Exemplo n.º 1
static int scanSCREEN(IOStr *io,const char *what,int sn){
	int rv;
	int nl;
	int di;

	rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/root");
	rv = getInt4(io,"COLORMAP/default-colormap");
	rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/white-pixel");
	rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/black-pixel");
	rv = getInt4(io,"SETofEVENT/corrent-input-masks");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/width-in-pixels");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/height-in-pixels");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/width-in-millimeters");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/height-in-millimeters");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/min-installed-maps");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/max-installed-maps");
	rv = getInt4(io,"VISUALID/root-visual");
	rv = getInt1(io,"VISUALID/backing-stores");
	rv = getInt1(io,"VISUALID/save-unders");
	rv = getInt1(io,"VISUALID/root-depth");
	nl = getInt1(io,"VISUALID/number-of-DEPTHs-in-allowed-depth");
	for( di = 0; di < nl; di++ ){
		if( remLeng(io) <= 0 ){
			return EOF;
		rv = scanDEPTH(io,"LISTofDEPTH/allowed-depath");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int relayFillPoly(XFlash *Xf,FILE *fc,FILE *ts,int len){
	IOStr iob,*io = &iob;
	int rcc;
	int wcc;
	int rv;
	int nl;
	int d,g,s,m,x,y;

	rcc = fread(buf,1,(len-1)*4,fc);
	IOinit(io,Xf," cs FP",buf,rcc);
	fprintf(stderr," ----\n");
	d = rv = getInt4(io,"DRAWABLE/drawable");
	g = rv = getInt4(io,"GCONTEXT/gc");
	s = rv = getInt1(io,"shape");
	m = rv = getInt1(io,"coordinate-mode");
	    rv = getInt2(io,"unused");
	while( 4 <= remLeng(io) ){
		x = rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/x");
		y = rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/y");
		if( poly < pp ){
		pp += strlen(pp);
	toFlash(Xf,"FillPoly gc=%d poly={%s}",g,poly);
	wcc = fwrite(buf,1,rcc,ts);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int scanFORMAT(IOStr *io,const char *what){
	int rv;
	rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/depth");
	rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/bits-per-pixel");
	rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/scanline-pad");
	rv = getInt1(io,"Pad");
	rv = getInt4(io,"Pad");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* X11R6.7DRAFT p.122 */
static int scanVISUALTYPE(IOStr *io,const char *what){
	int rv;
	rv = getInt4(io,"VISUALID/visual-id");
	rv = getInt1(io,"class");
	rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/bits-per-rgb-value");
	rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/colormap-entries");
	rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/red-mask");
	rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/green-mask");
	rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/blue-mask");
	rv = getPadN(io,"unused",4);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool getTotalCharge( char *pqrFile, double *tCharge )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;
   *tCharge = 0;  
   char line[ 101 ];

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 101 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

	// don't use these either?
        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name
	getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number
        double v;  
        //i = getDouble( line, i, &v );         // get X coordinate
        //i = getDouble( line, i, &v );         // get Y coordinate
        //i = getDouble( line, i, &v );         // get Z coordinate
        getDouble1( line, &v, 54, 9 );         // get charge
        *tCharge += v;

        //i = getDouble( line, i, &v );         // get radius
   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool countResidues( char *pqrFile, int res, int *count, int *total )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, "rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   *count = *total = 0;

   char line[ 101 ];
   int l = -1;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        getString1( line, tmp, 0, 6 );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //getInt1( line, &j,6, 5 );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //getString1( line, tmp ,12, 4);        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number
        if ( j != l ) 
            if ( getResidueID( tmp ) == res ) ( *count )++;
            ( *total )++;
        l = j;

   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int scanDEPTH(IOStr *io,const char *what){
	int di;
	int rv;
	int nl;
	int iv;

	rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/depth");
	rv = getPadN(io,"unused",1);
	nl = getInt2(io,"number-of-VISUALTYPES-in-visuls");
	rv = getPadN(io,"unused",4);
	for( iv = 0; iv < nl; iv++ ){
		if( remLeng(io) <= 0 ){
			return EOF;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int relayInitialResp(IOStr *io,int op){
	int rv;
	int vl;
	int sl;
	int nl;
	int fi;

	rv = getInt1(io,"Sucess");
	rv = getPadN(io,"unused",1);
	rv = getInt2(io,"major_version");
	rv = getInt2(io,"minor_version");
	rv = getInt2(io,"length/4");
	rv = getInt4(io,"release-number");
	rv = getInt4(io,"resource-id-base");
	rv = getInt4(io,"resource-id-mask");
	rv = getInt4(io,"motion-bufffer-size");
	vl = getInt2(io,"length-of-vendor");
	rv = getInt2(io,"maximum-request-length");
	sl = getInt1(io,"number-of-SCREENs-in-roots");
	nl = getInt1(io,"number-for-FORMATs-in-pixmap-formats");
	rv = getInt1(io,"image-byte-order");
	rv = getInt1(io,"bitmap-format-bit-order");
	rv = getInt1(io,"bitmap-format-scanline-unit");
	rv = getInt1(io,"bitmap-format-scanline-pad");
	rv = getInt1(io,"min-keycode");
	rv = getInt1(io,"max-keycode");
	rv = getPadN(io,"unused",4);
	rv = getSTRING8(io,"Vendor",vl);
rv = skipPad(io,"unused-Padding",4);
	for( fi = 0; fi < nl; fi++ ){
		rv = scanFORMAT(io,"Format");
	rv = scanSCREEN(io,"Screen",sl);
rv = skipPad(io,"Pad",8);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool readGlycines( char *pqrFile, int *nAtm, double **atm )

   int nRes = 0, nChn = 0;
   RESIDUE *res = NULL;
   int *chn = NULL;
   if ( !readResidues( pqrFile, &nRes, &res, &nChn, &chn ) ) 
       freeMem( res );
       freeMem( chn);
       return false;

   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   int numAtoms = 0;

   char line[ 101 ];
   int k = -1, l = -1;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;


   fclose( fp );

   *nAtm = numAtoms;
   ( *atm ) = ( double * ) malloc( 5 * ( *nAtm ) * sizeof( double ) );

   if ( *atm == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to allocate memory!" );
        return false;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
         printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
         return false;

   int n = 0;
   k = -1; l = -1;   

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number
        if ( j != l )
            l = j;
        if ( isGXY( nRes, res, k ) || isYXG( nRes, res, k ) 
          || ( ( k >= 1 ) && ( isGXY( nRes, res, k - 1 ) || isYXG( nRes, res, k - 1 ) ) ) 
          || ( ( k >= 2 ) && ( isGXY( nRes, res, k - 2 ) || isYXG( nRes, res, k - 2 ) ) ) )
              double v;  
              getDouble1( line, &v, 30, 8 );         // get X coordinate
              ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 0 ] = v;    
              getDouble1( line, &v, 38, 8);         // get Y coordinate
              ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 1 ] = v;    
              getDouble1( line, &v, 46, 8 );         // get Z coordinate
              ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 2 ] = v;    
              getDouble1( line, &v, 54, 9 );         // get charge
              ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 3 ] = v;    
              getDouble1( line, &v, 63, 7 );         // get radius
              ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 4 ] = v;   
   *nAtm = n;  
   fclose( fp );

   freeMem( res );
   freeMem( chn);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool readAtomsWithResidueInfo( char *pqrFile, int *nAtm, double **atm )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   int numRes = 0;

   char line[ 101 ];
   int l = -1, r = -1;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name
        int resID = getResidueID( tmp );

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number

        if ( ( j != l ) || ( resID != r ) ) numRes++;

        l = j;
        r = resID;

   fclose( fp );
   printf( (char *)"\nnumRes = %d\n", numRes );
   fflush( stdout );

   *nAtm = numRes;
   ( *atm ) = ( double * ) malloc( 5 * ( *nAtm ) * sizeof( double ) );

   if ( *atm == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to allocate memory!" );
        return false;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
         printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
         return false;

   int n = 0;
   l = -1; r = -1;
   bool done = false;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ], atn[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore

        getString1( line, atn, 12, 4 );        // get atom name

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name
        int resID = getResidueID( tmp );
        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number       
        if ( ( j != l ) || ( resID != r ) ) done = false;

        l = j;
        r = resID;        
	// arand: changed "CA" to " CA " and "CB" to " CB " to match the new method of reading data...
        if ( !done && ( resID != NONE ) && ( ( ( resID == GLY ) && !strcmp( atn, (char *)" CA " ) ) || ( ( resID != GLY ) && !strcmp( atn, (char *)" CB " ) ) ) )
            double v;  
            getDouble1( line, &v, 30, 8 );         // get X coordinate
            ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 0 ] = v;    
	    getDouble1( line, &v, 38, 8 );         // get Y coordinate
            ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 1 ] = v;    
            getDouble1( line, &v, 46, 8 );         // get Z coordinate
            ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 2 ] = v;    
            ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 3 ] = resID - 1;    
            ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 4 ] = j;   
            done = true;
   *nAtm = n;
   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool readAtomsOnly( char *pqrFile, int *nAtm, double **atm )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   int numAtoms = 0;

   char line[ 101 ];
   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;


   fclose( fp );

   *nAtm = numAtoms;
   ( *atm ) = ( double * ) malloc( 5 * ( *nAtm ) * sizeof( double ) );

   if ( *atm == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to allocate memory!" );
        return false;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
         printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
         return false;

   int n = 0;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number
        double v;  
        getDouble1( line, &v, 30, 8);         // get X coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 0 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 38, 8 );         // get Y coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 1 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 46, 8 );         // get Z coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 2 ] = v;    
        getDouble1( line, &v, 54, 9 );         // get charge
        ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 3 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 63, 7 );         // get radius
        ( *atm )[ 5 * n + 4 ] = v;   
   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool readAtomsAndResidues( char *pqrFile, int *nAtm, double **atm, int *nRes, RESIDUE **res, int *nChn, int **chn )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   int numAtoms = 0, numRes = 0, numChains = 1;

   char line[ 101 ];
   int l = -1;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];
        char tmp1[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore
        //i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get residue name, and ignore
        //i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp1 );   // get residue name, and ignore

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number


        if ( j != l ) numRes++;
        if ( j < l ) numChains++;

        l = j;

   fclose( fp );

   *nAtm = numAtoms;
   *nRes = numRes;
   *nChn = numChains;
   ( *atm ) = ( double * ) malloc( 7 * ( *nAtm ) * sizeof( double ) );
   ( *res ) = ( RESIDUE * ) malloc( ( *nRes ) * sizeof( RESIDUE ) );
   ( *chn ) = ( int * ) malloc( ( *nChn + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) );   

   if ( ( *atm == NULL ) || ( *res == NULL ) || ( *chn == NULL ) )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to allocate memory!" );
        return false;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
         printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
         return false;

   int k = 0, n = 0, c = 1;
   l = -1;
   ( *chn )[ 0 ] = 0;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];
        char tmp1[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number

        if ( j != l )
            if ( j < l ) ( *chn )[ c++ ] = k;

            ( *res )[ k ].resNum = j;
            ( *res )[ k ].chainID = c;
            ( *res )[ k ].resID = getResidueID( tmp );

            l = j;
        double v;  
        getDouble1( line, &v, 30, 8 );         // get X coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 0 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 38, 8 );         // get Y coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 1 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 46, 8 );         // get Z coordinate
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 2 ] = v;    
        getDouble1( line, &v, 54, 9 );         // get charge
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 3 ] = v;    

        getDouble1( line, &v, 63, 7 );         // get radius
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 4 ] = v;   

        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 5 ] = j;            // residue number  
        ( *atm )[ 7 * n + 6 ] = c;            // chain number  
   ( *chn )[ c ] = k;  

   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
bool readResidues( char *pqrFile, int *nRes, RESIDUE **res, int *nChn, int **chn )
   FILE *fp;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
        return false;

   int numRes = 0, numChains = 1;

   char line[ 101 ];
   int l = -1;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];
        char tmp1[ 100 ];

        getString1( line, tmp, 0, 6 );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name, and ignore	

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number

        if ( j != l ) numRes++;
        if ( j < l ) numChains++;

        l = j;

   fclose( fp );

   *nRes = numRes;
   *nChn = numChains;
   ( *res ) = ( RESIDUE * ) malloc( ( *nRes ) * sizeof( RESIDUE ) );
   ( *chn ) = ( int * ) malloc( ( *nChn + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) );   

   if ( ( *res == NULL ) || ( *chn == NULL ) )
        printError( (char *)"Failed to allocate memory!" );
        return false;

   fp = fopen( pqrFile, (char *)"rt" );

   if ( fp == NULL )
         printError( (char *)"Failed to open PQR file (%s)!", pqrFile );
         return false;

   int k = 0, c = 1;
   l = -1;
   ( *chn )[ 0 ] = 0;

   while ( fgets( line, 100, fp ) != NULL )
        int i = 0, j;
        char tmp[ 100 ];
        char tmp1[ 100 ];

        i = getAlphaString( line, i, tmp );   // get 'ATOM'/'HETATM', and ignore

        if ( tmp[ 0 ] != 'A' ) continue;

	// old
        //i = getInt( line, i, &j );            // get atom number, and ignore
        //i = getString( line, i, tmp );        // get atom name, and ignore

        getString1( line, tmp, 17, 3 );   // get residue name

        getInt1( line, &j, 22, 4 );            // get residue number

        if ( j != l )
            if ( j < l ) ( *chn )[ c++ ] = k;

            ( *res )[ k ].resNum = j;
            ( *res )[ k ].chainID = c;
            ( *res )[ k ].resID = getResidueID( tmp );

            l = j;
   ( *chn )[ c ] = k;  

   fclose( fp );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int scanresp(IOStr *io,int op,int seq,OpQue *qop,const char *resp,int rcc){
	int rv;
	int nl;

	if( op == OP_InitialResp ){
	if( resp[0] == EV_KeyPress ){
		fprintf(stderr," seq=%d\n",seq);
		rv = getInt1(io,"evcode");
		rv = getInt1(io,"KEYCODE");
			toFlash(io->in_Xf,"KeyPress code=%d",rv);
		rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/Seq#");
		if( resp[0] == EV_KeyPress ){
			rv = getInt4(io,"TIMESTAMP/time");
			rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/root");
			rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/event");
			rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/child");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/root-x");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/root-y");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/event-x");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/event-y");
			rv = getInt2(io,"SETofKEYBUTMASK/state");
			rv = getInt1(io,"BOOL/same-screen");
		fprintf(stderr," seq=%d\n",seq);
		rv = getInt1(io,"Reply");
		rv = getInt1(io,"opt");
		rv = getInt2(io,"CARD16/Seq#");
		if( op == OP_QueryExtension ){
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/length");
			rv = getInt1(io,"BOOL/present");
			rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/major-opcode");
fprintf(stderr,"------------- #%d got opcode=%d, put it into Op Table\n",qop?qop->oq_seq:0,rv);
			rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/first-event");
			rv = getInt1(io,"CARD8/first-error");
		if( op == OP_InternAtom ){
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/length");
			rv = getInt4(io,"ATOM/atom");
		if( op == OP_GetProperty ){
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/length");
			rv = getInt4(io,"ATOM/atom");
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/bytes-after");
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/length-of-value-in-format-units");
			rv = getPadN(io,"unused",12);
		if( op == OP_QueryPointer ){
			rv = getInt4(io,"CARD32/length");
			rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/root");
			rv = getInt4(io,"WINDOW/child");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/root-x");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/root-y");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/win-x");
			rv = getInt2(io,"INT16/win-y");
			rv = getInt2(io,"SETofKEYBUTMASK/mask");
	return 0;