Exemplo n.º 1
 * Return an estimate in radians of the angle being made with the ground
float getAngleEstimate() {
    getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
    // Get Gyro Value
    angleG = getAngularVelocity();
    angleA = getAngularAcceleration();
    // State estimation
    angleEstimate = HPF * (angleEstimate + angleG * DT) + LPF * angleA;
    return angleEstimate;
Exemplo n.º 2
void MPU6050::Update()
	while(m_Timer.read() < .003) {}
	//Get sensor data
	getMotion6(m_ax, m_ay, m_az,m_gx, m_gy, m_gz);

	//Applying offset and Scaler to acelerometer data
	m_az = (m_az + 272)* .9674953;
	m_ay = (m_ay - 13)* .9873171;
	m_ax = (m_ax - 51)* .98828125;
	//Converting raw acelerometer to usable data
	m_AX = (m_ax*(16.0/32768.0));
	m_AY = (m_ay *(16.0/32768.0));
	m_AZ = (m_az*(16.0/32768.0));
	//Turn raw Gyro data into usable data
	m_GX = (((m_gx - 220) * .005) * .263);// * 1.34 ) * .001;
	m_GY = (((m_gy + 26) * .005) * .261);//*5.1021854) * .001;
	m_GZ = (((m_gz + 26) * .005) * .261);
	//Floor the Gyro data if change is less than .05
	if(m_GX > .05 || m_GX < -.05)
		m_Roll += m_GX;
	if(m_GY > .05 || m_GY < -.05)
		m_Pitch += m_GY; 
	if(m_GZ > .05 || m_GZ < -.05)
		m_Yaw += m_GZ;
	//Get accelerometer pitch and roll
	m_pitchAcc = ((atan2(m_AX, sqrt(m_AY*m_AY + m_AZ*m_AZ)) * 180) / 3.14159265359);
	if(m_pitchAcc < 75)
		m_rollAcc = ((atan2(m_AY, m_AZ) * 180 / 3.14159265359) - 1.469697);
	//Get Combined pitch and roll
	m_CalibratedRoll = m_kRoll.KalmanCalculate(m_rollAcc, m_Roll, m_Timer.read());

	if(m_CalibratedRoll <= 0)
		m_CalibratedRoll += 360.0f;

	m_CalibratedPitch = m_kPitch.KalmanCalculate(m_pitchAcc, m_Pitch, m_Timer.read());
	//Reset timer to insure a .003 second delay between reads
Exemplo n.º 3
void CurieIMUClass::readMotionSensor(int& ax, int& ay, int& az, int& gx, int& gy, int& gz)
    short sax, say, saz, sgx, sgy, sgz;

    getMotion6(&sax, &say, &saz, &sgx, &sgy, &sgz);

    ax = sax;
    ay = say;
    az = saz;
    gx = sgx;
    gy = sgy;
    gz = sgz;
Exemplo n.º 4
void CurieImuClass::readMotionSensorScaled(float &ax, float &ay, float &az,
                                           float &gx, float &gy, float &gz)
    int16_t sax, say, saz, sgx, sgy, sgz;

    getMotion6(&sax, &say, &saz, &sgx, &sgy, &sgz);

    ax = convertRaw(sax, accel_range);
    ay = convertRaw(say, accel_range);
    az = convertRaw(saz, accel_range);
    gx = convertRaw(sgx, gyro_range);
    gy = convertRaw(sgy, gyro_range);
    gz = convertRaw(sgz, gyro_range);
Exemplo n.º 5
void burnin(){
	int i=BURNIN;
    P1DIR |= BIT0;
    P1OUT |= BIT0;
		if (i%10==0) {
		getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
		//ax_bias += (float)ax*BURNIN_DATA;
		//az_bias += (float)az*BURNIN_DATA;
		gy_bias += (float)gy*BURNIN_DATA;
		atan2_bias += atan2(ax, az) * BURNIN_DATA;
	P1OUT &= ~BIT0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void MPU6050::getMotion9(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz, int16_t* mx, int16_t* my, int16_t* mz) {
    getMotion6(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);
    // TODO: magnetometer integration
Exemplo n.º 7
 * get yaw, pitch and roll information
 * @param yprAttitude
 * 		yaw, pitch and roll
 * @param yprRate
 * 		rate
 * @param xyzAcc
 * 		acceleration
 * @param xyzGravity
 * 		gravity
 * @param xyzMagnet
 * 		magnet
 * @return
 *		void
void getYawPitchRollInfo(float *yprAttitude, float *yprRate,
		float *xyzAcc, float *xComponent, float *yComponent, float *zComponent, float *xyzMagnet) {

	float q[4];		    // [w, x, y, z]         quaternion container
	float mXComponent[3];              
	float mYComponent[3];   
	float mZComponent[3];             
	float ax = 0.f;
	float ay = 0.f;
	float az = 0.f;
	float gx = 0.f;
	float gy = 0.f;
	float gz = 0.f;
#ifdef MPU6050_9AXIS
	short s_mx=0;
	short s_my=0;
	short s_mz=0;
	float f_mx=0.f;
	float f_my=0.f;
	float f_mz=0.f;
	float f_x=0.f;
	float f_y=0.f;
	float f_z=0.f;

	getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);

#ifdef MPU6050_9AXIS
	if(pollingMagnetDataBySingleMeasurementMode(&s_mx, &s_my, &s_mz)){
		f_x = (float)s_mx - mag_hard_iron_cal[0];
		f_y = (float)s_my - mag_hard_iron_cal[1];
		f_z = (float)s_mz - mag_hard_iron_cal[2];
		f_mx = f_x * mag_soft_iron_cal[0][0] + f_y * mag_soft_iron_cal[0][1] + f_z * mag_soft_iron_cal[0][2];
		f_my = f_x * mag_soft_iron_cal[1][0] + f_y * mag_soft_iron_cal[1][1] + f_z * mag_soft_iron_cal[1][2];
		f_mz = f_x * mag_soft_iron_cal[2][0] + f_y * mag_soft_iron_cal[2][1] + f_z * mag_soft_iron_cal[2][2];

		f_mx = pullSmaData(&x_magnetSmaFilterEntry);
		f_my = pullSmaData(&y_magnetSmaFilterEntry);
		f_mz = pullSmaData(&z_magnetSmaFilterEntry);
		IMUupdate9(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az, f_my, f_mx, f_mz, q);
		IMUupdate6(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az, q);
	IMUupdate6(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az, q);

	GetXComponent(mXComponent, q);
	GetYComponent(mYComponent, q);
	GetZComponent(mZComponent, q);
	GetYawPitchRoll(yprAttitude, q, mZComponent);

	yprAttitude[0] = yprAttitude[0] * RA_TO_DE;
	yprAttitude[1] = yprAttitude[1] * RA_TO_DE;
	yprAttitude[2] = yprAttitude[2] * RA_TO_DE;
	xComponent[0] = mXComponent[0];
	xComponent[1] = mXComponent[1];
	xComponent[2] = mXComponent[2];
	yComponent[0] = mYComponent[0];
	yComponent[1] = mYComponent[1];
	yComponent[2] = mYComponent[2];
	zComponent[0] = mZComponent[0];
	zComponent[1] = mZComponent[1];
	zComponent[2] = mZComponent[2];
	yprRate[0] = gx * RA_TO_DE;
	yprRate[1] = gy * RA_TO_DE;
	yprRate[2] = gz * RA_TO_DE;
	xyzAcc[0] = ax;
	xyzAcc[1] = ay;
	xyzAcc[2] = az;
