Exemplo n.º 1
void EngineRecord::writeCueLine() {
    if (!m_pCurrentTrack) {

    // CDDA is specified as having 75 frames a second
    unsigned long cueFrame = ((unsigned long)
                                ((m_frames / (m_sampleRate / 75)))
                                    % 75);

    m_cueFile.write(QString("  TRACK %1 AUDIO\n")
                    .arg((double)m_cueTrack, 2, 'f', 0, '0')

    m_cueFile.write(QString("    TITLE \"%1\"\n")
    m_cueFile.write(QString("    PERFORMER \"%1\"\n")

    // Woefully inaccurate (at the seconds level anyways).
    // We'd need a signal fired state tracker
    // for the track detection code.
    m_cueFile.write(QString("    INDEX 01 %1:%2\n")
                    .arg((double)cueFrame, 2, 'f', 0, '0').toLatin1());
Exemplo n.º 2
void EngineRecord::process(const CSAMPLE* pBuffer, const int iBufferSize) {

    float recordingStatus = m_pRecReady->get();

    if (recordingStatus == RECORD_OFF) {
        //qDebug("Setting record flag to: OFF");
        if (fileOpen()) {
            Event::end("EngineRecord recording");
            closeFile();  // Close file and free encoder.
    } else if (recordingStatus == RECORD_READY) {
        // If we are ready for recording, i.e, the output file has been selected, we
        // open a new file.
        updateFromPreferences();  // Update file location from preferences.
        if (openFile()) {
            Event::start("EngineRecord recording");
            qDebug("Setting record flag to: ON");
            emit(isRecording(true));  // will notify the RecordingManager

            // Since we just started recording, timeout and clear the metadata.
            m_iMetaDataLife = kMetaDataLifeTimeout;
            m_pCurrentTrack = TrackPointer();

            // clean frames couting and get current sample rate.
            m_frames = 0;
            m_sampleRate = m_pSamplerate->get();

            if (m_bCueIsEnabled) {
                m_cueTrack = 0;
        } else {  // Maybe the encoder could not be initialized
            qDebug("Setting record flag to: OFF");
    } else if (recordingStatus == RECORD_ON) {
        // If recording is enabled process audio to compressed or uncompressed data.
        if (m_encoding == ENCODING_WAVE || m_encoding == ENCODING_AIFF) {
            if (m_pSndfile != NULL) {
                sf_write_float(m_pSndfile, pBuffer, iBufferSize);
                emit(bytesRecorded(iBufferSize * 2));
        } else {
            if (m_pEncoder) {
                // Compress audio. Encoder will call method 'write()' below to
                // write a file stream
                m_pEncoder->encodeBuffer(pBuffer, iBufferSize);

        // update frames counting and recorded duration (seconds)
        m_frames += iBufferSize / 2;
        unsigned long lastDuration = m_recordedDuration;
        m_recordedDuration = m_frames / m_sampleRate;

        // gets recorded duration and emit signal that will be used
        // by RecordingManager to update the label besides start/stop button
        if (lastDuration != m_recordedDuration) {

        if (m_bCueIsEnabled) {
            if (metaDataHasChanged()) {