Exemplo n.º 1
Handle cmem_load_double(TaskData *taskData, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    return real_result(taskData, ((double*)baseAddr)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 2
Handle cmem_load_16(TaskData *taskData, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, ((uint16_t*)baseAddr)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 3
Handle cmem_load_32(TaskData *taskData, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    // Load 32-bit int - In 32-bit mode this needs to be boxed
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    return toSysWord(taskData, ((uint32_t*)baseAddr)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 4
Handle cmem_load_64(TaskData *taskData, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    // Box the result.
    return toSysWord(taskData, ((uint64_t*)baseAddr)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 5
Handle cmem_load_32(TaskData *taskData, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    // Return a tagged value in 64-bit mode.
    return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, ((uint32_t*)baseAddr)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 6
Handle cmem_store_double(TaskData *taskData, Handle valueH, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    double value = real_arg(taskData->saveVec.push(valueH->Word()));
    ((double*)baseAddr)[index] = value;
    return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED(0));
Exemplo n.º 7
Handle cmem_store_32(TaskData *taskData, Handle valueH, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    uint32_t value = get_C_unsigned(taskData, valueH->Word());
    ((uint32_t*)baseAddr)[index] = value;
    return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED(0));
Exemplo n.º 8
Handle cmem_store_64(TaskData *taskData, Handle valueH, Handle indexH, Handle offsetH, Handle baseH)
    uint8_t *baseAddr =
        *((uint8_t**)baseH->Word().AsAddress()) +
        getPolySigned(taskData, offsetH->Word());
    POLYSIGNED index = getPolySigned(taskData, indexH->Word());
    // This is boxed.
    uint64_t value = *(uint64_t*)(valueH->Word().AsAddress());
    ((uint64_t*)baseAddr)[index] = value;
    return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED(0));
Exemplo n.º 9
Handle poly_dispatch_c(TaskData *taskData, Handle args, Handle code)
    unsigned c = get_C_unsigned(taskData, DEREFWORDHANDLE(code));
    switch (c)
    case 1:
        return exportNative(taskData, args); // Export
    case 2:
        raise_syscall(taskData, "C Export has been withdrawn", 0);
        return 0;
    case 3:
        return exportPortable(taskData, args); // Export as portable format

    case 9: // Return the GIT version if appropriate
             return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, GitVersion));

    case 10: // Return the RTS version string.
            const char *version;
            switch (machineDependent->MachineArchitecture())
            case MA_Interpreted:    version = "Portable-" TextVersion; break;
            case MA_I386:           version = "I386-" TextVersion; break;
            case MA_X86_64:         version = "X86_64-" TextVersion; break;
            default:                version = "Unknown-" TextVersion; break;
            return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, version));

    case 11: // Return the RTS copyright string
        return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, poly_runtime_system_copyright));

    case 12: // Return the architecture
            const char *arch;
            switch (machineDependent->MachineArchitecture())
            case MA_Interpreted:    arch = "Interpreted"; break;
            case MA_I386:           arch = "I386"; break;
            case MA_X86_64:         arch = "X86_64"; break;
            default:                arch = "Unknown"; break;
            return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, arch));

    case 13: // Share common immutable data.
            ShareData(taskData, args);
            return SAVE(TAGGED(0));

        // ObjSize and ShowSize have their own IO vector entries but really they don't
        // need them.  Include them here and add ObjProfile.
    case 14:
        return ObjSize(taskData, args);

    case 15:
        return ShowSize(taskData, args);

    case 16:
        return ObjProfile(taskData, args);

    /* 17 and 18 are no longer used. */

    case 19: // Return the RTS argument help string.
        return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, RTSArgHelp()));

    case 20: // Write a saved state file.
        return SaveState(taskData, args);

    case 21: // Load a saved state file and any ancestors.
        return LoadState(taskData, false, args);

    case 22: // Show the hierarchy.
        return ShowHierarchy(taskData);

    case 23: // Change the name of the immediate parent stored in a child
        return RenameParent(taskData, args);

    case 24: // Return the name of the immediate parent stored in a child
        return ShowParent(taskData, args);

    case 25: // Old statistics - now removed
    case 26:
        raise_exception_string(taskData, EXC_Fail, "No statistics available");

    case 27: // Get number of user statistics available
        return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, N_PS_USER);

    case 28: // Set an entry in the user stats table.
            unsigned index = get_C_unsigned(taskData, DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(0));
            if (index >= N_PS_USER)
                raise_exception0(taskData, EXC_subscript);
            POLYSIGNED value = getPolySigned(taskData, DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(1));
            globalStats.setUserCounter(index, value);
            Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, 0);

    case 29: // Get local statistics.
        return globalStats.getLocalStatistics(taskData);

    case 30: // Get remote statistics.  The argument is the process ID to get the statistics.
        return globalStats.getRemoteStatistics(taskData, getPolyUnsigned(taskData, DEREFHANDLE(args)));

    case 31: // Store a module
        return StoreModule(taskData, args);

    case 32: // Load a module
        return LoadModule(taskData, args);

    case 33: // Load hierarchy.  This provides a complete list of children and parents.
        return LoadState(taskData, true, args);

    case 34: // Return the system directory for modules.  This is configured differently
        // in Unix and in Windows.
#if (defined(MODULEDIR))
    return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, Xstr(MODULEDIR)));
#elif (defined(_WIN32) && ! defined(__CYGWIN__))
            // This registry key is configured when Poly/ML is installed using the installer.
            // It gives the path to the Poly/ML installation directory.  We return the
            // Modules subdirectory.
            HKEY hk;
            if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
                    _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\PolyML.exe"), 0,
                    KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                DWORD valSize;
                if (RegQueryValueEx(hk, _T("Path"), 0, NULL, NULL, &valSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
#define MODULEDIR _T("Modules")
                    TempString buff((TCHAR*)malloc(valSize + (_tcslen(MODULEDIR) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)));
                    DWORD dwType;
                    if (RegQueryValueEx(hk, _T("Path"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(LPTSTR)buff, &valSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        // The registry entry should end with a backslash.
                        _tcscat(buff, MODULEDIR);
                        return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, buff));
            return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, ""));
        return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, ""));

    case 50: // GCD
        return gcd_arbitrary(taskData, SAVE(DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(0)), SAVE(DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(1)));
    case 51: // LCM
        return lcm_arbitrary(taskData, SAVE(DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(0)), SAVE(DEREFHANDLE(args)->Get(1)));

        // These next ones were originally in process_env and have now been moved here,
    case 100: /* Return the maximum word segment size. */
            return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED(MAX_OBJECT_SIZE));
    case 101: /* Return the maximum string size (in bytes).
                 It is the maximum number of bytes in a segment
                 less one word for the length field. */
            return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED((MAX_OBJECT_SIZE)*sizeof(PolyWord) - sizeof(PolyWord)));
    case 102: /* Test whether the supplied address is in the io area.
                 This was previously done by having get_flags return
                 256 but this was changed so that get_flags simply
                 returns the top byte of the length word. */
            PolyWord *pt = (PolyWord*)DEREFWORDHANDLE(args);
            if (gMem.IsIOPointer(pt))
                return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, 1);
            else return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, 0);
    case 103: /* Return the register mask for the given function.
                 This is used by the code-generator to find out
                 which registers are modified by the function and
                 so need to be saved if they are used by the caller. */
            PolyObject *pt = DEREFWORDHANDLE(args);
            if (gMem.IsIOPointer(pt))
                /* IO area.  We need to get this from the vector. */
                int i;
                for (i=0; i < POLY_SYS_vecsize; i++)
                    if (pt == (PolyObject*)IoEntry(i))
                        int regMask = taskData->GetIOFunctionRegisterMask(i);
                        POLYUNSIGNED props = rtsProperties(taskData, i);
                        return taskData->saveVec.push(TAGGED(regMask | props));
                raise_exception_string(taskData, EXC_Fail, "Io pointer not found");
                /* We may have a pointer to the code or a pointer to
                   a closure.  If it's a closure we have to find the
                   code. */
                if (! pt->IsCodeObject() && ! pt->IsByteObject())
                    pt = pt->Get(0).AsObjPtr();

                /* Should now be a code object. */
                if (pt->IsCodeObject())
                    /* Compiled code.  This is the second constant in the
                       constant area. */
                    PolyWord *codePt = pt->ConstPtrForCode();
                    PolyWord mask = codePt[1];
                    // A real mask will be an integer.
                    if (IS_INT(mask)) return SAVE(mask);
                    else raise_exception_string(taskData, EXC_Fail, "Invalid mask");
                else raise_exception_string(taskData, EXC_Fail, "Not a code pointer");

    case 104: return Make_arbitrary_precision(taskData, POLY_version_number);

    case 105: /* Get the name of the function. */
            PolyObject *pt = DEREFWORDHANDLE(args);
            if (gMem.IsIOPointer(pt))
                /* IO area. */
                int i;
                for (i=0; i < POLY_SYS_vecsize; i++)
                    if (pt == (PolyObject*)IoEntry(i))
                        char buff[8];
                        sprintf(buff, "RTS%d", i);
                        return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, buff));
                raise_syscall(taskData, "Io pointer not found", 0);
            else if (pt->IsCodeObject()) /* Should now be a code object. */ 
                /* Compiled code.  This is the first constant in the constant area. */
                PolyWord *codePt = pt->ConstPtrForCode();
                PolyWord name = codePt[0];
                /* May be zero indicating an anonymous segment - return null string. */
                if (name == PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0))
                    return SAVE(C_string_to_Poly(taskData, ""));
                else return SAVE(name);
            else raise_syscall(taskData, "Not a code pointer", 0);

            char msg[100];
            sprintf(msg, "Unknown poly-specific function: %d", c);
            raise_exception_string(taskData, EXC_Fail, msg);
            return 0;