Exemplo n.º 1
REAL computeSolvation(int size1, int size2,  int * type1_m_aTypes, int * type2_m_aTypes, int type1, int type2,
                       REAL *  dists,
                      int diff)
#pragma HLS INLINE recursive
    //assert(diff >= 0);
    REAL sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++)
            int ex = isExcluded(diff, type1, i, type2, j);
            if (ex != EXCLUDED)
                REAL lambda1 = getLambda(type1, i, type1_m_aTypes[i]);
                REAL lambda2 = getLambda(type2, j, type2_m_aTypes[j]);
		REAL dists_param = dists[i*MAX_ROTAMER_SIZE + j];
                sum += computeSolventEffect(type1_m_aTypes[i],
                                            dists_param, lambda1, lambda2, ex == PAIR1_4);
    return sum;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool tedop::SweepLine::coincideOK( plysegment* line, plysegment* cross, float lps, float rps) {
   // first we going to check that the points laying on the line are not 
   // outside the segment
   // i.e. if neither of the entry points are lying on the segment line
   // then there is nothing to check further here, get out
   // In fact the result returned here doesn't really matter, because this case should
   // be in place only after the first pair of isLeft() checks in intersect()
   // if false is returned, the second pair of isLeft() should reject this case as
   // non-crossing.
   float lambdaL = (0 == lps) ? getLambda(line->lP, line->rP, cross->lP) : 0;
   float lambdaR = (0 == rps) ? getLambda(line->lP, line->rP, cross->rP) : 0;
   // filter-out all cases when both lines have no common points
   if (((0 != lps) || (lambdaL < 0)) && ((0 != rps) || (lambdaR < 0))) return true;
   // filter-out the cases when both lines have exactly one common point
   // and it is an edge point of both segmets
   bool Ljoint = (0==lps) && (0 == lambdaL);
   bool Rjoint = (0==rps) && (0 == lambdaR);
   if ((!Ljoint && Rjoint) || (!Rjoint && Ljoint)) return true;
   // now start checking the coincidence case
   //get the _plist index of the points in segment cross
   int indxLP = (*(cross->lP) == _plist[cross->edge]) ? cross->edge : cross->edge + 1;
   int indxRP = (*(cross->rP) == _plist[cross->edge]) ? cross->edge : cross->edge + 1;
   // make sure they are not the same
   assert(indxLP != indxRP);
   // we'll pickup the neighbour of the point(s) laying on the line and will
   // recalculate the lps/rps for them. 
   do {
      // the code below just increments/decrements the indexes in the point sequence
      // they look so weird, to keep the indexes within [0:_numv-1] boundaries
      bool indxpos = indxLP > indxRP;
      if (0 == lps)
         if (indxpos) ++indxLP % _numv;
         else (0==indxLP) ? indxLP = _numv-1 : indxLP--;
      if (0 == rps)
         if (!indxpos) ++indxRP % _numv;
         else (0==indxRP) ? indxRP = _numv-1 : indxRP--;
      // calculate lps/rps with the new points   
      lps = isLeft(line->lP, line->rP, &_plist[indxLP]);
      rps = isLeft(line->lP, line->rP, &_plist[indxRP]);
   } while (0 == (lps * rps));
   return (lps*rps > 0) ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LaplacianSmoothing::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setIterationSteps( reader->readValue("IterationSteps", getIterationSteps()) );
  setLambda( reader->readValue("Lambda", getLambda()) );
  setTripleLineLambda( reader->readValue("TripleLineLambda", getTripleLineLambda()) );
  setQuadPointLambda( reader->readValue("QuadPointLambda", getQuadPointLambda()) );
  setSurfacePointLambda( reader->readValue("SurfacePointLambda", getSurfacePointLambda()) );
  setSurfaceTripleLineLambda( reader->readValue("SurfaceTripleLineLambda", getSurfaceTripleLineLambda()) );
  setSurfaceQuadPointLambda( reader->readValue("SurfaceQuadPointLambda", getSurfaceQuadPointLambda()) );
  setSurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("SurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath() ) );
  setSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath() ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LaplacianSmoothing::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  parameters.push_back(IntFilterParameter::New("Iteration Steps", "IterationSteps", getIterationSteps(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Default Lambda", "Lambda", getLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Triple Line Lambda", "TripleLineLambda", getTripleLineLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Quadruple Points Lambda", "QuadPointLambda", getQuadPointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Points Lambda", "SurfacePointLambda", getSurfacePointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Triple Line Lambda", "SurfaceTripleLineLambda", getSurfaceTripleLineLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Quadruple Points Lambda", "SurfaceQuadPointLambda", getSurfaceQuadPointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Vertex Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
  parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Node Type", "SurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Face Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
  parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Face Labels", "SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
Exemplo n.º 5
TEST_F(ThermoPhase_Fixture, SetAndGetElementPotentials)

  // Check that getElementPotentials returns false if no element potentials have been set yet.
  vector_fp getLambda(3);

  vector_fp tooSmall(2);
  EXPECT_THROW(test_phase.setElementPotentials(tooSmall), CanteraError);

  vector_fp setLambda(3);
  setLambda[0] = 1.;
  setLambda[1] = 2.;
  setLambda[2] = 3.;

  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(setLambda[0], getLambda[0]);
  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(setLambda[1], getLambda[1]);
  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(setLambda[2], getLambda[2]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LaplacianSmoothing::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  parameters.push_back(IntFilterParameter::New("Iteration Steps", "IterationSteps", getIterationSteps(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Default Lambda", "Lambda", getLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Triple Line Lambda", "TripleLineLambda", getTripleLineLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Quadruple Points Lambda", "QuadPointLambda", getQuadPointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Points Lambda", "SurfacePointLambda", getSurfacePointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Triple Line Lambda", "SurfaceTripleLineLambda", getSurfaceTripleLineLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(DoubleFilterParameter::New("Outer Quadruple Points Lambda", "SurfaceQuadPointLambda", getSurfaceQuadPointLambda(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Vertex Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
    DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req = DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::CreateRequirement(SIMPL::TypeNames::Int8, 1, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Vertex, SIMPL::GeometryType::TriangleGeometry);
    parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Node Type", "SurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshNodeTypeArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Face Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
    DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req = DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::CreateRequirement(SIMPL::TypeNames::Int32, 2, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Face, SIMPL::GeometryType::TriangleGeometry);
    parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Face Labels", "SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath", getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));
Exemplo n.º 7
int runLRS(string fName, int numSamples, bool silent)
	cout << "numSamples: " << numSamples << endl;
	cout << "Getting gammas..." << endl;
	int best = INT_MAX;
	vector<double> gammaIn;
	vector<LPEdge> hkSoln = getHKSolutions(fName, silent);
	vector<ModEdge> graph = xToZ(lpToMod(hkSoln));
	vector<double> lambda = getLambda(graph);
	weightGraph(graph, lambda);
	int numNodes = getNumNodes(graph);
	Graph g = Graph(fName, silent);
	cout << "Done getting gammas" << endl;

	int numErrs = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) shared(gammaIn, graph, lambda, g, numNodes)
		#pragma omp for 
		for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
			int n = numNodes;
			int cur = getLRSTourFast(graph, lambda, g, n);
#pragma omp critical

				if (cur < best)
					best = cur;
				if (cur == INT_MAX)
#pragma omp flush(best)
	cout << "Number of errors: " << numErrs << " out of " << numSamples << " samples" << endl;
	return best;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: MD_EL.cpp Projeto: lcpt/xc
double XC::MDEvolutionLaw::getKp( EPState *EPS , double dummy) {

    //clog << "el-pl EPS: " <<  *EPS ;
    //calculate  n_ij
    XC::stresstensor S = EPS->getStress().deviator();
    double p = EPS->getStress().p_hydrostatic();
    XC::stresstensor alpha = EPS->getTensorVar( 1 );  // alpha_ij
    XC::stresstensor r = S * (1.0 / p);
    XC::stresstensor r_bar = r - alpha;
    XC::stresstensor norm2 = r_bar("ij") * r_bar("ij");
    double norm = sqrt( norm2.trace() );
    XC::stresstensor n;
    if ( norm >= d_macheps() ){ 
      n = ( r  - alpha ) *(1.0 / norm );
    else {
      ::printf(" \n\n n_ij not defined!!!! Program exits\n");
    //calculating b_ij

    //Calculate the state parameters xi 
    double e = EPS->getScalarVar(3);
    double ec = getec_ref() - getLambda() * log( p/getp_ref() );
    double xi = e - ec;

    //Calculating the lode angle theta
    double J2_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant2();
    double J3_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant3();

    double tempd = 3.0*pow(3.0, 0.5)/2.0*J3_bar/ pow( J2_bar, 1.5);
    if (tempd > 1.0 ) tempd = 1.0; //bug. if tempd = 1.00000000003, acos gives nan
    if (tempd < -1.0 ) tempd = -1.0;
    double theta = acos( tempd ) / 3.0;

    //calculate the alpha_theta_b and alpha_theta_d
    double m = EPS->getScalarVar(1);
    double c = getMe() / getMc();

    double cd = getke_d() / getkc_d();
    XC::stresstensor alpha_theta_d = n("ij") * (g_WW(theta, c) * Mc + g_WW(theta, cd) * kc_d * xi - m) * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5);

    double cb = getke_b() / getkc_b();
    if ( xi > 0.0 ) xi = 0.0;  // < -xi >
    XC::stresstensor alpha_theta_b = n("ij") * (g_WW(theta, c) * Mc - g_WW(theta, cb) * kc_b * xi - m) * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5);

    // calculating h
    XC::stresstensor b;
    b =  alpha_theta_b - alpha;
    XC::stresstensor d;
    d =  alpha_theta_d - alpha;

    double alpha_c_b = g_WW(0.0, c) * Mc + g_WW(0.0, cb) * kc_b * (-xi) - m;
    double b_ref = 2.0 * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5) * alpha_c_b;

    BJtensor temp1 = b("ij") * n("ij");
    double bn = temp1.trace();

    temp1 = d("ij") * n("ij");
    double dn = temp1.trace();

    // Calculating A
    XC::stresstensor F = EPS->getTensorVar( 2 );   // getting  F_ij from XC::EPState
    temp1 = F("ij") * n("ij");
    double temp = temp1.trace();
    if (temp < 0)   temp = 0;
    double A = Ao*(1.0 + temp);

    double h = getho() * fabs(bn) / ( b_ref - fabs(bn) ); 
    clog << "ho =" << getho()  << "   h =" << h << std::endl;


    double Kp = h * bn + pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5) * getCm() * ( 1.0 + geteo() ) * A * dn;
    //double Kp = pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5) * getCm() * ( 1.0 + geteo() ) * A * dn;
    Kp = Kp * p;

    return Kp;

Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: MD_EL.cpp Projeto: lcpt/xc
void XC::MDEvolutionLaw::UpdateAllVars( EPState *EPS, double dlamda) {
    //calculate  n_ij
    XC::stresstensor S = EPS->getStress().deviator();
    double p = EPS->getStress().p_hydrostatic();
    XC::stresstensor alpha = EPS->getTensorVar( 1 );  // alpha_ij

    // Find the norm of alpha
    BJtensor norm_alphat = alpha("ij") * alpha("ij");
    double norm_alpha = sqrt( norm_alphat.trace() );
    XC::stresstensor r = S * (1.0 / p);
    XC::stresstensor r_bar = r - alpha;
    XC::stresstensor norm2 = r_bar("ij") * r_bar("ij");
    double norm = sqrt( norm2.trace() );
    XC::stresstensor n;
    if ( norm >= d_macheps() ){ 
      n = ( r  - alpha ) *(1.0 / norm );
    else {
      ::printf(" \n\n n_ij not defined!!!! Program exits\n");
    //EPS->setTensorVar( 3, n); //update n_ij//

    // Update E_Young corresponding to current stress state
    double p_atm = 100.0; //Kpa, atmospheric pressure
    double E = EPS->getE();  // old E_Young
    double E_new = EPS->getEo() * pow( (p/p_atm), geta() ); 
    EPS->setE( E_new );

    // Update void ratio
    double e = EPS->getScalarVar(3);
    double D = EPS->getScalarVar(2);
    double elastic_strain_vol = EPS->getdElasticStrain().Iinvariant1();
    double plastic_strain_vol = EPS->getdPlasticStrain().Iinvariant1();

    double de_p = -( 1.0 + e ) * plastic_strain_vol; // plastic change of void ratio ?? e or eo?
    double de_e = -( 1.0 + e ) * elastic_strain_vol; // elastic change of void ratio ????
    clog << "get dPlasticStrain-vol" << plastic_strain_vol << std::endl;
    clog << "get dElasticStrain-vol" << elastic_strain_vol << std::endl;

    clog << "^^^^^^^^^^^ de_e = " << de_e << " de_p = " << de_p << std::endl; 
    double new_e = e + de_p + de_e;

    EPS->setScalarVar( 3, new_e ); // Updating e

    //Calculate the state parameters xi 
    double ec = getec_ref() - getLambda() * log( p/getp_ref() );

    double xi = e - ec;

    // Update D 
    double m = EPS->getScalarVar(1);
    XC::stresstensor F = EPS->getTensorVar( 2 );   // getting  F_ij from XC::EPState
    BJtensor temp_tensor = F("ij") * n("ij");
    double temp = temp_tensor.trace();
    if (temp < 0)   temp = 0;
    double A = Ao*(1.0 + temp);

    //Calculating the lode angle theta
    double J2_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant2();
    double J3_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant3();
    double tempd = 3.0*pow(3.0, 0.5)/2.0*J3_bar/ pow( J2_bar, 1.5);

    if (tempd > 1.0 ) tempd = 1.0; //bug. if tempd = 1.00000000003, acos gives nan
    if (tempd < -1.0 ) tempd = -1.0;

    double theta = acos( tempd ) / 3.0;
    //calculate the alpha_theta_b and alpha_theta_d
    double c = getMe() / getMc();

    double cd = getke_d() / getkc_d();
    double alpha_theta_dd = (g_WW(theta, c) * Mc + g_WW(theta, cd) * kc_d * xi - m);
    XC::stresstensor alpha_theta_d = n("ij") * alpha_theta_dd * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5);

    double cb = getke_b() / getkc_b();
    if ( xi > 0 ) xi = 0.0;  // < -xi >
    double alpha_theta_bd = (g_WW(theta, c) * Mc + g_WW(theta, cb) * kc_b * (-xi) - m);
    XC::stresstensor alpha_theta_b = n("ij") *alpha_theta_bd * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5);

    XC::stresstensor b;
    b =  alpha_theta_b - alpha;
    XC::stresstensor d;
    d =  alpha_theta_d - alpha;

    BJtensor temp1 = d("ij") * n("ij");
    double D_new = temp1.trace() * A;
    //Check the restrictions on D
    if ( (xi > 0.0) && ( D_new < 0.0) )
       D_new = 0.0;  

    EPS->setScalarVar(2, D_new);  // Updating D
    //EPS->setScalarVar(2, 0.0);  // Updating D
    // Update m
    double dm = dlamda * getCm() * ( 1.0 + e ) * D;
    EPS->setScalarVar(1, m + dm); // Updating m
    clog  << std::endl << "dm = " << dm << std::endl;

    // Update alpha

    //calculate b_ref
    double alpha_c_b = g_WW(0.0, c) * Mc + g_WW(0.0, cb) * kc_b * (-xi) - m;
    double b_ref = 2.0 * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5) * alpha_c_b;
    temp1 = b("ij") * n("ij");
    double bn = temp1.trace();
    clog << "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  bn " << bn << std::endl;

    double h = getho() * fabs(bn) / ( b_ref - fabs(bn) );
    //h = h + pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5) * getCm() * ( 1.0 + geteo() ) * A * bn;

    clog << " ||b|| " << (alpha_theta_bd - norm_alpha) << std::endl;
    clog << " dlamda " << dlamda << " h = " << h << std::endl;

    XC::stresstensor dalpha;
    dalpha = dlamda * h * b("ij");
    clog << "delta alpha =" << dalpha << std::endl;
    //dalpha.reportshortpqtheta("\n dalpha ");
    alpha = alpha + dalpha;
    EPS->setTensorVar(1, alpha);

    // Update F
    XC::stresstensor dF;
    if ( D > 0.0 ) D = 0.0;
    dF =  dlamda * getCf() * (-D) * ( getFmax() * n("ij") + F("ij") );
    //clog << "dF" << dF;
    F = F - dF;
    EPS->setTensorVar(2, F);

Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: MD_EL.cpp Projeto: lcpt/xc
void XC::MDEvolutionLaw::setInitD(EPState  *EPS) {

    //calculate  n_ij
    XC::stresstensor S = EPS->getStress().deviator();
    double p = EPS->getStress().p_hydrostatic();
    XC::stresstensor alpha = EPS->getTensorVar( 1 );  // alpha_ij

    // Find the norm of alpha
    BJtensor norm_alphat = alpha("ij") * alpha("ij");
    double norm_alpha = sqrt( norm_alphat.trace() );
    XC::stresstensor r = S * (1.0 / p);
    XC::stresstensor r_bar = r - alpha;
    XC::stresstensor norm2 = r_bar("ij") * r_bar("ij");
    double norm = sqrt( norm2.trace() );
    XC::stresstensor n;
    if ( norm >= d_macheps() ){ 
      n = ( r  - alpha ) *(1.0 / norm );
    else {
      ::printf(" \n\n n_ij not defined!!!! Program exits\n");

    //Calculate the state parameters xi 
    double e = EPS->getScalarVar(3);
    double ec = getec_ref() - getLambda() * log( p/getp_ref() );
    double xi = e - ec;

    //calculating A
    double m = EPS->getScalarVar(1);
    XC::stresstensor F = EPS->getTensorVar( 2 );   // getting  F_ij from XC::EPState
    BJtensor temp_tensor = F("ij") * n("ij");
    double temp = temp_tensor.trace();
    if (temp < 0)   temp = 0;
    double A = Ao*(1.0 + temp);

    //Calculating the lode angle theta
    double J2_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant2();
    double J3_bar = r_bar.Jinvariant3();
    double tempd = 3.0*pow(3.0, 0.5)/2.0*J3_bar/ pow( J2_bar, 1.5);

    if (tempd > 1.0 ) tempd = 1.0; //bug. if tempd = 1.00000000003, acos gives nan
    if (tempd < -1.0 ) tempd = -1.0;

    double theta = acos( tempd ) / 3.0;
    //calculate the alpha_theta_b and alpha_theta_d
    double c = getMe() / getMc();

    double cd = getke_d() / getkc_d();
    double alpha_theta_dd = (g_WW(theta, c) * Mc + g_WW(theta, cd) * kc_d * xi - m);
    XC::stresstensor alpha_theta_d = n("ij") * alpha_theta_dd * pow(2.0/3.0, 0.5);

    XC::stresstensor d;
    d =  alpha_theta_d - alpha;

    BJtensor temp1 = d("ij") * n("ij");
    double D_new = temp1.trace() * A;
    //Check the restrictions on D
    if ( (xi > 0.0) && ( D_new < 0.0) )
       D_new = 0.0;  

    EPS->setScalarVar(2, D_new);  // Updating D
Exemplo n.º 11
double CKM::gets12()
    return getLambda();
double QFFCSMaxEntEvaluationItem::getDLSQ(QFRawDataRecord *r, int index, int model) const
    return 4.0*M_PI*getRefIndx(r, index, model)/(getLambda(r, index, model)/1e3)*sin(getTheta(r, index, model)/180.0*M_PI/2.0);
double QFFCSMaxEntEvaluationItem::getDLSQ() const
    return 4.0*M_PI*getRefIndx()/(getLambda()/1e3)*sin(getTheta()/180.0*M_PI/2.0);