bool OptionsCont::isUsableFileList(const std::string& name) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); // check whether the option is set // return false i not if (!o->isSet()) { return false; } // check whether the list of files is valid bool ok = true; std::vector<std::string> files = getStringVector(name); if (files.size() == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("The file list for '" + name + "' is empty."); ok = false; } for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator fileIt = files.begin(); fileIt != files.end(); ++fileIt) { if (!FileHelpers::isReadable(*fileIt)) { if (*fileIt != "") { WRITE_ERROR("File '" + *fileIt + "' is not accessible (" + std::strerror(errno) + ")."); ok = false; } else { WRITE_WARNING("Empty file name given; ignoring."); } } } return ok; }
void IdeMailBox::onPreRender() { ControlBase::onPreRender(); getStylesheet()->setBoolParam(PARAM_SECURE, getSecure()); if(m_message.empty()) { shared_ptr<XMLNode> folder_node = getDocument()->create(_S("folder")); switch(m_folder) { case messageFolderInbox: renderFolder(messageFolderInbox, folder_node); break; case messageFolderTrash: renderFolder(messageFolderTrash, folder_node); break; case messageFolderSentItems: renderFolder(messageFolderSentItems, folder_node); break; default: OS_ASSERTFALSE(); break; } } else { renderMessage(m_message, getDocument()->create(_S("message"))); } }
bool OptionsCont::isUsableFileList(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); // check whether the option is set // return false i not if (!o->isSet()) { return false; } // check whether the list of files is valid bool ok = true; std::vector<std::string> files = getStringVector(name); if (files.size()==0) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("The file list for '" + name + "' is empty."); ok = false; } for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator fileIt=files.begin(); fileIt!=files.end(); ++fileIt) { if (!FileHelpers::exists(*fileIt)) { if (*fileIt!="") { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("File '" + *fileIt + "' does not exist."); ok = false; } else { MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->inform("Empty file name given; ignoring."); } } } return ok; }
bool OptionsCont::setDefault(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { if (set(name, value)) { getSecure(name)->resetDefault(); return true; } return false; }
void OptionsCont::addDescription(const std::string& name, const std::string& subtopic, const std::string& description) { Option* o = getSecure(name); assert(o != 0); assert(find(mySubTopics.begin(), mySubTopics.end(), subtopic) != mySubTopics.end()); o->setDescription(description); mySubTopicEntries[subtopic].push_back(name); }
std::vector<std::string> OptionsCont::getSynonymes(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); std::vector<std::string> v(0); for (KnownContType::const_iterator i=myValues.begin(); i!=myValues.end(); i++) { if ((*i).second==o&&name!=(*i).first) { v.push_back((*i).first); } } return v; }
void OptionsCont::addDescription(const std::string &name, const std::string &subtopic, const std::string &description) throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); assert(o!=0); assert(o->myDescription==""); assert(find(mySubTopics.begin(), mySubTopics.end(), subtopic)!=mySubTopics.end()); o->myDescription = description; mySubTopicEntries[subtopic].push_back(name); }
void OptionsCont::writeConfiguration(std::ostream &os, bool filled, bool complete, bool addComments) throw() { std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i, j; os << "<configuration>" << std::endl << std::endl; for (i=mySubTopics.begin(); i!=mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { std::string subtopic = *i; if (subtopic=="Configuration") { continue; } for (size_t k=0; k<subtopic.length(); ++k) { if (subtopic[k]==' ') { subtopic[k] = '_'; } if (subtopic[k]>='A'&&subtopic[k]<='Z') { subtopic[k] = subtopic[k] - 'A' + 'a'; } } const std::vector<std::string> &entries = mySubTopicEntries[*i]; bool hadOne = false; for (j=entries.begin(); j!=entries.end(); ++j) { Option *o = getSecure(*j); bool write = complete || (filled&&!o->isDefault()); if (!write) { continue; } if (!hadOne) { os << " <" << subtopic << ">" << std::endl; } // add the comment if wished if (addComments) { os << " <!-- " << o->getDescription() << " -->" << std::endl; } // write the option and the value (if given) os << " <" << *j << " value=\""; if (o->isSet()) { os << o->getValueString(); } os << "\"/>" << std::endl; // append an endline if a comment was printed if (addComments) { os << std::endl; } hadOne = true; } if (hadOne) { os << " </" << subtopic << ">" << std::endl << std::endl; } } os << "</configuration>" << std::endl; }
bool OptionsCont::checkDependingSuboptions(const std::string &name, const std::string &prefix) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); if (o->isSet()) { return true; } bool ok = true; for (KnownContType::const_iterator i=myValues.begin(); i!=myValues.end(); i++) { if ((*i).second->isSet() && !(*i).second->isDefault() && (*i).first.find(prefix) == 0) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Option '" + (*i).first + "' needs option '" + name + "'."); ok = false; } } return ok; }
std::vector<std::string> OptionsCont::getStringVector(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); std::string def = o->getString(); if (def.find(';')!=std::string::npos&&!myHaveInformedAboutDeprecatedDivider) { MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->inform("Please note that using ';' as list separator is deprecated.\n From 1.0 onwards, only ',' will be accepted."); myHaveInformedAboutDeprecatedDivider = true; } StringTokenizer st(def, ";,", true); std::vector<std::string> ret = st.getVector(); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=ret.begin(); i!=ret.end(); ++i) { (*i) = StringUtils::prune(*i); } return ret; }
bool OptionsCont::set(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); if (!o->isWriteable()) { reportDoubleSetting(name); return false; } try { if (!o->set(value)) { return false; } } catch (InvalidArgument &e) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("While processing option '" + name + "':\n " + e.what()); return false; } return true; }
bool OptionsCont::set(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { Option* o = getSecure(name); if (!o->isWriteable()) { reportDoubleSetting(name); return false; } try { if (!o->set(value)) { return false; } } catch (ProcessError& e) { WRITE_ERROR("While processing option '" + name + "':\n " + e.what()); return false; } return true; }
void OptionsCont::writeSchema(std::ostream& os, bool /* addComments */) { os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"" << SUMOSAXAttributes::ENCODING << "?>\n\n"; os << "<xsd:schema elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n\n"; os << " <xsd:include schemaLocation=\"baseTypes.xsd\"/>\n"; os << " <xsd:element name=\"configuration\" type=\"configurationType\"/>\n\n"; os << " <xsd:complexType name=\"configurationType\">\n"; os << " <xsd:all>\n"; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mySubTopics.begin(); i != mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { std::string subtopic = *i; if (subtopic == "Configuration") { continue; } std::replace(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), ' ', '_'); std::transform(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), subtopic.begin(), tolower); os << " <xsd:element name=\"" << subtopic << "\" type=\"" << subtopic << "Type\" minOccurs=\"0\"/>\n"; } os << " </xsd:all>\n"; os << " </xsd:complexType>\n\n"; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mySubTopics.begin(); i != mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { std::string subtopic = *i; if (subtopic == "Configuration") { continue; } std::replace(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), ' ', '_'); std::transform(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), subtopic.begin(), tolower); os << " <xsd:complexType name=\"" << subtopic << "Type\">\n"; os << " <xsd:all>\n"; const std::vector<std::string>& entries = mySubTopicEntries[*i]; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = entries.begin(); j != entries.end(); ++j) { Option* o = getSecure(*j); std::string type = o->getTypeName(); std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), tolower); if (type == "int[]") { type = "intArray"; } os << " <xsd:element name=\"" << *j << "\" type=\"" << type << "OptionType\" minOccurs=\"0\"/>\n"; } os << " </xsd:all>\n"; os << " </xsd:complexType>\n\n"; } os << "</xsd:schema>\n"; }
bool OptionsCont::set(const std::string &name, bool value) throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); if (!o->isBool()) { throw InvalidArgument("The option '" + name + "' is not a boolean attribute and requires an argument."); } if (!o->isWriteable()) { reportDoubleSetting(name); return false; } try { if (!o->set(value)) { return false; } } catch (InvalidArgument &e) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("While processing option '" + name + "':\n " + e.what()); return false; } return true; }
bool OptionsCont::checkDependingSuboptions(const std::string& name, const std::string& prefix) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); if (o->isSet()) { return true; } bool ok = true; std::vector<std::string> seenSynonymes; for (KnownContType::const_iterator i = myValues.begin(); i != myValues.end(); i++) { if (std::find(seenSynonymes.begin(), seenSynonymes.end(), (*i).first) != seenSynonymes.end()) { continue; } if ((*i).second->isSet() && !(*i).second->isDefault() && (*i).first.find(prefix) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Option '" + (*i).first + "' needs option '" + name + "'."); std::vector<std::string> synonymes = getSynonymes((*i).first); std::copy(synonymes.begin(), synonymes.end(), std::back_inserter(seenSynonymes)); ok = false; } } return ok; }
void OptionsCont::printHelp(std::ostream &os) throw() { std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i, j; // print application description os << ' ' << std::endl; splitLines(os, myAppDescription , 0, 0); os << std::endl; // print usage BNF os << "Usage: " << myAppName << " [OPTION]*" << std::endl; os << ' ' << std::endl; // print usage examples if (myCallExamples.size()>1) { os << " Examples:" << std::endl; } else if (myCallExamples.size()!=0) { os << " Example:" << std::endl; } if (myCallExamples.size()!=0) { for (i=myCallExamples.begin(); i!=myCallExamples.end(); ++i) { os << " " << myAppName << ' ' << (*i) << std::endl; } } os << ' ' << std::endl; // print additional text if any if (myAdditionalMessage.length()>0) { os << myAdditionalMessage << std::endl << ' ' << std::endl; } // print the options // check their sizes first // we want to know how large the largest not-too-large-entry will be size_t tooLarge = 40; size_t maxSize = 0; for (i=mySubTopics.begin(); i!=mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { const std::vector<std::string> &entries = mySubTopicEntries[*i]; for (j=entries.begin(); j!=entries.end(); ++j) { Option *o = getSecure(*j); // name, two leading spaces and "--" size_t csize = (*j).length() + 2 + 4; // abbreviation length ("-X, "->4chars) if any std::vector<std::string> synonymes = getSynonymes(*j); if (find_if(synonymes.begin(), synonymes.end(), abbreviation_finder())!=synonymes.end()) { csize += 4; } // the type name if (!o->isBool()) { csize += 1 + o->getTypeName().length(); } // divider csize += 2; if (csize<tooLarge&&maxSize<csize) { maxSize = csize; } } } for (i=mySubTopics.begin(); i!=mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { os << ' ' << *i << " Options:" << std::endl; const std::vector<std::string> &entries = mySubTopicEntries[*i]; for (j=entries.begin(); j!=entries.end(); ++j) { // start length computation size_t csize = (*j).length() + 2; Option *o = getSecure(*j); os << " "; // write abbreviation if given std::vector<std::string> synonymes = getSynonymes(*j); std::vector<std::string>::iterator a = find_if(synonymes.begin(), synonymes.end(), abbreviation_finder()); if (a!=synonymes.end()) { os << '-' << (*a) << ", "; csize += 4; } // write leading '-'/"--" os << "--"; csize += 2; // write the name os << *j; // write the type if not a bool option if (!o->isBool()) { os << ' ' << o->getTypeName(); csize += 1 + o->getTypeName().length(); } csize += 2; // write the description formatting it os << " "; size_t r; for (r=maxSize; r>csize; --r) { os << ' '; } std::string desc = o->getDescription(); size_t offset = csize > tooLarge ? csize : maxSize; splitLines(os, desc, offset, maxSize); } os << std::endl; } }
SUMOReal OptionsCont::getFloat(const std::string& name) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); return o->getFloat(); }
bool OptionsCont::isWriteable(const std::string &name) throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); return o->isWriteable(); }
bool OptionsCont::isBool(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); return o->isBool(); }
int OptionsCont::getInt(const std::string& name) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); return o->getInt(); }
const IntVector& OptionsCont::getIntVector(const std::string& name) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); return o->getIntVector(); }
bool OptionsCont::isBool(const std::string& name) const { Option* o = getSecure(name); return o->isBool(); }
const IntVector & OptionsCont::getIntVector(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); return o->getIntVector(); }
SUMOReal OptionsCont::getFloat(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); return o->getFloat(); }
bool OptionsCont::isWriteable(const std::string& name) { Option* o = getSecure(name); return o->isWriteable(); }
void OptionsCont::writeConfiguration(std::ostream& os, bool filled, bool complete, bool addComments) const { os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"" << SUMOSAXAttributes::ENCODING << "?>\n\n"; os << "<configuration xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"" << myAppName << "Configuration.xsd\">" << std::endl << std::endl; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mySubTopics.begin(); i != mySubTopics.end(); ++i) { std::string subtopic = *i; if (subtopic == "Configuration" && !complete) { continue; } std::replace(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), ' ', '_'); std::transform(subtopic.begin(), subtopic.end(), subtopic.begin(), tolower); const std::vector<std::string>& entries = mySubTopicEntries.find(*i)->second; bool hadOne = false; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = entries.begin(); j != entries.end(); ++j) { Option* o = getSecure(*j); bool write = complete || (filled && !o->isDefault()); if (!write) { continue; } if (!hadOne) { os << " <" << subtopic << ">" << std::endl; } // add the comment if wished if (addComments) { os << " <!-- " << StringUtils::escapeXML(o->getDescription()) << " -->" << std::endl; } // write the option and the value (if given) os << " <" << *j << " value=\""; if (o->isSet() && (filled || o->isDefault())) { os << o->getValueString(); } if (complete) { std::vector<std::string> synonymes = getSynonymes(*j); if (!synonymes.empty()) { os << "\" synonymes=\""; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator s = synonymes.begin(); s != synonymes.end(); ++s) { if (s != synonymes.begin()) { os << " "; } os << (*s); } } os << "\" type=\"" << o->getTypeName(); if (!addComments) { os << "\" help=\"" << StringUtils::escapeXML(o->getDescription()); } } os << "\"/>" << std::endl; // append an endline if a comment was printed if (addComments) { os << std::endl; } hadOne = true; } if (hadOne) { os << " </" << subtopic << ">" << std::endl << std::endl; } } os << "</configuration>" << std::endl; }
std::string OptionsCont::getString(const std::string &name) const throw(InvalidArgument) { Option *o = getSecure(name); return o->getString(); }
void IdeMailBox::renderMessage(const ObjectID &id, shared_ptr<XMLNode> node) { shared_ptr<ObjectsMessage> message; shared_ptr<DataLocalMessage> local_message = getPortal()->getMessenger()->getMessage(getPage()->getDatabase(), getSessionAccount(), id, true); if(local_message != nullptr) { // Decodifica il messaggio message = local_message->decode(getSessionAccount()->getPrivateKey()); } if(message == nullptr) return; shared_ptr<OMLContext> messageContext = getPage()->parseOmlEx(message->body, false, true, getSecure(), false, omlRenderModeOsiris, String::EMPTY, String::EMPTY); if(messageContext == nullptr) return; shared_ptr<XMLPortalExporter> messageExporter(OS_NEW XMLPortalExporter(node, getPage(), XMLPortalExporter::emFull)); local_message->exportXML(messageExporter, message->subject, messageContext->getOutput(), messageContext->getSecureCheck()); shared_ptr<XMLNode> node_actions = node->addChild(_S("actions")); shared_ptr<ObjectsUser> author = objects_user_cast(getPage()->getObject(local_message->author)); if(author != nullptr) { shared_ptr<XMLNode> action_reply = node_actions->addChild(_S("action")); action_reply->setAttributeString(_S("name"), _S("reply")); ordered_map<std::wstring, std::wstring> params; params.set(OS_URL_PARAM_QUOTE, (_W("re: ") + message->subject).to_wide()); action_reply->setAttributeString(_S("href"), getPortal()->getSendMessageLink(author->id, params)); } if(local_message->folder == static_cast<uint32>(messageFolderTrash)) { shared_ptr<XMLNode> action_delete = node_actions->addChild(_S("action")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("name"), _S("restore")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("href"), getEventCommand(EVENT_ONRESTOREMESSAGE, id.toUTF16())); } else { shared_ptr<XMLNode> action_delete = node_actions->addChild(_S("action")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("name"), _S("delete")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("href"), getEventCommand(EVENT_ONDELETEMESSAGE, id.toUTF16())); } if(getSecure()) { bool unsafe = messageContext->getSecureCheck() == false; if(unsafe == false) { shared_ptr<ObjectsUser> messageAuthor = objects_user_cast(getPage()->getObject(local_message->author)); if(messageAuthor != nullptr) { shared_ptr<OMLContext> markContext = getPage()->parseOmlEx(messageAuthor->mark, false, true, getSecure(), false, omlRenderModeOsiris, String::EMPTY, String::EMPTY); if(markContext != nullptr) unsafe = markContext->getSecureCheck() == false; } } if(unsafe) { shared_ptr<XMLNode> action_delete = node_actions->addChild(_S("action")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("name"), _S("show")); action_delete->setAttributeString(_S("href"), getPortal()->getPrivateMessageLink(id, false)); } } }