Exemplo n.º 1
 Determine whether application *app needs to be updated.
 Returns latest app version from game server in *app.
 Not needed by most user programs.

 Returns dp_RES_OK if update needed,
 dp_RES_EMPTY if no update needed.
DP_API dp_result_t DP_APIX dpCheckAppVersion(
	dp_t* dp,
	dp_appParam_t *app)

	getLatest(dp, app);   /* Ignore errors */

	if ((app->latest.major == dp_VERS_UNKNOWN)
	||  (app->latest.minor == dp_VERS_UNKNOWN)) {
		DPRINT(("dpCheckAppVersion: no version info available for this app?\n"));
		return dp_RES_EMPTY;
	if ((app->current.major > app->latest.major)
	||  ((app->current.major == app->latest.major)
	   && (app->current.minor >= app->latest.minor))) {
		DPRINT(("dpCheckAppVersion: this app is up to date.\n"));
		return dp_RES_EMPTY;

	DPRINT(("dpCheckAppVersion: app needs updating: version cur %d/%d < latest %d/%d\n", 
			app->current.major, app->current.minor,
			app->latest.major, app->latest.minor));
	return dp_RES_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
 // dump data
 void dumpToFile(std::string path,
                 std::string tag,
                 std::string s) const {
   const station_info si(s, lineBreak());
   boost::filesystem::fstream *ofs(0);
   ofs = dumpSingle(ofs, path, tag, this, si);
   for (auto const& h : handles_)
     ofs = dumpSingle(ofs, path, tag, h.get(), si);
   updateTimeTag(*ofs, posEndTime_, getLatest()->makeTimeLabel());
   delete ofs;
Exemplo n.º 3
int Approximator::run(double precision, double stepsize) {
     if(precision <= 0) return 1;
     int numverts = Triangulation::vertexTable.size();
     double curvs[2][numverts];
     double radii[2][numverts];

     int prev = 0;
     int curr;

     getLatest(radii[prev], curvs[prev]);
        curr = (prev + 1)%2;
        getLatest(radii[curr], curvs[curr]);
        prev = curr;
     } while(! (isPrecise(precision, curvs[0], curvs[1]) || errno) );
     return errno;
Exemplo n.º 4
int Approximator::run(double precision, int maxNumSteps, double stepsize) {
     if(precision <= 0) return 1;
     int numverts = Triangulation::vertexTable.size();
     double curvs[2][numverts];
     double radii[2][numverts];
     int prev = 0;
     int curr;

     getLatest(radii[prev], curvs[prev]);
     for(int ii = 0; ii < maxNumSteps && !errno; ii++){
        curr = (prev + 1)%2;
        getLatest(radii[curr], curvs[curr]);
        prev = curr;
        if( isPrecise(precision, curvs[0], curvs[1]) ) {
           return errno;
     return errno;
Exemplo n.º 5
IResultPtr PerforceDepotView::move(const char* srcFile, const char* dstFile, ChangeListId changeListId)
	std::stringstream command;
	PathList paths;
	checkout(paths, changeListId);
	if (changeListId != kDefaultChangelist)
		command << "move -c " << changeListId << " -f " << EscapePaths(paths);
		command << "move -f " << EscapePaths(paths);
	return RunCommand(command.str());
Exemplo n.º 6
int ActionStack::resolve()
    Interruptible * action = getLatest(NOT_RESOLVED);

    if (!action)
        return 0;

    DebugTrace("Resolving Action on stack: " << action->getDisplayName());
    if (action->resolve())
        action->state = RESOLVED_OK;
        action->state = RESOLVED_NOK;
    if (action->type == ACTION_DAMAGE)
        ((Damage *) action)->target->afterDamage();
    if (!getNext(NULL, NOT_RESOLVED))
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (interruptDecision[i] != 2)
                interruptDecision[i] = NOT_DECIDED;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (interruptDecision[i] != DONT_INTERRUPT_ALL)
                interruptDecision[i] = NOT_DECIDED;
    lastActionController = NULL;
    return 1;

Exemplo n.º 7
void ActionStack::Update(float dt)
    //This is a hack to avoid updating the stack while tuto messages are being shown
    //Ideally, the tuto messages should be moved to a layer above this one
    //No need for Tuto when no human in game
    if (getCurrentTutorial() && (observer->players[0]->isHuman() || observer->players[1]->isHuman() ) )

    askIfWishesToInterrupt = NULL;
    //modal = 0;

    TargetChooser * tc = observer->getCurrentTargetChooser();
    int newState = observer->getCurrentGamePhase();
    currentState = newState;
    if (!tc)
        checked = 0;

    //Select Stack's display mode
    if (mode == ACTIONSTACK_STANDARD && tc && !checked)
        checked = 1;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < mObjects.size(); i++)
            Interruptible * current = (Interruptible *) mObjects[i];
            if (tc->canTarget(current))
                if (mCurr < (int) mObjects.size() && mObjects[mCurr])
                current->display = 1;
                mCurr = i;
                mode = ACTIONSTACK_TARGET;
                modal = 1;
                current->display = 0;
        if (mode != ACTIONSTACK_TARGET)
    else if (mode == ACTIONSTACK_TARGET && !tc)
        checked = 0;

        modal = 0;
        if (getLatest(NOT_RESOLVED) && !tc)
            Interruptible * currentSpell = (Interruptible *)getLatest(NOT_RESOLVED);
            MTGCardInstance * card = currentSpell->source;
            if(card && card->has(Constants::SPLITSECOND))
                int currentPlayerId = 0;
                int otherPlayerId = 1;
                if (observer->currentlyActing() != observer->players[0])
                    currentPlayerId = 1;
                    otherPlayerId = 0;
                if (interruptDecision[currentPlayerId] == NOT_DECIDED)
                    askIfWishesToInterrupt = observer->players[currentPlayerId];
                    observer->isInterrupting = observer->players[currentPlayerId];
                    modal = 1;
                else if (interruptDecision[currentPlayerId] == INTERRUPT)
                    observer->isInterrupting = observer->players[currentPlayerId];

                    if (interruptDecision[otherPlayerId] == NOT_DECIDED)
                        askIfWishesToInterrupt = observer->players[otherPlayerId];
                        observer->isInterrupting = observer->players[otherPlayerId];
                        modal = 1;
                    else if (interruptDecision[otherPlayerId] == INTERRUPT)
                        observer->isInterrupting = observer->players[otherPlayerId];
    else if (mode == ACTIONSTACK_TARGET)
    if (askIfWishesToInterrupt)
        // WALDORF - added code to use a game option setting to determine how
        // long the Interrupt timer should be. If it is set to zero (0), the
        // game will wait for ever for the user to make a selection.
        if (options[Options::INTERRUPT_SECONDS].number > 0)
            int extraTime = 0;
            //extraTime is a multiplier, it counts the number of unresolved stack actions
            //then is used to extend the time you have to interupt.
            //this prevents you from "running out of time" while deciding.
            //before this int was added, it was possible to run out of time if you had 10 stack actions
            //and set the timer to 4 secs. BUG FIX //http://code.google.com/p/wagic/issues/detail?id=464
            extraTime = count(0, NOT_RESOLVED, 0);
            if (extraTime == 0)
                extraTime = 1;//we never want this int to be 0.

            if (timer < 0)
                timer = static_cast<float>(options[Options::INTERRUPT_SECONDS].number * extraTime);
            timer -= dt;
            if (timer < 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 Enumerate applications installed on this machine.
 Callback is called once for each application found.
 Callback ends when dpEnumApp() exits.
DP_API dp_result_t DP_APIX	/* status */
	dp_t* dp,				/* (input) info about latest versions */
	dpEnumAppCallback_t cb,	/* (input) callback for app info */
	void *context)			/* (input) context for callback */
	CHAR	 GamePath[MAX_PATH];
	CHAR	 GameArgs[MAX_PATH];
	CHAR	 GameShellOpts[MAX_PATH];

	CHAR     ClassName[MAX_PATH] = ""; /* Buffer for class name. */
	DWORD    dwcClassLen = MAX_PATH;   /* Length of class string. */
	DWORD    dwcSubKeys;               /* Number of sub keys. */
	DWORD    dwcMaxSubKey;             /* Longest sub key size. */
	DWORD    dwcMaxClass;              /* Longest class string. */
	DWORD    dwcValues;                /* Number of values for this key. */
	DWORD    dwcMaxValueName;          /* Longest Value name. */
	DWORD    dwcMaxValueData;          /* Longest Value data. */
	DWORD    dwcSecDesc;               /* Security descriptor. */
	FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;          /* Last write time. */
	HKEY   hKeyApp;				/* Key handle of SubKey. */
	HKEY   hKeyVal;				/* Key handle of specific application. */
	CHAR   AppName[MAX_PATH];	/* Name of specific application. */
	INT    loopApp;  			/* Application index. */
	INT	   loopVal;  			/* Value index. */
	CHAR   ValueName[MAX_VALUE_NAME];   /* Name of value. */
	DWORD  cbValueName;			/* Size of value name. */
	DWORD  dwType;     			/* Type of data. */
	CHAR   *bData;   	/* Data buffer. */
	DWORD  cbData;    	/* Size of data buffer. */
	DWORD  retCodeApp;	/* Error when accessing application list handles. */
	DWORD  retCodeVal;	/* Error when accessing application handles. */
	CHAR   *Param;
	dp_result_t err = dp_RES_OK;

	dp_appParam_t appParam;

    precondition(cb != NULL);


	appParam.name = GameName;
	appParam.path = GamePath;
	appParam.args = GameArgs;
	appParam.cwd = GameCwd;
	appParam.shellOpts = GameShellOpts;

	#if defined(dp_ANET2)
		/* Set up the server-list table (the list of latest version number) */
        if(dp != NULL) {
		    if(dp->apps == NULL) {
			    err = dp_createAppsList(dp);
			    if (err != dp_RES_OK) {
				    DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: Could not create apps, err:%d\n",err));
				    return dp_RES_BAD;
                err = dp_subscribeAppsList(dp);
			    if (err != dp_RES_OK) {
				    DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: Could not subscribe apps, err:%d\n",err));
				    return dp_RES_BAD;

	/* Open the key for list of games and get info about it. */
	retCodeApp = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyRoot, SubKey, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &hKeyApp);
	if (retCodeApp) {
		DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegOpenKeyEx/hKeyApp rCode:%d\n", retCodeApp));
		return dp_RES_BAD;
	retCodeApp = RegQueryInfoKey(hKeyApp, ClassName, &dwcClassLen, NULL,
				&dwcSubKeys, &dwcMaxSubKey, &dwcMaxClass, &dwcValues,
				&dwcMaxValueName, &dwcMaxValueData, &dwcSecDesc, &ftLastWriteTime);
	/*DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: ClassName=%s, dwcClassLen=%d, dwcSubKeys=%d, dwcMaxClass=%d,\n\t dwcValues=%d; dwcMaxValueName=%s, dwcMaxValueData=%s\n", ClassName, dwcClassLen, dwcSubKeys, dwcMaxClass, dwcValues, dwcMaxValueName, dwcMaxValueData)); */
	if (retCodeApp) {
		DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegQIK/hKeyApp rCode:%d\n", retCodeApp));
		return dp_RES_BAD;

	retCodeApp = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	for (loopApp = 0; retCodeApp == ERROR_SUCCESS; loopApp++) {
		/* Get a game name, open its key, and get info. */
		retCodeApp = RegEnumKey(hKeyApp, loopApp, AppName, MAX_PATH);
		if (retCodeApp != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			if (retCodeApp == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
			} else {
				DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegEnumKey/hKeyApp rCode:%d\n", retCodeApp));
	 			return dp_RES_BAD;
		if (!AppName) {
			DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: found a NULL AppName\n"));

		retCodeApp = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyApp, AppName, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, &hKeyVal);
		if (retCodeApp != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegOpenKeyEx/hKeyVal rCode:%d\n", retCodeApp));
 			return dp_RES_BAD;

		dwcClassLen = MAX_PATH;
		retCodeApp = RegQueryInfoKey(hKeyVal, ClassName, &dwcClassLen, NULL,
					 &dwcSubKeys, &dwcMaxSubKey, &dwcMaxClass, &dwcValues,
					 &dwcMaxValueName, &dwcMaxValueData, &dwcSecDesc,
		if (retCodeApp != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegQIK/hKeyVal rCode:%d\n", retCodeApp));
 			return dp_RES_BAD;

		*appParam.name = '\0';
		*appParam.path = '\0';
		*appParam.args = '\0';
		*appParam.cwd = '\0';
		*appParam.shellOpts = '\0';
		appParam.sessionType = 0;

		bData = malloc(dwcMaxValueData);
		for (loopVal = 0, retCodeVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; retCodeVal ==
			 ERROR_SUCCESS; loopVal++) {

			bData[0] = '\0';
			ValueName[0] = '\0';
			cbData = dwcMaxValueData;
			cbValueName = MAX_VALUE_NAME;
			/* Enumerate the key values. */
			retCodeVal = RegEnumValue(hKeyVal, loopVal, ValueName,
								&cbValueName, NULL, &dwType, bData, &cbData);
			if (retCodeVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
									retCodeVal != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
					DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: RegEnumValue = %d cbData = %d line %d\n"
						   , retCodeVal, cbData, __LINE__));
 					return dp_RES_BAD;
			} else if (ValueName) {
				/*DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: loopVal=%d, ValueName=%s, cbValueName=%d, dwType=%d,\n\t bData=%s, cbData=%d; retCodeVal=%d\n", loopVal, ValueName, cbValueName, dwType, bData, cbData, retCodeVal)); */
				/* Process the value accordingly. */

				if (bData) {
					Param = _strlwr(ValueName);
					if(!strcmp("cwd", Param)) {
						int len = strlen(bData);
						strcpy(appParam.cwd, bData);
						/* remove trailing slashes */
						if ((len > 3) && (appParam.cwd[len - 1] == '\\')) {
							appParam.cwd[len - 1] = 0;							
//					} else if (!strcmp("name", Param)) {
//						strcpy(appParam.name, bData);
//					} else if(!strcmp("run", Param)) {
//						strcpy(appParam.path, bData);
//					} else if(!strcmp("cmdline", Param)) {
//						strcpy(appParam.args, bData);
//					} else if(!strcmp("sessiontype", Param)) {
//						appParam.sessionType = (dp_species_t) (*(int *)bData);
				} else {
					DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: got a NULL bData\n"));
			} else {
				DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: got a NULL Value name\n"));

		/* Get the rest of the parameters from the ini file */
		if (*appParam.cwd) {
			/* Get info from app's .inf file */
			err = dpReadAnetInf(appParam.cwd, &appParam);

			/* Get info from server's table */
			#if defined(dp_ANET2)
				if ((err == dp_RES_OK) && (dp != NULL))
					getLatest(dp, &appParam);   /* Ignore errors */

			/* Call callback function to return data about this game. */
			if (err == dp_RES_OK && *appParam.name && *appParam.path && *appParam.cwd) {
				cb(&appParam, context);
			} else {
                DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: Getting appParam, err:%d\n",err));
//				DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: Error: App(name,path,cwd) = (%s, %s, %s)\n",
//						*(appParam.name), *(appParam.path), *(appParam.cwd)));
		} else {
			DPRINT(("dpEnumApp: Error getting .ini file path\n"));
		if (bData) free(bData);
	return dp_RES_OK;