	this method is used to write the reduced state of the character to a file
void Character::saveReducedStateToFile(char* fName, ReducedCharacterStateArray& state){
	// Update joint order

	if (fName == NULL)
		throwError("cannot write to a file whose name is NULL!");

	FILE* fp = fopen(fName, "w");
	if (fp == NULL)
		throwError("cannot open the file \'%s\' for writing...", fName);

	//retrieve the current heading, write it to file, and then set a zero heading for the state
	double heading = getHeadingAngle();
	setHeading(Quaternion::getRotationQuaternion(0, PhysicsGlobals::up), &state);

	fprintf(fp, "# order is:\n# Heading\n# Position\n# Orientation\n# Velocity\n# AngularVelocity\n\n# Relative Orientation\n# Relative Angular Velocity\n#----------------\n\n# Heading\n%lf\n\n# Root(%s)\n", heading, root->name);
	fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf\n", state[0], state[1], state[2]);
	fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", state[3], state[4], state[5],state[6]);
	fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf\n", state[7], state[8], state[9]);
	fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf\n\n", state[10], state[11], state[12]);

	for (uint i=0;i<joints.size();i++){
		fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", joints[jointOrder[i]]->name);
		fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", state[13+7*i+0], state[13+7*i+1], state[13+7*i+2],state[13+7*i+3]);
		fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf\n", state[13+7*i+4], state[13+7*i+5], state[13+7*i+6]);
		fprintf(fp, "\n");
//Rams Ai hitting steering direct
void COpponentVehicle::InterpolateSteeringAngle(float deltaT)
    //Override of Chris's Interpolate Steering from vehicle.cpp
	// Based on the ai input, we will interpolate
	// the front tires' rotation about the local Z axis.
	// We don't want the wheels to turn instantaneously from
	// 0 - 40 DEGS, we want them to get over the course of about
	// 1 or 2 seconds. These values need to be tweaked.

	// Positive rotation, rotates counterclockwise around the Z axis.
	// Negative rotation, rotates clockwise around the Z axis.
    float angle = getHeadingAngle();
    float pi = 3.14159;
    float speedScalar = 1 - velocityLC.X() / 60.0f;
    float maxTurnAngle = (MAX_STEER_ANGLE_RADS - MIN_STEER_ANGLE_RADS) * speedScalar + MIN_STEER_ANGLE_RADS; 
  if(angle > maxTurnAngle) {
			steerAngleRADS = maxTurnAngle;
             //CLog::GetLog().Write(LOG_DEBUGOVERLAY, 118, "MAX LEFT HIT!");
  else {
          //CLog::GetLog().Write(LOG_DEBUGOVERLAY, 118, "NO MAX");
			steerAngleRADS = angle;
else if(inputState.rturn)
  if(angle < (maxTurnAngle * -1.0f)) {
  //  CLog::GetLog().Write(LOG_DEBUGOVERLAY, 118, "MAX RIGHT HIT!");
			steerAngleRADS = maxTurnAngle * (-1.0f);
		else {
			steerAngleRADS = angle *-1;