Exemplo n.º 1
bool ikev2_calculate_rsa_sha1(struct state *st
			      , enum phase1_role role
			      , unsigned char *idhash
			      , pb_stream *a_pbs)
	unsigned char  signed_octets[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE+16];
	size_t         signed_len;
	const struct connection *c = st->st_connection;
	const struct RSA_private_key *k = get_RSA_private_key(c);
	unsigned int sz;

	if (k == NULL)
	    return 0;	/* failure: no key to use */

	sz = k->pub.k;

         * this is the prefix of the ASN/DER goop that lives inside RSA-SHA1
         * signatures.  If the signing hash changes, this needs to change
         * too, but this function is specific to RSA-SHA1.
	memcpy(signed_octets, der_digestinfo, der_digestinfo_len);

	ikev2_calculate_sighash(st, role, idhash
				, st->st_firstpacket_me
				, signed_octets+der_digestinfo_len);
	signed_len = der_digestinfo_len + SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;

	passert(RSA_MIN_OCTETS <= sz && 4 + signed_len < sz && sz <= RSA_MAX_OCTETS);

	    , DBG_dump("v2rsa octets", signed_octets, signed_len));

		u_char sig_val[RSA_MAX_OCTETS];

		/* now generate signature blob */
		sign_hash(k, signed_octets, signed_len
			  , sig_val, sz);
		out_raw(sig_val, sz, a_pbs, "rsa signature");

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ikev2_calculate_rsa_sha1(struct state *st,
			      enum phase1_role role,
			      unsigned char *idhash,
			      pb_stream *a_pbs)
	unsigned char signed_octets[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE + 16];
	size_t signed_len;
	const struct connection *c = st->st_connection;
	const struct RSA_private_key *k = get_RSA_private_key(c);
	unsigned int sz;

	if (k == NULL)
		return FALSE; /* failure: no key to use */

	sz = k->pub.k;

	memcpy(signed_octets, der_digestinfo, der_digestinfo_len);

	ikev2_calculate_sighash(st, role, idhash,
				signed_octets + der_digestinfo_len);
	signed_len = der_digestinfo_len + SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;

	passert(RSA_MIN_OCTETS <= sz && 4 + signed_len < sz &&
		sz <= RSA_MAX_OCTETS);

	    DBG_dump("v2rsa octets", signed_octets, signed_len));

		/* now generate signature blob */
		u_char sig_val[RSA_MAX_OCTETS];
		int shr;

		shr = sign_hash(k, signed_octets, signed_len, sig_val, sz);
		if (shr == 0)
			return FALSE;
		passert(shr == (int)sz);
		if (!out_raw(sig_val, sz, a_pbs, "rsa signature"))
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;