Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP _est_gen_Q_C( SEXP spYdelt,
  		   	SEXP spZ,
  		   	SEXP spX,
  		   	SEXP spMaf,
		   	SEXP spParNull)
	// int nUsed0, nTotal0;
	// CFmVector::StatCache( &nTotal0, &nUsed0 );
	// int nUsed1, nTotal1;
	// CFmMatrix::StatCache( &nTotal1, &nUsed1 );
	// Rprintf( "Enter C Range, Vec.count=%d, Mat.count=%d\n", nTotal0, nTotal1);

	CFmMatrix* pFmYDelt = getMatrixData(spYdelt);
	CFmMatrix* pFmZ     = getMatrixData(spZ);
	CFmMatrix* pFmX     = getMatrixData(spX);
	CFmVector* pFmMaf   = getVectorData(spMaf);
	CFmVector* pFmParNull = getVectorData(spParNull);

	SEXP ret;
		ret = Xest_gen_Q_C( pFmYDelt, pFmZ, pFmX, pFmMaf, pFmParNull);
    catch(const char* str)
        _log_error( _HI_, "Exception=%s", str);
        return( R_NilValue );

	destroy( pFmYDelt );
	destroy( pFmZ );
	destroy( pFmX );
	destroy( pFmMaf );
	destroy( pFmParNull );

	// CFmVector::StatCache( &nTotal0, &nUsed0 );
	// CFmMatrix::StatCache( &nTotal1, &nUsed1 );
	// Rprintf( "Leave C Range, Vec.count=%d, Mat.count=%d\n", nTotal0, nTotal1);

Exemplo n.º 2
API void updateOpenGLLodMap(OpenGLLodMap *lodmap, Vector *position, bool autoExpand)
	// update the viewer position
	assignVector(lodmap->viewerPosition, position);

	if(autoExpand) {
		// expand the quadtree to actually cover our position
		float *positionData = getVectorData(position);
		expandQuadtree(lodmap->quadtree, positionData[0], positionData[2]);

	double range = getLodMapNodeRange(lodmap, lodmap->quadtree->root);

	// free our previous selection list
	lodmap->selection = NULL;

	// select the LOD map nodes to be rendered
	if(lodmapQuadtreeNodeIntersectsSphere(lodmap, lodmap->quadtree->root, position, range)) {
		lodmap->selection = selectLodMapNodes(lodmap, position, lodmap->quadtree->root);

		// make all selected nodes visible
		for(GList *iter = lodmap->selection; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
			QuadtreeNode *node = iter->data;
			OpenGLLodMapTile *tile = node->data;

			// wait until the node is fully loaded
			while(tile->status == OPENGL_LODMAP_TILE_LOADING) {
				g_cond_wait(&tile->condition, &tile->mutex);

			// activate if not active yet
			if(tile->status != OPENGL_LODMAP_TILE_ACTIVE) {
				activateLodMapTile(lodmap, node);

			tile->model->visible = true; // make model visible for rendering
			tile->model->polygonMode = lodmap->polygonMode; // set the parent's polygon mode

		QuadtreeAABB box = quadtreeNodeAABB(lodmap->quadtree->root);
		logInfo("Updated LOD map for quadtree covering range [%d,%d]x[%d,%d] on %u levels: %d nodes selected", box.minX, box.maxX, box.minY, box.maxY, lodmap->quadtree->root->level, g_list_length(lodmap->selection));
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Activates a loaded LOD map tile by creating an OpenGL model with appropriate transform for it.
 * Every node model is derived from the same basic heightmap grid (the one in lodmap->heightmap). While the 2D vertex coordinates range
 * from [0,tileSize]x[0,tileSize], they are actually scaled down to [0,1]x[0,1] by the vertex shader, which conveniently means that a
 * node of level n should be scaled by just n in both x and z directions during the transformation into world coordinates.
 * The transformation for the height values (or correspondingly the y direction) works differently: First, height values all lie in the
 * [0,1] range, usually originating from a grayscale image, and the node level stretch generally doesn't apply to them. However, the
 * data source provides us with a heightRatio parameter which we need to take into account and scale all levels with, no matter their
 * level in the tree.
 * @param lodmap		the LOD map for which to active the tile
 * @param node			the quadtree node for which to activate the tile
static void activateLodMapTile(OpenGLLodMap *lodmap, QuadtreeNode *node)
	OpenGLLodMapTile *tile = node->data;

	assert(tile->status == OPENGL_LODMAP_TILE_READY);

	// Create OpenGL textures
	tile->heightsTexture = createOpenGLVertexTexture2D(tile->heights);
	tile->heightsTexture->managed = false; // let us free the image
	tile->normalsTexture = createOpenGLTexture2D(tile->normals, false);
	tile->normalsTexture->internalFormat = GL_RGB16;
	tile->normalsTexture->samplingMode = OPENGL_TEXTURE_SAMPLING_LINEAR;
	tile->normalsTexture->wrappingMode = OPENGL_TEXTURE_WRAPPING_MIRROR;
	tile->normalsTexture->managed = false; // let us free the image
	tile->textureTexture = createOpenGLTexture2D(tile->texture, false);
	tile->textureTexture->samplingMode = OPENGL_TEXTURE_SAMPLING_LINEAR;
	tile->textureTexture->wrappingMode = OPENGL_TEXTURE_WRAPPING_MIRROR;
	tile->textureTexture->managed = false; // let us free the image

	// Create OpenGL model
	tile->model = createOpenGLModel(lodmap->heightmap);
	attachOpenGLModelMaterial(tile->model, "lodmap");

	// Set model transform
	unsigned int scale = quadtreeNodeScale(node); // retrieve the scaling level from the node
	float *positionData = getVectorData(tile->model->translation);
	positionData[0] = node->x;
	positionData[1] = 0;
	positionData[2] = node->y; // y in model coordinates is z in world coordinates
	tile->model->scaleX = scale;
	tile->model->scaleY = lodmap->source->heightRatio;
	tile->model->scaleZ = scale;

	// At this point our tile is fully loaded except for the uniforms initialization, so let's initialize our parent now so we can grab its textures

	OpenGLLodMapTile *parentTile;
	tile->parentOffset = createVector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
	if(node->parent != NULL) {
		parentTile = node->parent->data;

		// wait until the node is fully loaded
		while(parentTile->status == OPENGL_LODMAP_TILE_LOADING) {
			g_cond_wait(&parentTile->condition, &parentTile->mutex);

		// activate if not active yet
		if(parentTile->status != OPENGL_LODMAP_TILE_ACTIVE) {
			activateLodMapTile(lodmap, node->parent);

		// determine our index in our parent's node
		unsigned int parentIndex = quadtreeNodeGetParentContainingChildIndex(node);
		if(parentIndex & 1) { // second in x direction
			setVector(tile->parentOffset, 0, 0.5);

		if(parentIndex & 2) { // second in y direction
			setVector(tile->parentOffset, 1, 0.5);
	} else {
		parentTile = tile;

	// Attach uniforms to model
	OpenGLUniformAttachment *uniforms = tile->model->uniforms;
	OpenGLUniform *heightsTextureUniform = getOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "heights");
	assert(heightsTextureUniform != NULL);
	heightsTextureUniform->content.texture_value = tile->heightsTexture;
	OpenGLUniform *normalsTextureUniform = getOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "normals");
	assert(normalsTextureUniform != NULL);
	normalsTextureUniform->content.texture_value = tile->normalsTexture;
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "texture", createOpenGLUniformTexture(tile->textureTexture));
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "parentNormals", createOpenGLUniformTexture(parentTile->normalsTexture));
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "parentTexture", createOpenGLUniformTexture(parentTile->textureTexture));
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "parentOffset", createOpenGLUniformVector(tile->parentOffset));
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "lodLevel", createOpenGLUniformInt(node->level));
	attachOpenGLUniform(uniforms, "enableFragmentMorph", createOpenGLUniformInt(parentTile == tile ? 0 : 1));

	// Make model invisible
	tile->model->visible = false;
