void WiiSave::writeCerts(Uint32 filesSize, Uint32 ngId, Uint8* ngPriv, Uint8* ngSig, Uint32 ngKeyId)
    Uint8  sig[0x40];
    Uint8  ngCert[0x180];
    Uint8  apCert[0x180];
    Uint8* hash;
    Uint8  apPriv[30];
    Uint8  apSig[60];
    char   signer[64];
    char   name[64];
    Uint8* data;
    Uint32 dataSize;

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002");
	sprintf(name, "NG%08x", ngId);
	make_ec_cert(ngCert, ngSig, signer, name, ngPriv, ngKeyId);

	memset(apPriv, 0, 30);
	apPriv[10] = 1;

	memset(apSig, 81, 30);

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", ngId);
	sprintf(name, "AP%08x%08x", 1, 2);
	make_ec_cert(apCert, apSig, signer, name, apPriv, 0);

	hash = getSha1(apCert + 0x80, 0x100);
	generate_ecdsa(apSig, apSig+30, ngPriv, hash);
	make_ec_cert(apCert, apSig, signer, name, apPriv, 0);
	delete[] hash;

	dataSize = filesSize + 0x80;
    data = new Uint8[dataSize];
    Uint8* rawData = m_writer->data();
	memcpy(data, rawData + 0xF0C0, dataSize);

	hash = getSha1(data, dataSize);
    Uint8* hash2 = getSha1(hash, 20);
	delete[] hash;
	delete[] data;

	generate_ecdsa(sig, sig+30, apPriv, hash2);
	int stuff = 0x2f536969;
	if (!isSystemBigEndian())
        stuff = swap32(stuff);

    *(Uint32*)(sig+60) = stuff;
	delete[] hash2;

	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)sig, 0x40);
	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)ngCert, 0x180);
	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)apCert, 0x180);
void WiiSave::readCerts(Uint32 totalSize)
    Uint32 dataSize = totalSize - 0x340;
    Uint8* sig    = (Uint8*)m_reader->readBytes(0x40);
    Uint8* ngCert = (Uint8*)m_reader->readBytes(0x180);
    Uint8* apCert = (Uint8*)m_reader->readBytes(0x180);
    m_reader->seek(0xF0C0, Stream::Beginning);
    Uint8* data   = (Uint8*)m_reader->readBytes(dataSize);
    Uint8* hash;

    hash = getSha1(data, dataSize);
    Uint8* hash2 = getSha1(hash, 20);

    check_ec(ngCert, apCert, sig, hash2);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int sockfd;  //socket file descriptor
    int length;  //length of address (of to)
    int err;     //return value of bind for error handling
    struct sockaddr_in to, from;  //addresses for receiving and transmitting
    socklen_t fromlen; //length of source address struct
    unsigned char headerstate;  //for parsing the id of each package

    char buff[BUFFERSIZE];  //mesage buffer
    unsigned short filenamelength;  //length of file name
    char *filename;  //name of file
    unsigned int filelength;  //length of file in bytes
    unsigned long receivedBytes; //Number of received data files (excluding header of each package!)

    struct stat folderstat = {0};  // to check if received folder exists
    char filepath[MAXPATHLENGTH];  //path to file in received folder with file name
    FILE* file;  //File stream to write file into
    unsigned long seqNr;  //number of packet received in data transmission
    unsigned long readSeqNr;  //sequence number transmitted by sender
    char *filebuffer; //holds the file content to write on file

    char *shaBuffer;  //holds the complete file payload accross all data packages
    char *shaPtr;  //for convenience, points to the next character to be written in shaBuffer
    char *shaVal;  //for the actual sha1-value
    char *recShaVal;  //received Sha1-Val
    char sha1_CMP;  //result of comparing sha-values according to task
    int i;

    struct timeval timeout;

    /****** CHECK INPUT ********/

    //error handling: argument parsing
    if (argc != 2) {
	printf("Illegal Arguments: [RECEIVER_PORT]");
    /******** SOCKET CREATION ***********/
    // AF_INET --> Protocol Family
    // SOCK_DGRAM --> Socket Type (UDP)
    // 0 --> Protocol Field of the IP-Header (0, TCP and UDP gets entered automatically)
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

    if (sockfd < 0) {

    length = sizeof(to);
    // Clearing
    bzero(&to, length);

    // Assign Protocol Family
    to.sin_family = AF_INET;
    // Assign Port
    to.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
    to.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");

    //bind socket to prepare receiving
    err = bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &to, length);

    if (err < 0) {

    // Length of the Source Address Structure
    fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

    /****** RECEIVE HEAD *******/
    timeout.tv_sec = WAIT;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    // Set socket options for a possible timeout
    setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
    if ((err = recvfrom(sockfd, buff, BUFFERSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) < 0) {

    //check if valid package received
    headerstate = (unsigned char) buff[0];
    if(headerstate != HEADER_T)

    //go and parse the header
    parseHeader(buff, &filenamelength, &filename, &filelength);

    //print some parsed info from the header
    printf(filename_str, filename);

    /*******  OPEN FILE OPERATIONS *******/

    //prepare Sha buffer. Will hold complete file so we can create sha1-value later
    shaBuffer = calloc(filelength,1);
	printf("Could not allocate shaBuffer\n");
	return 1;
    //this will be used to iterate on the shaBuffer
    shaPtr = shaBuffer;

    printf("Preparing file for writing...\n");

    //filename should not exceed limits. If it is too long there could be bufferoverflow, security issues, ...
    if(strlen(filename) + 10 > MAXPATHLENGTH)
	printf("Can not create path: file name too long");
	return 1;
    //get file path
    snprintf(filepath, MAXPATHLENGTH, "%s%s", "received/", filename);

    //check if folder exists, create if it doesn't. Node: needs sudo-rights.
    if (!( stat("/received", &folderstat) == 0) && (S_ISDIR(folderstat.st_mode)) ){
	if (0!= mkdir("/received", 0700))
	    printf("error when creating directory\n");
	    return 1;
    //Open file, handle errors
    printf("Open file path %s\n", filepath);
    file = fopen(filepath, "w");
	printf("Illegal File");
	return 1;

    /******* READ FILE TRANSMISSION *********/

    //initialise sequence number and number of received bytes
    seqNr = 0;
    receivedBytes = 0;

    printf("Standing by for incoming file...\n");

    /* start receiving and interpreting transmission
     * wait for each data package to be received, then parse it.
     * Check sequence number against received sequence number.
     * To properly read the actually received data of the file
     * write it into the shaBuffer. Once that is filled write the whole
     * shaBuffer to the hard drive.
    do {
	err = recvfrom(sockfd, buff, BUFFERSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);

	//read header state
	headerstate = (unsigned char) buff[0];
	if(headerstate != DATA_T)
	    printf("Wrong Headerstate in file transfer\n");

	//read sequence number
	readSeqNr =  (unsigned long) (  ( (unsigned char)buff[1] ) | ( ((unsigned char)buff[2]) << 8 ) | ( ((unsigned char)buff[3]) << 16 ) | ( ((unsigned char)buff[4]) << 24 ) );
	if(seqNr != readSeqNr)
	    printf(order_error, readSeqNr, seqNr);
	    return 1;

	//set filebuffer to where the real buffer starts
	filebuffer = buff+5;
	for(i = 0; i<err-5; i++)
	    *(shaPtr++) = filebuffer[i];

	printf("Received %d payload bytes in packet %lu, writing now\n",err-5, seqNr);

	receivedBytes += err - 5;  //received bytes must only store the number of bytes belonging to the data, not the head of the package

    }while(receivedBytes != filelength); //once we have received everything we're done

    //write current package to hard drive.
    fwrite(shaBuffer, 1, filelength, file);
    printf("File written on drive.\n");

    /******* RECEIVE SHA-1 ********/
    //receive sha-1
    err = recvfrom(sockfd, buff, BUFFERSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);

    if(err != SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1 )
	printf("Wrong Sha-Package length\n");
	return 1;

    //receive header
    headerstate = (unsigned char) buff[0];
    if(headerstate != SHA1_T)
	printf("Wrong ID\n");

    recShaVal = calloc(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1,1);
	printf("Could not allocate recShaVal space\n");
	return 1;

    //parse Sha-value
    for(i = 1; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1; i++)
	recShaVal[i-1] = (unsigned char)buff[i];
    recShaVal[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2] = '\0';

    //calculate sha over received file

    shaVal = getSha1(shaBuffer, filelength);
    printf(receiver_sha1, shaVal);
    //compare results
    if(strcmp(shaVal, recShaVal) != 0 )
	sha1_CMP = SHA1_CMP_OK;

    /******* SEND SHA COMPARE RESULT ******/

    //prepare id
    buff[0] = SHA1_CMP_T;

    //prepare compare result
    buff[1] = sha1_CMP;

    //and away!
    err = sendto(sockfd, buff, 2, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from,fromlen);
    if (err < 0) {

    /******* CLEAN UP ******/

    // Close Socket
    return 0;