MAX_ALIENS) { resetAliens(); } // draw explosions after ALL aliens for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ALIENS; n++) { if (aliens[n].exploding==true) { kmMat4Identity(&model); kmMat4Translation(&model, aliens[n].pos.x, aliens[n].pos.y, aliens[n].pos.z); kmMat4Assign(&mvp, &vp); kmMat4Multiply(&mvp, &mvp, &model); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, expTex); drawPointCloud(aliens[n].explosion, &mvp); aliens[n].explosion->tick=aliens[n].explosion->tick+0.05; if (aliens[n].explosion->tick>1.25) { aliens[n].exploding=false; } else { // update the explosion for (int i=0; i<aliens[n].explosion->totalPoints; i++) { float t; t=aliens[n].explosion->tick; if (i>aliens[n].explosion->totalPoints/2) t=t/2.0; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3] * t; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3+1]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3+1] * t; aliens[n].explosion->pos[i*3+2]=aliens[n].explosion->vel[i*3+2] * t; } } } } // move camera kmMat4LookAt(&view, &pEye, &pCenter, &pUp); kmMat4Assign(&vp, &projection); kmMat4Multiply(&vp, &vp, &view); kmVec3Subtract(&viewDir,&pEye,&pCenter); kmVec3Normalize(&viewDir,&viewDir); // dump values glPrintf(100, 280, font1,"eye %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f ", pEye.x, pEye.y, pEye.z); glPrintf(100, 296, font1,"centre %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f ", pCenter.x, pCenter.y, pCenter.z); glPrintf(100, 320, font1,"mouse %i,%i %i ", mouse[0], mouse[1], mouse[2]); glPrintf(100, 340, font1,"frame %i %i ", frame, frame % 20); swapBuffers(); gettimeofday(&ta, NULL); long j = (ta.tv_sec * 1e6 + ta.tv_usec); i = j - i; if (i < 0) i = 1000000; // pass through - slower that 60fps if (i < 16000) usleep(16000 - i); // every 10 frames average the time taken and store // fps value for later printing with glprintf if (++num_frames % 10 == 0) { gettimeofday(&t2, NULL); float dtf = t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) * 1e-6; lfps = num_frames / dtf; num_frames = 0; t1 = t2; } } closeContext(); return 0; }