Exemplo n.º 1
STDMETHODIMP MachineDebuggerWrap::COMGETTER(OSVersion)(BSTR *aOSVersion)
    LogRelFlow(("{%p} %s: enter aOSVersion=%p\n", this, "MachineDebugger::getOSVersion", aOSVersion));


    HRESULT hrc;


        AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
        if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
            throw autoCaller.rc();

        hrc = getOSVersion(BSTROutConverter(aOSVersion).str());
    catch (HRESULT hrc2)
        hrc = hrc2;
    catch (...)
        hrc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(this, RT_SRC_POS);

    LogRelFlow(("{%p} %s: leave *aOSVersion=%ls hrc=%Rhrc\n", this, "MachineDebugger::getOSVersion", *aOSVersion, hrc));
    return hrc;
DWORD GpuCapabilitiesWindows::readVRAMSizeFromReg() {
    DWORD memSize = 0;
    char* devicesKey = findPrimaryDevicesKey();
    if ( devicesKey == 0 ) {
        LERROR("Failed to determine primary graphics adapter by calling findPrimaryDevicesKey()!");
        return 0;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < strlen(devicesKey); i++ )
        devicesKey[i] = tolower(devicesKey[i]);

    char* substr = strstr(devicesKey, "\\registry\\machine\\");
    if ( substr != 0 )
        substr += strlen("\\registry\\machine\\");
        substr = devicesKey;
    LDEBUG("registry key: " << substr);

    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    LONG stat = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, substr, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
    if ( stat == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
        DWORD type = 0;
        DWORD bufferSize = 4;
        char* data = new char[bufferSize + 1];
        memset(data, 0, bufferSize + 1);
        stat = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "HardwareInformation.MemorySize",
            NULL, &type, (BYTE*) data, &bufferSize);
        if ((stat == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((type == REG_BINARY) ||
            (getOSVersion() == GpuCapabilities::OS_WIN_VISTA && type == REG_DWORD)))
            LDEBUG("read " << bufferSize << " BYTES from key 'HardwareInformation.MemorySize'...");
            for ( DWORD i = (bufferSize - 1); ; i-- ) {
                LDEBUG("data[" << i << "]: " << static_cast<DWORD>(data[i]));
                memSize |= (data[i] << (i * 8));

                // As DWORD is unsigned, the loop would never exit if
                // it would not be broken...
                if ( i == 0 )
             LDEBUG("data converted to " << memSize << " (means " << (memSize / (1024 * 1024)) << " MByte)\n");
        hKey = NULL;
        delete [] data;
        data = 0;
        LERROR("Error opening key " << substr << ". Reason: " << stat);

    delete [] devicesKey;
    devicesKey = 0;
    return memSize;
Exemplo n.º 3
// The 'main' function for the booter. Called by boot0 when booting
// from a block device, or by the network booter.
// arguments:
//	 biosdev - Value passed from boot1/NBP to specify the device
//			   that the booter was loaded from.
// If biosdev is kBIOSDevNetwork, then this function will return if
// booting was unsuccessful. This allows the PXE firmware to try the
// next boot device on its list.
void common_boot(int biosdev)
	bool	 		quiet;
	bool	 		firstRun = true;
	bool	 		instantMenu;
	bool	 		rescanPrompt;
	int				status;
	unsigned int	allowBVFlags = kBVFlagSystemVolume | kBVFlagForeignBoot;
	unsigned int	denyBVFlags = kBVFlagEFISystem;

	// Set reminder to unload the PXE base code. Neglect to unload
	// the base code will result in a hang or kernel panic.
	gUnloadPXEOnExit = true;

	// Record the device that the booter was loaded from.
	gBIOSDev = biosdev & kBIOSDevMask;

	// Initialize boot-log

	// Initialize boot info structure.

	// Setup VGA text mode.
	// Not sure if it is safe to call setVideoMode() before the
	// config table has been loaded. Call video_mode() instead.
	printf("before video_mode\n");
	video_mode( 2 );  // 80x25 mono text mode.
	printf("after video_mode\n");

	// Scan and record the system's hardware information.

	// First get info for boot volume.
	scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, 0);
	bvChain = getBVChainForBIOSDev(gBIOSDev);

	// Load boot.plist config file
	status = loadChameleonConfig(&bootInfo->chameleonConfig, bvChain);

	if (getBoolForKey(kQuietBootKey, &quiet, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && quiet) {
		gBootMode |= kBootModeQuiet;

	// Override firstRun to get to the boot menu instantly by setting "Instant Menu"=y in system config
	if (getBoolForKey(kInstantMenuKey, &instantMenu, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && instantMenu) {
		firstRun = false;

	// Loading preboot ramdisk if exists.

	// Disable rescan option by default
	gEnableCDROMRescan = false;

	// Enable it with Rescan=y in system config
	if (getBoolForKey(kRescanKey, &gEnableCDROMRescan, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& gEnableCDROMRescan) {
		gEnableCDROMRescan = true;

	// Ask the user for Rescan option by setting "Rescan Prompt"=y in system config.
	rescanPrompt = false;
	if (getBoolForKey(kRescanPromptKey, &rescanPrompt , &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& rescanPrompt && biosDevIsCDROM(gBIOSDev))
		gEnableCDROMRescan = promptForRescanOption();

	// Enable touching a single BIOS device only if "Scan Single Drive"=y is set in system config.
	if (getBoolForKey(kScanSingleDriveKey, &gScanSingleDrive, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& gScanSingleDrive) {
		gScanSingleDrive = true;

	// Create a list of partitions on device(s).
	if (gScanSingleDrive) {
		scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, &bvCount);
	} else {
		scanDisks(gBIOSDev, &bvCount);

	// Create a separated bvr chain using the specified filters.
	bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount);

	gBootVolume = selectBootVolume(bvChain);

	// Intialize module system

	printf(" Default: %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n",
			 gBootVolume, gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_no, gBootVolume->flags);
	printf(" bt(0,0): %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n",
			 gBIOSBootVolume, gBIOSBootVolume->biosdev, gBIOSBootVolume->part_no, gBIOSBootVolume->flags);

	useGUI = true;
	// Override useGUI default
	getBoolForKey(kGUIKey, &useGUI, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig);
	if (useGUI && initGUI())
		// initGUI() returned with an error, disabling GUI.
		useGUI = false;


	// Parse args, load and start kernel.
	while (1)
		bool		tryresume, tryresumedefault, forceresume;
		bool		useKernelCache = true; // by default try to use the prelinked kernel
		const char	*val;
		int			len, ret = -1;
		long		flags, sleeptime, time;
		void		*binary = (void *)kLoadAddr;

		char        bootFile[sizeof(bootInfo->bootFile)];
		char		bootFilePath[512];
		char		kernelCacheFile[512];

		// Initialize globals.
		sysConfigValid = false;
		gErrors		   = false;

		status = getBootOptions(firstRun);
		firstRun = false;
		if (status == -1) continue;

		status = processBootOptions();
		// Status == 1 means to chainboot
		if ( status ==	1 ) break;
		// Status == -1 means that the config file couldn't be loaded or that gBootVolume is NULL
		if ( status == -1 )
			// gBootVolume == NULL usually means the user hit escape.
			if (gBootVolume == NULL)

				if (gEnableCDROMRescan)

				bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount);

		// Other status (e.g. 0) means that we should proceed with boot.

		// Turn off any GUI elements
		if ( bootArgs->Video.v_display == GRAPHICS_MODE )
			gui.devicelist.draw = false;
			gui.bootprompt.draw = false;
			gui.menu.draw = false;
			gui.infobox.draw = false;
			gui.logo.draw = false;

		// Find out which version mac os we're booting.

		if (platformCPUFeature(CPU_FEATURE_EM64T)) {
			archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_X86_64;
		} else {
			archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;

		if (getValueForKey(karch, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) {
				archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;

		if (getValueForKey(kKernelArchKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) {
				archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;

		// Notify modules that we are attempting to boot
		execute_hook("PreBoot", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		if (!getBoolForKey (kWake, &tryresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			tryresume = true;
			tryresumedefault = true;
		} else {
			tryresumedefault = false;

		if (!getBoolForKey (kForceWake, &forceresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			forceresume = false;

		if (forceresume) {
			tryresume = true;
			tryresumedefault = false;

		while (tryresume) {
			const char *tmp;
			BVRef bvr;
			if (!getValueForKey(kWakeImage, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig))
				val = "/private/var/vm/sleepimage";

			// Do this first to be sure that root volume is mounted
			ret = GetFileInfo(0, val, &flags, &sleeptime);

			if ((bvr = getBootVolumeRef(val, &tmp)) == NULL)

			// Can't check if it was hibernation Wake=y is required
			if (bvr->modTime == 0 && tryresumedefault)

			if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat))

			if (!forceresume && ((sleeptime+3)<bvr->modTime)) {
				printf ("Hibernate image is too old by %d seconds. Use ForceWake=y to override\n",

			HibernateBoot((char *)val);

		getBoolForKey(kUseKernelCache, &useKernelCache, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig);
		if (useKernelCache) do {

			// Determine the name of the Kernel Cache
			if (getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->bootConfig)) {
				if (val[0] == '\\')
				/* FIXME: check len vs sizeof(kernelCacheFile) */
				strlcpy(kernelCacheFile, val, len + 1);
			} else {
				kernelCacheFile[0] = 0; // Use default kernel cache file

			if (gOverrideKernel && kernelCacheFile[0] == 0) {
				DBG("Using a non default kernel (%s) without specifying 'Kernel Cache' path, KernelCache will not be used\n", bootInfo->bootFile);
				useKernelCache = false;
			if (gMKextName[0] != 0) {
				DBG("Using a specific MKext Cache (%s), KernelCache will not be used\n",
				useKernelCache = false;
			if (gBootFileType != kBlockDeviceType)
				useKernelCache = false;

		} while(0);

		do {
			if (useKernelCache) {
				ret = LoadKernelCache(kernelCacheFile, &binary);
				if (ret >= 0)

			bool bootFileWithDevice = false;
			// Check if bootFile start with a device ex: bt(0,0)/Extra/mach_kernel
			if (strncmp(bootInfo->bootFile,"bt(",3) == 0 ||
				strncmp(bootInfo->bootFile,"hd(",3) == 0 ||
				strncmp(bootInfo->bootFile,"rd(",3) == 0)
				bootFileWithDevice = true;

			// bootFile must start with a / if it not start with a device name
			if (!bootFileWithDevice && (bootInfo->bootFile)[0] != '/')
				snprintf(bootFile, sizeof(bootFile), "/%s", bootInfo->bootFile); // append a leading /
			} else {
				strlcpy(bootFile, bootInfo->bootFile, sizeof(bootFile));

			// Try to load kernel image from alternate locations on boot helper partitions.
			ret = -1;
			if ((gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagBooter) && !bootFileWithDevice) {
				snprintf(bootFilePath, sizeof(bootFilePath), "com.apple.boot.P%s", bootFile);
				ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFilePath, &flags, &time);
				if (ret == -1)
					snprintf(bootFilePath, sizeof(bootFilePath), "com.apple.boot.R%s", bootFile);
					ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFilePath, &flags, &time);
					if (ret == -1)
						snprintf(bootFilePath, sizeof(bootFilePath), "com.apple.boot.S%s", bootFile);
						ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFilePath, &flags, &time);
			if (ret == -1) {
				// No alternate location found, using the original kernel image path.
				strlcpy(bootFilePath, bootFile, sizeof(bootFilePath));

			DBG("Loading kernel: '%s'\n", bootFilePath);
			ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFilePath, &binary);
			if (ret <= 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64)
				archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
				ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFilePath, &binary);
		} while (0);



		if (ret <= 0)
			printf("Can't find %s\n", bootFile);

			if (gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) {
				// Return control back to PXE. Don't unload PXE base code.
				gUnloadPXEOnExit = false;

		} else {
			/* Won't return if successful. */
			ret = ExecKernel(binary);

	// chainboot
	if (status == 1) {
		// if we are already in graphics-mode,
		if (getVideoMode() == GRAPHICS_MODE) {
			setVideoMode(VGA_TEXT_MODE, 0); // switch back to text mode.

	if ((gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) && gUnloadPXEOnExit) {
Exemplo n.º 4
/** If the configuration of this installation has not been reported for the
 *  current version, collect the hardware statistics and send it to STK's
 *  server.
void reportHardwareStats()
    // Version of the hw report, which is stored in the DB. If new fields
    // are added, increase this version. Each STK installation will report
    // its configuration only once (per version number). So if the version
    // number is increased, a new report will be sent.
    const int report_version = 1;
    if(UserConfigParams::m_last_hw_report_version>=report_version) return;
        RandomGenerator rg;
        UserConfigParams::m_random_identifier = rg.get(1<<30);

    Json json;
#ifdef WIN32
    json.add("os_win", 1);
    json.add("os_win", 0);
#ifdef __APPLE__
    json.add("os_macosx", 1);
    json.add("os_macosx", 0);
#ifdef __linux__
    json.add("os_linux", 1);
    json.add("os_unix", 1);
    json.add("os_linux", 0);
    json.add("os_unix", 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
    json.add("build_debug", 1);

    json.add("os_version", getOSVersion());

    unsigned int ogl_version = irr_driver->getGLSLVersion();
    unsigned int major = ogl_version/100;
    unsigned int minor = ogl_version - 100*major;
    std::string version =
        StringUtils::insertValues("%d.%d", major, minor);
    json.add("GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION", version);

    std::string vendor, renderer, full_version;
    irr_driver->getOpenGLData(&vendor, &renderer, &full_version);
    json.add("GL_VENDOR",   vendor          );
    json.add("GL_RENDERER", renderer        );
    json.add("GL_VERSION",  full_version    );
    json.add("gfx_drv_ver", "OpenGL "+vendor);

    std::string card_name = vendor;
    if(StringUtils::startsWith(card_name, "ATI Technologies Inc."))
    else if (StringUtils::startsWith(card_name, "NVIDIA Corporation"))
    else if(StringUtils::startsWith(card_name, "S3 Graphics"))
    json.add("gfx_card", card_name+" "+renderer);

    json.add("video_xres", UserConfigParams::m_width );
    json.add("video_yres", UserConfigParams::m_height);

    int mem = getRAM();
        json.add("ram_total", mem);

    int nr_procs = getNumProcessors();
        json.add("cpu_numprocs", nr_procs);

    json.add("GL_EXTENSIONS", getGLExtensions());

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** A small class which sends the HW report to the STK server. On
     *  completion, it will either update the last-submitted-hw-report version,
     *  or log an error message (in which case next time STK is started it
     *  wil try again to log the report).
    class HWReportRequest : public Online::HTTPRequest
        /** Version number of the hw report. */
        int m_version;
        HWReportRequest(int version) : Online::HTTPRequest(/*manage memory*/true, 1)
                                     , m_version(version)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        /** Callback after the request has been executed.
        virtual void callback()
            // If the request contains incorrect data, it will not have a
            // download error, but return an error string as return value:
            if(hadDownloadError() || getData()=="<h1>Bad Request (400)</h1>")
                Log::error("HW report", "Error uploading the HW report.");
                    Log::error("HW report", "%s", getDownloadErrorMessage());
                    Log::error("HW report", "%s", getData().c_str());
                Log::info("HW report", "Upload successful.");
                UserConfigParams::m_last_hw_report_version = m_version;
                // The callback is executed by the main thread, so no need
                // to worry about locks when writing the file.
        }   // callback

    };   // HWReportRequest
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Online::HTTPRequest *request = new HWReportRequest(report_version);
    request->addParameter("user_id", UserConfigParams::m_random_identifier);
    request->addParameter("time", StkTime::getTimeSinceEpoch());
    request->addParameter("type", "hwdetect");
    request->addParameter("version", report_version);
    request->addParameter("data", json.toString());

}   // reportHardwareStats
GpuCapabilitiesWindows::FileVersion GpuCapabilitiesWindows::getDriverVersion() {

    FileVersion fileVersion;
    fileVersion.versionString = "";

    // Try to get driver file version
    if ( GpuCapabilities::getVendor() == GPU_VENDOR_NVIDIA ) {

        // Get fileversion of NVIDIA OpenGL dll
        LDEBUG("Reading file version of NVIDIA driver dll ... ");
        FileVersion fileVersion;
        //TODO: windows vista stores the name of the dll in the registry.
        //      its better to get the name from there (cdoer)
        if (getOSVersion() == OS_WIN_VISTA)
            fileVersion = getFileVersion("nvoglv32.dll");
            fileVersion = getFileVersion(DRIVER_DLL_NVIDIA);

        if (fileVersion.versionString.length() == 0) {
            LDEBUG("Reading NVIDIA driver version failed.");
        else {
            LDEBUG("Reading driver version successful.");
            return fileVersion;
    else if (getVendor() == GPU_VENDOR_ATI) {

        // Get fileversion of ATI OpenGL dll
        LDEBUG("Reading file version of ATI driver dll ... ");
        FileVersion fileVersion = getFileVersion(DRIVER_DLL_ATI);
        if ( fileVersion.versionString.length() == 0 ) {
            LDEBUG("Reading ATI driver version failed.");
        else {
            LDEBUG("Reading driver version successful.");
            return fileVersion;

    // unknown graphics board vendor or reading NVIDIA/Ati driver version failed:
    // get driver version from WMI
    LDEBUG("Reading driver version from WMI ...");

    // Win32_VideoController class: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394512.aspx
    std::string version = WMIqueryStr("Win32_VideoController", "DriverVersion");

    if (version.length() == 0) {
        LDEBUG("Failed to retrieve driver version from WMI.");
        LWARNING("Failed to detect driver version.");
    else {
        fileVersion.versionString = version;
        // do not parse driver version string since it is not necessarily a file version string
        fileVersion.d1 = 0;
        fileVersion.d2 = 0;
        fileVersion.d3 = 0;
        fileVersion.d4 = 0;
        fileVersion.version = 0;
        LDEBUG("Successfully read driver version from WMI");
    return fileVersion;

    LDEBUG("Compiled without WMI support.");
    LWARNING("Failed to detect driver version.");
    return fileVersion;

std::string GpuCapabilitiesWindows::getDriverDate() {

    LDEBUG("Retrieving driver date ...");

    if ( getVendor() == GPU_VENDOR_NVIDIA ) {

        LDEBUG("Retrieving driver date by querying file date of NVIDIA driver dll ...");

        std::string result;
        //TODO: windows vista stores the name of the dll in the registry.
        //      its better to get the name from there (cdoer)
        if (getOSVersion() == OS_WIN_VISTA)
            result = getFileDate("nvoglv32.dll");
            result = getFileDate(DRIVER_DLL_NVIDIA);

        if (result.length() == 0) {
            LDEBUG("Failed reading driver date from NVIDIA driver dll.");
        else {
            LDEBUG("Reading driver date successful.");
            return result;
    else if (getVendor() == GPU_VENDOR_ATI) {
        LDEBUG("Retrieving driver date by querying file date of ATI driver dll ...");
        std::string result = getFileDate(DRIVER_DLL_ATI);
        if (result.length() == 0) {
            LDEBUG("Failed reading driver date from ATI driver dll.");
        else {
            LDEBUG("Reading driver date successful.");
            return result;


    // unknown vendor or reading driver date from vendor dll failed:
    // read driver date from WMI
    LDEBUG("Reading driver date from WMI ...");

    if (isWMIinited()) {
        // Win32_VideoController class: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394512.aspx
        std::string date = WMIqueryStr("Win32_VideoController", "DriverDate");

        if (date.length() > 0) {

            LDEBUG("Reading driver date successful.");

            // convert to yyyy-mm-dd format.
            // see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa387237.aspx for specification of CIM_DATETIME
            std::string dateformat = "";

            return dateformat;
        else {
            LDEBUG("Failed reading driver date.");
            LWARNING("Failed to detect driver date");
            return "";
    else {
        LDEBUG("Unable to read DriverDate from WMI: not inited");

    LDEBUG("Compiled without WMI support.");
    LWARNING("Failed to detect driver date");

    return "";

Exemplo n.º 7
w_instance NativeProperties_init(JNIEnv *env, w_instance classSystem) {
  w_thread thread = JNIEnv2w_thread(env);
  char *utf8;
  w_string s;
  w_fifo fifo;
  w_int i;

  prop_hashtable = ht_create("hashtable:native system properties", 17, ht_stringHash, ht_stringCompare, 0, 0);
  woempa(1, "Created prop_hashtable\n");
  s = cstring2String(UNICODE_SUBSETS, strlen(UNICODE_SUBSETS));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)cstring2String("mika.unicode.subsets", 20), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.unicode.subsets", s);

  utf8 = getInstallationDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.home", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.home", s);

  utf8 = getExtensionDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.ext.dirs", 13), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.ext.dirs", s);

  utf8 = getLibraryPath();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.library.path", 17), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.library.path", s);

  s = utf2String(VERSION_STRING, strlen(VERSION_STRING));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.version", 12), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.version", s);

  s = utf2String(WONKA_INFO, strlen(WONKA_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.vm.options", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.vm.options", s);

  s = utf2String(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE, strlen(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.default.heap.size", 22), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.default.heap.size", s);

  s = utf2String(AWT_INFO, strlen(AWT_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.awt.options", 16), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.awt.options", s);

#ifdef O4P
  s = utf2String(O4P_INFO, strlen(O4P_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.o4p.options", 16), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.o4p.options", s);

#ifdef OSWALD
  s = utf2String(OSWALD_INFO, strlen(OSWALD_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.oswald.options", 19), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.oswald.options", s);

  s = utf2String(BUILD_HOST, strlen(BUILD_HOST));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.build.host", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.build.host", s);

  utf8 = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.build.time", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.build.time", s);

  utf8 = getOSName();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.name", 7), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.name", s);

  utf8 = getOSVersion();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.version", 10), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.version", s);

  utf8 = getOSArch();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.arch", 7), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.arch", s);

  utf8 = getUserName();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.name", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.name", s);

  utf8 = getUserHome();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.home", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.home", s);

  utf8 = getUserDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.dir", 8), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.dir", s);

  utf8 = getUserLanguage();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.language", 13), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.language", s);

  utf8 = "Mika " VERSION_STRING;
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.runtime.name", 17), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.runtime.name", s);

  keyArray = allocArrayInstance_1d(JNIEnv2w_thread(env), clazzArrayOf_String, prop_hashtable->occupancy);
  fifo = ht_list_keys_no_lock(prop_hashtable);
  i = 0;
  while ((s = (w_string)getFifo(fifo))) {
    woempa(7, "keyArray[%d] = %w\n", i, s);
    setArrayReferenceField(keyArray, getStringInstance(s), i);

  return keyArray;
Exemplo n.º 8
// The 'main' function for the booter. Called by boot0 when booting
// from a block device, or by the network booter.
// arguments:
//	 biosdev - Value passed from boot1/NBP to specify the device
//			   that the booter was loaded from.
// If biosdev is kBIOSDevNetwork, then this function will return if
// booting was unsuccessful. This allows the PXE firmware to try the
// next boot device on its list.
void common_boot(int biosdev)
	bool	 		quiet;
	bool	 		firstRun = true;
	bool	 		instantMenu;
	bool	 		rescanPrompt;
	char	 		*bootFile;
	int				status;
	unsigned int	allowBVFlags = kBVFlagSystemVolume | kBVFlagForeignBoot;
	unsigned int	denyBVFlags = kBVFlagEFISystem;
	unsigned long	adler32;
	// Set reminder to unload the PXE base code. Neglect to unload
	// the base code will result in a hang or kernel panic.
	gUnloadPXEOnExit = true;
	// Record the device that the booter was loaded from.
	gBIOSDev = biosdev & kBIOSDevMask;
	// Initialize boot info structure.
	// Setup VGA text mode.
	// Not sure if it is safe to call setVideoMode() before the
	// config table has been loaded. Call video_mode() instead.
	printf("before video_mode\n");
	video_mode( 2 );  // 80x25 mono text mode.
	printf("after video_mode\n");
	// Scan and record the system's hardware information.
	// First get info for boot volume.
	scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, 0);
	bvChain = getBVChainForBIOSDev(gBIOSDev);
	// Load boot.plist config file
	status = loadChameleonConfig(&bootInfo->chameleonConfig);
	if (getBoolForKey(kQuietBootKey, &quiet, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && quiet) {
		gBootMode |= kBootModeQuiet;
	// Override firstRun to get to the boot menu instantly by setting "Instant Menu"=y in system config
	if (getBoolForKey(kInstantMenuKey, &instantMenu, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && instantMenu) {
		firstRun = false;
	// Loading preboot ramdisk if exists.
	// Disable rescan option by default
	gEnableCDROMRescan = false;
	// Enable it with Rescan=y in system config
	if (getBoolForKey(kRescanKey, &gEnableCDROMRescan, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& gEnableCDROMRescan) {
		gEnableCDROMRescan = true;
	// Ask the user for Rescan option by setting "Rescan Prompt"=y in system config.
	rescanPrompt = false;
	if (getBoolForKey(kRescanPromptKey, &rescanPrompt , &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& rescanPrompt && biosDevIsCDROM(gBIOSDev))
		gEnableCDROMRescan = promptForRescanOption();
	// Enable touching a single BIOS device only if "Scan Single Drive"=y is set in system config.
	if (getBoolForKey(kScanSingleDriveKey, &gScanSingleDrive, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)
		&& gScanSingleDrive) {
		gScanSingleDrive = true;
	// Create a list of partitions on device(s).
	if (gScanSingleDrive) {
		scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, &bvCount);
	} else {
		scanDisks(gBIOSDev, &bvCount);
	// Create a separated bvr chain using the specified filters.
	bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount);
	gBootVolume = selectBootVolume(bvChain);
	// Intialize module system 
	printf(" Default: %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n",
			 gBootVolume, gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_no, gBootVolume->flags);
	printf(" bt(0,0): %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n",
			 gBIOSBootVolume, gBIOSBootVolume->biosdev, gBIOSBootVolume->part_no, gBIOSBootVolume->flags);
	useGUI = true;
	// Override useGUI default
	getBoolForKey(kGUIKey, &useGUI, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig);
	if (useGUI && initGUI())
		// initGUI() returned with an error, disabling GUI.
		useGUI = false;
	// Parse args, load and start kernel.
	while (1)
		bool		tryresume, tryresumedefault, forceresume;
		bool		usecache = false;//true;
		const char	*val;
		int			len, trycache, ret = -1;
		long		flags, cachetime, kerneltime, exttime, sleeptime, time;
		void		*binary = (void *)kLoadAddr;
		// additional variable for testing alternate kernel image locations on boot helper partitions.
		char		bootFileSpec[512];
		// Initialize globals.
		sysConfigValid = false;
		gErrors		   = false;
		status = getBootOptions(firstRun);
		firstRun = false;
		if (status == -1) continue;
		status = processBootOptions();
		// Status == 1 means to chainboot
		if ( status ==	1 ) break;
		// Status == -1 means that the config file couldn't be loaded or that gBootVolume is NULL
		if ( status == -1 )
			// gBootVolume == NULL usually means the user hit escape.
			if (gBootVolume == NULL)
				if (gEnableCDROMRescan)
				bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount);
		// Other status (e.g. 0) means that we should proceed with boot.
		// Turn off any GUI elements
		if ( bootArgs->Video.v_display == GRAPHICS_MODE )
			gui.devicelist.draw = false;
			gui.bootprompt.draw = false;
			gui.menu.draw = false;
			gui.infobox.draw = false;
			gui.logo.draw = false;
		// Find out which version mac os we're booting.
		if (platformCPUFeature(CPU_FEATURE_EM64T)) {
			archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_X86_64;
		} else {
			archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
		if (getValueForKey(karch, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) {
				archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
		if (getValueForKey(kKernelArchKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) {
				archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
		// Notify modules that we are attempting to boot
		execute_hook("PreBoot", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if (!getBoolForKey (kWake, &tryresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			tryresume = true;
			tryresumedefault = true;
		} else {
			tryresumedefault = false;
		if (!getBoolForKey (kForceWake, &forceresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) {
			forceresume = false;
		if (forceresume) {
			tryresume = true;
			tryresumedefault = false;
		while (tryresume) {
			const char *tmp;
			BVRef bvr;
			if (!getValueForKey(kWakeImage, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig))
				val = "/private/var/vm/sleepimage";
			// Do this first to be sure that root volume is mounted
			ret = GetFileInfo(0, val, &flags, &sleeptime);
			if ((bvr = getBootVolumeRef(val, &tmp)) == NULL)
			// Can't check if it was hibernation Wake=y is required
			if (bvr->modTime == 0 && tryresumedefault)
			if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat))
			if (!forceresume && ((sleeptime+3)<bvr->modTime)) {
#if DEBUG	
				printf ("Hibernate image is too old by %d seconds. Use ForceWake=y to override\n",
			HibernateBoot((char *)val);
		getBoolForKey(kUseKernelCache, &usecache, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig);
		if (usecache) {
			if( getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) || getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->bootConfig) ) {
				if (val[0] == '\\')
				strlcpy(gBootKernelCacheFile, val, len + 1);
                verbose("Using kernel cache: \"%s\" \n", gBootKernelCacheFile);
			else {
				// Lion and Mountain Lion prelink kernel cache file␊
				if ((checkOSVersion("10.7")) || (checkOSVersion("10.8"))) {
					sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%skernelcache", kDefaultCachePathSnow);
				// Snow Leopard
				else if (checkOSVersion("10.6")) {
					sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "kernelcache_%s", (archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_I386)
							? "i386" : "x86_64");
					int lnam = sizeof(gBootKernelCacheFile) + 9; //with adler32
					char* name;
					long prev_time = 0;
					struct dirstuff* cacheDir = opendir(kDefaultCachePathSnow);
					while(readdir(cacheDir, (const char**)&name, &flags, &time) >= 0)
						if (((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeDirectory) && time > prev_time
							&& strstr(name, gBootKernelCacheFile) && (name[lnam] != '.'))
							sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%s%s", kDefaultCachePathSnow, name);
							prev_time = time;
				else {
					// Reset cache name.
					bzero(gCacheNameAdler + 64, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler) - 64);
					sprintf(gCacheNameAdler + 64, "%s,%s", gRootDevice, bootInfo->bootFile);
					adler32 = Adler32((unsigned char *)gCacheNameAdler, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler));
					sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%s.%08lX", kDefaultCachePathLeo, adler32);
		// Check for cache file.
		trycache = (usecache && 
					((gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) == 0) &&
					!gOverrideKernel &&
					(gBootFileType == kBlockDeviceType) &&
					(gMKextName[0] == '\0') &&
					(gBootKernelCacheFile[0] != '\0'));
        verbose("trycache: %d\n", trycache);
		verbose("Loading Darwin %s\n", gMacOSVersion);
		if (trycache) do {
            verbose("bootInfo->bootFile: \"%s\" \n", bootInfo->bootFile);
			ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootInfo->bootFile, &flags, &kerneltime);
			if (ret != 0) kerneltime = 0;
			else if ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 1\n");
			ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, gBootKernelCacheFile, &flags, &cachetime);
			if ((ret != 0)) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 2.1 \"%s\" \n", gBootKernelCacheFile);
			else if ( ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat) ) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 2.2\n");
			else if ( (cachetime < kerneltime) ) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 2.3\n");
			ret = GetFileInfo("/System/Library/", "Extensions", &flags, &exttime);
			if ((ret == 0) && ((flags & kFileTypeMask) == kFileTypeDirectory)
				&& (cachetime < exttime)) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 3\n");
			if (ret == 0 && kerneltime > exttime) {
				exttime = kerneltime;
			if (ret == 0 && cachetime < (exttime + 1)) {
				trycache = 0;
                verbose("trycache0 : 4\n");
		} while (0);

        // sleep(5);

		do {
			if (trycache) {
				bootFile = gBootKernelCacheFile;
				verbose("Loading kernel cache %s\n", bootFile);
				if ((checkOSVersion("10.7")) || (checkOSVersion("10.8"))) {
					ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFile, &binary);
				else {
					ret = LoadFile(bootFile);
					binary = (void *)kLoadAddr;
				if (ret >= 0)
				verbose("Kernel cache did not load %s\n ", bootFile);
			if ((checkOSVersion("10.7")) || (checkOSVersion("10.8"))) {
				bootFile = gBootKernelCacheFile;
			else {
				sprintf(bootFile, "\%s", bootInfo->bootFile);
			// Try to load kernel image from alternate locations on boot helper partitions.
			sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.P%s", bootFile);
			ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); 
			if (ret == -1)
				sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.R%s", bootFile);
				ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); 
				if (ret == -1)
					sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.S%s", bootFile);
					ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); 
					if (ret == -1)
						// No alternate location found, using the original kernel image path.
						strcpy(bootFileSpec, bootInfo->bootFile);
			if ((checkOSVersion("10.7")) || (checkOSVersion("10.8")))
				//Lion, dont load kernel if haz cache
				if (!trycache) 
					verbose("Loading kernel %s\n", bootFileSpec);
					ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary);
					if (ret <= 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) 
						archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
						ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary);				
				else ret = 1;
				//Snow Leopard or older
				verbose("Loading kernel %s\n", bootFileSpec);
				ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary);
				if (ret <= 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) 
					archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
					ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary);				
		} while (0);
		if (ret <= 0) {
			printf("Can't find %s\n", bootFile);
			if (gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) {
				// Return control back to PXE. Don't unload PXE base code.
				gUnloadPXEOnExit = false;
		} else {
			/* Won't return if successful. */
			ret = ExecKernel(binary);
	// chainboot
	if (status == 1) {
		// if we are already in graphics-mode,
		if (getVideoMode() == GRAPHICS_MODE) {
			setVideoMode(VGA_TEXT_MODE, 0); // switch back to text mode.
	if ((gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) && gUnloadPXEOnExit) {
Exemplo n.º 9
void commandLine(){
	inputKey = 0;
	exit = 0;
	temp = 0;
	counter = 0;

	vgaPrintString( getOSVersion() );

	while( 1 ){
		exit = 0;
		counter = 0;
		vgaPrintString( "BuenOS >" );//prompt input

		while( ( exit == 0 && inputKey == 0 ) || exit == 0 ){//fill input buffer
			inputKey = getKey();

			if( isInput( inputKey ) ){
				if( inputKey == 27 ){//esc
					cursorPos = vgaGetPos();
					vgaSetPos( ( cursorPos->x - counter ), cursorPos->y );
					for( temp = 0; temp < counter; temp++){
						vgaPrint( ' ' );
					vgaSetPos( ( cursorPos->x - counter ), cursorPos->y );
					counter = 0;
					inputBuffer[counter] = 0;
				else if( inputKey == 13 ){//enter
					exit = 1;//finish buffer loop
					inputBuffer[counter] = 0;//null terminate string
					while( counter < sizeOfBuffer ){//null out remaining buffer
						inputBuffer[counter] = 0;
					vgaPrintString( "\r\n" );

				else if( inputKey == 8 ){//backspace
					if( counter != 0 ){
						vgaPrintString( "\b \b" );
						inputBuffer[counter] = 0;
				else if( counter != sizeOfBuffer ){
					vgaPrint( inputKey );
					inputBuffer[counter] = inputKey;
		stringCopy( inputBuffer, tempBuffer );
		stringParseInfo = stringParse( tempBuffer );
		stringUppercase( stringParseInfo->argv[0] );

		if( stringLength( stringParseInfo->argv[0] ) != 0 ){
			if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "HELP" ) )  vgaPrintString( helpString );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "CLEAR" ) )  vgaSetup( 3 );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "VERSION" ) )  vgaPrintString( getOSVersion() );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "ECHO" ) ) {
				stringStrip( stringParseInfo->argv[1], '"' );
				vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
				vgaPrintString( "\r\n" );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "DIR" ) ){
				getFileList( tempBuffer );
				stringFindAndReplace( tempBuffer, ',', ' ' );
				stringParseInfo = stringParse( tempBuffer );
				temp = 0;
				while( temp <= stringParseInfo->argc ){
					vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[temp] );
					cursorPos = vgaGetPos();
					vgaSetPos( 12, cursorPos->y );
					vgaPrintString( intToString( getFileSize( stringParseInfo->argv[temp] ) ) );
					vgaPrintString( " bytes\r\n" );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "SIZEOF" ) ){
				vgaPrintString( intToString( getFileSize( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) ) );
				vgaPrintString( " bytes\r\n" );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "RENAME" ) ){
				stringUppercase( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
				stringUppercase( stringParseInfo->argv[2] );
				if( fileExists( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) && stringLength( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) != 0 && stringLength( stringParseInfo->argv[2] ) != 0 ){
					if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[1], "KERNEL.BIN" ) ) vgaPrintString( "Nice try.\r\n" );
					else if( fileExists( stringParseInfo->argv[2] ) || renameFile( stringParseInfo->argv[1], stringParseInfo->argv[2] ) ){
						vgaPrintString( "File " );
						vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
						vgaPrintString( " could not be renamed to " );
						vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[2] );
						vgaPrintString( "\r\n" );
						vgaPrintString( "File " );
						vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
						vgaPrintString( " successfully renamed to " );
						vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[2] );
						vgaPrintString( "\r\n" );
					vgaPrintString( "File " );
					vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
					vgaPrintString( " cannot be found.\r\n" );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "DELETE" ) ){
				stringUppercase( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
				if( fileExists( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) && stringLength( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) != 0 ){
					if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[1], "KERNEL.BIN" ) != 1 ){
						if( removeFile( stringParseInfo->argv[1] ) ){
							vgaPrintString( "File " );
							vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
							vgaPrintString( " could not be deleted\r\n" );
							vgaPrintString( "File " );
							vgaPrintString( stringParseInfo->argv[1] );
							vgaPrintString( " successfully deleted\r\n" );
					else vgaPrintString( "OMG just stop it. I NEED THAT!\r\n\nIT'S NOT FUNNY! ARGH!\r\n\n\n" );
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "SHUTDOWN" ) )  shutdown();
			else if( stringEqual( stringParseInfo->argv[0], "RESTART" ) )  restart();
			else runApplication( stringParseInfo );