Exemplo n.º 1
void RenderableModelEntityItem::setModelURL(const QString& url) {
    auto& currentURL = getParsedModelURL();

    if (currentURL != getParsedModelURL() || !_model) {
        EntityTreePointer tree = getTree();
        if (tree) {
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(tree.get(), "callLoader", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(EntityItemID, getID()));
Exemplo n.º 2
void RenderableModelEntityItem::loader() {
    _needsModelReload = true;
    EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = DependencyManager::get<EntityTreeRenderer>().data();
    if (!_model || _needsModelReload) {
        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("getModel");
    if (_model) {
Exemplo n.º 3
// NOTE: this only renders the "meta" portion of the Model, namely it renders debugging items, and it handles
// the per frame simulation/update that might be required if the models properties changed.
void RenderableModelEntityItem::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("RMEIrender");
    assert(getType() == EntityTypes::Model);

    if (hasModel()) {
        if (_model) {
            // check if the URL has changed
            auto& currentURL = getParsedModelURL();
            if (currentURL != _model->getURL()) {
                qCDebug(entitiesrenderer).noquote() << "Updating model URL: " << currentURL.toDisplayString();

            render::ScenePointer scene = AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->getMain3DScene();

            // check to see if when we added our models to the scene they were ready, if they were not ready, then
            // fix them up in the scene
            bool shouldShowCollisionHull = (args->_debugFlags & (int)RenderArgs::RENDER_DEBUG_HULLS) > 0;
            if (_model->needsFixupInScene() || _showCollisionHull != shouldShowCollisionHull) {
                _showCollisionHull = shouldShowCollisionHull;
                render::PendingChanges pendingChanges;

                _model->removeFromScene(scene, pendingChanges);

                render::Item::Status::Getters statusGetters;
                makeEntityItemStatusGetters(getThisPointer(), statusGetters);
                _model->addToScene(scene, pendingChanges, statusGetters, _showCollisionHull);


            // FIXME: this seems like it could be optimized if we tracked our last known visible state in
            //        the renderable item. As it stands now the model checks it's visible/invisible state
            //        so most of the time we don't do anything in this function.
            _model->setVisibleInScene(getVisible(), scene);

            // float alpha = getLocalRenderAlpha();

            if (!_model || _needsModelReload) {
                // TODO: this getModel() appears to be about 3% of model render time. We should optimize
                PerformanceTimer perfTimer("getModel");
                EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = static_cast<EntityTreeRenderer*>(args->_renderer);

            if (_model) {
                if (hasAnimation()) {
                    if (!jointsMapped()) {
                        QStringList modelJointNames = _model->getJointNames();

                _jointDataLock.withWriteLock([&] {

                    // relay any inbound joint changes from scripts/animation/network to the model/rig
                    for (int index = 0; index < _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrame.size(); index++) {
                        if (_absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameDirty[index]) {
                            glm::quat rotation = _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrame[index];
                            _model->setJointRotation(index, true, rotation, 1.0f);
                            _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameDirty[index] = false;
                    for (int index = 0; index < _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrame.size(); index++) {
                        if (_absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameDirty[index]) {
                            glm::vec3 translation = _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrame[index];
                            _model->setJointTranslation(index, true, translation, 1.0f);
                            _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameDirty[index] = false;

                bool movingOrAnimating = isMoving() || isAnimatingSomething();
                if ((movingOrAnimating ||
                     _needsInitialSimulation ||
                     _model->getTranslation() != getPosition() ||
                     _model->getRotation() != getRotation() ||
                     _model->getRegistrationPoint() != getRegistrationPoint())
                    && _model->isActive() && _dimensionsInitialized) {
                    _model->setScaleToFit(true, getDimensions());
                    _model->setSnapModelToRegistrationPoint(true, getRegistrationPoint());

                    // make sure to simulate so everything gets set up correctly for rendering
                        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("_model->simulate");

                    _needsInitialSimulation = false;
    } else {
        static glm::vec4 greenColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        gpu::Batch& batch = *args->_batch;
        bool success;
        auto shapeTransform = getTransformToCenter(success);
        if (success) {
            batch.setModelTransform(Transform()); // we want to include the scale as well
            DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderWireCubeInstance(batch, shapeTransform, greenColor);
// NOTE: this only renders the "meta" portion of the Model, namely it renders debugging items, and it handles
// the per frame simulation/update that might be required if the models properties changed.
void RenderableModelEntityItem::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("RMEIrender");
    assert(getType() == EntityTypes::Model);

    if (hasModel()) {
        // Prepare the current frame
            if (!_model || _needsModelReload) {
                // TODO: this getModel() appears to be about 3% of model render time. We should optimize
                PerformanceTimer perfTimer("getModel");
                EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = static_cast<EntityTreeRenderer*>(args->_renderer);

                // Remap textures immediately after loading to avoid flicker

            if (_model) {
                if (hasRenderAnimation()) {
                    if (!jointsMapped()) {
                        QStringList modelJointNames = _model->getJointNames();

                _jointDataLock.withWriteLock([&] {

                    // relay any inbound joint changes from scripts/animation/network to the model/rig
                    for (int index = 0; index < _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrame.size(); index++) {
                        if (_absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameDirty[index]) {
                            glm::quat rotation = _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrame[index];
                            _model->setJointRotation(index, true, rotation, 1.0f);
                            _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameDirty[index] = false;
                    for (int index = 0; index < _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrame.size(); index++) {
                        if (_absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameDirty[index]) {
                            glm::vec3 translation = _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrame[index];
                            _model->setJointTranslation(index, true, translation, 1.0f);
                            _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameDirty[index] = false;

        // Enqueue updates for the next frame
        if (_model) {

            render::ScenePointer scene = AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->getMain3DScene();

            // FIXME: this seems like it could be optimized if we tracked our last known visible state in
            //        the renderable item. As it stands now the model checks it's visible/invisible state
            //        so most of the time we don't do anything in this function.
            _model->setVisibleInScene(getVisible(), scene);

            // Remap textures for the next frame to avoid flicker

            // check to see if when we added our models to the scene they were ready, if they were not ready, then
            // fix them up in the scene
            bool shouldShowCollisionHull = (args->_debugFlags & (int)RenderArgs::RENDER_DEBUG_HULLS) > 0;
            if (_model->needsFixupInScene() || _showCollisionHull != shouldShowCollisionHull) {
                _showCollisionHull = shouldShowCollisionHull;
                render::PendingChanges pendingChanges;

                _model->removeFromScene(scene, pendingChanges);

                render::Item::Status::Getters statusGetters;
                makeEntityItemStatusGetters(getThisPointer(), statusGetters);
                _model->addToScene(scene, pendingChanges, statusGetters, _showCollisionHull);


            auto& currentURL = getParsedModelURL();
            if (currentURL != _model->getURL()) {
                // Defer setting the url to the render thread
    } else {
        static glm::vec4 greenColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        gpu::Batch& batch = *args->_batch;
        bool success;
        auto shapeTransform = getTransformToCenter(success);
        if (success) {
            batch.setModelTransform(shapeTransform); // we want to include the scale as well
            DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderWireCubeInstance(batch, greenColor);