// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MultiOtsuThreshold::execute()
  //int err = 0;
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSelectedCellArrayPath().getDataContainerName());
  QString attrMatName = getSelectedCellArrayPath().getAttributeMatrixName();

  //get dims
  size_t udims[3] = {0, 0, 0};
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =

  //wrap input as itk image
  ImageProcessing::DefaultImageType::Pointer inputImage = ITKUtilitiesType::CreateItkWrapperForDataPointer(m, attrMatName, m_SelectedCellArray);

    //define 2d histogram generator
    typedef itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter< ImageProcessing::DefaultSliceType, ImageProcessing::DefaultSliceType > ThresholdType;
    ThresholdType::Pointer otsuThresholder = ThresholdType::New();

    //wrap output buffer as image
    ImageProcessing::DefaultImageType::Pointer outputImage = ITKUtilitiesType::CreateItkWrapperForDataPointer(m, attrMatName, m_NewCellArray);

    //loop over slices
    for(int i = 0; i < dims[2]; i++)
      //get slice
      ImageProcessing::DefaultSliceType::Pointer slice = ITKUtilitiesType::ExtractSlice(inputImage, ImageProcessing::ZSlice, i);

      //execute filters
      catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
        QString ss = QObject::tr("Failed to execute itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter filter. Error Message returned from ITK:\n   %1").arg(err.GetDescription());
        notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

      //copy back into volume
      ITKUtilitiesType::SetSlice(outputImage, otsuThresholder->GetOutput(), ImageProcessing::ZSlice, i);
    typedef itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter< ImageProcessing::DefaultImageType, ImageProcessing::DefaultImageType > ThresholdType;
    ThresholdType::Pointer otsuThresholder = ThresholdType::New();

    ITKUtilitiesType::SetITKFilterOutput(otsuThresholder->GetOutput(), m_NewCellArrayPtr.lock());
    //execute filters
    catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Failed to execute itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter filter. Error Message returned from ITK:\n   %1").arg(err.GetDescription());
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  //array name changing/cleanup
  if(m_SaveAsNewArray == false)
    AttributeMatrix::Pointer attrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(m_SelectedCellArrayPath.getAttributeMatrixName());
    attrMat->renameAttributeArray(m_NewCellArrayName, m_SelectedCellArrayPath.getDataArrayName());

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CopyFeatureArrayToElementArray::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Validate that the selected InArray has tuples equal to the largest
  // Feature Id; the filter would not crash otherwise, but the user should
  // be notified of unanticipated behavior ; this cannot be done in the dataCheck since
  // we don't have acces to the data yet
  int32_t numFeatures = static_cast<int32_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples());
  bool mismatchedFeatures = false;
  int32_t largestFeature = 0;
  size_t totalPoints = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; i ++)
    if (m_FeatureIds[i] > largestFeature)
      largestFeature = m_FeatureIds[i];
      if (largestFeature >= numFeatures)
        mismatchedFeatures = true;

  if (mismatchedFeatures == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The number of Features in the InArray array (%1) is larger than the largest Feature Id in the FeatureIds array").arg(numFeatures);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  if (largestFeature != (numFeatures - 1))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The number of Features in the InArray array (%1) does not match the largest Feature Id in the FeatureIds array").arg(numFeatures);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  IDataArray::Pointer p = IDataArray::NullPointer();

  if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<Int8ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<int8_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<UInt8ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<uint8_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<Int16ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<int16_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<UInt16ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<uint16_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<Int32ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<int32_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<UInt32ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<uint32_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<Int64ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<int64_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<UInt64ArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<uint64_t>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<FloatArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<float>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<DoubleArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<double>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
  else if (TemplateHelpers::CanDynamicCast<BoolArrayType>()(m_InArrayPtr.lock()))
    p = copyData<bool>(m_InArrayPtr.lock(), totalPoints, m_FeatureIds);
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The selected array was of unsupported type. The path is %1").arg(m_SelectedFeatureArrayPath.serialize());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  if (p.get() != NULL)
    AttributeMatrix::Pointer am = getDataContainerArray()->getAttributeMatrix(getFeatureIdsArrayPath());
    am->addAttributeArray(p->getName(), p);

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SegmentGrains::execute()
  VoxelDataContainer* m = getVoxelDataContainer();
  std::stringstream ss;
  if(NULL == m)
    ss << " DataContainer was NULL";
    addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), -1);

  size_t udims[3] =
  { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =
  { static_cast<DimType>(udims[0]), static_cast<DimType>(udims[1]), static_cast<DimType>(udims[2]), };

  size_t gnum = 1;
  int seed = 0;
  int neighbor;
  bool good = 0;
  DimType col, row, plane;
  size_t size = 0;
  size_t initialVoxelsListSize = 1000;
  std::vector<int> voxelslist(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
  DimType neighpoints[6];
  neighpoints[0] = -(dims[0] * dims[1]);
  neighpoints[1] = -dims[0];
  neighpoints[2] = -1;
  neighpoints[3] = 1;
  neighpoints[4] = dims[0];
  neighpoints[5] = (dims[0] * dims[1]);

  // Burn volume with tight orientation tolerance to simulate simultaneous growth/aglomeration
  while (seed >= 0)
    seed = getSeed(gnum);
    if(seed >= 0)
      size = 0;
      voxelslist[size] = seed;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
        // Get the current Voxel
        size_t currentpoint = voxelslist[j];
        // Figure out the Row, Col & Plane the voxel is located in
        col = currentpoint % dims[0];
        row = (currentpoint / dims[0]) % dims[1];
        plane = currentpoint / (dims[0] * dims[1]);

        // Now loop over its 6 neighbors
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
          good = true;
          neighbor = currentpoint + neighpoints[i];
          // Make sure we have a valid neighbor taking into account the edges of the volume
          if(i == 0 && plane == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 5 && plane == (dims[2] - 1)) good = false;
          if(i == 1 && row == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 4 && row == (dims[1] - 1)) good = false;
          if(i == 2 && col == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 3 && col == (dims[0] - 1)) good = false;

          if(good == true)
            // We got a good voxel to check so check to see if it can be grouped with this point
            if(determineGrouping(currentpoint, neighbor, gnum) == true)
              // The voxel can be grouped with this voxel so add it to the list of voxels for this grain
              voxelslist[size] = neighbor;
              // Increment the size of the list which affects the "j" loop
              // Sanity check the size of the voxelslist vector. If it is not large enough, double the size of the vector
              if(size >= voxelslist.size())
                voxelslist.resize(size + size, -1); // The resize is a hit but the doubling mitigates the penalty somewhat
      voxelslist.resize(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
      ss << "Total Grains: " << gnum;
      if(gnum%100 == 0) notifyStatusMessage(ss.str());
      if (getCancel() == true)

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t LosAlamosFFTWriter::writeFile()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return getErrorCondition(); }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getFeatureIdsArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  int32_t err = 0;
  size_t dims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
  float res[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float origin[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());
  QDir parentPath(fi.path());
  if (!parentPath.mkpath("."))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(parentPath.absolutePath());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return -1;

  FILE* f = fopen(getOutputFile().toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == f)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getOutputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return -1;

  float phi1 = 0.0f, phi = 0.0f, phi2 = 0.0f;
  int32_t featureId = 0;
  int32_t phaseId = 0;

  size_t index = 0;
  for (size_t z = 0; z < dims[2]; ++z)
    for (size_t y = 0; y < dims[1]; ++y)
      for (size_t x = 0; x < dims[0]; ++x)
        index = (z * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (dims[0] * y) + x;
        phi1 = m_CellEulerAngles[index * 3] * 180.0 * SIMPLib::Constants::k_1OverPi;
        phi = m_CellEulerAngles[index * 3 + 1] * 180.0 * SIMPLib::Constants::k_1OverPi;
        phi2 = m_CellEulerAngles[index * 3 + 2] * 180.0 * SIMPLib::Constants::k_1OverPi;
        featureId = m_FeatureIds[index];
        phaseId = m_CellPhases[index];
        fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f %.3f %lu %lu %lu %d %d\n", phi1, phi, phi2, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, featureId, phaseId);


  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
  return err;
Exemplo n.º 5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AbaqusSurfaceMeshWriter::execute()
  int32_t err = 0;
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());
  QDir parentPath = fi.path();
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(parentPath.absolutePath());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();

  // Store all the unique Spins
  std::set<int32_t> uniqueSpins;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < triangleGeom->getNumberOfTris(); i++)
    uniqueSpins.insert(m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2]);
    uniqueSpins.insert(m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2 + 1]);

  FILE* f = fopen(m_OutputFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  ScopedFileMonitor fileMonitor(f);

  err = writeHeader(f, triangleGeom->getNumberOfVertices(), triangleGeom->getNumberOfTris(), uniqueSpins.size() - 1);
  if(err < 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing header for file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  err = writeNodes(f);
  if(err < 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing nodes for file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  err = writeTriangles(f);
  if(err < 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing triangles for file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  err = writeFeatures(f);
  if(err < 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing Features for file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VisualizeGBCDGMT::dataCheck()

  getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqGeometryFromDataContainer<TriangleGeom, AbstractFilter>(this, getGBCDArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  if (getOutputFile().isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr( "The output file must be set");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());
  QDir parentPath = fi.path();
  if (parentPath.exists() == false && getInPreflight())
    QString ss = QObject::tr( "The directory path for the output file does not exist. DREAM.3D will attempt to create this path during execution of the filter");
    notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, -1);

  if (fi.suffix().compare("") == 0)

  // Make sure the file name ends with _1 so the GMT scripts work correctly
  QString fName = fi.baseName();
  if (fName.endsWith("_1") == false)
    fName = fName + "_1";
    QString absPath = fi.absolutePath() + "/" + fName + ".dat";

  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, 1);
  m_CrystalStructuresPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<unsigned int>, AbstractFilter>(this, getCrystalStructuresArrayPath(), cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if (NULL != m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock().get()) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
    m_CrystalStructures = m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock()->getPointer(0);
  } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */

  IDataArray::Pointer tmpGBCDPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqIDataArrayFromPath<IDataArray, AbstractFilter>(this, getGBCDArrayPath());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  if (NULL != tmpGBCDPtr.get())
    QVector<size_t> cDims = tmpGBCDPtr->getComponentDimensions();
    m_GBCDPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<double>, AbstractFilter>(this, getGBCDArrayPath(), cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
    if( NULL != m_GBCDPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
    { m_GBCD = m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */

  if (NULL != m_GBCDPtr.lock().get() && getPhaseOfInterest() >= m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples())
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The phase index is larger than the number of Ensembles").arg(ClassName());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WriteStatsGenOdfAngleFile::execute()
    int err = 0;
    if(getErrorCondition() < 0) {

    // Figure out how many unique phase values we have by looping over all the phase values
    int64_t totalPoints = m_CellPhasesPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
    std::set<int32_t> uniquePhases;
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++)

    uniquePhases.erase(0); // remove Phase 0 as this is a Special Phase for DREAM3D
    std::vector<QFile*> oFiles;

    QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());
    QString absPath = fi.absolutePath();
    QString fname = fi.completeBaseName();
    QString suffix = fi.suffix();

    for (std::set<int32_t>::iterator iter = uniquePhases.begin(); iter != uniquePhases.end(); iter++)
        /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
        QString ss = QObject::tr("Writing file for phase '%1'").arg(*iter);

        notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss);

        QString absFilePath = absPath + "/" + fname + "_Phase_" + QString::number(*iter) + "." + suffix;

        QFile file(absFilePath);
        if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate))
            QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating output file '%1'").arg(absFilePath);
            notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

        QTextStream out(&file);

        // Dry run to figure out how many lines we are going to have
        int32_t lineCount = determineOutputLineCount(totalPoints, *iter);

        int err = writeOutputFile(out, lineCount, totalPoints, *iter);
        if (err < 0)
            QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing output file '%1'").arg(absFilePath);
            notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
        file.close(); // Close the file


    /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
    notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::dataCheck()
  DataArrayPath tempPath;

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer image = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(DREAM3D::Geometry::ImageGeometry);

  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellAttrMat.get()) { return; }
  tDims[0] = 0;

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellFeatureAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellFeature);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellFeatureAttrMat.get()) { return; }

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellEnsembleAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellEnsemble);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellEnsembleAttrMat.get()) { return; }

  QFileInfo fi(getInputFile());
  if (getInputFile().isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("%1 needs the Input File Set and it was not.").arg(ClassName());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  else if (fi.exists() == false)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file does not exist");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    bool ok = false;
    //const unsigned int size(1024);
    // Read header from data file to figure out how many points there are
    QFile in(getInputFile());
    if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
      QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFile());
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());
    QString word;
    bool headerdone = false;
    int xpoints, ypoints, zpoints;
    float resx, resy, resz;
    while (headerdone == false)
      QByteArray buf = in.readLine();

      if (buf.startsWith(DIMS))
        QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
        xpoints = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
        ypoints = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
        zpoints = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
        size_t dims[3] = { static_cast<size_t>(xpoints), static_cast<size_t>(ypoints), static_cast<size_t>(zpoints) };
        m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(0, 0, 0);
      if (RES == word)
        QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
        resx = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
        resy = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
        resz = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
        float res[3] = {resx, resy, resz};

  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 3);
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getCellEulerAnglesArrayName() );
  m_CellEulerAnglesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CellEulerAnglesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CellEulerAngles = m_CellEulerAnglesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  dims[0] = 4;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getQuatsArrayName() );
  m_QuatsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_QuatsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_Quats = m_QuatsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), getAvgQuatsArrayName() );
  m_AvgQuatsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_AvgQuatsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_AvgQuats = m_AvgQuatsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  dims[0] = 1;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getCellPhasesArrayName() );
  m_CellPhasesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this,  tempPath, 1, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CellPhasesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CellPhases = m_CellPhasesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), getSurfaceFeaturesArrayName() );
  m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<bool>, AbstractFilter, bool>(this,  tempPath, false, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_SurfaceFeatures = m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getFeatureIdsArrayName() );
  m_FeatureIdsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_FeatureIds = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */

  //typedef DataArray<unsigned int> XTalStructArrayType;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(), getCrystalStructuresArrayName() );
  m_CrystalStructuresPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<uint32_t>, AbstractFilter, uint32_t>(this,  tempPath, Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_High, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CrystalStructures = m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
Exemplo n.º 9
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::execute()

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  int xpoints, ypoints, zpoints, totalpoints = 0;
  float resx, resy, resz;
  float** *mat = NULL;
  //const unsigned int size(1024);
  // Read header from data file to figure out how many points there are
  QFile in(getInputFile());
  if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());

  QString word;
  bool ok = false;
  bool headerdone = false;
  while (headerdone == false)
    QByteArray buf = in.readLine();

    if (buf.startsWith(DIMS))
      QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
      xpoints = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
      ypoints = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
      zpoints = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
      totalpoints = xpoints * ypoints * zpoints;
      size_t dims[3] = { static_cast<size_t>(xpoints), static_cast<size_t>(ypoints), static_cast<size_t>(zpoints) };
      m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(0, 0, 0);

    if (buf.startsWith(RES))
      QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
      resx = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
      resy = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
      resz = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
      float res[3] = {resx, resy, resz};
    if (buf.startsWith(LOOKUP))
      headerdone = true;
      word = QString(buf);
  // Read header from grain info file to figure out how many features there are

  QFile in2(getInputFeatureInfoFile());
  if (!in2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus Feature Info file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFeatureInfoFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());

  int numfeatures;

  QByteArray buf = in2.readLine();
  numfeatures = buf.toInt(&ok, 10);
  buf = in2.readLine();
  QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
//  in2 >> word >> word >> word >> word >> word >> word;
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = xpoints;
  tDims[1] = ypoints;
  tDims[2] = zpoints;
  tDims[0] = numfeatures + 1;
  tDims[0] = 2;
  //Read data file
  int gnum = 0;
  bool onedge = false;
  int col, row, plane;
  float value;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalpoints; i++)
    mat[i] = new float *[3];
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      mat[i][j] = new float [3];
    onedge = false;
    gnum = tokens[6].toInt(&ok, 10);
    col = i % xpoints;
    row = (i / xpoints) % ypoints;
    plane = i / (xpoints * ypoints);
    if (col == 0 || col == (xpoints - 1) || row == 0 || row == (ypoints - 1) || plane == 0 || plane == (zpoints - 1)) { onedge = true; }
    m_FeatureIds[i] = gnum;
    m_SurfaceFeatures[gnum] = onedge;
  for (int iter1 = 0; iter1 < 3; iter1++)
    for (int iter2 = 0; iter2 < 3; iter2++)
      headerdone = false;
      while (headerdone == false)
        buf = in2.readLine();

        if (buf.startsWith(LOOKUP))
          headerdone = true;
          //in >> word;
      for (int i = 0; i < totalpoints; i++)
        onedge = 0;
        value = buf.toInt(&ok, 10);
        mat[i][iter1][iter2] = value;
  //Read feature info
  QuatF* avgQuats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_AvgQuats);
  avgQuats[0].x = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].y = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].z = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].w = 0.0;

  for (int i = 1; i < numfeatures + 1; i++)
    buf = in2.readLine();
    tokens = buf.split(' ');
    gnum = tokens[0].toInt(&ok, 10);
    avgQuats[i].x = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].y = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].z = tokens[4].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].w = tokens[5].toFloat(&ok);
  QuatF q;
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);
  float g[3][3];
  for(int i = 0; i < (xpoints * ypoints * zpoints); i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        g[j][k] = mat[i][j][k];
    q.w = static_cast<float>( sqrt((1.0 + g[0][0] + g[1][1] + g[2][2])) / 2.0 );
    q.x = static_cast<float>( (g[1][2] - g[2][1]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    q.y = static_cast<float>( (g[2][0] - g[0][2]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    q.z = static_cast<float>( (g[0][1] - g[1][0]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    QuaternionMathF::Copy(q, quats[i]);
    FOrientArrayType eu(m_CellEulerAngles + (3 * i), 3);
    FOrientTransformsType::qu2eu(FOrientArrayType(q), eu);

    delete[] mat[i];
  delete[] mat;
Exemplo n.º 10
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindBoundaryCells::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_FeatureIdsArrayPath.getDataContainerName());

  int64_t xPoints = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getXPoints());
  int64_t yPoints = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getYPoints());
  int64_t zPoints = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getZPoints());

  int64_t neighpoints[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  neighpoints[0] = -xPoints * yPoints;
  neighpoints[1] = -xPoints;
  neighpoints[2] = -1;
  neighpoints[3] = 1;
  neighpoints[4] = xPoints;
  neighpoints[5] = xPoints * yPoints;

  int32_t feature = 0;
  int32_t onsurf = 0;
  int32_t good = 0;
  int64_t neighbor = 0;

  int64_t zStride = 0, yStride = 0;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < zPoints; i++)
    zStride = i * xPoints * yPoints;
    for (int64_t j = 0; j < yPoints; j++)
      yStride = j * xPoints;
      for (int64_t k = 0; k < xPoints; k++)
        onsurf = 0;
        feature = m_FeatureIds[zStride + yStride + k];
        if (feature > 0)
          for (int64_t l = 0; l < 6; l++)
            good = 1;
            neighbor =  zStride + yStride + k + neighpoints[l];
            if (l == 0 && i == 0) { good = 0; }
            if (l == 5 && i == (zPoints - 1)) { good = 0; }
            if (l == 1 && j == 0) { good = 0; }
            if (l == 4 && j == (yPoints - 1)) { good = 0; }
            if (l == 2 && k == 0) { good = 0; }
            if (l == 3 && k == (xPoints - 1)) { good = 0; }
            if (good == 1 && m_FeatureIds[neighbor] != feature && m_FeatureIds[neighbor] > 0)
        m_BoundaryCells[zStride + yStride + k] = onsurf;

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindKernelAvgMisorientations::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_FeatureIdsArrayPath.getDataContainerName());

  QuatF q1 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF q2 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);

  int32_t numVoxel = 0; // number of voxels in the feature...
  bool good = false;

  float w = 0.0f, totalmisorientation = 0.0f;
  float n1 = 0.0f, n2 = 0.0f, n3 = 0.0f;
  uint32_t phase1 = Ebsd::CrystalStructure::UnknownCrystalStructure;
  uint32_t phase2 = Ebsd::CrystalStructure::UnknownCrystalStructure;
  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType xPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[0]);
  DimType yPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[1]);
  DimType zPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[2]);
  DimType point = 0;
  size_t neighbor = 0;
  DimType jStride = 0;
  DimType kStride = 0;

  for (DimType col = 0; col < xPoints; col++)
    for (DimType row = 0; row < yPoints; row++)
      for (DimType plane = 0; plane < zPoints; plane++)
        point = (plane * xPoints * yPoints) + (row * xPoints) + col;
        if (m_FeatureIds[point] > 0 && m_CellPhases[point] > 0)
          totalmisorientation = 0.0f;
          numVoxel = 0;
          QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[point], q1);
          phase1 = m_CrystalStructures[m_CellPhases[point]];
          for (int32_t j = -m_KernelSize.z; j < m_KernelSize.z + 1; j++)
            jStride = j * xPoints * yPoints;
            for (int32_t k = -m_KernelSize.y; k < m_KernelSize.y + 1; k++)
              kStride = k * xPoints;
              for (int32_t l = -m_KernelSize.x; l < m_KernelSize.z + 1; l++)
                good = true;
                neighbor = point + (jStride) + (kStride) + (l);
                if (plane + j < 0) { good = false; }
                else if (plane + j > zPoints - 1) { good = false; }
                else if (row + k < 0) { good = false; }
                else if (row + k > yPoints - 1) { good = false; }
                else if (col + l < 0) { good = false; }
                else if (col + l > xPoints - 1) { good = false; }
                if (good == true && m_FeatureIds[point] == m_FeatureIds[neighbor])
                  w = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
                  QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[neighbor], q2);
                  phase2 = m_CrystalStructures[m_CellPhases[neighbor]];
                  w = m_OrientationOps[phase1]->getMisoQuat(q1, q2, n1, n2, n3);
                  w = w * (180.0f / SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi);
                  totalmisorientation = totalmisorientation + w;
          m_KernelAverageMisorientations[point] = totalmisorientation / (float)numVoxel;
          if (numVoxel == 0)
            m_KernelAverageMisorientations[point] = 0.0f;
        if (m_FeatureIds[point] == 0 || m_CellPhases[point] == 0)
          m_KernelAverageMisorientations[point] = 0.0f;

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 12
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindAvgCAxes::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  size_t totalPoints = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  size_t totalFeatures = m_AvgCAxesPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();

  QuatF q1 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);
  float g1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float g1t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float caxis[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
  float c1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  std::vector<int32_t> counter(totalFeatures, 0);

  float curCAxis[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  size_t index = 0;
  float w = 0.0f;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++)
    if (m_FeatureIds[i] > 0)
      index = 3 * m_FeatureIds[i];
      QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[i], q1);

      FOrientArrayType om(9);
      FOrientTransformsType::qu2om(FOrientArrayType(q1), om);
      // transpose the g matricies so when caxis is multiplied by it
      // it will give the sample direction that the caxis is along
      MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(g1, g1t);
      MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(g1t, caxis, c1);
      // normalize so that the magnitude is 1
      curCAxis[0] = m_AvgCAxes[index] / counter[m_FeatureIds[i]];
      curCAxis[1] = m_AvgCAxes[index + 1] / counter[m_FeatureIds[i]];
      curCAxis[2] = m_AvgCAxes[index + 2] / counter[m_FeatureIds[i]];
      w = GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(c1, curCAxis);
      if (w < 0) { MatrixMath::Multiply3x1withConstant(c1, -1); }
      m_AvgCAxes[index] += c1[0];
      m_AvgCAxes[index + 1] += c1[1];
      m_AvgCAxes[index + 2] += c1[2];

  for (size_t i = 1; i < totalFeatures; i++)
    if (counter[i] == 0)
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i] = 0;
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i + 1] = 0;
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i + 2] = 1;
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i] /= counter[i];
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i + 1] /= counter[i];
      m_AvgCAxes[3 * i + 2] /= counter[i];

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t VtkStructuredPointsReader:: readFile()
  int32_t err = 0;

  DataContainer::Pointer volDc = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVolumeDataContainerName());
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer volAm = volDc->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());

  DataContainer::Pointer vertDc = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVertexDataContainerName());
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer vertAm = vertDc->getAttributeMatrix(getVertexAttributeMatrixName());

  std::ifstream in(getInputFile().toLatin1().constData(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);

  if (!in.is_open())
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getInputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), msg, getErrorCondition());
    return -100;

  QByteArray buf(kBufferSize, '\0');
  char* buffer = buf.data();

  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 1 - VTK Version Info
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 2 - User Comment
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 3 - BINARY or ASCII
  QString fileType(buf);
  if (fileType.startsWith("BINARY") == true)
  else if (fileType.startsWith("ASCII") == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The file type of the VTK legacy file could not be determined. It should be 'ASCII' or 'BINARY' and should appear on line 3 of the file");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();

  // Read Line 4 - Type of Dataset
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize);
  QList<QByteArray> words = buf.split(' ');
  if (words.size() != 2)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error reading the type of data set. Was expecting 2 words but got %1").arg(QString(buf));
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();
  QString dataset(words.at(1));
  dataset = dataset.trimmed();
  setDatasetType(dataset); // Should be STRUCTURED_POINTS

  bool ok = false;
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize);  // Read Line 5 which is the Dimension values
  // But we need the 'extents' which is one less in all directions (unless dim=1)
  QVector<size_t> dims(3, 0);
  QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
  dims[0] = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
  dims[1] = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
  dims[2] = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = dims[0];
  tDims[1] = dims[1];
  tDims[2] = dims[2];

  tDims[0] = dims[0] - 1;
  tDims[1] = dims[1] - 1;
  tDims[2] = dims[2] - 1;

  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 7 which is the Scaling values
  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  float resolution[3];
  resolution[0] = tokens[1].toFloat(&ok);
  resolution[1] = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
  resolution[2] = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);


  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 6 which is the Origin values
  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  float origin[3];
  origin[0] = tokens[1].toFloat(&ok);
  origin[1] = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
  origin[2] = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);


  // Read the first key word which should be POINT_DATA or CELL_DATA
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 6 which is the first type of data we are going to read

  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  QString word = QString(tokens[0]);
  int32_t npts = 0, ncells = 0;
  int32_t numPts = 0;

  if ( word.startsWith("CELL_DATA") )
    DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVolumeDataContainerName());
    m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());
    ncells = tokens[1].toInt(&ok);
    if (m_CurrentAttrMat->getNumTuples() != ncells)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), QString("Number of cells does not match number of tuples in the Attribute Matrix"), getErrorCondition());
      return getErrorCondition();
    this->readDataTypeSection(in, ncells, "point_data");
  else if ( word.startsWith("POINT_DATA") )
    DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVertexDataContainerName());
    m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getVertexAttributeMatrixName());
    npts = tokens[1].toInt(&ok);
    if (m_CurrentAttrMat->getNumTuples() != npts)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), QString("Number of points does not match number of tuples in the Attribute Matrix"), getErrorCondition());
      return getErrorCondition();
    this->readDataTypeSection(in, numPts, "cell_data");

  // Close the file since we are done with it.

  return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VtkStructuredPointsReader::dataCheck()

  QFileInfo fi(getInputFile());
  if (getInputFile().isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file must be set");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  else if (fi.exists() == false)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file does not exist");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // First shot Sanity Checks.
  if(!getReadCellData() && !getReadPointData())
    QString ss = QObject::tr("At least one of Read Point Data or Read Cell Data must be checked");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Last chance sanity check
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Create a Vertex Data Container even though we may remove it later. We need it later
  // on in order to set the proper AttributeMatrix
  DataContainer::Pointer pointData_DataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getVertexDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && NULL == pointData_DataContainer) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer pointDataGeom = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(getVertexDataContainerName());

  QVector<size_t> tDims(1, 0);
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer pointAttrMat = pointData_DataContainer->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getVertexAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Create a Volume Data Container even though we may remove it later. We need it later
  // on in order to set the proper AttributeMatrix
  DataContainer::Pointer cellData_DataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getVolumeDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && NULL == cellData_DataContainer) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer cellDataGeom = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(getVolumeDataContainerName());

  tDims[0] = 0;
  tDims[1] = 0;
  tDims[2] = 0;
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = cellData_DataContainer->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Scan through the file

  // now check to see what the user wanted
  if (!getReadPointData())
  if (!getReadCellData())

  // If there was no Cell Data, remove that dataContainer
  if (cellAttrMat->getNumAttributeArrays() == 0)

  // If there were no Point Arrays then remove that dataContainer
  if (pointAttrMat->getNumAttributeArrays() == 0)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VisualizeGBCDPoleFigure::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());

  QDir dir(fi.path());
    QString ss;
    ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(dir.path());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  QFile file(getOutputFile());
  if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getOutputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdDeltasArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDDeltas");

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdLimitsArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(10, "GBCDLimits");

  Int32ArrayType::Pointer gbcdSizesArray = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDSizes");

  float* gbcdDeltas = gbcdDeltasArray->getPointer(0);
  int* gbcdSizes = gbcdSizesArray->getPointer(0);
  float* gbcdLimits = gbcdLimitsArray->getPointer(0);

  // Original Ranges from Dave R.
  //m_GBCDlimits[0] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[1] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[2] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[3] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[4] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[5] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[6] = cosf(0.0f);
  //m_GBCDlimits[7] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[8] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[9] = cosf(0.0f);

  // Greg R. Ranges
  gbcdLimits[0] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[1] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[2] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[3] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[4] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[5] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2;
  gbcdLimits[6] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[7] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2;
  gbcdLimits[8] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[9] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_2Pi;

  // reset the 3rd and 4th dimensions using the square grid approach
  gbcdLimits[3] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[4] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[8] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[9] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);

  // get num components of GBCD
  QVector<size_t> cDims = m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getComponentDimensions();

  gbcdSizes[0] = cDims[0];
  gbcdSizes[1] = cDims[1];
  gbcdSizes[2] = cDims[2];
  gbcdSizes[3] = cDims[3];
  gbcdSizes[4] = cDims[4];

  gbcdDeltas[0] = (gbcdLimits[5] - gbcdLimits[0]) / float(gbcdSizes[0]);
  gbcdDeltas[1] = (gbcdLimits[6] - gbcdLimits[1]) / float(gbcdSizes[1]);
  gbcdDeltas[2] = (gbcdLimits[7] - gbcdLimits[2]) / float(gbcdSizes[2]);
  gbcdDeltas[3] = (gbcdLimits[8] - gbcdLimits[3]) / float(gbcdSizes[3]);
  gbcdDeltas[4] = (gbcdLimits[9] - gbcdLimits[4]) / float(gbcdSizes[4]);

  float vec[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float vec2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float sqCoord[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float dg[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dgt[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float mis_euler1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  float misAngle = m_MisorientationRotation.angle * SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float normAxis[3] = { m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l };
  // convert axis angle to matrix representation of misorientation
  FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0f);
  FOrientTransformsType::ax2om(FOrientArrayType(normAxis[0], normAxis[1], normAxis[2], misAngle), om);

  // take inverse of misorientation variable to use for switching symmetry
  MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(dg, dgt);

  // Get our SpaceGroupOps pointer for the selected crystal structure
  SpaceGroupOps::Pointer orientOps = m_OrientationOps[m_CrystalStructures[m_PhaseOfInterest]];

  // get number of symmetry operators
  int32_t n_sym = orientOps->getNumSymOps();

  int32_t xpoints = 100;
  int32_t ypoints = 100;
  int32_t zpoints = 1;
  int32_t xpointshalf = xpoints / 2;
  int32_t ypointshalf = ypoints / 2;
  float xres = 2.0f / float(xpoints);
  float yres = 2.0f / float(ypoints);
  float zres = (xres + yres) / 2.0;
  float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f;
  float sum = 0;
  int32_t count = 0;
  bool nhCheck = false;
  int32_t hemisphere = 0;

  int32_t shift1 = gbcdSizes[0];
  int32_t shift2 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1];
  int32_t shift3 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2];
  int32_t shift4 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3];

  int64_t totalGBCDBins = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3] * gbcdSizes[4] * 2;

  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 1);
  DoubleArrayType::Pointer poleFigureArray = DoubleArrayType::NullPointer();
  poleFigureArray = DoubleArrayType::CreateArray(xpoints * ypoints, dims, "PoleFigure");
  double* poleFigure = poleFigureArray->getPointer(0);

  for (int32_t k = 0; k < ypoints; k++)
    for (int32_t l = 0; l < xpoints; l++)
      // get (x,y) for stereographic projection pixel
      x = float(l - xpointshalf) * xres + (xres / 2.0);
      y = float(k - ypointshalf) * yres + (yres / 2.0);
      if ((x * x + y * y) <= 1.0)
        sum = 0.0f;
        count = 0;
        vec[2] = -((x * x + y * y) - 1) / ((x * x + y * y) + 1);
        vec[0] = x * (1 + vec[2]);
        vec[1] = y * (1 + vec[2]);
        MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(dgt, vec, vec2);

        // Loop over all the symetry operators in the given cystal symmetry
        for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_sym; i++)
          //get symmetry operator1
          orientOps->getMatSymOp(i, sym1);
          for (int32_t j = 0; j < n_sym; j++)
            // get symmetry operator2
            orientOps->getMatSymOp(j, sym2);
            MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(sym2, sym2t);
            // calculate symmetric misorientation
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dg, sym2t, dg1);
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
            // convert to euler angle
            FOrientArrayType eu(mis_euler1, 3);
            FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), eu);
            if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
              mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
              // find bins in GBCD
              int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
              int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
              int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
              //find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec, rotNormal);
              //get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
              nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal, sqCoord);
              // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
              int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
              int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
              if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                  location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
                hemisphere = 0;
                if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
                sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];

            // again in second crystal reference frame
            // calculate symmetric misorientation
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dgt, sym2, dg1);
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
            // convert to euler angle
            FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), eu);
            if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
              mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
              // find bins in GBCD
              int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
              int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
              int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
              // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec2, rotNormal2);
              // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
              nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal2, sqCoord);
              // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
              int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
              int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
              if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                  location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
                hemisphere = 0;
                if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
                sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];
        if (count > 0)
          poleFigure[(k * xpoints) + l] = sum / float(count);

  FILE* f = NULL;
  f = fopen(m_OutputFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == f)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Write the correct header
  fprintf(f, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
  fprintf(f, "data set from DREAM3D\n");
  fprintf(f, "BINARY");
  fprintf(f, "\n");
  fprintf(f, "DIMENSIONS %d %d %d\n", xpoints + 1, ypoints + 1, zpoints + 1);

  // Write the Coords
  writeCoords(f, "X_COORDINATES", "float", xpoints + 1, (-float(xpoints)*xres / 2.0f), xres);
  writeCoords(f, "Y_COORDINATES", "float", ypoints + 1, (-float(ypoints)*yres / 2.0f), yres);
  writeCoords(f, "Z_COORDINATES", "float", zpoints + 1, (-float(zpoints)*zres / 2.0f), zres);

  int32_t total = xpoints * ypoints * zpoints;
  fprintf(f, "CELL_DATA %d\n", total);

  fprintf(f, "SCALARS %s %s 1\n", "Intensity", "float");
  fprintf(f, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
    float* gn = new float[total];
    float t;
    count = 0;
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < ypoints; j++)
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < xpoints; i++)
        t = float(poleFigure[(j * xpoints) + i]);
        gn[count] = t;
    size_t totalWritten = fwrite(gn, sizeof(float), (total), f);
    delete[] gn;
    if (totalWritten != (total))
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing binary VTK data to file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindGBCD::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }
  // order here matters...because we are going to use the size of the crystal structures out of the dataCheckVoxel to size the faceAttrMat in dataCheckSurfaceMesh
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  bool doParallel = true;

  size_t totalPhases = m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  size_t totalFaces = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  size_t faceChunkSize = 50000;
  size_t numMisoReps = 576 * 4;
  if (totalFaces < faceChunkSize) { faceChunkSize = totalFaces; }
  // call the sizeGBCD function with proper chunkSize and numMisoReps to get Bins array set up properly
  sizeGBCD(faceChunkSize, numMisoReps);
  int32_t totalGBCDBins = m_GbcdSizes[0] * m_GbcdSizes[1] * m_GbcdSizes[2] * m_GbcdSizes[3] * m_GbcdSizes[4] * 2;

  uint64_t millis = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
  uint64_t currentMillis = millis;
  uint64_t startMillis = millis;
  uint64_t estimatedTime = 0;
  float timeDiff = 0.0f;
  startMillis =  QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
  int32_t hemisphere = 0;

  //create an array to hold the total face area for each phase and initialize the array to 0.0
  DoubleArrayType::Pointer totalFaceAreaPtr = DoubleArrayType::CreateArray(totalPhases, "totalFaceArea");
  double* totalFaceArea = totalFaceAreaPtr->getPointer(0);

  QString ss = QObject::tr("Calculating GBCD || 0/%1 Completed").arg(totalFaces);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < totalFaces; i = i + faceChunkSize)
    if(getCancel() == true) { return; }
    if (i + faceChunkSize >= totalFaces)
      faceChunkSize = totalFaces - i;
    if (doParallel == true)
      tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(i, i + faceChunkSize),
                        CalculateGBCDImpl(i, numMisoReps, m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshFaceNormalsPtr.lock(), m_FeatureEulerAnglesPtr.lock(), m_FeaturePhasesPtr.lock(), m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock(), m_GbcdBinsArray, m_GbcdHemiCheckArray, m_GbcdDeltasArray, m_GbcdSizesArray, m_GbcdLimitsArray), tbb::auto_partitioner());

      CalculateGBCDImpl serial(i, numMisoReps, m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshFaceNormalsPtr.lock(), m_FeatureEulerAnglesPtr.lock(), m_FeaturePhasesPtr.lock(), m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock(), m_GbcdBinsArray, m_GbcdHemiCheckArray, m_GbcdDeltasArray, m_GbcdSizesArray, m_GbcdLimitsArray);
      serial.generate(i, i + faceChunkSize);

    currentMillis = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
    if (currentMillis - millis > 1000)
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Calculating GBCD || Triangles %1/%2 Completed").arg(i).arg(totalFaces);
      timeDiff = ((float)i / (float)(currentMillis - startMillis));
      estimatedTime = (float)(totalFaces - i) / timeDiff;
      ss = ss + QObject::tr(" || Est. Time Remain: %1").arg(DREAM3D::convertMillisToHrsMinSecs(estimatedTime));
      millis = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
      notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

    if(getCancel() == true) { return; }

    int32_t phase = 0;
    int32_t feature = 0;
    double area = 0.0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < faceChunkSize; j++)
      area = m_SurfaceMeshFaceAreas[i + j];
      feature = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * (i + j)];
      phase = m_FeaturePhases[feature];
      for (size_t k = 0; k < numMisoReps; k++)
        if (m_GbcdBins[(j * numMisoReps) + (k)] >= 0)
          hemisphere = 0;
          if (m_HemiCheck[(j * numMisoReps) + k] == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
          m_GBCD[(phase * totalGBCDBins) + (2 * m_GbcdBins[(j * numMisoReps) + (k)] + hemisphere)] += area;
          totalFaceArea[phase] += area;

  ss = QObject::tr("Starting GBCD Normalization");
  notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < totalPhases; i++)
    size_t phaseShift = i * totalGBCDBins;
    double MRDfactor = double(totalGBCDBins) / totalFaceArea[i];
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < totalGBCDBins; j++)
      m_GBCD[phaseShift + j] *= MRDfactor;

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString FilterParameterWidgetCodeGenerator::generateSetupFilterParameters()
  return "  parameters.push_back(FilterParameter::New(\"" + getHumanLabel() + "\", \"" + getPropertyName() + "\", FilterParameterWidgetType::FilterParameterWidget, get" + getPropertyName() + "(), false));";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid::find_shifts(std::vector<int64_t>& xshifts, std::vector<int64_t>& yshifts)
  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  std::ofstream outFile;
  if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =

  int64_t newxshift = 0;
  int64_t newyshift = 0;
  int64_t count = 0;
  DimType slice = 0;
  DimType point = 0;
  float xRes = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getXRes();
  float yRes = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getYRes();
  std::vector<float> xCentroid(dims[2], 0.0f);
  std::vector<float> yCentroid(dims[2], 0.0f);

  for (DimType iter = 0; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
    count = 0;
    xCentroid[iter] = 0;
    yCentroid[iter] = 0;

    QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Sections || Determining Shifts || %1% Complete").arg(((float)iter / dims[2]) * 100);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
    slice = static_cast<int>( (dims[2] - 1) - iter );
    for (DimType l = 0; l < dims[1]; l++)
      for (DimType n = 0; n < dims[0]; n++)
        point = ((slice) * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (l * dims[0]) + n;
        if (m_GoodVoxels[point] == true)
          xCentroid[iter] = xCentroid[iter] + (float(n) * xRes);
          yCentroid[iter] = yCentroid[iter] + (float(l) * yRes);
    xCentroid[iter] = xCentroid[iter] / float(count);
    yCentroid[iter] = yCentroid[iter] / float(count);
  for (DimType iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
    slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
    if (m_UseReferenceSlice == true)
      xshifts[iter] = static_cast<int64_t>((xCentroid[iter] - xCentroid[m_ReferenceSlice]) / xRes);
      yshifts[iter] = static_cast<int64_t>((yCentroid[iter] - yCentroid[m_ReferenceSlice]) / yRes);
      xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + static_cast<int64_t>((xCentroid[iter] - xCentroid[iter - 1]) / xRes);
      yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + static_cast<int64_t>((yCentroid[iter] - yCentroid[iter - 1]) / yRes);
    if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
      outFile << slice << "	" << slice + 1 << "	" << newxshift << "	" << newyshift << "	" << xshifts[iter] << "	" << yshifts[iter] << " " << xCentroid[iter] << " " << yCentroid[iter] << std::endl;
  if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
Exemplo n.º 19
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VisualizeGBCDGMT::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getGBCDArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());

  QDir dir(fi.path());
  if (!dir.mkpath("."))
    QString ss;
    ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(dir.path());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  QFile file(getOutputFile());
  if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getOutputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdDeltasArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDDeltas");

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdLimitsArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(10, "GBCDLimits");

  Int32ArrayType::Pointer gbcdSizesArray = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDSizes");

  float* gbcdDeltas = gbcdDeltasArray->getPointer(0);
  int32_t* gbcdSizes = gbcdSizesArray->getPointer(0);
  float* gbcdLimits = gbcdLimitsArray->getPointer(0);

  // Original Ranges from Dave R.
  //m_GBCDlimits[0] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[1] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[2] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[3] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[4] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[5] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[6] = cosf(0.0f);
  //m_GBCDlimits[7] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[8] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[9] = cosf(0.0f);

  // Greg R. Ranges
  gbcdLimits[0] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[1] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[2] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[3] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[4] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[5] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f;
  gbcdLimits[6] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[7] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f;
  gbcdLimits[8] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[9] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);

  // get num components of GBCD
  QVector<size_t> cDims = m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getComponentDimensions();

  gbcdSizes[0] = cDims[0];
  gbcdSizes[1] = cDims[1];
  gbcdSizes[2] = cDims[2];
  gbcdSizes[3] = cDims[3];
  gbcdSizes[4] = cDims[4];

  gbcdDeltas[0] = (gbcdLimits[5] - gbcdLimits[0]) / float(gbcdSizes[0]);
  gbcdDeltas[1] = (gbcdLimits[6] - gbcdLimits[1]) / float(gbcdSizes[1]);
  gbcdDeltas[2] = (gbcdLimits[7] - gbcdLimits[2]) / float(gbcdSizes[2]);
  gbcdDeltas[3] = (gbcdLimits[8] - gbcdLimits[3]) / float(gbcdSizes[3]);
  gbcdDeltas[4] = (gbcdLimits[9] - gbcdLimits[4]) / float(gbcdSizes[4]);

  float vec[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float vec2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float sqCoord[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float dg[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dgt[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float mis_euler1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  float misAngle = m_MisorientationRotation.angle * SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float normAxis[3] = { m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l };
  // convert axis angle to matrix representation of misorientation
  FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0f);
  FOrientTransformsType::ax2om(FOrientArrayType(normAxis[0], normAxis[1], normAxis[2], misAngle), om);

  // take inverse of misorientation variable to use for switching symmetry
  MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(dg, dgt);

  // Get our SpaceGroupOps pointer for the selected crystal structure
  SpaceGroupOps::Pointer orientOps = m_OrientationOps[m_CrystalStructures[m_PhaseOfInterest]];

  // get number of symmetry operators
  int32_t n_sym = orientOps->getNumSymOps();

  int32_t thetaPoints = 120;
  int32_t phiPoints = 30;
  float thetaRes = 360.0f / float(thetaPoints);
  float phiRes = 90.0f / float(phiPoints);
  float theta = 0.0f, phi = 0.0f;
  float thetaRad = 0.0f, phiRad = 0.0f;
  float degToRad = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float sum = 0.0f;
  int32_t count = 0;
  bool nhCheck = false;
  int32_t hemisphere = 0;

  int32_t shift1 = gbcdSizes[0];
  int32_t shift2 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1];
  int32_t shift3 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2];
  int32_t shift4 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3];

  int64_t totalGBCDBins = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3] * gbcdSizes[4] * 2;

  std::vector<float> gmtValues;

  for (int32_t k = 0; k < phiPoints + 1; k++)
    for (int32_t l = 0; l < thetaPoints + 1; l++)
      // get (x,y) for stereographic projection pixel
      theta = float(l) * thetaRes;
      phi = float(k) * phiRes;
      thetaRad = theta * degToRad;
      phiRad = phi * degToRad;
      sum = 0.0f;
      count = 0;
      vec[0] = sinf(phiRad) * cosf(thetaRad);
      vec[1] = sinf(phiRad) * sinf(thetaRad);
      vec[2] = cosf(phiRad);
      MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(dgt, vec, vec2);

      // Loop over all the symetry operators in the given cystal symmetry
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_sym; i++)
        // get symmetry operator1
        orientOps->getMatSymOp(i, sym1);
        for (int32_t j = 0; j < n_sym; j++)
          // get symmetry operator2
          orientOps->getMatSymOp(j, sym2);
          MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(sym2, sym2t);
          // calculate symmetric misorientation
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dg, sym2t, dg1);
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
          // convert to euler angle
          FOrientArrayType mEuler(mis_euler1, 3);
          FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), mEuler);
          if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
            mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
            // find bins in GBCD
            int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
            int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
            int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
            // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec, rotNormal);
            // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
            nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal, sqCoord);
            // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
            int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
            int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
            if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
              hemisphere = 0;
              if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
              sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];

          // again in second crystal reference frame
          // calculate symmetric misorientation
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dgt, sym2, dg1);
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
          // convert to euler angle
          FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), mEuler);
          if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
            mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
            // find bins in GBCD
            int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
            int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
            int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
            // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec2, rotNormal2);
            // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
            nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal2, sqCoord);
            // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
            int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
            int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
            if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
              hemisphere = 0;
              if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
              sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];
      gmtValues.push_back((90.0f - phi));
      gmtValues.push_back(sum / float(count));

  FILE* f = NULL;
  f = fopen(m_OutputFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == f)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Remember to use the original Angle in Degrees!!!!
  fprintf(f, "%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l, m_MisorientationRotation.angle);
  size_t size = gmtValues.size() / 3;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
    fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", gmtValues[3 * i], gmtValues[3 * i + 1], gmtValues[3 * i + 2]);

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 20
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WriteTriangleGeometry::execute()
  int err = 0;

  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }
  DataContainer::Pointer dataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerSelection());

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = dataContainer->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();
  QString geometryType = triangleGeom->getGeometryTypeAsString();
  float* nodes = triangleGeom->getVertexPointer(0);
  int64_t* triangles = triangleGeom->getTriPointer(0);

  qint64 numNodes = triangleGeom->getNumberOfVertices();
  qint64 maxNodeId = numNodes - 1;
  int64_t numTriangles = triangleGeom->getNumberOfTris();

  // ++++++++++++++ Write the Nodes File +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Writing Nodes Text File");
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputNodesFile());
  QDir parentPath = fi.path();


    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(parentPath.absolutePath());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, -1);
  FILE* nodesFile = NULL;
  nodesFile = fopen(getOutputNodesFile().toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == nodesFile)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error opening Nodes file for writing", -100);
  fprintf(nodesFile, "# All lines starting with '#' are comments\n");
  fprintf(nodesFile, "# DREAM.3D Nodes file\n");
  fprintf(nodesFile, "# DREAM.3D Version %s\n", SIMPLib::Version::Complete().toLatin1().constData());
  fprintf(nodesFile, "# Node Data is X Y Z space delimited.\n");
  fprintf(nodesFile, "Node Count: %lld\n", numNodes);
  for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
    fprintf(nodesFile, "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n", nodes[i * 3], nodes[i * 3 + 1], nodes[i * 3 + 2]);

  // ++++++++++++++ Write the Triangles File +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Writing Triangles Text File");
  QFileInfo triFI(getOutputTrianglesFile());
  parentPath = triFI.path();

    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(parentPath.absolutePath());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, -1);
  FILE* triFile = fopen(getOutputTrianglesFile().toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == triFile)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error opening Triangles file for writing", -100);

  fprintf(triFile, "# All lines starting with '#' are comments\n");
  fprintf(triFile, "# DREAM.3D Triangle file\n");
  fprintf(triFile, "# DREAM.3D Version %s\n", SIMPLib::Version::Complete().toLatin1().constData());
  fprintf(triFile, "# Each Triangle consists of 3 Node Ids.\n");
  fprintf(triFile, "# NODE IDs START AT 0.\n");
  fprintf(triFile, "Geometry Type: %s\n", geometryType.toLatin1().constData());
  fprintf(triFile, "Node Count: %lld\n", numNodes);
  fprintf(triFile, "Max Node Id: %lld\n", maxNodeId );
  fprintf(triFile, "Triangle Count: %lld\n", (long long int)(numTriangles));

  int n1, n2, n3;
  for (int64_t j = 0; j < numTriangles; ++j)
    n1 = triangles[j * 3];
    n2 = triangles[j * 3 + 1];
    n3 = triangles[j * 3 + 2];

    fprintf(triFile, "%d %d %d\n",  n1, n2, n3);


  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 21
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RotateSampleRefFrame::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getCellAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName());

  float rotAngle = m_RotationAngle * SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 180.0;

  int64_t xp = 0, yp = 0, zp = 0;
  float xRes = 0.0f, yRes = 0.0f, zRes = 0.0f;
  int64_t xpNew = 0, ypNew = 0, zpNew = 0;
  float xResNew = 0.0f, yResNew = 0.0f, zResNew = 0.0f;
  RotateSampleRefFrameImplArg_t params;

  xp = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getXPoints());
  xRes = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getXRes();
  yp = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getYPoints());
  yRes = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getYRes();
  zp = static_cast<int64_t>(m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getZPoints());
  zRes = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getZRes();

  params.xp = xp;
  params.xRes = xRes;
  params.yp = yp;
  params.yRes = yRes;
  params.zp = zp;
  params.zRes = zRes;

  size_t col = 0, row = 0, plane = 0;
  float rotMat[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float coords[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float newcoords[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float xMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
  float xMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
  float yMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
  float yMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
  float zMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
  float zMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();

  FOrientArrayType om(9);
  FOrientTransformsType::ax2om(FOrientArrayType(m_RotationAxis.x, m_RotationAxis.y, m_RotationAxis.z, rotAngle), om);
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if (i == 0) { col = 0, row = 0, plane = 0; }
    if (i == 1) { col = xp - 1, row = 0, plane = 0; }
    if (i == 2) { col = 0, row = yp - 1, plane = 0; }
    if (i == 3) { col = xp - 1, row = yp - 1, plane = 0; }
    if (i == 4) { col = 0, row = 0, plane = zp - 1; }
    if (i == 5) { col = xp - 1, row = 0, plane = zp - 1; }
    if (i == 6) { col = 0, row = yp - 1, plane = zp - 1; }
    if (i == 7) { col = xp - 1, row = yp - 1, plane = zp - 1; }
    coords[0] = static_cast<float>(col * xRes);
    coords[1] = static_cast<float>(row * yRes);
    coords[2] = static_cast<float>(plane * zRes);
    MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(rotMat, coords, newcoords);
    if (newcoords[0] < xMin) { xMin = newcoords[0]; }
    if (newcoords[0] > xMax) { xMax = newcoords[0]; }
    if (newcoords[1] < yMin) { yMin = newcoords[1]; }
    if (newcoords[1] > yMax) { yMax = newcoords[1]; }
    if (newcoords[2] < zMin) { zMin = newcoords[2]; }
    if (newcoords[2] > zMax) { zMax = newcoords[2]; }
  float xAxis[3] = {1, 0, 0};
  float yAxis[3] = {0, 1, 0};
  float zAxis[3] = {0, 0, 1};
  float xAxisNew[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float yAxisNew[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float zAxisNew[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(rotMat, xAxis, xAxisNew);
  MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(rotMat, yAxis, yAxisNew);
  MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(rotMat, zAxis, zAxisNew);
  float closestAxis = 0.0f;
  xResNew = xRes;
  closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(xAxis, xAxisNew));
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(yAxis, xAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { xResNew = yRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(yAxis, xAxisNew)); }
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(zAxis, xAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { xResNew = zRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(zAxis, xAxisNew)); }
  yResNew = yRes;
  closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(yAxis, yAxisNew));
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(xAxis, yAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { yResNew = xRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(xAxis, yAxisNew)); }
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(zAxis, yAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { yResNew = zRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(zAxis, yAxisNew)); }
  zResNew = zRes;
  closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(zAxis, zAxisNew));
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(xAxis, zAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { zResNew = xRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(xAxis, zAxisNew)); }
  if (fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(yAxis, zAxisNew)) > closestAxis) { zResNew = yRes, closestAxis = fabs(GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(yAxis, zAxisNew)); }

  xpNew = static_cast<int64_t>(nearbyint((xMax - xMin) / xResNew) + 1);
  ypNew = static_cast<int64_t>(nearbyint((yMax - yMin) / yResNew) + 1);
  zpNew = static_cast<int64_t>(nearbyint((zMax - zMin) / zResNew) + 1);

  params.xpNew = xpNew;
  params.xResNew = xResNew;
  params.xMinNew = xMin;
  params.ypNew = ypNew;
  params.yResNew = yResNew;
  params.yMinNew = yMin;
  params.zpNew = zpNew;
  params.zResNew = zResNew;
  params.zMinNew = zMin;

  int64_t newNumCellTuples = params.xpNew * params.ypNew * params.zpNew;

  DataArray<int64_t>::Pointer newIndiciesPtr = DataArray<int64_t>::CreateArray(newNumCellTuples, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_RotateSampleRef_NewIndicies");
  int64_t* newindicies = newIndiciesPtr->getPointer(0);

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  bool doParallel = true;

  if (doParallel == true)
    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range3d<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(0, params.zpNew, 0, params.ypNew, 0, params.xpNew),
                      RotateSampleRefFrameImpl(newIndiciesPtr, &params, rotMat, m_SliceBySlice), tbb::auto_partitioner());
    RotateSampleRefFrameImpl serial(newIndiciesPtr, &params, rotMat, m_SliceBySlice);
    serial.convert(0, params.zpNew, 0, params.ypNew, 0, params.xpNew);

  // This could technically be parallelized also where each thread takes an array to adjust. Except
  // that the DataContainer is NOT thread safe or re-entrant so that would actually be a BAD idea.
  QString attrMatName = getCellAttributeMatrixPath().getAttributeMatrixName();
  QList<QString> voxelArrayNames = m->getAttributeMatrix(attrMatName)->getAttributeArrayNames();

  // resize attribute matrix
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3);
  tDims[0] = params.xpNew;
  tDims[1] = params.ypNew;
  tDims[2] = params.zpNew;

  for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = voxelArrayNames.begin(); iter != voxelArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
    IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getAttributeMatrix(attrMatName)->getAttributeArray(*iter);
    // Make a copy of the 'p' array that has the same name. When placed into
    // the data container this will over write the current array with
    // the same name.
    IDataArray::Pointer data = p->createNewArray(newNumCellTuples, p->getComponentDimensions(), p->getName());
    void* source = NULL;
    void* destination = NULL;
    int64_t newIndicies_I = 0;
    int32_t nComp = data->getNumberOfComponents();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(newNumCellTuples); i++)
      newIndicies_I = newindicies[i];
      if(newIndicies_I >= 0)
        source = p->getVoidPointer((nComp * newIndicies_I));
        if (NULL == source)
          QString ss = QObject::tr("The index is outside the bounds of the source array");
          notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
        destination = data->getVoidPointer((data->getNumberOfComponents() * i));
        ::memcpy(destination, source, p->getTypeSize() * data->getNumberOfComponents());
        data->initializeTuple(i, 0);
    m->getAttributeMatrix(attrMatName)->addAttributeArray(*iter, data);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setResolution(params.xResNew, params.yResNew, params.zResNew);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setDimensions(params.xpNew, params.ypNew, params.zpNew);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(xMin, yMin, zMin);

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 22
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Hex2SqrConverter::execute()
  std::stringstream ss;
  herr_t err = 0;

  std::vector<int> indices;
  // Loop on Each EBSD File
  float total = static_cast<float>( m_ZEndIndex - m_ZStartIndex );
  int progress = 0;
  int64_t z = m_ZStartIndex;
  /* There is a frailness about the z index and the file list. The programmer
   * using this code MUST ensure that the list of files that is sent into this
   * class is in the appropriate order to match up with the z index (slice index)
   * otherwise the import will have subtle errors. The programmer is urged NOT to
   * simply gather a list from the file system as those lists are sorted in such
   * a way that if the number of digits appearing in the filename are NOT the same
   * then the list will be wrong, ie, this example:
   * slice_1.ang
   * slice_2.ang
   * ....
   * slice_10.ang
   * Most, if not ALL C++ libraries when asked for that list will return the list
   * sorted like the following:
   * slice_1.ang
   * slice_10.ang
   * slice_2.ang
   * which is going to cause problems because the data is going to be placed
   * into the HDF5 file at the wrong index. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  // int totalSlicesImported = 0;
  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator filepath = m_EbsdFileList.begin(); filepath != m_EbsdFileList.end(); ++filepath)
    std::string ebsdFName = *filepath;

    progress = static_cast<int>( z - m_ZStartIndex );
    progress = (int)(100.0f * (float)(progress) / total);
    std::string msg = "Converting File: " + ebsdFName;


    // Write the Manufacturer of the OIM file here
    // This list will grow to be the number of EBSD file formats we support
    std::string ext = MXAFileInfo::extension(ebsdFName);
    std::string base = MXAFileInfo::fileNameWithOutExtension(ebsdFName);
    std::string path = MXAFileInfo::parentPath(ebsdFName);
    if(ext.compare(Ebsd::Ang::FileExt) == 0)
      AngReader reader;
      int err = reader.readFile();

      if(err < 0 && err != -600)
        addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), reader.getErrorMessage(), reader.getErrorCode());
      else if(reader.getGrid().find(Ebsd::Ang::SquareGrid) == 0)
        ss << "Ang File is already a square grid: " << ebsdFName;
        addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), getErrorCondition());
        if (err == -600)
          notifyWarningMessage( reader.getErrorMessage(), reader.getErrorCode() );
        std::string origHeader = reader.getOriginalHeader();
        if (origHeader.empty() == true)
          ss << "Header could not be retrieved: " << ebsdFName;
          addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), getErrorCondition());
        char buf[kBufferSize];
        std::stringstream in(origHeader);

        std::string newEbsdFName = path + "/Sqr_" + base + "." + ext;
        std::ofstream outFile;

        m_HeaderIsComplete = false;

        float HexXStep = reader.getXStep();
        float HexYStep = reader.getYStep();
        int HexNumColsOdd = reader.getNumOddCols();
        int HexNumColsEven = reader.getNumEvenCols();
        int HexNumRows = reader.getNumRows();
        m_NumCols = (HexNumColsOdd*HexXStep)/m_XResolution;
        m_NumRows = (HexNumRows*HexYStep)/m_YResolution;
        float xSqr, ySqr, xHex1, yHex1, xHex2, yHex2;
        int point, point1, point2;
        int row1, row2, col1, col2;
        float dist1, dist2;
        float* phi1 = reader.getPhi1Pointer();
        float* PHI = reader.getPhiPointer();
        float* phi2 = reader.getPhi2Pointer();
        float* ci = reader.getConfidenceIndexPointer();
        float* iq = reader.getImageQualityPointer();
        float* semsig = reader.getSEMSignalPointer();
        float* fit = reader.getFitPointer();
        int* phase = reader.getPhaseDataPointer();
        while (!in.eof())
          std::string line;
          ::memset(buf, 0, kBufferSize);
          in.getline(buf, kBufferSize);
          line = modifyAngHeaderLine(buf, kBufferSize);
          if(m_HeaderIsComplete == false) outFile << line << std::endl;
        for(int j = 0; j < m_NumRows; j++)
          for(int i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            xSqr = float(i)*m_XResolution;
            ySqr = float(j)*m_YResolution;
            row1 = ySqr/(HexYStep);
            yHex1 = row1*HexYStep;
            row2 = row1 + 1;
            yHex2 = row2*HexYStep;
            if(row1%2 == 0)
              col1 = xSqr/(HexXStep);
              xHex1 = col1*HexXStep;
              point1 = ((row1/2)*HexNumColsEven) + ((row1/2)*HexNumColsOdd) + col1;
              col2 = (xSqr-(HexXStep/2.0))/(HexXStep);
              xHex2 = col2*HexXStep + (HexXStep/2.0);
              point2 = ((row1/2)*HexNumColsEven) + (((row1/2)+1)*HexNumColsOdd) + col2;
              col1 = (xSqr-(HexXStep/2.0))/(HexXStep);
              xHex1 = col1*HexXStep + (HexXStep/2.0);
              point1 = ((row1/2)*HexNumColsEven) + (((row1/2)+1)*HexNumColsOdd) + col1;
              col2 = xSqr/(HexXStep);
              xHex2 = col2*HexXStep;
              point2 = (((row1/2)+1)*HexNumColsEven) + (((row1/2)+1)*HexNumColsOdd) + col2;
            dist1 = ((xSqr-xHex1)*(xSqr-xHex1)) + ((ySqr-yHex1)*(ySqr-yHex1));
            dist2 = ((xSqr-xHex2)*(xSqr-xHex2)) + ((ySqr-yHex2)*(ySqr-yHex2));
            if(dist1 <= dist2 || row1 == (HexNumRows-1)) {point = point1;}
            else {point = point2;}
            outFile << "  " << phi1[point] << "	" << PHI[point] << "	" << phi2[point] << "	" << xSqr << "	" << ySqr << "	" << iq[point] << "	" << ci[point] << "	" << phase[point] << "	" << semsig[point] << "	" << fit[point] << "	" << std::endl;
    else if(ext.compare(Ebsd::Ctf::FileExt) == 0)
      std::cout << "Ctf files are not on a hexagonal grid and do not need to be converted." << std::endl;
      err = -1;
      ss << "The File extension was not detected correctly";
      addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), err);


  notifyStatusMessage("Import Complete");
Exemplo n.º 23
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadStlFile::readFile()
  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_SurfaceMeshDataContainerName);

  // Open File
  FILE* f = fopen(m_StlFilePath.toLatin1().data(), "rb");
  if (NULL == f)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error opening STL file", -1003);

  // Read Header
  char h[80];
  int32_t triCount = 0;
  fread(h, sizeof(int32_t), 20, f);
  fread(&triCount, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();
  triangleGeom->resizeVertexList(triCount * 3);
  float* nodes = triangleGeom->getVertexPointer(0);
  int64_t* triangles = triangleGeom->getTriPointer(0);

  // Resize the triangle attribute matrix to hold the normals and update the normals pointer
  QVector<size_t> tDims(1, triCount);

  // Read the triangles
  static const size_t k_StlElementCount = 12;
  float v[k_StlElementCount];
  unsigned short attr;
  for (int32_t t = 0; t < triCount; ++t)
    fread(reinterpret_cast<void*>(v), sizeof(float), k_StlElementCount, f);

    fread(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&attr), sizeof(unsigned short), 1, f);
    if (attr > 0)
      std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(attr); // Allocate a buffer for the STL attribute data to be placed into
      fread( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&(buffer.front())), attr, 1, f); // Read the bytes into the buffer so that we can skip it.
    if(v[3] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[3]; }
    if(v[3] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[3]; }
    if(v[4] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[4]; }
    if(v[4] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[4]; }
    if(v[5] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[5]; }
    if(v[5] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[5]; }
    if(v[6] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[6]; }
    if(v[6] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[6]; }
    if(v[7] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[7]; }
    if(v[7] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[7]; }
    if(v[8] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[8]; }
    if(v[8] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[8]; }
    if(v[9] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[9]; }
    if(v[9] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[9]; }
    if(v[10] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[10]; }
    if(v[10] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[10]; }
    if(v[11] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[11]; }
    if(v[11] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[11]; }
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 0] = v[0];
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 1] = v[1];
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 2] = v[2];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 0] = v[3];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 1] = v[4];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 2] = v[5];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 0] = v[6];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 1] = v[7];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 2] = v[8];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 0] = v[9];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 1] = v[10];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 2] = v[11];
    triangles[t * 3] = 3 * t + 0;
    triangles[t * 3 + 1] = 3 * t + 1;
    triangles[t * 3 + 2] = 3 * t + 2;

Exemplo n.º 24
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MoveData::dataCheck()
    DataArrayPath amSrcPath = getAttributeMatrixSource();
    DataArrayPath amDestPath = getAttributeMatrixDestination();
    DataArrayPath daSrcPath = getDataArraySource();

    if (getWhatToMove() == k_MoveAttributeMatrix)
        DataContainer::Pointer amDestDataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerDestination());
        DataContainer::Pointer amSrcDataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, amSrcPath.getDataContainerName());
        AttributeMatrix::Pointer amSrcAttributeMatrix = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqAttributeMatrixFromPath<AbstractFilter>(this, amSrcPath, -301);

        if(getErrorCondition() < 0) {

        if (amSrcDataContainer->getName() == amDestDataContainer->getName())
            QString ss = QObject::tr("The source and destination Data Container are the same.  Is this what you meant to do?");
            notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

        amDestDataContainer->addAttributeMatrix(amSrcAttributeMatrix->getName(), amSrcAttributeMatrix);
    else if (getWhatToMove() == k_MoveDataArray )
        AttributeMatrix::Pointer daSrcAttributeMatrix = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqAttributeMatrixFromPath<AbstractFilter>(this, daSrcPath, -301);
        AttributeMatrix::Pointer daDestAttributeMatrix = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqAttributeMatrixFromPath<AbstractFilter>(this, amDestPath, -301);
        IDataArray::Pointer daSrcDataArray = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqIDataArrayFromPath<IDataArray, AbstractFilter>(this, daSrcPath);

        if(getErrorCondition() < 0) {

        if (daDestAttributeMatrix->getNumTuples() != daSrcDataArray->getNumberOfTuples())
            QString ss = QObject::tr("The number of tuples of source Attribute Array (%1) and destination Attribute Matrix (%2) do not match").arg(daSrcDataArray->getNumberOfTuples()).arg(daDestAttributeMatrix->getNumTuples());
            notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
        else if (daSrcAttributeMatrix->getName() == daDestAttributeMatrix->getName())
            QString ss = QObject::tr("The source and destination Attribute Matrix are the same.  Is this what you meant to do?");
            notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

        daDestAttributeMatrix->addAttributeArray(daSrcPath.getDataArrayName(), daSrcDataArray);
        QString ss = QObject::tr("Neither an Attribute Matrix nor an Attribute Array was selected to be moved");
        notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
Exemplo n.º 25
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t AbaqusSurfaceMeshWriter::writeFeatures(FILE* f)
  //*Elset, elset=Feature1
  //1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  int32_t err = 0;

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeo = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath().getDataContainerName())->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();

  int64_t nTriangles = triangleGeo->getNumberOfTris();

  // Store all the unique Spins
  std::set<int32_t> uniqueSpins;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++)
    uniqueSpins.insert(m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2]);
    uniqueSpins.insert(m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2 + 1]);

  int32_t spin = 0;

  //Loop over the unique Spins
  for (std::set<int32_t>::iterator spinIter = uniqueSpins.begin(); spinIter != uniqueSpins.end(); ++spinIter )
    spin = *spinIter;
    if (spin < 0) { continue; }

    fprintf(f, "*ELSET, ELSET=Feature%d\n", spin);

      QString ss = QObject::tr("Writing ELSET for Feature Id %1").arg(spin);
      notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

    // Loop over all the triangles for this spin
    int64_t lineCount = 0;
    for (int64_t t = 0; t < nTriangles; ++t)
      if (m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[t * 2] != spin && m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[t * 2 + 1] != spin)
        continue; // We do not match either spin so move to the next triangle

      // Only print 15 Triangles per line
      if (lineCount == 15)
        fprintf (f, ", %lld\n", (long long int)(t));
        lineCount = 0;
      else if(lineCount == 0) // First value on the line
        fprintf(f, "%lld", (long long int)(t));
        fprintf(f, ", %lld", (long long int)(t));

    // Make sure we have a new line at the end of the section
    if (lineCount != 0)
      fprintf(f, "\n");
  return err;
Exemplo n.º 26
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t LaplacianSmoothing::edgeBasedSmoothing()
  int32_t err = 0;
  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceDataContainerName());
  IGeometry2D::Pointer surfaceMesh = sm->getGeometryAs<IGeometry2D>();
  float* verts = surfaceMesh->getVertexPointer(0);
  int64_t nvert = surfaceMesh->getNumberOfVertices();

  // Generate the Lambda Array
  err = generateLambdaArray();
  if (err < 0)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error generating the lambda array", getErrorCondition());
    return err;

  // Get a Pointer to the Lambda array for conveneince
  DataArray<float>::Pointer lambdas = getLambdaArray();
  float* lambda = lambdas->getPointer(0);

  //  Generate the Unique Edges
  if (NULL == surfaceMesh->getEdges().get())
    err = surfaceMesh->findEdges();
  if (err < 0)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error retrieving the shared edge list", getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();

  int64_t* uedges = surfaceMesh->getEdgePointer(0);
  int64_t nedges = surfaceMesh->getNumberOfEdges();

  DataArray<int32_t>::Pointer numConnections = DataArray<int32_t>::CreateArray(nvert, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Laplacian_Smoothing_NumberConnections_Array");
  int32_t* ncon = numConnections->getPointer(0);

  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, 3);
  DataArray<double>::Pointer deltaArray = DataArray<double>::CreateArray(nvert, cDims, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Laplacian_Smoothing_Delta_Array");
  double* delta = deltaArray->getPointer(0);

  double dlta = 0.0;
  for (int32_t q = 0; q < m_IterationSteps; q++)
    if (getCancel() == true) { return -1; }
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Iteration %1").arg(q);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < nedges; i++)
      int64_t in1 = uedges[2 * i];   // row of the first vertex
      int64_t in2 = uedges[2 * i + 1]; // row the second vertex

      for (int32_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        BOOST_ASSERT( static_cast<size_t>(3 * in1 + j) < static_cast<size_t>(nvert * 3) );
        BOOST_ASSERT( static_cast<size_t>(3 * in2 + j) < static_cast<size_t>(nvert * 3) );
        dlta = verts[3 * in2 + j] - verts[3 * in1 + j];
        delta[3 * in1 + j] += dlta;
        delta[3 * in2 + j] += -1.0 * dlta;
      ncon[in1] += 1;
      ncon[in2] += 1;

    float ll = 0.0f;
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
      for (int32_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        int64_t in0 = 3 * i + j;
        dlta = delta[in0] / ncon[i];

        ll = lambda[i];
        verts[3 * i + j] += ll * dlta;
        delta[in0] = 0.0; // reset for next iteration
      ncon[i] = 0; // reset for next iteration

  return err;
Exemplo n.º 27
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindFaceAverage::dataCheckSurfaceMesh(bool preflight, size_t voxels, size_t fields, size_t ensembles)
  std::stringstream ss;
  SurfaceMeshDataContainer* sm = getSurfaceMeshDataContainer();
  if(NULL == sm)
    addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "SurfaceMeshDataContainer is missing", -383);
    // We MUST have Triangles defined.
    if(sm->getFaces().get() == NULL)
      addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "SurfaceMesh DataContainer missing Triangles", -385);
      GET_PREREQ_DATA(sm, DREAM3D, FaceData, SurfaceMeshGrainFaceId, ss, -387, int32_t, Int32ArrayType, fields, 1)
        GET_PREREQ_DATA(sm, DREAM3D, FaceData, SurfaceMeshTriangleAreas, ss, -387, double, DoubleArrayType, fields, 1)

      if(m_SelectedFaceArrayName.empty() == true)
        addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "An array from the Face Data Container must be selected.", getErrorCondition());
      else if(preflight)
        IDataArray::Pointer inputData = sm->getFaceData(m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        if (NULL == inputData.get())
          ss << "Selected array '" << m_SelectedFaceArrayName << "' does not exist in the Surface Mesh Data Container. Was it spelled correctly?";
          notifyErrorMessage(ss.str(), getErrorCondition());

        int numberOfComponents = inputData->GetNumberOfComponents();
        std::string dType = inputData->getTypeAsString();
        IDataArray::Pointer p = IDataArray::NullPointer();
        if (dType.compare("int8_t") == 0)
          p = Int8ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("uint8_t") == 0)
          p = UInt8ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("int16_t") == 0)
          p = Int16ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("uint16_t") == 0)
          p = UInt16ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("int32_t") == 0)
          p = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("uint32_t") == 0)
          p = UInt32ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("int64_t") == 0)
          p = Int64ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("uint64_t") == 0)
          p = UInt64ArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("float") == 0)
          p = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("double") == 0)
          p = DoubleArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        else if (dType.compare("bool") == 0)
          p = BoolArrayType::CreateArray(1, numberOfComponents, m_SelectedFaceArrayName);
        sm->addFieldData(p->GetName(), p);
Exemplo n.º 28
void LaplacianSmoothing::writeVTKFile(const QString& outputVtkFile)

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceDataContainerName());  /* Place all your code to execute your filter here. */
  VertexArray& nodes = *(sm->getVertices());
  int nNodes = nodes.getNumberOfTuples();
  bool m_WriteBinaryFile = true;

  FILE* vtkFile = NULL;
  vtkFile = fopen(outputVtkFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == vtkFile)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating file '%1'").arg(outputVtkFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  Detail::ScopedFileMonitor vtkFileMonitor(vtkFile);

  fprintf(vtkFile, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
  fprintf(vtkFile, "Data set from DREAM.3D Surface Meshing Module\n");
  if (m_WriteBinaryFile)
    fprintf(vtkFile, "BINARY\n");
    fprintf(vtkFile, "ASCII\n");
  fprintf(vtkFile, "DATASET POLYDATA\n");

  fprintf(vtkFile, "POINTS %d float\n", nNodes);
  float pos[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

  size_t totalWritten = 0;
  // Write the POINTS data (Vertex)
  for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
    VertexArray::Vert_t& n = nodes[i]; // Get the current Node
    //  if (m_SurfaceMeshNodeType[i] > 0)
      pos[0] = static_cast<float>(n.pos[0]);
      pos[1] = static_cast<float>(n.pos[1]);
      pos[2] = static_cast<float>(n.pos[2]);
      if (m_WriteBinaryFile == true)
        totalWritten = fwrite(pos, sizeof(float), 3, vtkFile);
        if (totalWritten != sizeof(float) * 3)

        fprintf(vtkFile, "%4.4f %4.4f %4.4f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); // Write the positions to the output file

  // Write the triangle indices into the vtk File
  FaceArray& triangles = *(sm->getFaces());
  int triangleCount = 0;
  int end = triangles.getNumberOfTuples();
  int featureInterest = 9;
  for(int i = 0; i < end; ++i)
    //FaceArray::Face_t* tri = triangles.getPointer(i);
    if (m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2] == featureInterest || m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[i * 2 + 1] == featureInterest)

  int tData[4];
  // Write the CELLS Data
  //  int start = 3094380;
  //  int end = 3094450;
  //  int triangleCount = end - start;
  qDebug() << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << "\n";
  qDebug() << outputVtkFile << "\n";
  fprintf(vtkFile, "\nPOLYGONS %d %d\n", triangleCount, (triangleCount * 4));
  for (int tid = 0; tid < end; ++tid)
    //FaceArray::Face_t* tri = triangles.getPointer(tid);
    if (m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[tid * 2] == featureInterest || m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[tid * 2 + 1] == featureInterest)
      tData[1] = triangles[tid].verts[0];
      tData[2] = triangles[tid].verts[1];
      tData[3] = triangles[tid].verts[2];
      //      qDebug() << tid << "\n  " << nodes[tData[1]].coord[0] << " " << nodes[tData[1]].coord[1]  << " " << nodes[tData[1]].coord[2]  << "\n";
      //      qDebug() << "  " << nodes[tData[2]].coord[0] << " " << nodes[tData[2]].coord[1]  << " " << nodes[tData[2]].coord[2]  << "\n";
      //      qDebug() << "  " << nodes[tData[3]].coord[0] << " " << nodes[tData[3]].coord[1]  << " " << nodes[tData[3]].coord[2]  << "\n";
      if (m_WriteBinaryFile == true)
        tData[0] = 3; // Push on the total number of entries for this entry
        DREAM3D::Endian::FromSystemToBig::convert<int>(tData[1]); // Index of Vertex 0
        DREAM3D::Endian::FromSystemToBig::convert<int>(tData[2]); // Index of Vertex 1
        DREAM3D::Endian::FromSystemToBig::convert<int>(tData[3]); // Index of Vertex 2
        fwrite(tData, sizeof(int), 4, vtkFile);
        fprintf(vtkFile, "3 %d %d %d\n", tData[1], tData[2], tData[3]);

  fprintf(vtkFile, "\n");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CombineAttributeMatrices::dataCheck()
  DataArrayPath tempPath;

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getFirstAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName(), false);
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == m.get()) { return; }

  if (getFirstAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName().compare(getSecondAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName()) != 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The selected attribute matrices must be in the same data container and currently are not");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  if (getFirstAttributeMatrixPath().getAttributeMatrixName().compare(getSecondAttributeMatrixPath().getAttributeMatrixName()) == 0)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The selected attribute matrices must be different and currently are the same");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer firstAttrMat = m->getPrereqAttributeMatrix(this, getFirstAttributeMatrixPath().getAttributeMatrixName(), -301);
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer secondAttrMat = m->getPrereqAttributeMatrix(this, getSecondAttributeMatrixPath().getAttributeMatrixName(), -301);
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  if (firstAttrMat->getType() != secondAttrMat->getType())
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The selected attribute matrices must be of the same type (ie Feature) and currently are not");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  //Note that the minus 1 in the totalTuples calculation is to account for the fact that the zeroth tuple in the two attribute matrices should only be counted once, not twice.
  //All Feature or Ensemble AMs should start from 1 and the zeroth tuple can be combined in the two AMs
  size_t totalTuples = firstAttrMat->getNumTuples() + secondAttrMat->getNumTuples() - 1;
  QVector<size_t> tDims(1, totalTuples);
  m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCombinedAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, firstAttrMat->getType());
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer combinedAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCombinedAttributeMatrixName());

  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, 1);
  m_FirstIndexPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter>(this, getFirstIndexArrayPath(), cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if (NULL != m_FirstIndexPtr.lock().get()) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
    m_FirstIndex = m_FirstIndexPtr.lock()->getPointer(0);
  } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  m_SecondIndexPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter>(this, getSecondIndexArrayPath(), cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if (NULL != m_SecondIndexPtr.lock().get()) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
    m_SecondIndex = m_SecondIndexPtr.lock()->getPointer(0);
  } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Create arrays on the reference grid to hold data present on the sampling grid
  QList<QString> fArrayNames = firstAttrMat->getAttributeArrayNames();
  for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = fArrayNames.begin(); iter != fArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
    tempPath.update(getFirstAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName(), getCombinedAttributeMatrixName(), *iter);
    IDataArray::Pointer tmpDataArray = firstAttrMat->getPrereqIDataArray<IDataArray, AbstractFilter>(this, *iter, -90001);
    if (getErrorCondition() >= 0)
      QVector<size_t> cDims = tmpDataArray->getComponentDimensions();
      TemplateHelpers::CreateNonPrereqArrayFromArrayType()(this, tempPath, cDims, tmpDataArray);
  QList<QString> sArrayNames = secondAttrMat->getAttributeArrayNames();
  for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = sArrayNames.begin(); iter != sArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
    tempPath.update(getSecondAttributeMatrixPath().getDataContainerName(), getCombinedAttributeMatrixName(), *iter);
    IDataArray::Pointer tmpDataArray = secondAttrMat->getPrereqIDataArray<IDataArray, AbstractFilter>(this, *iter, -90001);
    if (getErrorCondition() >= 0)
      if (fArrayNames.contains(*iter) == false)
        QVector<size_t> cDims = tmpDataArray->getComponentDimensions();
        TemplateHelpers::CreateNonPrereqArrayFromArrayType()(this, tempPath, cDims, tmpDataArray);

  tempPath.update(getFirstIndexArrayPath().getDataContainerName(), getFirstIndexArrayPath().getAttributeMatrixName(), getNewIndexArrayName());
  m_NewIndexPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this, tempPath, 0, cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if (NULL != m_NewIndexPtr.lock().get()) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
    m_NewIndex = m_NewIndexPtr.lock()->getPointer(0);
  }    /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }
Exemplo n.º 30
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void EmptyFilter::dataCheck()
  QString ss = QObject::tr("This filter does nothing and was was inserted as a place holder for filter '%1' that does not exist anymore.").arg(getOriginalFilterName());
  notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());