Exemplo n.º 1
motorVels SwerveDrive::doVelTranslation(const geometry_msgs::Twist * velMsg) {
    motorVels output;
    double velMagnitude = getVelMagnitude(velMsg);
    //santity check, if the magnitude is close to zero stop
    if (velMagnitude < VEL_ERROR) {
        output = stop(output);
     //account for the special case where y=0
    } else if(fabs(velMsg->linear.y) >= VEL_ERROR) {
        const double turnAngle = atan2(velMsg->linear.y,velMsg->linear.x);
        direction = getDir(velMsg->linear.x);
        output = steer(output, velMagnitude, turnAngle);
    } else {
        ROS_INFO("drive straight");
        output.frontLeftMotorV = output.backLeftMotorV = output.frontRightMotorV = output.backRightMotorV = velMsg->linear.x;
        output.frontRightAng = output.frontLeftAng = 0;
    return output;
Exemplo n.º 2
SSLPathPlanner::exePlanForRobot (const int& id)
  geometry_msgs::Point curr_point = getCurrentPosition (id);

  geometry_msgs::Point next_point;
  next_point.x = next_target_poses[id].x;
  next_point.y = next_target_poses[id].y;
  next_point.z = 0.0;

  geometry_msgs::Point target_point;
  target_point.x = pose_control.pose[id].pose.x;
  target_point.y = pose_control.pose[id].pose.y;
  target_point.z = 0.0;

  double curr_theta = team_state_[id].pose.theta;
  //  std::cout<<curr_theta<<std::endl;
  double goal_theta = next_target_poses[id].theta;
  //  std::cout<<goal_theta<<std::endl;

  double angular_diff = getAngularDifference (curr_theta, goal_theta);
  //  std::cout<<"angular_diff: "<<angular_diff/ssl::math::PI*180.0<<std::endl;

  double angular_vel;
  if (fabs (angular_diff) > ssl::math::PI / 2.0)
    angular_vel = -MAX_ANGULAR_VEL * ssl::math::sign (angular_diff);
    angular_vel = -MAX_ANGULAR_VEL * (angular_diff / (ssl::math::PI / 2.0));

  //  angular_vel = ssl::math::sign(angular_diff)*MAX_ANGULAR_VEL*(1-exp(-(fabs(angular_diff))));

  markWaypoint (next_point, 0, id);

  double dist = sqrt (getSquaredDistance (curr_point, next_point));
  double ang = getAngleBetween (curr_point, next_point);

  //  if(dist<VERY_CRITICAL_DIST)
  //  {
  //    geometry_msgs::Vector3 v;
  //    double v_mag = dist/CRITICAL_DISTANCE * CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL;
  //    v.x = v_mag * cos(goal_theta);
  //    v.y = v_mag * sin(goal_theta);
  //    return v;
  //  }

  double vel_x = 0;
  double vel_y = 0;

  bool transit_pass = true;

  if (next_point.x == target_point.x && next_point.y == target_point.y && next_point.z == target_point.z)
    transit_pass = false;

    vel_x = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * cos (ang);
    vel_y = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * sin (ang);

    //now consider obstacles around
    if (!transit_pass)
      if (dist < VERY_CRITICAL_DIST)
        vel_x = CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL * (dist / VERY_CRITICAL_DIST) * cos (ang);
        vel_y = CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL * (dist / VERY_CRITICAL_DIST) * sin (ang);
        vel_x = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * cos (ang);
        vel_y = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * sin (ang);
      //TODO optimize this
      vel_x = INT_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * cos (ang);
      vel_y = INT_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * sin (ang);

  geometry_msgs::Vector3 v = getCurrentVelocity (id);
  //  double curr_vel = getVelMagnitude(v);
  //  double curr_vel_ang= getVelAngle(v);

  double des_acc_x = (vel_x - v.x) / ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC;
  double des_acc_y = (vel_y - v.y) / ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC;

  double des_acc = sqrt (des_acc_x * des_acc_x + des_acc_y * des_acc_y);
  double des_acc_ang = atan2 (des_acc_y, des_acc_x);
  if (des_acc > MAX_LINEAR_ACC)
    des_acc = MAX_LINEAR_ACC;

  des_acc_x = MAX_LINEAR_ACC * cos (des_acc_ang);
  des_acc_y = MAX_LINEAR_ACC * sin (des_acc_ang);

  v.x += des_acc_x * ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC * ACC_TUNING;
  v.y += des_acc_y * ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC * ACC_TUNING;

  double des_vel_ang = getVelAngle (v);
  double des_vel_mag = getVelMagnitude (v);

  if (des_vel_mag > MAX_LINEAR_VEL)
    des_vel_mag = MAX_LINEAR_VEL;

  v.x = des_vel_mag * cos (des_vel_ang);
  v.y = des_vel_mag * sin (des_vel_ang);

  tf::Vector3 tf_v;
  tf::vector3MsgToTF (v, tf_v);
  tf_v = tf_v.rotate (tf::Vector3 (0, 0, 1), -curr_theta);
  tf::vector3TFToMsg (tf_v, v);

  v.z = angular_vel;

  return v;