Exemplo n.º 1
    std::string dumpStyle(const TextStyle& s, bool onlydiff)
        TextStyle def;
        std::stringstream stream;
        if (!onlydiff || def.hAlign != s.hAlign)
            stream << "hAlign=" << get_halign(s.hAlign);
        if (!onlydiff || def.vAlign != s.vAlign)
            stream << " vAlign=" << get_valign(s.vAlign);
        if (!onlydiff || def.multiline != s.multiline)
            stream << " " << (s.multiline ? "multiline" : "singleline");
        if (!onlydiff || def.breakLongWords != s.breakLongWords)
            stream << " " << (s.breakLongWords ? "breakLongWords=1" : "breakLongWords=0");
        if (!onlydiff || def.kerning != s.kerning)
            stream << " kerning=" << s.kerning;
        if (!onlydiff || def.linesOffset != s.linesOffset)
            stream << " linesOffset=" << s.linesOffset;
        if (!onlydiff || def.fontSize != s.fontSize)
            stream << " fontSize=" << s.fontSize;
        if (!onlydiff || def.outline != s.outline)
            stream << " outline=" << s.outline;
        if (s.font)
            stream << " font='" << s.font->getName() << "'";

        return stream.str();
Exemplo n.º 2
static int vidcap_testcard_init(const struct vidcap_params *params, void **state)
        struct testcard_state *s;
        char *filename;
        const char *strip_fmt = NULL;
        FILE *in = NULL;
        unsigned int i, j;
        unsigned int rect_size = COL_NUM;
        codec_t codec = RGBA;
        int aligned_x;
        char *save_ptr = NULL;

        if (vidcap_params_get_fmt(params) == NULL || strcmp(vidcap_params_get_fmt(params), "help") == 0) {
                printf("testcard options:\n");
                printf("\t-t testcard:<width>:<height>:<fps>:<codec>[:filename=<filename>][:p][:s=<X>x<Y>][:i|:sf][:still][:pattern=bars|blank|noise]\n");
                printf("\t<filename> - use file named filename instead of default bars\n");
                printf("\tp - pan with frame\n");
                printf("\ts - split the frames into XxY separate tiles\n");
                printf("\ti|sf - send as interlaced or segmented frame (if none of those is set, progressive is assumed)\n");
                printf("\tstill - send still image\n");
                printf("\tpattern - pattern to use\n");
                show_codec_help("testcard", codecs_8b, codecs_10b);
                return VIDCAP_INIT_NOERR;

        s = new testcard_state();
        if (!s)
                return VIDCAP_INIT_FAIL;

        s->frame = vf_alloc(1);

        char *fmt = strdup(vidcap_params_get_fmt(params));
        char *tmp;
        int h_align = 0;
        double bpp = 0;

        if (strlen(fmt) == 0) {
                fmt = strdup(DEFAULT_FORMAT);

        tmp = strtok_r(fmt, ":", &save_ptr);
        if (!tmp) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Wrong format for testcard '%s'\n", fmt);
                goto error;
        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width = atoi(tmp);
        tmp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save_ptr);
        if (!tmp) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Wrong format for testcard '%s'\n", fmt);
                goto error;
        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height = atoi(tmp);
        tmp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save_ptr);
        if (!tmp) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Wrong format for testcard '%s'\n", fmt);
                goto error;

        s->frame->fps = atof(tmp);

        tmp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save_ptr);
        if (!tmp) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Wrong format for testcard '%s'\n", fmt);
                goto error;

        codec = get_codec_from_name(tmp);
        if (codec == VIDEO_CODEC_NONE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unknown codec '%s'\n", tmp);
                goto error;
                const codec_t *sets[] = {codecs_8b, codecs_10b};
                bool supported = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        const codec_t *it = sets[i];
                        while (*it != VIDEO_CODEC_NONE) {
                                if (codec == *it++) {
                                        supported = true;
                if (!supported) {
                        log_msg(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unsupported codec '%s'\n", tmp);
                        goto error;
        h_align = get_halign(codec);
        bpp = get_bpp(codec);

        s->frame->color_spec = codec;
        s->still_image = FALSE;

        if(bpp == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec '%s'\n", tmp);
                goto error;

        aligned_x = vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width;
        if (h_align) {
                aligned_x = (aligned_x + h_align - 1) / h_align * h_align;

        rect_size = (vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width + rect_size - 1) / rect_size;

        s->frame_linesize = aligned_x * bpp;
        s->frame->interlacing = PROGRESSIVE;
        s->size = aligned_x * vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height * bpp;

        filename = NULL;

        tmp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save_ptr);
        while (tmp) {
                if (strcmp(tmp, "p") == 0) {
                        s->pan = 48;
                } else if (strncmp(tmp, "filename=", strlen("filename=")) == 0) {
                        filename = tmp + strlen("filename=");
                        in = fopen(filename, "r");
                        if (!in) {
                                goto error;
                        fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_END);
                        long filesize = ftell(in);
                        assert(filesize >= 0);
                        fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_SET);

                        s->data = (char *) malloc(s->size * bpp * 2);

                        if (s->size != filesize) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error wrong file size for selected "
                                                "resolution and codec. File size %ld, "
                                                "computed size %d\n", filesize, s->size);
                                goto error;

                        if (!in || fread(s->data, filesize, 1, in) == 0) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read file %s\n", filename);
                                goto error;

                        in = NULL;

                        memcpy(s->data + s->size, s->data, s->size);
                        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data = s->data;
                } else if (strncmp(tmp, "s=", 2) == 0) {
                        strip_fmt = tmp;
                } else if (strcmp(tmp, "i") == 0) {
                        s->frame->interlacing = INTERLACED_MERGED;
                } else if (strcmp(tmp, "sf") == 0) {
                        s->frame->interlacing = SEGMENTED_FRAME;
                } else if (strcmp(tmp, "still") == 0) {
                        s->still_image = TRUE;
                } else if (strncmp(tmp, "pattern=", strlen("pattern=")) == 0) {
                        const char *pattern = tmp + strlen("pattern=");
                        if (strcmp(pattern, "bars") == 0) {
                                s->pattern = image_pattern::BARS;
                        } else if (strcmp(pattern, "blank") == 0) {
                                s->pattern = image_pattern::BLANK;
                        } else if (strcmp(pattern, "noise") == 0) {
                                s->pattern = image_pattern::NOISE;
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "[testcard] Unknown pattern!\n");;
                                goto error;
                } else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "[testcard] Unknown option: %s\n", tmp);
                        goto error;
                tmp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save_ptr);

        if (!filename) {
                struct testcard_rect r;
                int col_num = 0;
                s->pixmap.w = aligned_x;
                s->pixmap.h = vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height * 2;
                int pixmap_len = s->pixmap.w * s->pixmap.h * 4; // maximal size (RGBA/r10k - has 4 bpp)
                s->pixmap.data = malloc(pixmap_len);

                if (s->pattern == image_pattern::BLANK) {
                        memset(s->pixmap.data, 0, pixmap_len);
                } else if (s->pattern == image_pattern::NOISE) {
                        uint8_t *sample = (uint8_t *) s->pixmap.data;
                        for (int i = 0; i < pixmap_len; ++i) {
                                *sample++ = rand() % 0xff;
                } else {
                        assert (s->pattern == image_pattern::BARS);
                        for (j = 0; j < vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height; j += rect_size) {
                                int grey = 0xff010101;
                                if (j == rect_size * 2) {
                                        r.w = vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width;
                                        r.h = rect_size / 4;
                                        r.x = 0;
                                        r.y = j;
                                        testcard_fillRect(&s->pixmap, &r, 0xffffffff);
                                        r.h = rect_size - (rect_size * 3 / 4);
                                        r.y = j + rect_size * 3 / 4;
                                        testcard_fillRect(&s->pixmap, &r, 0xff000000);
                                for (i = 0; i < vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width; i += rect_size) {
                                        r.w = rect_size;
                                        r.h = rect_size;
                                        r.x = i;
                                        r.y = j;
                                        printf("Fill rect at %d,%d\n", r.x, r.y);
                                        if (j != rect_size * 2) {
                                                testcard_fillRect(&s->pixmap, &r,
                                                col_num = (col_num + 1) % COL_NUM;
                                        } else {
                                                r.h = rect_size / 2;
                                                r.y += rect_size / 4;
                                                testcard_fillRect(&s->pixmap, &r, grey);
                                                grey += 0x00010101 * (255 / COL_NUM);
                s->data = (char *) s->pixmap.data;
                if (codec == UYVY || codec == v210) {
                        rgb2yuv422((unsigned char *) s->data, aligned_x,
                                   vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height);

                if (codec == v210) {
                        s->data =
                            (char *)tov210((unsigned char *) s->data, aligned_x,
                                           aligned_x, vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height, bpp);

                if (codec == R10k) {
                        toR10k((unsigned char *) s->data, vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width,
                                        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height);

                if(codec == RGB) {
                        s->data =
                            (char *)toRGB((unsigned char *) s->data, vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width,
                                           vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height);

                tmp = filename;

                vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data = (char *) malloc(2 * s->size);

                memcpy(vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data, s->data, s->size);
                memcpy(vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data + s->size, vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data, s->size);

                s->data = vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data;

        s->count = 0;
        s->last_frame_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

        printf("Testcard capture set to %dx%d, bpp %f\n", vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->width,
                        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->height, bpp);

        vf_get_tile(s->frame, 0)->data_len = s->size;

        if(strip_fmt != NULL) {
                if(configure_tiling(s, strip_fmt) != 0) {
                        goto error;

        if(vidcap_params_get_flags(params) & VIDCAP_FLAG_AUDIO_EMBEDDED) {
                s->grab_audio = TRUE;
                if(configure_audio(s) != 0) {
                        s->grab_audio = FALSE;
                        fprintf(stderr, "[testcard] Disabling audio output. "
                                        "SDL-mixer missing, running on Mac or other problem.\n");
        } else {
                s->grab_audio = FALSE;


        *state = s;
        return VIDCAP_INIT_OK;

        if (in)
        delete s;
        return VIDCAP_INIT_FAIL;