Exemplo n.º 1
FdoNotifyPlugin::nowPlaying( const QVariant& input )
    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
    if ( !input.canConvert< QVariantMap >() )

    QVariantMap map = input.toMap();

    if ( !map.contains( "trackinfo" ) || !map[ "trackinfo" ].canConvert< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >() )

    InfoStringHash hash = map[ "trackinfo" ].value< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >();
    if ( !hash.contains( "title" ) || !hash.contains( "artist" ) || !hash.contains( "album" ) )

    QString messageText;
    // If the window manager supports notification styling then use it.
    if ( m_wmSupportsBodyMarkup )
        // Remark: If using xml-based markup in notifications, the supplied strings need to be escaped.
        QString album;
        if ( !hash[ "album" ].isEmpty() )
            album = tr( "<br /><i>on</i> %1", "%1 is an album name" ).arg( Qt::escape( hash[ "album" ] ) );

        messageText = tr( "%1<br /><i>by</i> %2%3.", "%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing" )
                        .arg( Qt::escape( hash[ "title" ] ) )
                        .arg( Qt::escape( hash[ "artist" ] ) )
                        .arg( album );
        QString album;
        if ( !hash[ "album" ].isEmpty() )
            album = QString( " %1" ).arg( tr( "on \"%1\"", "%1 is an album name" ).arg( hash[ "album" ] ) );

        messageText = tr( "\"%1\" by %2%3.", "%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing" )
                        .arg( hash[ "title" ] )
                        .arg( hash[ "artist" ] )
                        .arg( album );

    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "sending message" << messageText;

    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( "org.freedesktop.Notifications", "/org/freedesktop/Notifications", "org.freedesktop.Notifications", "Notify" );
    QList<QVariant> arguments;
    arguments << QString( "Tomahawk" ); //app_name
    arguments << m_nowPlayingId; //notification_id
    arguments << QString(); //app_icon
    arguments << QString( "Tomahawk - Now Playing" ); //summary
    arguments << messageText; //body
    arguments << QStringList(); //actions
    QVariantMap dict;
    dict["desktop-entry"] = QString( "tomahawk" );

    // If there is a cover availble use it, else use Tomahawk logo as default.
    QImage image;
    if ( map.contains( "coveruri" ) && map[ "coveruri" ].canConvert< QString >() )
        image = QImage( map[ "coveruri" ].toString(), "PNG" );
        image = QImage( RESPATH "icons/tomahawk-icon-512x512.png" );
    // Convert image to QVariant and scale to a consistent size.
    dict[ "image_data" ] = ImageConverter::variantForImage( image.scaledToHeight( getNotificationIconHeight() ) );

    arguments << dict; //hints
    arguments << qint32( -1 ); //expire_timeout
    message.setArguments( arguments );

    // Handle reply in a callback, so that this a non-blocking call
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().callWithCallback( message, this, SLOT( dbusPlayingReplyReceived( QDBusMessage ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
FdoNotifyPlugin::notifyUser( const QString& messageText )
    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( "org.freedesktop.Notifications", "/org/freedesktop/Notifications", "org.freedesktop.Notifications", "Notify" );

    QList<QVariant> arguments;
    arguments << QString( "Tomahawk" ); //app_name
    arguments << quint32( 0 ); //notification_id
    arguments << QString(); //app_icon
    arguments << QString( "Tomahawk" ); //summary
    arguments << QString( messageText ); //body
    arguments << QStringList(); //actions

    QVariantMap dict;
    dict["desktop-entry"] = QString( "tomahawk" );
    dict[ "image_data" ] = ImageConverter::variantForImage( QImage( RESPATH "icons/tomahawk-icon-512x512.png" ).scaledToHeight( getNotificationIconHeight() ) );
    arguments << dict; //hints
    arguments << qint32( -1 ); //expire_timeout
    message.setArguments( arguments );
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send( message );
Exemplo n.º 3
void FdoNotifyPlugin::inboxReceived( const QVariant& input )
    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
    if ( !input.canConvert< QVariantMap >() )

    QVariantMap map = input.toMap();

    if ( !map.contains( "trackinfo" ) || !map[ "trackinfo" ].canConvert< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >() )
    if ( !map.contains( "sourceinfo" ) || !map[ "sourceinfo" ].canConvert< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >() )

    InfoStringHash hash = map[ "trackinfo" ].value< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >();
    if ( !hash.contains( "title" ) || !hash.contains( "artist" ) )

    InfoStringHash src = map[ "sourceinfo" ].value< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >();
    if ( !src.contains( "friendlyname" ) )

    QString messageText;
    // If the window manager supports notification styling then use it.
    if ( m_wmSupportsBodyMarkup )
        // Remark: If using xml-based markup in notifications, the supplied strings need to be escaped.
        messageText = tr( "%1 sent you\n%2%4 %3.", "%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)" )
                        .arg( escapeHtml( src["friendlyname"] ) )
                        .arg( escapeHtml( hash[ "title" ] ) )
                        .arg( escapeHtml( hash[ "artist" ] ) )
                        .arg( QString( "\n<i>%1</i>" ).arg( tr( "by", "preposition to link track and artist" ) ) );

        // Dirty hack(TM) so that KNotify/QLabel recognizes the message as Rich Text
        messageText = QString( "<i></i>%1" ).arg( messageText );
        messageText = tr( "%1 sent you \"%2\" by %3.", "%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist" )
                        .arg( src["friendlyname"] )
                        .arg( hash[ "title" ] )
                        .arg( hash[ "artist" ] );

    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "sending message" << messageText;

    QVariantMap hints;
    hints["desktop-entry"] = QString( "tomahawk" );

    // Convert image to QVariant and scale to a consistent size.
    hints[ "image_data" ] = ImageConverter::variantForImage( QImage( RESPATH "images/inbox-512x512.png" ).scaledToHeight( getNotificationIconHeight() ) );
        "Tomahawk",                  // app_name
        m_nowPlayingId,              // notification_id
        "",                          // app_icon
        "Tomahawk - Track received", // summary
        messageText,                 // body
        QStringList(),               // actions
        hints,                       // hints
        -1                           // expire_timeout
Exemplo n.º 4
FdoNotifyPlugin::nowPlaying( const QVariant& input )
    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
    if ( !input.canConvert< QVariantMap >() )

    QVariantMap map = input.toMap();
    if ( !map.contains( "trackinfo" ) || !map[ "trackinfo" ].canConvert< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >() )

    InfoStringHash hash = map[ "trackinfo" ].value< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >();
    if ( !hash.contains( "title" ) || !hash.contains( "artist" ) || !hash.contains( "album" ) )

    QString messageText;
    // If the window manager supports notification styling then use it.
    if ( m_wmSupportsBodyMarkup )
        // Remark: If using xml-based markup in notifications, the supplied strings need to be escaped.
        QString album;
        if ( !hash[ "album" ].isEmpty() )
            album = QString( "\n<i>%1</i> %2" )
                    .arg( tr( "on", "'on' is followed by an album name" ) )
                    .arg( escapeHtml( hash[ "album" ] ) );

        messageText = tr( "%1%4 %2%3.", "%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)" )
                        .arg( escapeHtml( hash[ "title" ] ) )
                        .arg( escapeHtml( hash[ "artist" ] ) )
                        .arg( album )
                        .arg( QString( "\n<i>%1</i>" ).arg( tr( "by", "preposition to link track and artist" ) ) );

        // Dirty hack(TM) so that KNotify/QLabel recognizes the message as Rich Text
        messageText = QString( "<i></i>%1" ).arg( messageText );
        QString album;
        if ( !hash[ "album" ].isEmpty() )
            album = QString( " %1" ).arg( tr( "on \"%1\"", "%1 is an album name" ).arg( hash[ "album" ] ) );

        messageText = tr( "\"%1\" by %2%3.", "%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing" )
                        .arg( hash[ "title" ] )
                        .arg( hash[ "artist" ] )
                        .arg( album );

    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "sending message" << messageText;

    QVariantMap hints;
    hints["desktop-entry"] = QString( "tomahawk" );

    // If there is a cover availble use it, else use Tomahawk logo as default.
    QImage image;
    if ( map.contains( "coveruri" ) && map[ "coveruri" ].canConvert< QString >() )
        image = QImage( map[ "coveruri" ].toString(), "PNG" );
        image = QImage( RESPATH "icons/tomahawk-icon-512x512.png" );
    // Convert image to QVariant and scale to a consistent size.
    hints[ "image_data" ] = ImageConverter::variantForImage( image.scaledToHeight( getNotificationIconHeight() ) );

    QDBusPendingReply<> reply = notifications_interface->Notify(
        TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION_NAME,      // app_name
        m_nowPlayingId,                 // notification_id
        "",                             // app_icon
        tr( "Tomahawk - Now Playing" ), // summary
        messageText,                    // body
        QStringList(),                  // actions
        hints,                          // hints
        -1                              // expire_timeout

    QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher( reply, this );
    connect( watcher, SIGNAL( finished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* ) ), SLOT( dbusPlayingReplyReceived( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
FdoNotifyPlugin::notifyUser( const QString& messageText )
    QVariantMap hints;
    hints["desktop-entry"] = QString( "tomahawk" );
    hints[ "image_data" ] = ImageConverter::variantForImage( QImage( RESPATH "icons/tomahawk-icon-512x512.png" ).scaledToHeight( getNotificationIconHeight() ) );
        "Tomahawk",    // app_name
        0,             // notification_id
        "",            // app_icon
        "Tomahawk",    // summary
        messageText,   // body
        QStringList(), // actions
        hints,         // hints
        -1             // expire_timeout