Exemplo n.º 1
void Seed::fillNewBonds(const ROMol& qmol) {
  std::vector<bool> excludedBonds = ExcludedBonds;
  for (unsigned srcAtomIdx = LastAddedAtomsBeginIdx; srcAtomIdx < getNumAtoms();
       srcAtomIdx++) {  // all atoms added on previous growing only
    const Atom* atom = MoleculeFragment.Atoms[srcAtomIdx];
    ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end;
    for (boost::tie(beg, end) = qmol.getAtomBonds(atom); beg != end;
         beg++) {  // all bonds from MoleculeFragment.Atoms[srcAtomIdx]
      const Bond* bond = &*(qmol[*beg]);
      if (!excludedBonds[bond->getIdx()]) {
        // already in the seed or NewBonds list from another atom in a RING
        excludedBonds[bond->getIdx()] = true;
        unsigned ai = (atom == bond->getBeginAtom()) ? bond->getEndAtomIdx()
                                                     : bond->getBeginAtomIdx();
        const Atom* end_atom = qmol.getAtomWithIdx(ai);
        unsigned end_atom_idx = NotSet;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumAtoms(); i++)
          if (end_atom ==
              MoleculeFragment.Atoms[i]) {  // already exists in this seed
            end_atom_idx = i;
            NewBond(srcAtomIdx, bond->getIdx(), ai, end_atom_idx,
                    NotSet == end_atom_idx ? end_atom : nullptr));
Exemplo n.º 2
void AtomContainer::addAtom(const double * pos, const std::vector<std::string>& atomProperties){
	int iProperty;
	//after adding the atom was successful, continue with adding additional properties
	if(addAtom(pos)) {
		//save additional properties
		for (iProperty = 0; iProperty < atomProperties.size(); iProperty++){
			if (!atomPropertyList.isPropertyInt(iProperty)) {
				//property has float type
				atomPropertyList.addFloatPropertyValue(iProperty, atof(atomProperties[iProperty].c_str()));
			} else {
				//property has integer type
				if (isFloat(atomProperties[iProperty])) {
					//but current value is of float type -> conversion
					atomPropertyList.addFloatPropertyValue(iProperty, atof(atomProperties[iProperty].c_str()));
				} else {
					//value has also integer type -> add value
	} else {
		std::cout << "WARNING: Adding atom " << getNumAtoms() <<" failed (placed outside container)" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Seed::computeRemainingSize(const ROMol& qmol) {
  RemainingBonds = RemainingAtoms = 0;

  std::vector<unsigned> end_atom_stack;
  std::vector<bool> visitedBonds = ExcludedBonds;
  std::vector<bool> visitedAtoms(qmol.getNumAtoms());

  for (auto&& visitedAtom : visitedAtoms) visitedAtom = false;
  for (std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it =
       it != MoleculeFragment.AtomsIdx.end(); it++)
    visitedAtoms[*it] = true;

  // SDF all paths
  // 1. direct neighbours
  for (unsigned seedAtomIdx = LastAddedAtomsBeginIdx;
       seedAtomIdx < getNumAtoms();
       seedAtomIdx++) {  // just now added new border vertices (candidates for
                         // future growing)
    const Atom* atom = MoleculeFragment.Atoms[seedAtomIdx];
    ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end;
    for (boost::tie(beg, end) = qmol.getAtomBonds(atom); beg != end;
         beg++) {  // all bonds from MoleculeFragment.Atoms[srcAtomIdx]
      const Bond& bond = *(qmol[*beg]);
      if (!visitedBonds[bond.getIdx()]) {
        visitedBonds[bond.getIdx()] = true;
        unsigned end_atom_idx =
            (MoleculeFragment.AtomsIdx[seedAtomIdx] == bond.getBeginAtomIdx())
                ? bond.getEndAtomIdx()
                : bond.getBeginAtomIdx();
        if (!visitedAtoms[end_atom_idx]) {  // check RING/CYCLE
          visitedAtoms[end_atom_idx] = true;
  // 2. go deep
  while (!end_atom_stack.empty()) {
    unsigned ai = end_atom_stack.back();
    const Atom* atom = qmol.getAtomWithIdx(ai);
    ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end;
    for (boost::tie(beg, end) = qmol.getAtomBonds(atom); beg != end;
         beg++) {  // all bonds from end_atom
      const Bond& bond = *(qmol[*beg]);
      if (!visitedBonds[bond.getIdx()]) {
        visitedBonds[bond.getIdx()] = true;
        unsigned end_atom_idx = (ai == bond.getBeginAtomIdx())
                                    ? bond.getEndAtomIdx()
                                    : bond.getBeginAtomIdx();
        if (!visitedAtoms[end_atom_idx]) {  // check RING/CYCLE
          visitedAtoms[end_atom_idx] = true;