Exemplo n.º 1
QueryData genProcessEnvs(QueryContext &context) {
  QueryData results;
  auto pidlist = getProcList();
  int argmax = genMaxArgs();

  for (auto &pid : pidlist) {
    if (!context.constraints["pid"].matches<int>(pid)) {
      // Optimize by not searching when a pid is a constraint.

    auto env = getProcEnv(pid, argmax);
    for (auto env_itr = env.begin(); env_itr != env.end(); ++env_itr) {
      Row r;

      r["pid"] = INTEGER(pid);
      r["name"] = getProcName(pid);
      r["path"] = getProcPath(pid);
      r["key"] = env_itr->first;
      r["value"] = env_itr->second;


  return results;
Exemplo n.º 2
QueryData genProcesses(QueryContext &context) {
  QueryData results;

  auto pidlist = getProcList(context);
  auto parent_pid = getParentMap(pidlist);
  int argmax = genMaxArgs();

  for (auto &pid : pidlist) {
    if (!context.constraints["pid"].matches<int>(pid)) {
      // Optimize by not searching when a pid is a constraint.

    Row r;
    r["pid"] = INTEGER(pid);
    r["path"] = getProcPath(pid);
    // OS X proc_name only returns 16 bytes, use the basename of the path.
    r["name"] = boost::filesystem::path(r["path"]).filename().string();

    // The command line invocation including arguments.
    std::string cmdline = boost::algorithm::join(getProcArgs(pid, argmax), " ");
    r["cmdline"] = cmdline;
    genProcRootAndCWD(pid, r);

    proc_cred cred;
    if (getProcCred(pid, cred)) {
      r["uid"] = BIGINT(cred.real.uid);
      r["gid"] = BIGINT(cred.real.gid);
      r["euid"] = BIGINT(cred.effective.uid);
      r["egid"] = BIGINT(cred.effective.gid);
    } else {
      r["uid"] = "-1";
      r["gid"] = "-1";
      r["euid"] = "-1";
      r["egid"] = "-1";

    // Find the parent process.
    const auto parent_it = parent_pid.find(pid);
    if (parent_it != parent_pid.end()) {
      r["parent"] = INTEGER(parent_it->second);
    } else {
      r["parent"] = "-1";

    // If the path of the executable that started the process is available and
    // the path exists on disk, set on_disk to 1. If the path is not
    // available, set on_disk to -1. If, and only if, the path of the
    // executable is available and the file does NOT exist on disk, set on_disk
    // to 0.
    r["on_disk"] = osquery::pathExists(r["path"]).toString();

    // systems usage and time information
    struct rusage_info_v2 rusage_info_data;
    int rusage_status = proc_pid_rusage(
        pid, RUSAGE_INFO_V2, (rusage_info_t *)&rusage_info_data);
    // proc_pid_rusage returns -1 if it was unable to gather information
    if (rusage_status == 0) {
      // size/memory information
      r["wired_size"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_wired_size);
      r["resident_size"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_resident_size);
      r["phys_footprint"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_phys_footprint);

      // time information
      r["user_time"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_user_time / 1000000);
      r["system_time"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_system_time / 1000000);
      r["start_time"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_proc_start_abstime);
    } else {
      r["wired_size"] = "-1";
      r["resident_size"] = "-1";
      r["phys_footprint"] = "-1";
      r["user_time"] = "-1";
      r["system_time"] = "-1";
      r["start_time"] = "-1";


  return results;
Exemplo n.º 3
QueryData genProcesses(QueryContext& context) {
  QueryData results;

  // Initialize time conversions.
  static mach_timebase_info_data_t time_base;
  if (time_base.denom == 0) {

  auto pidlist = getProcList(context);
  int argmax = genMaxArgs();

  for (auto& pid : pidlist) {
    Row r;
    r["pid"] = INTEGER(pid);

      // The command line invocation including arguments.
      auto args = getProcRawArgs(pid, argmax);
      std::string cmdline = boost::algorithm::join(args.args, " ");
      r["cmdline"] = cmdline;

    // The process relative root and current working directory.
    genProcRootAndCWD(pid, r);

    proc_cred cred;
    if (getProcCred(pid, cred)) {
      r["parent"] = BIGINT(cred.parent);
      r["pgroup"] = BIGINT(cred.group);
      // check if process state is one of the expected ones
      r["state"] = (1 <= cred.status && cred.status <= 5)
                       ? TEXT(kProcessStateMapping[cred.status])
                       : TEXT('?');
      r["nice"] = INTEGER(cred.nice);
      r["uid"] = BIGINT(cred.real.uid);
      r["gid"] = BIGINT(cred.real.gid);
      r["euid"] = BIGINT(cred.effective.uid);
      r["egid"] = BIGINT(cred.effective.gid);
      r["suid"] = BIGINT(cred.saved.uid);
      r["sgid"] = BIGINT(cred.saved.gid);
    } else {

    // If the process is not a Zombie, try to find the path and name.
    if (cred.status != 5) {
      r["path"] = getProcPath(pid);
      // OS X proc_name only returns 16 bytes, use the basename of the path.
      r["name"] = fs::path(r["path"]).filename().string();
    } else {
      r["path"] = "";
      std::vector<char> name(17);
      proc_name(pid, name.data(), 16);
      r["name"] = std::string(name.data());

    // If the path of the executable that started the process is available and
    // the path exists on disk, set on_disk to 1. If the path is not
    // available, set on_disk to -1. If, and only if, the path of the
    // executable is available and the file does NOT exist on disk, set on_disk
    // to 0.
    if (r["path"].empty()) {
      r["on_disk"] = INTEGER(-1);
    } else if (pathExists(r["path"])) {
      r["on_disk"] = INTEGER(1);
    } else {
      r["on_disk"] = INTEGER(0);

    // systems usage and time information
    struct rusage_info_v2 rusage_info_data;
    int status =
        proc_pid_rusage(pid, RUSAGE_INFO_V2, (rusage_info_t*)&rusage_info_data);
    // proc_pid_rusage returns -1 if it was unable to gather information
    if (status == 0) {
      // size/memory information
      r["wired_size"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_wired_size);
      r["resident_size"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_resident_size);
      r["total_size"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_phys_footprint);

      // time information
      r["user_time"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_user_time / CPU_TIME_RATIO);
      r["system_time"] = TEXT(rusage_info_data.ri_system_time / CPU_TIME_RATIO);
      // Convert the time in CPU ticks since boot to seconds.
      // This is relative to time not-sleeping since boot.
      r["start_time"] =
          TEXT((rusage_info_data.ri_proc_start_abstime / START_TIME_RATIO) *
               time_base.numer / time_base.denom);
    } else {
      r["wired_size"] = "-1";
      r["resident_size"] = "-1";
      r["total_size"] = "-1";
      r["user_time"] = "-1";
      r["system_time"] = "-1";
      r["start_time"] = "-1";

    struct proc_taskinfo task_info;
    status =
        proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &task_info, sizeof(task_info));
    if (status == sizeof(task_info)) {
      r["threads"] = INTEGER(task_info.pti_threadnum);
    } else {
      r["threads"] = "-1";


  return results;