Exemplo n.º 1
int xTime::getMin(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_min;
Exemplo n.º 2
time_t xTime::getDayStart(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return time - (tm.tm_hour * 60 + tm.tm_min) * 60 - tm.tm_sec;//直接计算比使用mktime函数效率更高
Exemplo n.º 3
int xTime::getWeek(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_wday;
Exemplo n.º 4
int xTime::getHour(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_hour;
Exemplo n.º 5
int xTime::getMonth(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_mon+1;
Exemplo n.º 6
int xTime::getYear(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_year+1900;
long getLocalMsTime() {
	return (long)(1000*getLocalTime());
Exemplo n.º 8
void applyRotation(int actuator) {
    float t = getLocalTime();
    //int pos = dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator, rotations[actuator].dir);
    int pos = dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator);
    float f =  rotations[actuator].frequency;
    float pd = rotations[actuator].phaseDiff/6.28f; //0-1
    float dt = controllers[actuator].lastUpdateTime-t;
    //if(actuator==1) printf("%f sec\n",t);
    float percentPos;
    percentPos = f*t+pd;
    int goalPos = ((int)(percentPos*DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL))%DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL;
    if(rotations[actuator].dir) goalPos = DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL-goalPos;
    if(goalPos<0) goalPos = 0;
    int error = (goalPos-pos);
    int speed;
    bool atValidAngle = dynamixelApi_isAtValidAngle(actuator, rotations[actuator].dir);
    if(atValidAngle) {
        if(rotations[actuator].dir  == true) {
            if(error>512) {
                error = error-DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_VALID;
            if(error<0 && error>-512) {
                controllers[actuator].integral = controllers[actuator].integral + myAbs(error)*dt;
                float derivative = (myAbs(error) - controllers[actuator].previousError)/dt;
                speed = controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error) + controllers[actuator].I*controllers[actuator].integral + controllers[actuator].D*derivative;
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
                controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
            else {
                speed = -controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error);
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
        else if(rotations[actuator].dir  == false) {
            if(error<-512) {
                error = error+DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_VALID;
            if(error>0&&error<512) {
                controllers[actuator].integral = controllers[actuator].integral + myAbs(error)*dt;
                float derivative = (myAbs(error) - controllers[actuator].previousError)/dt;
                speed = controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error) + controllers[actuator].I*controllers[actuator].integral + controllers[actuator].D*derivative;
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
                controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
            else {
                speed = -controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error);
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;

        if(speed>1023) speed = 1023;
        if(speed<=150) speed = 150;
        controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
        rotations[actuator].speed = speed;
        rotations[actuator].changed = true;
    else {
        speed = controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;// controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
        if(speed<150) {
            speed = 150;
        controllers[actuator].integral = 0;
        controllers[actuator].previousError = 0;
        rotations[actuator].speed = speed;
        rotations[actuator].changed = true;
        error = 0;
    controllers[actuator].lastUpdateTime = t;
    if(!rotations[actuator].pause) {
        controllers[actuator].avrSpeed = (1.0-0.05)*controllers[actuator].avrSpeed+0.05*speed;
        if(rotations[actuator].changed ) {
            dynamixelApi_wheelMove(actuator, rotations[actuator].speed, rotations[actuator].dir);
            rotations[actuator].changed = false;
    else {
        float periodeTime = 1.0f/rotations[actuator].frequency;
        if(t-rotations[actuator].pauseStart > periodeTime) {
            rotations[actuator].pause = false;
        dynamixelApi_wheelMove(actuator, 0, rotations[actuator].dir);
    int loopTimeMs=1000*(getLocalTime()-t);
    if(actuator==0||actuator==0) {
        //printf("%i: avr speed = %f, error = %i\n",actuator,controllers[actuator].avrSpeed, error);
    if(loopTimeMs>20) {
        printf("%i: %i ms loop time (warning)\n",actuator,loopTimeMs);
    //printf("{%i, %li, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i},\n",actuator,getLocalMsTime(),dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator),dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator,rotations[actuator].dir),goalPos,error,speed);
    //fprintf(posLog, "%i %li %i %i %i %i %i %i %f\n",actuator,getLocalMsTime(),dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator),dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator,rotations[actuator].dir),goalPos,error,speed,1023*(int)atValidAngle,controllers[actuator].avrSpeed);
    //ase_printf("%i: Dynamixel at %i \n", i, pos);
Exemplo n.º 9
int HGameTime::getServerTime()
    return getLocalTime()-m_deltaTime;
Exemplo n.º 10
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> MHTMLArchive::generateMHTMLData(Page* page, bool useBinaryEncoding)
    Vector<PageSerializer::Resource> resources;
    PageSerializer pageSerializer(&resources);

    String boundary = generateRandomBoundary();
    String endOfResourceBoundary = makeString("--", boundary, "\r\n");

    String dateString;
    time_t localTime = time(0);
    tm localTM;
    getLocalTime(&localTime, &localTM);
    dateString = makeRFC2822DateString(localTM.tm_wday, localTM.tm_mday, localTM.tm_mon, 1900 + localTM.tm_year, localTM.tm_hour, localTM.tm_min, localTM.tm_sec, calculateUTCOffset() / (1000 * 60));

    StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    stringBuilder.append("From: <Saved by WebKit>\r\n");
    stringBuilder.append("Subject: ");
    // We replace non ASCII characters with '?' characters to match IE's behavior.
    stringBuilder.append("\r\nDate: ");
    stringBuilder.append("\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
    stringBuilder.append("Content-Type: multipart/related;\r\n");

    // We use utf8() below instead of ascii() as ascii() replaces CRLFs with ?? (we still only have put ASCII characters in it).
    CString asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> mhtmlData = SharedBuffer::create();
    mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i) {
        const PageSerializer::Resource& resource = resources[i];

        stringBuilder.append("Content-Type: ");

        const char* contentEncoding = useBinaryEncoding ? binary : base64;
        stringBuilder.append("\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: ");
        stringBuilder.append("\r\nContent-Location: ");

        asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();
        mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

        if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, binary)) {
            const char* data;
            size_t position = 0;
            while (size_t length = resource.data->getSomeData(data, position)) {
                mhtmlData->append(data, length);
                position += length;
        } else {
            // FIXME: ideally we would encode the content as a stream without having to fetch it all.
            const char* data = resource.data->data();
            size_t dataLength = resource.data->size();
            Vector<char> encodedData;
            if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, quotedPrintable)) {
                quotedPrintableEncode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
                mhtmlData->append(encodedData.data(), encodedData.size());
                mhtmlData->append("\r\n", 2);
            } else {
                ASSERT(!strcmp(contentEncoding, base64));
                // We are not specifying insertLFs = true below as it would cut the lines with LFs and MHTML requires CRLFs.
                base64Encode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
                const size_t maximumLineLength = 76;
                size_t index = 0;
                size_t encodedDataLength = encodedData.size();
                do {
                    size_t lineLength = std::min(encodedDataLength - index, maximumLineLength);
                    mhtmlData->append(encodedData.data() + index, lineLength);
                    mhtmlData->append("\r\n", 2);
                    index += maximumLineLength;
                } while (index < encodedDataLength);

    asciiString = makeString("--", boundary, "--\r\n").utf8();
    mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

    return mhtmlData.release();
Exemplo n.º 11
void HGameTime::setServerTime(int stime)
    m_deltaTime = getLocalTime() -stime;
Exemplo n.º 12
static int32_t calculateUTCOffset()
    TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZoneInformation;
    DWORD rc = 0;

    if (callGetTimeZoneInformationForYear_t timeZoneFunction = timeZoneInformationForYearFunction()) {
        // If available, use the Windows API call that takes into account the varying DST from
        // year to year.
        SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
        rc = timeZoneFunction(systemTime.wYear, nullptr, &timeZoneInformation);
        if (rc == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
            return 0;
    } else {
        rc = ::GetTimeZoneInformation(&timeZoneInformation);
        if (rc == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
            return 0;

    int32_t bias = timeZoneInformation.Bias;

    if (rc == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT)
        bias += timeZoneInformation.DaylightBias;
    else if (rc == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD || rc == TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN)
        bias += timeZoneInformation.StandardBias;

    return -bias * 60 * 1000;
    time_t localTime = time(0);
    tm localt;
    getLocalTime(&localTime, &localt);

    // Get the difference between this time zone and UTC on the 1st of January of this year.
    localt.tm_sec = 0;
    localt.tm_min = 0;
    localt.tm_hour = 0;
    localt.tm_mday = 1;
    localt.tm_mon = 0;
    // Not setting localt.tm_year!
    localt.tm_wday = 0;
    localt.tm_yday = 0;
    localt.tm_isdst = 0;
    localt.tm_gmtoff = 0;
    localt.tm_zone = 0;

    time_t utcOffset = timegm(&localt) - mktime(&localt);
    // Using a canned date of 01/01/2009 on platforms with weaker date-handling foo.
    localt.tm_year = 109;
    time_t utcOffset = 1230768000 - mktime(&localt);

    return static_cast<int32_t>(utcOffset * 1000);
Exemplo n.º 13
 double getLocalTime(const Arguments& arguments, http::server::reply& reply)
     return getLocalTime(getTimeStamp(arguments, reply));
Exemplo n.º 14
time_t xTime::getWeekStart(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return time - ((((tm.tm_wday + 6) % 7) * 24 + tm.tm_hour) * 60 + tm.tm_min) * 60 - tm.tm_sec;
Exemplo n.º 15
int xTime::getDay(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return tm.tm_mday;
Exemplo n.º 16
time_t xTime::getMonthStart(time_t time)
	struct tm tm;
	getLocalTime(tm, time);
	return time - (((tm.tm_mday - 1) * 24 + tm.tm_hour) * 60 + tm.tm_min) * 60 - tm.tm_sec;
Exemplo n.º 17
void *listenForKeyInput() {
    while(1) {
        char command;
        printf("Type in a command: \n");
        printf("	p - pause for one period\n");
        printf("	q - turn left (pause left for one period)\n");
        printf("	e - turn right (pause right for one period)\n");
        printf("	f - Increase frequency\n");
        printf("	g - Decrease frequency\n");
        printf("	h - Increase lift  modules phase-shift\n");
        printf("	j - Decrease lift modules phase-shift\n");
        printf("	k - Increase stride modules phase-shift\n");
        printf("	l - Decrease stride modules phase-shift\n");
        scanf("%c", &command);
        printf("The command you typed was %c\n", command);
        int i;
        if(command=='p') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                rotations[i].pause = true;
                rotations[i].pauseStart = getLocalTime();
        if(command=='q') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                if(i==4||i==5||i==6||i==7) {
                    rotations[i].pause = true;
                    rotations[i].pauseStart = getLocalTime();
        if(command=='e') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                if(i==0||i==1||i==2||i==3) {
                    rotations[i].pause = true;
                    rotations[i].pauseStart = getLocalTime();
        if(command=='f'||command=='g') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                if(command=='f') rotations[i].frequency += 0.1f;
                if(command=='g') rotations[i].frequency -= 0.1f;
            printf("New frequency = %f\n",rotations[0].frequency);
        //stride modules: 4=>2,3=>1,8=>6,7=>5
        //lift modules: 2=>0,5=>3,6=>4,9=>7
        if(command=='h'||command=='j') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                if(i==0||i==3||i==4||i==7) {
                    if(command=='h') rotations[i].phaseDiff += 0.1f;
                    if(command=='j') rotations[i].phaseDiff -= 0.1f;
            printf("New phase-shift for lift modules = %f\n",rotations[0].phaseDiff);
        if(command=='k'||command=='l') {
            for(i=0; i<getNumberOfActuators(); i++) {
                if(i==2||i==1||i==6||i==5) {
                    if(command=='k') rotations[i].phaseDiff += 0.1f;
                    if(command=='l') rotations[i].phaseDiff -= 0.1f;
            printf("New phase-shift for stride modules = %f\n",rotations[0].phaseDiff);