Exemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Reads through the database and builds a complete set of installed types lists.

	An initial set of cached messages are also created.
	status_t err = B_OK;

	// Create empty "cached messages" so proper messages
	// will be built up as we add new types
	try {
		fCachedMessage = new BMessage();
		fCachedSupertypesMessage = new BMessage();
	} catch (std::bad_alloc) {
		err = B_NO_MEMORY;

	BDirectory root;
	if (!err)
		err = root.SetTo(get_database_directory().c_str());
	if (!err) {
		while (true) {
			BEntry entry;
			err = root.GetNextEntry(&entry);
			if (err) {
				// If we've come to the end of list, it's not an error
				if (err == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)
					err = B_OK;
			} else {
				// Check that this entry is both a directory and a valid MIME string
				char supertype[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH];
				if (entry.IsDirectory()
				      && entry.GetName(supertype) == B_OK
				         && BMimeType::IsValid(supertype))
					// Make sure our string is all lowercase

					// Add this supertype
					std::map<std::string, Supertype>::iterator i;
					if (_AddSupertype(supertype, i) != B_OK)
						DBG(OUT("Mime::InstalledTypes::BuildInstalledTypesList() -- Error adding supertype '%s': 0x%lx\n",
							supertype, err));
					Supertype &supertypeRef = fSupertypes[supertype];

					// Now iterate through this supertype directory and add
					// all of its subtypes
					BDirectory dir;
					if (dir.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) {
						while (true) {
							BEntry subEntry;
							err = dir.GetNextEntry(&subEntry);
							if (err) {
								// If we've come to the end of list, it's not an error
								if (err == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)
									err = B_OK;
							} else {
								// We need to preserve the case of the type name for
								// queries, so we can't use the file name directly
								BString type;
								int32 subStart;
								BNode node(&subEntry);
								if (node.InitCheck() == B_OK
									&& node.ReadAttrString(kTypeAttr, &type) >= B_OK
									&& (subStart = type.FindFirst('/')) > 0) {
									// Add the subtype
									if (_AddSubtype(supertypeRef, type.String()
											+ subStart + 1) != B_OK) {
										DBG(OUT("Mime::InstalledTypes::BuildInstalledTypesList() -- Error adding subtype '%s/%s': 0x%lx\n",
											supertype, type.String() + subStart + 1, err));
					} else {
						DBG(OUT("Mime::InstalledTypes::BuildInstalledTypesList(): "
						          "Failed opening supertype directory '%s'\n",
	} else {
		DBG(OUT("Mime::InstalledTypes::BuildInstalledTypesList(): "
		          "Failed opening mime database directory '%s'\n",
	fHaveDoneFullBuild = true;
	return err;

Exemplo n.º 2
CreateAppMetaMimeThread::DoMimeUpdate(const entry_ref* ref, bool* _entryIsDir)
    if (ref == NULL)
        return B_BAD_VALUE;

    BNode typeNode;

    BFile file;
    status_t status = file.SetTo(ref, B_READ_ONLY);
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    bool isDir = file.IsDirectory();
    if (_entryIsDir != NULL)
        *_entryIsDir = isDir;

    if (isDir)
        return B_OK;

    BAppFileInfo appInfo(&file);
    status = appInfo.InitCheck();
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    // Read the app sig (which consequently keeps us from updating
    // non-applications, since we get an error if the file has no
    // app sig)
    BString signature;
    status = file.ReadAttrString("BEOS:APP_SIG", &signature);
    if (status < B_OK)
        return B_BAD_TYPE;

    // Init our various objects

    BMimeType mime;
    status = mime.SetTo(signature.String());
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    InstallNotificationDeferrer _(fDatabase, signature.String());

    if (!mime.IsInstalled())

    BString path = "/";
    // Signatures and MIME types are case insensitive, but we want to
    // preserve the case wherever possible

    status = typeNode.SetTo(path.String());
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    // Preferred App
    attr_info info;
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kPreferredAppAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetPreferredApp(signature.String());

    // Short Description (name of the application)
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kShortDescriptionAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetShortDescription(ref->name);

    // App Hint
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kAppHintAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetAppHint(ref);

    // Vector Icon
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        uint8* data = NULL;
        size_t size = 0;
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&data, &size) == B_OK) {
            status = mime.SetIcon(data, size);
    // Mini Icon
    BBitmap miniIcon(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_CMAP8);
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kMiniIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIcon(&miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON);
    // Large Icon
    BBitmap largeIcon(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_CMAP8);
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kLargeIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIcon(&largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON);

    // Supported Types
    bool setSupportedTypes = false;
    BMessage supportedTypes;
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kSupportedTypesAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetSupportedTypes(&supportedTypes) == B_OK)
            setSupportedTypes = true;

    // defer notifications for supported types
    const char* type;
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++)

    // set supported types
    if (setSupportedTypes)
        status = mime.SetSupportedTypes(&supportedTypes);

    // Icons for supported types
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++) {
        // vector icon
        uint8* data = NULL;
        size_t size = 0;
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &data, &size) == B_OK) {
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, data, size);
        // mini icon
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, &miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON);
        // large icon
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, &largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON);

    // undefer notifications for supported types
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++)

    return status;