Exemplo n.º 1
bool DxSurface::createFromFile ( IDXDEVICE device, const tstring& filepath, const RECT* srcRect )
   DWORD colorKey = 0;

   if ( !getInfoFromFile( filepath ) )
      Logger::message( _T("Error: Could not load file!\n") );
      return false;
   if ( !createEmpty( device, 
                      (srcRect ? ( srcRect->right - srcRect->left ): fileInfo().Width), 
                      (srcRect ? ( srcRect->bottom - srcRect->top ): fileInfo().Height) ) )
      return false;

   HRESULT result = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile( mySurface, NULL, NULL, filepath.c_str(), srcRect, D3DX_DEFAULT, colorKey, &info );
   return SUCCEEDED( result );

Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv){

    int POINTS=500;
    char verbosity='n',gengraphs='g', automatic='y';
    std::string paramfile = "parameters.txt";
    std::string iniconfile = "init_cond.txt";
    std::string basefile = "results-HH-model";
    std::string ext = "txt";
    std::string out_datafile = basefile + "." + ext;
    // ==========================================================================

    double h_step;  /// h_step This will be the h_step for integrate, will be redefined on line 333
	std::vector<double> parametros; /// parametros[8] Here one stores the ODES parameters for solvig, i.e membrane capacitance, conductances and so on
    double t=0.0;       /// t Starting time, this variable is a "time buffer"
    double tf=25.0;	/// tf 25 ms for time integration

// ==========================================================================
//   Console commands to run the programm
// ==========================================================================
    int c;
	extern int optind;
	extern char *optarg;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvgAt:p:k:i:b:e:")) != -1)
	  switch (c)  {
	  case 'h':
	    std::cout << "\nUsage: \n" << argv[0] << " [options] \n" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-h  : This help message"<< std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-v  : Set verbosity level,(No verbosity by default)"<< std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-g  : Don't generate PNG graphics,(Graphics by default)"<< std::endl;
        std::cout <<"\t-A  : Automatic parameters and initial conditions (using built-in defaults)"<< std::endl;
        std::cout <<"\t-t# : Integrate from zero to # (In milliseconds),(Default= " << tf << ")" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-p# : Set number of points used (Default " << POINTS << ")" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-i@ : Initial conditions file [-i filename.ext] (Default \"" << iniconfile << "\")" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-k@ : Parameters file [-kfilename.ext] (Default \"" << paramfile << "\")" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-b@ : Set basename for output files [-b basename] (Default \"" << basefile << "\")" << std::endl;
	    std::cout <<"\t-e@ : Set extension for basename output files [-e ext = basename.ext] (Default \"" << ext << "\")" << std::endl;

	    std::cout << "\nNOTE: If no options are given, the -A flag is used by default\n" << std::endl;

	    std::cout << std::endl;


	  case 'v':  verbosity='v';
	  case 'g':  gengraphs='n';
	  case 'A':  automatic='y'; // Automatic mode

	  case 't': tf=atof(optarg);

	  case 'p': POINTS = atoi(optarg);
	  case 'i': iniconfile.assign(optarg);
		automatic='n'; //Disable automode 
	  case 'k': paramfile.assign(optarg);
		automatic='n'; //Disable automode 

	  case 'b': basefile.assign(optarg);
	  case 'e': ext.assign(optarg);

	  case '?':
           std::cout << "Unknown option " << std::endl;
	       std::cout << "Aborting..." << std::endl;
            abort ();
	// Here the solution is stored
	// definde here in order to have a container for the initial conditions
	std::vector<double> y; 

	if (automatic=='y')
// ==========================================================================
// Initial conditions AUTOMATED
// ==========================================================================

			y.push_back(-60);   // Initial transmembrane potential, assuming resting potential (-60 mV) *when automated* [-A flag]
		    y.push_back(0);     // Initial state for Gating function m *when automated* [-A flag]
		    y.push_back(0);  // Initial state for Gating function h *when automated* [-A flag]
		    y.push_back(0);  // Initial state for Gating function n *when automated* [-A flag]
// # Membrane capacitance in Farads
// Cm = 0.001; 
// # Ion conductances in mMho
// gNa = 120;
// gK  = 36;
// gL  = 0.3;
// # Ion equilibrium potentials in mVolts
// vNa = -115;
// vL  = 10.613;
// vK  = 12;
			parametros.push_back(0.01);   // Membrane capacitance  *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(0);    // induced current on axon, 0 means no external current *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(1.2);   // Na conductances *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(55.17);  // Na Nernst Potential *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(0.36);   // K Conductance *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(-72.14); // K Nernst Potential *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(0.003);  // Leakage conductance (Due to a Cl current) *when automated* [-A flag]
		    parametros.push_back(-49.42); // Leakage Nernst potential (Due to a Cl current) *when automated* [-A flag]
// ==========================================================================
// Initial conditions FROM FILE
// ==========================================================================        
    std::cout << "Initial Conditions" << std::endl;
    std::cout << y[0] << std::endl;
    std::cout << y[1] << std::endl;
    std::cout << y[2] << std::endl;
    std::cout << y[3] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Parameters" << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[0] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[1] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[2] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[3] << std::endl;      
    std::cout << parametros[4] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[5] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[6] << std::endl;
    std::cout << parametros[7] << std::endl;
// ==========================================================================  
// ==========================================================================
//  Now the iterative process of solution using ODEINT by Libboost
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================

	hh_model hhmodel(parametros);

	hhSolver(POINTS, tf, hhmodel, y, out_datafile);

}//End of Main Code