void ShapeView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) { QString key = currentItem()->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); if (m_Shapes.contains(key)) { int w = m_Shapes[key].width; int h = m_Shapes[key].height; ScribusDoc *m_Doc = new ScribusDoc(); m_Doc->setup(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Custom", "Custom"); m_Doc->setPage(w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false); m_Doc->addPage(0); m_Doc->setGUI(false, m_scMW, 0); int z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, m_Doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), m_Doc->currentPage()->yOffset(), w, h, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineWidth, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, true); PageItem* ite = m_Doc->Items->at(z); ite->PoLine = m_Shapes[key].path.copy(); FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite); ite->OldB2 = ite->width(); ite->OldH2 = ite->height(); ite->updateClip(); ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; m_Doc->m_Selection->addItem(ite, true); ScElemMimeData* md = ScriXmlDoc::WriteToMimeData(m_Doc, m_Doc->m_Selection); QDrag* dr = new QDrag(this); dr->setMimeData(md); dr->setPixmap(currentItem()->icon().pixmap(QSize(48, 48))); dr->exec(); delete m_Doc; } }
void ScrPainter::finishItem(PageItem* ite) { ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; ite->setFillShade(CurrFillShade); ite->setFillEvenOdd(fillrule); ite->setLineShade(CurrStrokeShade); ite->setLineJoin(lineJoin); ite->setLineEnd(lineEnd); ite->DashValues = dashArray; FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite); ite->OldB2 = ite->width(); ite->OldH2 = ite->height(); if (isGradient) { ite->fill_gradient = currentGradient; ite->GrType = 6; QTransform m1; m1.rotate(-gradientAngle); ite->GrStartX = 0; ite->GrStartY = 0; QPointF target = m1.map(QPointF(0.0, ite->height())); ite->GrEndX = target.x(); ite->GrEndY = target.y(); } else { ite->setFillTransparency(CurrFillTrans); ite->setLineTransparency(CurrStrokeTrans); } ite->updateClip(); Elements.append(ite); Coords.resize(0); Coords.svgInit(); }
void CalligraphicMode::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true); PageItem *currItem; m_MouseButtonPressed = false; m_canvas->resetRenderMode(); m->accept(); if (m_doc->appMode == modeDrawCalligraphicLine) { if (RecordP.size() > 1) { UndoTransaction createTransaction; if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) createTransaction = UndoManager::instance()->beginTransaction(); uint z = m_doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, Mxp, Myp, 1, 1, m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenLineWidth, m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenFillColor, m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenLineColor); currItem = m_doc->Items->at(z); currItem->PoLine.resize(0); QList<QPointF> clipU; QList<QPointF> clipL; double mx = sin(m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenAngle / 180.0 * M_PI) * (m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenWidth / 2.0); double my = cos(m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenAngle / 180.0 * M_PI) * (m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenWidth / 2.0); for (int px = 0; px < RecordP.size()-1; ++px) { FPoint clp = RecordP.point(px); clipU.append(QPointF(clp.x() - mx, clp.y() - my)); clipL.prepend(QPointF(clp.x() + mx, clp.y() + my)); } QPainterPath ppU = bezierFit(clipU, 5.0); QPainterPath ppL = bezierFit(clipL, 5.0); QPainterPath pp; pp.addPath(ppU); pp.connectPath(ppL); pp.closeSubpath(); currItem->PoLine.fromQPainterPath(pp); FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&currItem->PoLine)); currItem->setXYPos(tp2.x(), tp2.y(), true); currItem->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y()); FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&currItem->PoLine)); m_doc->sizeItem(tp.x(), tp.y(), currItem, false, false, false); m_doc->adjustItemSize(currItem); m_doc->m_Selection->clear(); m_doc->m_Selection->addItem(currItem); currItem->ClipEdited = true; currItem->FrameType = 3; currItem->OwnPage = m_doc->OnPage(currItem); currItem->PLineArt = Qt::PenStyle(m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenStyle); currItem->setFillShade(m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenFillColorShade); currItem->setLineShade(m_doc->itemToolPrefs().calligraphicPenLineColorShade); currItem->setFillEvenOdd(true); m_view->resetMousePressed(); currItem->checkChanges(); QString targetName = Um::ScratchSpace; if (currItem->OwnPage > -1) targetName = m_doc->Pages->at(currItem->OwnPage)->getUName(); if (createTransaction) createTransaction.commit(targetName, currItem->getUPixmap(), Um::Create + " " + currItem->getUName(), "", Um::ICreate); //FIXME m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemResizing = false; m_doc->changed(); } if (!PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.uiPrefs.stickyTools) { m_view->requestMode(modeNormal); } else m_view->requestMode(m_doc->appMode); return; } m_canvas->setRenderModeUseBuffer(false); m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m_view->MidButt = false; if (m_view->groupTransactionStarted()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i) m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges(true); m_view->endGroupTransaction(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i) m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges(true); //Commit drag created items to undo manager. if (m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)!=NULL) { m_doc->itemAddCommit(m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)); } //Make sure the Zoom spinbox and page selector don't have focus if we click on the canvas m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->clearFocus(); m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->clearFocus(); if (m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0) != 0) // is there the old clip stored for the undo action { currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); m_doc->nodeEdit.finishTransaction(currItem); } }
void XfigPlug::processArrows(int forward_arrow, QString fArrowData, int backward_arrow, QString bArrowData, int depth, PageItem *ite) { int arrow_typeAF; // (enumeration type) int arrow_styleAF; // (enumeration type) float arrow_thicknessAF; // (1/80 inch) float arrow_widthAF; // (Fig units) float arrow_heightAF; // (Fig units) int arrow_typeAB; // (enumeration type) int arrow_styleAB; // (enumeration type) float arrow_thicknessAB; // (1/80 inch) float arrow_widthAB; // (Fig units) float arrow_heightAB; // (Fig units) FPointArray arrow; int z = -1; PageItem::ItemType iteType; if (forward_arrow == 1) { arrow.resize(0); ScTextStream CodeAF(&fArrowData, QIODevice::ReadOnly); CodeAF >> arrow_typeAF >> arrow_styleAF >> arrow_thicknessAF >> arrow_widthAF >> arrow_heightAF; arrow_widthAF = fig2Pts(arrow_widthAF); arrow_heightAF = fig2Pts(arrow_heightAF); arrow_thicknessAF = arrow_thicknessAF / 80.0 * 72.0; FPoint End = ite->PoLine.point(ite->PoLine.size()-2); for (uint xx = ite->PoLine.size()-1; xx > 0; xx -= 2) { FPoint Vector = ite->PoLine.point(xx); if ((End.x() != Vector.x()) || (End.y() != Vector.y())) { double r = atan2(End.y()-Vector.y(),End.x()-Vector.x())*(180.0/M_PI); QTransform arrowTrans; if (arrow_typeAF == 0) arrow.parseSVG("M -1, -0.5 L 0, 0 L -1, 0.5"); else if (arrow_typeAF == 1) arrow.parseSVG("M -1, -0.5 L 0, 0 L -1, 0.5 z"); else if (arrow_typeAF == 2) arrow.parseSVG("M -1, -0.5 L 0, 0 L -1, 0.5 L -0.7 0 z"); else if (arrow_typeAF == 3) arrow.parseSVG("M -0.7, -0.5 L 0, 0 L -0.7, 0.5 L -1 0 z"); arrowTrans.translate(End.x(), End.y()); arrowTrans.rotate(r); arrowTrans.scale(arrow_heightAF, arrow_widthAF); arrow.map(arrowTrans); break; } } QString fillC = "White"; if (arrow_styleAF == 1) fillC = CurrColorStroke; if (arrow_typeAF == 0) { fillC = CommonStrings::None; iteType = PageItem::PolyLine; } else iteType = PageItem::Polygon; z = m_Doc->itemAdd(iteType, PageItem::Unspecified, ite->xPos(), ite->yPos(), 10, 10, arrow_thicknessAF, fillC, CurrColorStroke); if (z >= 0) { PageItem *item = m_Doc->Items->at(z); item->PoLine = arrow.copy(); item->ClipEdited = true; item->FrameType = 3; item->setFillShade(CurrFillShade); item->setLineShade(CurrStrokeShade); FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&item->PoLine); item->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); item->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); m_Doc->adjustItemSize(item); item->setWidthHeight(qMax(item->width(), 1.0), qMax(item->height(), 1.0)); depthMap.insert(999 - depth, currentItemNr); currentItemNr++; } }
void ShapePlug::parseGroupProperties(QDomNode &DOC, double &minXCoor, double &minYCoor, double &maxXCoor, double &maxYCoor, bool &firstCheck) { QString FillCol = "White"; QString StrokeCol = "Black"; while(!DOC.isNull()) { double x1, y1, x2, y2; FPointArray PoLine; PoLine.resize(0); QDomElement pg = DOC.toElement(); QString STag = pg.tagName(); if (STag == "svg:line") { x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("x1")) * Conversion; y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("y1")) * Conversion; x2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("x2")) * Conversion; y2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("y2")) * Conversion; PoLine.addPoint(x1, y1); PoLine.addPoint(x1, y1); PoLine.addPoint(x2, y2); PoLine.addPoint(x2, y2); } else if (STag == "svg:rect") { x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("x")) * Conversion; y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("y")) * Conversion; x2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("width")) * Conversion; y2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("height")) * Conversion; static double rect[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = x2 * rect[a]; double ya = y2 * rect[a+1]; double xb = x2 * rect[a+2]; double yb = y2 * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(x1+xa, y1+ya); PoLine.addPoint(x1+xb, y1+yb); } } else if ((STag == "svg:polygon") || (STag == "svg:polyline")) { bool bFirst = true; double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; QString points = pg.attribute( "points" ).simplified().replace(',', " "); QStringList pointList = points.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); FirstM = true; for( QStringList::Iterator it1 = pointList.begin(); it1 != pointList.end(); it1++ ) { x = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(*(it1++)); y = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(*it1); if( bFirst ) { svgMoveTo(x * Conversion, y * Conversion); bFirst = false; WasM = true; } else { svgLineTo(&PoLine, x * Conversion, y * Conversion); } } if (STag == "svg:polygon") svgClosePath(&PoLine); if (PoLine.size() < 4) { DOC = DOC.nextSibling(); continue; } } else if (STag == "svg:circle") { x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("r")) * Conversion; y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("r")) * Conversion; x2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("cx")) * Conversion - x1; y2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("cy")) * Conversion - y1; x1 *= 2.0; y1 *= 2.0; static double rect[] = {1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235,0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765 }; for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = x1 * rect[a]; double ya = y1 * rect[a+1]; double xb = x1 * rect[a+2]; double yb = y1 * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(x2+xa, y2+ya); PoLine.addPoint(x2+xb, y2+yb); } } else if (STag == "svg:ellipse") { x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("rx")) * Conversion; y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("ry")) * Conversion; x2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("cx")) * Conversion - x1; y2 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("cy")) * Conversion - y1; x1 *= 2.0; y1 *= 2.0; static double rect[] = {1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235,0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765 }; for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = x1 * rect[a]; double ya = y1 * rect[a+1]; double xb = x1 * rect[a+2]; double yb = y1 * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(x2+xa, y2+ya); PoLine.addPoint(x2+xb, y2+yb); } } else if (STag == "svg:path") { parseSVG( pg.attribute( "d" ), &PoLine ); if (PoLine.size() < 4) { DOC = DOC.nextSibling(); continue; } } else if (STag == "svg:g") { QDomNode child = DOC.firstChild(); parseGroupProperties(child, minXCoor, minYCoor, maxXCoor, maxYCoor, firstCheck); } if (PoLine.size() < 4) { DOC = DOC.nextSibling(); continue; } FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&PoLine)); PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y()); FPoint wh(getMaxClipF(&PoLine)); if (firstCheck) { minXCoor = tp2.x(); minYCoor = tp2.y(); maxXCoor = tp2.x() + wh.x(); maxYCoor = tp2.y() + wh.y(); firstCheck = false; } else { minXCoor = qMin(minXCoor, tp2.x()); minYCoor = qMin(minYCoor, tp2.y()); maxXCoor = qMax(maxXCoor, tp2.x() + wh.x()); maxYCoor = qMax(maxYCoor, tp2.y() + wh.y()); } DOC = DOC.nextSibling(); } }
void EPSPlug::parseOutput(QString fn, bool eps) { QString tmp, token, params, lasttoken, lastPath, currPath; int z, lcap, ljoin, dc, pagecount; int failedImages = 0; double dcp; bool fillRuleEvenOdd = true; PageItem* ite; QStack<PageItem*> groupStack; QStack< QList<PageItem*> > groupStackP; QStack<int> gsStack; QStack<uint> gsStackMarks; QFile f(fn); lasttoken = ""; pagecount = 1; if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { int fProgress = 0; int fSize = (int) f.size(); if (progressDialog) { progressDialog->setTotalSteps("GI", fSize); qApp->processEvents(); } lastPath = ""; currPath = ""; LineW = 0; Opacity = 1; CurrColor = CommonStrings::None; JoinStyle = Qt::MiterJoin; CapStyle = Qt::FlatCap; DashPattern.clear(); ScTextStream ts(&f); int line_cnt = 0; while (!ts.atEnd() && !cancel) { tmp = ""; tmp = ts.readLine(); if (progressDialog && (++line_cnt % 100 == 0)) { int fPos = f.pos(); int progress = static_cast<int>(ceil(fPos / (double) fSize * 100)); if (progress > fProgress) { progressDialog->setProgress("GI", fPos); qApp->processEvents(); fProgress = progress; } } token = tmp.section(' ', 0, 0); params = tmp.section(' ', 1, -1, QString::SectionIncludeTrailingSep); if (lasttoken == "sp" && !eps && token != "sp" ) //av: messes up anyway: && (!interactive)) { m_Doc->addPage(pagecount); m_Doc->view()->addPage(pagecount, true); pagecount++; } if (token == "n") { Coords.resize(0); FirstM = true; WasM = false; ClosedPath = false; } else if (token == "m") WasM = true; else if (token == "c") { Curve(&Coords, params); currPath += params; } else if (token == "l") { LineTo(&Coords, params); currPath += params; } else if (token == "fill-winding") { fillRuleEvenOdd = false; } else if (token == "fill-evenodd") { fillRuleEvenOdd = true; } else if (token == "f") { //TODO: pattern -> Imageframe + Clip if (Coords.size() != 0) { if ((Elements.count() != 0) && (lastPath == currPath)) { ite = Elements.last(); ite->setFillColor(CurrColor); ite->setFillTransparency(1.0 - Opacity); lastPath = ""; } else { if (ClosedPath) z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, baseX, baseY, 10, 10, LineW, CurrColor, CommonStrings::None); else z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, baseX, baseY, 10, 10, LineW, CurrColor, CommonStrings::None); ite = m_Doc->Items->at(z); ite->PoLine = Coords.copy(); //FIXME: try to avoid copy if FPointArray when properly shared ite->PoLine.translate(m_Doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), m_Doc->currentPage()->yOffset()); ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; ite->fillRule = (fillRuleEvenOdd); FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); ite->Clip = FlattenPath(ite->PoLine, ite->Segments); ite->setFillTransparency(1.0 - Opacity); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite); if (ite->itemType() == PageItem::Polygon) ite->ContourLine = ite->PoLine.copy(); if ((groupStack.count() != 0) && (groupStackP.count() != 0)) groupStackP.top().append(ite); Elements.append(ite); lastPath = currPath; } currPath = ""; } } else if (token == "s") { if (Coords.size() != 0) { // LineW = qMax(LineW, 0.01); // Set Linewidth to be a least 0.01 pts, a Stroke without a Linewidth makes no sense if ((Elements.count() != 0) && (lastPath == currPath)) { ite = Elements.last(); ite->setLineColor(CurrColor); ite->setLineWidth(LineW); ite->PLineEnd = CapStyle; ite->PLineJoin = JoinStyle; ite->setLineTransparency(1.0 - Opacity); ite->DashOffset = DashOffset; ite->DashValues = DashPattern; } else { if (ClosedPath) z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, baseX, baseY, 10, 10, LineW, CommonStrings::None, CurrColor); else z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, baseX, baseY, 10, 10, LineW, CommonStrings::None, CurrColor); ite = m_Doc->Items->at(z); ite->PoLine = Coords.copy(); //FIXME: try to avoid copy when FPointArray is properly shared ite->PoLine.translate(m_Doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), m_Doc->currentPage()->yOffset()); ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; ite->PLineEnd = CapStyle; ite->PLineJoin = JoinStyle; ite->DashOffset = DashOffset; ite->DashValues = DashPattern; FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(), wh.y()); ite->Clip = FlattenPath(ite->PoLine, ite->Segments); ite->setLineTransparency(1.0 - Opacity); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite); if (ite->itemType() == PageItem::Polygon) ite->ContourLine = ite->PoLine.copy(); ite->setLineWidth(LineW); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); if ((groupStack.count() != 0) && (groupStackP.count() != 0)) groupStackP.top().append(ite); Elements.append(ite); } lastPath = ""; currPath = ""; } } else if (token == "co") CurrColor = parseColor(params, eps); else if (token == "corgb") CurrColor = parseColor(params, eps, colorModelRGB); else if (token == "ci") { if (Coords.size() != 0) { QPainterPath tmpPath = Coords.toQPainterPath(true); tmpPath = boundingBoxRect.intersected(tmpPath); if ((tmpPath.boundingRect().width() != 0) && (tmpPath.boundingRect().height() != 0)) { clipCoords.fromQPainterPath(tmpPath); z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Group, PageItem::Rectangle, baseX, baseY, 10, 10, 0, CommonStrings::None, CommonStrings::None); ite = m_Doc->Items->at(z); ite->PoLine = clipCoords.copy(); //FIXME: try to avoid copy if FPointArray when properly shared ite->PoLine.translate(m_Doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), m_Doc->currentPage()->yOffset()); ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); ite->Clip = FlattenPath(ite->PoLine, ite->Segments); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite, true); ite->ContourLine = ite->PoLine.copy(); ite->setItemName( tr("Group%1").arg(m_Doc->GroupCounter)); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); Elements.append(ite); if ((groupStack.count() != 0) && (groupStackP.count() != 0)) groupStackP.top().append(ite); groupStack.push(ite); QList<PageItem*> gElements; groupStackP.push(gElements); gsStackMarks.push(gsStack.count()); m_Doc->GroupCounter++; } } Coords = FPointArray(0); lastPath = ""; currPath = ""; } else if (token == "gs") { gsStack.push(1); } else if (token == "gr") { // #6834 : self defense against incorrectly balanced save/restore if (gsStack.count() > 0) gsStack.pop(); if ((groupStack.count() != 0) && (groupStackP.count() != 0)) { if (gsStack.count() < static_cast<int>(gsStackMarks.top())) { PageItem *ite = groupStack.pop(); QList<PageItem*> gList = groupStackP.pop(); for (int d = 0; d < gList.count(); d++) { Elements.removeAll(gList.at(d)); } m_Doc->groupObjectsToItem(ite, gList); gsStackMarks.pop(); } } } else if (token == "w") { ScTextStream Lw(¶ms, QIODevice::ReadOnly); Lw >> LineW; } else if (token == "ld")
void CanvasMode_EditArc::applyValues(double start, double end, double height, double width) { PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QRectF oldR = currItem->getBoundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10); PageItem_Arc *item = currItem->asArc(); QTransform bb; bb.scale(height / width, 1.0); QLineF inp = QLineF(QPointF(width / 2.0, height / 2.0), QPointF(width, height / 2.0)); inp.setAngle(start); QLineF res = bb.map(inp); inp.setAngle(end); QLineF ena = bb.map(inp); m_startAngle = res.angle(); m_endAngle = ena.angle(); double nSweep = m_endAngle - m_startAngle; if (nSweep < 0) nSweep += 360; double oldX = currItem->xPos(); double oldY = currItem->yPos(); double newX = oldX + m_centerPoint.x() - (width / 2.0); double newY = oldY + m_centerPoint.y() - (height / 2.0); item->setXYPos(newX, newY, true); FPointArray old = item->PoLine; QPainterPath pp; pp.moveTo(width / 2.0, height / 2.0); pp.arcTo(QRectF(0, 0, width, height), m_startAngle, nSweep); pp.closeSubpath(); currItem->PoLine.fromQPainterPath(pp, true); FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&currItem->PoLine); currItem->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); m_doc->adjustItemSize(currItem); currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width(); currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height(); if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { ScItemState<QPair<FPointArray, FPointArray> > *ss = new ScItemState<QPair<FPointArray, FPointArray> >(Um::EditArc,"",Um::IPolygon); ss->set("ARC"); ss->set("OLD_WIDTH",item->arcWidth); ss->set("NEW_WIDTH",width); ss->set("OLD_XPOS",oldX); ss->set("OLD_YPOS",oldY); ss->set("OLD_HEIGHT",item->arcHeight); ss->set("NEW_HEIGHT",height); ss->set("OLD_START",item->arcStartAngle); ss->set("NEW_START",m_startAngle); ss->set("OLD_SWEEP",item->arcSweepAngle); ss->set("NEW_SWEEP",nSweep); ss->setItem(qMakePair(old,item->PoLine)); ss->set("NEW_XPOS",item->xPos()); ss->set("NEW_YPOS",item->yPos()); undoManager->action(currItem,ss); } item->arcStartAngle = m_startAngle; item->arcSweepAngle = nSweep; item->arcWidth = width; item->arcHeight = height; m_startPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(2); m_endPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(currItem->PoLine.size() - 4); m_centerPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(0); m_widthPoint = QPointF(m_centerPoint.x() - item->arcWidth / 2.0, m_centerPoint.y()); m_heightPoint = QPointF(m_centerPoint.x(), m_centerPoint.y() - item->arcHeight / 2.0); m_doc->setRedrawBounding(currItem); QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect()); m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR)); // QTransform itemMatrix = currItem->getTransform(); // m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(itemMatrix.mapRect(QRectF(0, 0, currItem->width(), currItem->height())).adjusted(-currItem->width() / 2.0, -currItem->height() / 2.0, currItem->width(), currItem->height())); }