Exemplo n.º 1
const XMLCh * DOMAttrImpl::getValue() const
    if (fParent.fFirstChild == 0) {
        return XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; // return "";

    // Simple case where attribute value is just a single text node
    DOMNode *node = castToChildImpl(fParent.fFirstChild)->nextSibling;
    if (node == 0 && fParent.fFirstChild->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
        return fParent.fFirstChild->getNodeValue();

    // Complicated case whre attribute value is a DOM tree
    // According to the spec, the child nodes of the Attr node may be either
    // Text or EntityReference nodes.
    // The parser will not create such thing, this is for those created by users.
    // In such case, we have to visit each child to retrieve the text

    XMLBuffer buf(1023, ((DOMDocumentImpl *)this->getOwnerDocument())->getMemoryManager());
    getTextValue(fParent.fFirstChild, buf);

    return (XMLCh*) ((DOMDocumentImpl *)this->getOwnerDocument())->getPooledString(buf.getRawBuffer());
//Creates a new text node based on the text that it reads
XMLNode *readXMLTextNode()
  char* textValue = getTextValue();
  XMLNode* newNode = xmlCreateNode(TEXT_NODE, TEXT_NAME, textValue);      

  return newNode;
Exemplo n.º 3
void DOMAttrImpl::getTextValue(DOMNode* node, XMLBuffer& buf) const
    if (node->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE)
    else if (node->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
        for (node = node->getFirstChild(); node != 0; node = castToChildImpl(node)->nextSibling)
            getTextValue(node, buf);

void VerbatimXmlComponent::renderBegin() const {
	auto context = getContext();

	auto attribs = getRenderAttributes(context);

	/*we ALWAYS use the provided id for plain xml tags, regardless of naming
	 *containers etc. this means plain html will always work as expected - and
	 *no plain html component needs its id for anything other than css!*/
	auto& id = attribs["id"];
	auto sepPos = id.find_last_of(Component::NAMING_SEPARATOR);
	if (sepPos != id.npos) {
		id = id.substr(sepPos + 1);
	//the root element needs to declare the xhtml namespace
	if (getTagName() == "html"
		&& attribs.find("xmlns") == attribs.end()) {
		attribs["xmlns"] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";

	getWriter() <<"<" <<impl->getOriginalTag() <<Util::toString(attribs) <<">"
Exemplo n.º 5
    if (theEnvelopeItem.isNull()) {
        throw EmailException("PARSE_ERROR", "The message could not be parsed.");

    //set the date from the client.
    //If this is not set it defaults to the date of the SMTP server.
    char line[MAILTMPLEN];
    rfc822_date (line);
    theEnvelope->date = (unsigned char *) fs_get (1+strlen (line));
    strcpy((char *)theEnvelope->date,line);

    Iterator_t    lChildIter;
    zorba::Item   lChild;
    String lNodeName, lNodeValue;
    String lName, lMailbox, lHost;

    lChildIter = theEnvelopeItem.getChildren();
    while (lChildIter->next(lChild)) {
        if (lChild.getNodeKind() != store::StoreConsts::elementNode) {

        getNodeName(lChild, lNodeName);
        getTextValue(lChild, lNodeValue);

        if (lNodeName == "date") {
            char lDate[MAILTMPLEN];
            parseXmlDateTime(lNodeValue, lDate);
            theEnvelope->date = (unsigned char *) fs_get (1+strlen (lDate));
            strcpy ((char *)theEnvelope->date, lDate);
        } else if (lNodeName == "from") {
            getNameAndEmailAddress(lChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
            theEnvelope->from = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
        } else if (lNodeName == "sender") {
            getNameAndEmailAddress(lChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
            theEnvelope->sender = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
        } else if (lNodeName == "replyto") {
            getNameAndEmailAddress(lChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
            theEnvelope->reply_to = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
        } else if (lNodeName == "subject") {
            encodeStringForEMailHeader(lNodeValue, theEnvelope->subject);
        } else if (lNodeName == "recipient") {
            Iterator_t lRecipentChildren = lChild.getChildren();
            Item lRecipentChild;
            // read the recipient element but skip comments
            while (lRecipentChildren->next(lRecipentChild)) {
                if (lRecipentChild.getNodeKind() == store::StoreConsts::elementNode) {
            getNodeName(lRecipentChild, lNodeName);

            if (lNodeName == "to") {
                getNameAndEmailAddress(lRecipentChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
                // there can be multiple to nodes, iterate to the next free one!
                ADDRESS** lNext = &theEnvelope->to;
                while (*lNext) {
                    lNext = &((*lNext)->next);
                *lNext = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
            } else if(lNodeName == "cc") {
                getNameAndEmailAddress(lRecipentChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
                ADDRESS** lNext = &theEnvelope->cc;
                while (*lNext) {
                    lNext = &((*lNext)->next);
                *lNext = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
            } else if (lNodeName == "bcc") {
                getNameAndEmailAddress(lRecipentChild, lName, lMailbox, lHost);
                ADDRESS** lNext = &theEnvelope->bcc;
                while (*lNext) {
                    lNext = &((*lNext)->next);
                *lNext = create_mail_address(lName, lMailbox, lHost);
Exemplo n.º 6
int FXmlBtn::AddChildData( AST_TXML_Tag *root, FBtnVM& vm )
	long ret = 0;
	AST_TXML_Tag* tag = root->getFirstTag( FBL_TAG_frames );
	if( !tag )
		if( !html_strcmp( getTextValue(), FBL_VAL_table ) )
			return 0;
			vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("definition of frames is mandatory part of the formula node description"), root->getLine() );
			return -1;

	long i, j;
	AST_TXML_Compound *comp = 0;
	AST_TXML_Node *node;

	std::vector<AST_TXML_Tag*> arrtags;
	tag->getAllTags( FBL_TAG_frame, arrtags, 1 );

	for( i = 0; i < (long) arrtags.size(); i++ )
		if( arrtags[ i ] )
			AST_TXML_Attribute	*name = 0, *left = 0, *right = 0, *top = 0, 
								*bottom = 0, *valign = 0, *halign = 0, 
								*level = 0;
			if( !(comp = arrtags[ i ]->getAttributes()) ) continue;
			for( j = 0; j < comp->getChildNumber(); j++ )
				node = comp->getChild( j );
				if( node->getNodeType() != ASTT_TXML_Attribute ) continue;
				if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_name ) )
					name = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_level ) )
					level = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_left ) )
					left = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_top ) )
					top = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_right ) )
					right = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_bottom ) )
					bottom = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_valign ) )
					valign = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;
				else if( ((AST_TXML_Attribute*)node)->isAttribute( FBL_ATTR_halign ) )
					halign = (AST_TXML_Attribute*)node;

			struct FBtnChildPos child;
			if( name && name->getValueType() == ASTVALT_TXML_String )
				vm.AddObject( name->getStringValue(), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
				vm.AddObject( QString("%1").arg(i), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
			if( left && top && right && bottom )
				if( left->getValueType() != ASTVALT_TXML_Real && left->convert2Float() != ELH_NO_ERROR )
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("child frame position fields left must be of integer or real type"), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
					ret = -1;
				if( top->getValueType() != ASTVALT_TXML_Real && top->convert2Float() != ELH_NO_ERROR )
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("child frame position fields top must be of integer or real type"), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
					ret = -1;
				if( right->getValueType() != ASTVALT_TXML_Real && right->convert2Float() != ELH_NO_ERROR )
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("child frame position fields right must be of integer or real type"), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
					ret = -1;
				if( bottom->getValueType() != ASTVALT_TXML_Real && bottom->convert2Float() != ELH_NO_ERROR )
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("child frame position fields bottom must be of integer or real type"), arrtags[ i ]->getLine() );
					ret = -1;
				child.pos.setLeft( left->getFloatValue() );
				child.pos.setTop( top->getFloatValue() );
				child.pos.setRight( right->getFloatValue() );
				child.pos.setBottom( bottom->getFloatValue() );

			AddChildData_read_align( arrtags[ i ], child, vm );

			if( level )
				if( level->getValueType() == ASTVALT_TXML_Int && level->getIntValue() >= 0 )
					child.level = level->getIntValue();
				else if( level->getValueType() == ASTVALT_TXML_String )
					if( !html_strcmp( level->getStringValue(), FBL_VAL_parent ) ||
						!html_strcmp( level->getStringValue(), FBL_VAL_frame ) )
						child.level = FTEXT_HEIGHT_FRAME;
					else if( !html_strcmp( level->getStringValue(), FBL_VAL_child ) ||
							!html_strcmp( level->getStringValue(), FBL_VAL_child1 ) )
						child.level = FTEXT_HEIGHT_CHILD1;

			FBtn::AddChildData( child );
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
void FXmlBtn::AddButtonData( AST_TXML_Tag *root, FBtnVM& vm )
	HKStringMap attrMap;
	root->setAttrMap( attrMap );
	HKStringMap::iterator it;

	QString attrName;
	long value = 0;
	bool ok;

	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_rows)) != attrMap.end() )
		unsigned long rows = 0;
		if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_ask) )
			input_properties.push_back( QString(FBL_ATTR_rows) );
			if( (rows = it->second.toULong(&ok)) == 0 || !ok )
				vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, QString("%1 field must be of integer type, wrong value is ignored"), root->getLine(), FBL_ATTR_rows );
				this->rows = rows;
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_columns)) != attrMap.end() )
		unsigned long columns = 0;
		if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_ask) )
			input_properties.push_back( QString(FBL_ATTR_columns) );
			if( (columns = it->second.toULong(&ok)) == 0 || !ok )
				vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, QString("%1 field must be of integer type, wrong value is ignored"), root->getLine(), FBL_ATTR_columns );
				this->columns = columns;
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_encoding)) != attrMap.end() )
		input_properties.push_back( it->second );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_cannot_draw_width)) != attrMap.end() )
		m_cannot_draw_width = it->second;
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_cannot_draw_height)) != attrMap.end() )
		m_cannot_draw_height = it->second;
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_disabledFrame)) != attrMap.end() && !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_yes) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_eatleftop)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ))
		else if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_no) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_name)) != attrMap.end() )
		setToolTip( formula_type_name = it->second );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_id)) != attrMap.end() )
		setID( it->second );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_stretchy)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ))
		else if( !html_strcmp(it->second, FBL_VAL_no) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_symmetric)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ) )
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_no ) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_mathml_support)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ) )
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_no ) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_mathml_support)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_postfix ) )
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_infix ) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_bevelled)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ) )
			proplist.setUnfilteredAttr( FBL_ATTR_bevelled, FBL_VAL_true );
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_no ) )
			proplist.setUnfilteredAttr( FBL_ATTR_bevelled, FBL_VAL_false );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_largeop)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_yes ) )
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_no ) )
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_lspace)) != attrMap.end() )
		RealFde value = 0.0;
		if( ::mml_convertSpaceName2FloatValue( 0/*x*/, it->second, value, ::getCurrentFormulatorStyle().getUnit2PX() ) != -1 )
			proplist.setLSpace( value );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_rspace)) != attrMap.end() )
		RealFde value = 0.0;
		if( ::mml_convertSpaceName2FloatValue( 0/*x*/, it->second, value, ::getCurrentFormulatorStyle().getUnit2PX() ) != -1 )
			proplist.setRSpace( value );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_type)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_text ) )
			node_type = NODE_PLANETEXT;
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_formula ) )
			node_type = NODE_FORMULA;
		else if( !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_mathml ) )
			node_type = NODE_MATHML;
			node_type = NODE_FORMULA;
			QString warn2 = _T("type \"%1\" is unknown and ignored");
			vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, warn2, root->getLine(), it->second );
	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_value)) != attrMap.end() )
		LCEntity la_ent;
		long ret = la_ent.Analisys( it->second.midRef(0) );
		if( ret == LCEntity::Number )
			text_value = QString(QChar(la_ent.getVal()));
			text_value = it->second;

	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_vertical_center_type)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( node_type == NODE_PLANETEXT )
			vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("attribute \"%1\" is not for plane text, it's ignored"), root->getLine(), it->second );
			attrName = it->second;
			if( !html_strcmp( attrName, FBL_VAL_object ) || !html_strcmp( it->second, FBL_VAL_child ) )
				ok = false;
				if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_vertical_center_value)) != attrMap.end())
					value = it->second.toLong(&ok);
				if( ok )
					vertical_center_type = FBtnChildPos::Child;
					vertical_center_value = value;
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("vertical center value is missing or has the wrong type, vertical center option is ignored"), root->getLine() );
			else if( !html_strcmp( attrName, FBL_VAL_average ) )
				ok = false;
				if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_vertical_center_value)) != attrMap.end())
					value = it->second.toLong(&ok);
				if( ok )
					vertical_center_type = FBtnChildPos::Child_Average;
					vertical_center_value = value;
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("vertical center value is missing or has the wrong type, vertical center option is ignored"), root->getLine() );
			else if( !html_strcmp( attrName, FBL_VAL_blank_average ) )
				vertical_center_type = FBtnChildPos::Frame_Blank_Average;
			else if( !html_strcmp( attrName, FBL_VAL_half ) )
				vertical_center_type = FBtnChildPos::Half;
			else if( !html_strcmp( attrName, FBL_VAL_frame ) )
				ok = false;
				if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_vertical_center_value)) != attrMap.end())
					value = it->second.toLong(&ok);
				if( ok )
					vertical_center_type = FBtnChildPos::Frame;
					vertical_center_value = value;
					vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("vertical center value is missing or has the wrong type, vertical center option is ignored"), root->getLine() );
				vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("vertical center type \'%1\' is unknown, it's ignored"), root->getLine(), it->second );

	if( (it = attrMap.find(FBL_ATTR_style)) != attrMap.end() )
		if( node_type != NODE_PLANETEXT )
			vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("style \"%1\" is for plane text only, it's ignored"), root->getLine(), it->second );
		long id = ::getCurrentFormulatorStyle().getStyleByName( it->second );
		if( id >= 0 )
			text_style = id;
			text_style = ::getCurrentFormulatorStyle_OnChar();
			vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("style \"%1\" is unknown and ignored"), root->getLine(), it->second );

	// validity checks
	if( getNodeType() == NODE_FORMULA && !html_strcmp( getTextValue(), FBL_VAL_table ) && (this->rows == 0 || this->columns == 0) )
		text_value = _T("");
		vm.dmm.AddLine( vm.dmm_page, _T("for the \"table\" template rows and columns must be greater-than or equal to 1, template is ignored"), root->getLine() );

	AST_TXML_Tag *hotkeys = root->getFirstTag( FBL_TAG_hotkeys );
	if ( hotkeys )
		AddAccels( hotkeys, vm );