Exemplo n.º 1
 Mat graph,
 //graph of non-zero structure
 IS wanted,
 //nodes we are interested in.  Contains different values on each processor.
 IS *is_influences
 //all the influences of the nodes we are interested in.
 ) {
    //First, get all the matrix rows we are concerned with.
    Mat subgraph_global;
    get_matrix_rows(graph, wanted, &subgraph_global);
    Mat subgraph;
    MatGetLocalMat(subgraph_global, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &subgraph);

    PetscInt n;
    PetscInt *ia;
    PetscInt *ja;
    PetscTruth success = PETSC_FALSE;
    MatGetRowIJ(subgraph, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &n, &ia, &ja, &success);
    assert(success == PETSC_TRUE);
    std::set<PetscInt> influences;
    for(int ii=ia[0]; ii<ia[n]; ii++) {
    success = PETSC_TRUE;
    MatRestoreRowIJ(subgraph, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &n, &ia, &ja, &success);

    std::vector<PetscInt> all_influences;
    std::copy(influences.begin(), influences.end(), std::back_inserter(all_influences));
    ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, all_influences.size(), &all_influences[0], is_influences);
Exemplo n.º 2
int bp(char *matfile, char *vecfile, char *oldbase, char *newbase)
    int i, j=0;
    int m, n = 4;   /* m and n are rows and columns of matrix A */
    float sum, rms;
    float **A, **Acp, **At;
    float **U, **Ut;
    float **V, **Vt;
    float **S, **St, **Si;
    float *Sv;
    float *b, *bT, *db, *x, *dx, *x0;
    float *Utb, *SiUtb, *VSiUtb;
    float **UUt, **VVt, **VtV, **US, **SVt, **USVt;
    float bperp, dbperp, bpar, dbpar, btemp;
    FILE *fp, *fpNew, *fpOld;

     * Part I:  Singular Value Decomposition of matrix A
    /*  printf("Beginning singular value decomposition of matrix A...\n");*/

    /* determine number of rows 'm' */
    m = get_matrix_rows(matfile,vecfile);

    /* establish matrix A and vector b */
    b = alloc_vector(1, m);
    db = alloc_vector(1, m);
    bT = alloc_vector(1, m);
    x = alloc_vector(1, n);
    dx = alloc_vector(1, n);
    x0 = alloc_vector(1, n);
    A = matrix(1, m, 1, n);
    Acp = matrix(1, m, 1, n);
    At = matrix(1, n, 1, m);

    /* establish decomposition matrices */
    U  = matrix(1, m, 1, n);
    Ut = matrix(1, n, 1, m);
    S  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    St = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    Si = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    V  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    Vt = matrix(1, n, 1, n);

    /* establish product matrices */
    UUt  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    VVt  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    VtV  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
    US   = matrix(1, m, 1, n);
    SVt  = matrix(1, n, 1, n);

    /* establish SVD product matrices */
    USVt = matrix(1, m, 1, n);

    /* vector version of diagonal matrix S */
    Sv = alloc_vector(1, m);

    /* vector products */
    Utb = alloc_vector(1, n);
    SiUtb = alloc_vector(1, n);
    VSiUtb = alloc_vector(1, n);

    /* read matrix and vector from input files */
    fp = FOPEN(matfile,"r");
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            fscanf(fp, "%f", &A[i][j]);

    fp = FOPEN(vecfile, "r");
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        fscanf(fp, "%f", &b[i]);

    /* copy A into Acp */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            Acp[i][j] = A[i][j];

    /* transpose A into At */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            At[j][i] = A[i][j];

    /* NR fn to decompose A = U x S x Vt, where U is written into A */
    svdcmp(A, m, n, Sv, V);

    /* copy Sv into the diagonal of S and St */
    for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
        St[i][i] = S[i][i] = Sv[i];

    /* copy A into U where it belongs, copy Acp back into A */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            U[i][j] = A[i][j];
            A[i][j] = Acp[i][j];

    /* establish Ut and Vt */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            Ut[j][i] = U[i][j];

    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            Vt[j][i] = V[i][j];

    /* check that SVD of A == A */
    matrix_multiply(U, S, US, m, n, n);
    matrix_multiply(US, Vt, USVt, m, n, n);
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            if (fabs(A[i][j] - USVt[i][j]) > 1e-12) {
                /* FIXME: This check needs to be examined and reintroduced */
                /* Exit("   reconstruction of A from SVD failed"); */

    /* invert S into Si, automatically fixing small singular values */
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (fabs(S[i][i]) < 0.0) {
            Exit("svdcmp() found a negative singular value");
        if (S[i][i] < 1e-6) {
            printf("   singular value %d = %f; auto-set inverse to zero\n", i, S[i][i]);
            Si[i][i] = 0.0;
        else {
            Si[i][i] = 1.0 / S[i][i];

    /* breathe sigh of relief having gotten through SVD */
    /*  printf("\nSVD of A is ok\n\n");*/

     * Part II:  Solve for n-vector x0

    /* multiply matrix Ut x vector b = vector Utb */
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for (j = 1, sum = 0.0; j <= m; j++) {
            sum += Ut[i][j] * b[j];
        Utb[i] = sum;

    /* multiply matrix Si x vector Utb = vector SiUtb */
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        SiUtb[i] = Si[i][i] * Utb[i];

    /* multiply matrix V x vector SiUtb = vector VSiUtb */
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for (j = 1, sum = 0.0; j <= n; j++) {
            sum += V[i][j] * SiUtb[j];
        VSiUtb[i] = sum;

    /* copy VSiUtb into x0 */
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        x0[i] = VSiUtb[i];

    /* calculate A x x0 */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (j = 1, sum = 0.0; j <= n; j++) {
            sum += A[i][j] * x0[j];
        bT[i] = sum;

    /*print_vector(bT, 1, m, "b check, compare with ...");
    print_vector(b, 1, m, "b");
    print_vector(x0, 1, n, "x0");*/

    for (i = 1, sum = 0.0; i <= m; i++) {
        sum += (bT[i] - b[i])*(bT[i] - b[i]);
    rms = sqrt(sum/(float)(m));
    if (!quietflag) printf("   RMS of b-reconstructed and b = %f\n\n", rms);

    /* test for sign of deltas */
    fpOld = FOPEN(oldbase,"r");
    fscanf(fpOld, "%f %f %f %f %f", &bperp, &dbperp, &bpar, &dbpar, &btemp);

    printf("   New Baseline:  Normal: %f, delta: %f\n"
           "                  Parallel: %f, delta: %f\n"
           "                  Temporal: %f days\n\n", x0[1], x0[2], x0[3], x0[4], btemp);
    if (logflag) {
        sprintf(logbuf,"   New Baseline:  Normal: %f, delta: %f\n"
                "                  Parallel: %f, delta: %f\n"
                "                  Temporal: %f days\n\n", x0[1], x0[2], x0[3], x0[4], btemp);

    fpNew = FOPEN(newbase,"w");
    fprintf(fpNew, "%14.7f  %14.7f  %14.7f  %14.7f %14.7f\n",
            x0[1], x0[2], x0[3], x0[4], btemp);

    /* free memory */
Exemplo n.º 3
cljp_coarsening(Mat depends_on, IS *pCoarse) {

    const int debug = 0;
    //create a vector of the weights.
    Vec w;
    MatGetVecs(depends_on, PETSC_NULL, &w);
    //Get my local matrix size
    PetscInt start;
    PetscInt end;
    MatGetOwnershipRange(depends_on, &start, &end);

    //TODO: replace with something that doesn't require re-creating the matrix structure.
    //Initialize all the weights
	Mat influences;
	MatTranspose(depends_on, &influences);
	    RawGraph influences_raw(influences);
	    assert(influences_raw.local_nrows() == end-start);
	    //Initialize the weight vector with \norm{S^T_i} + \sigma(i)
	    PetscScalar *local_weights;
	    VecGetArray(w, &local_weights);
	    for (int local_row=0; local_row < influences_raw.local_nrows(); local_row++) {
		local_weights[local_row] = 
		    influences_raw.ia(local_row+1)-influences_raw.ia(local_row) + frand();
	    VecRestoreArray(w, &local_weights);


    //Prepare the scatters needed for the independent set algorithm.
    IS all_local_nodes;
    describe_partition(depends_on, &all_local_nodes);
    NonlocalCollection nonlocal(depends_on, all_local_nodes);
    //while we are here, get the matrix + graph nodes that we need.
    Mat extended_depend_mat;
    get_matrix_rows(depends_on, nonlocal.nodes, &extended_depend_mat);

    // Vec used only for display purposes
    enum NodeType {UNKNOWN=-1, FINE, COARSE};
    Vec node_type;
    VecDuplicate(w, &node_type);
    VecSet(node_type, UNKNOWN);
    Vec w_nonlocal;
    VecDuplicate(nonlocal.vec, &w_nonlocal);
    Vec node_type_nonlocal;
    VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &node_type_nonlocal);
    VecSet(node_type_nonlocal, UNKNOWN);

    Vec is_not_independent;
    VecDuplicate(w, &is_not_independent);    
    Vec is_not_independent_nonlocal;
    VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &is_not_independent_nonlocal);
    VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, w, w_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
    VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, w, w_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);

    Vec w_update_nonlocal;
    VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &w_update_nonlocal);

    //get ready to find all the coarse and fine points
    typedef std::set<PetscInt> IntSet;
    IntSet unknown;
    //initialize the unknown set with all points that are local to this processor.
    for (int ii=start; ii<end; ii++) { 

    //we use MPI_INT here because we need to allreduce it with MPI_LAND 
    int all_points_partitioned=0;
    int inc = 0;
	RawGraph dep_nonlocal_raw(extended_depend_mat);

	//while not done
	while(!all_points_partitioned) {
	    //Start: non-local weights, non-local coarse points

	    if (debug) {
		char fname[] = "weightsXXX";
		char selection_graph[] = "selectionXXX";
		sprintf(fname, "weights%03d", inc);
		sprintf(selection_graph, "selection%03d", inc);
		PetscViewer view;
		PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fname, &view);
		PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOutputVecDA(view, "z", w, user->da);
		PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, selection_graph, &view);
		PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOutputVecDA(view, "z", node_type, user->da);

	    //Pre: non-local weights, non-local coarse points
	    //find the independent set.

	    //By using ADD_VALUES in a scattter, we can perform 
	    //a boolean OR across procesors.

	    //is_not_independent[*] = false
	    VecSet(is_not_independent_nonlocal, 0);
	    //for all unknown points P
		RawVector node_type_nonlocal_raw(node_type_nonlocal);
		RawVector w_nonlocal_raw(w_nonlocal);
		RawVector is_not_independent_nonlocal_raw(is_not_independent_nonlocal);
		FOREACH(P, unknown) {
		    //get weight(P)
		    PetscScalar weight_P = w_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[*P]);

		    //for all dependencies K of P (K st P->K)
		    for (PetscInt ii=0; ii<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row(nonlocal.map[*P]); ii++) {
			PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col(nonlocal.map[*P], ii);
			//skip if K is fine/coarse
			  Notice that we don't have to consider the
			  independent set we've been generating here.  By
			  construction, if K is in the independent set, then P
			  cannot be in the independent set.
			if (node_type_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]) != UNKNOWN) {

			//skip if P->K is marked
			if (dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked(nonlocal.map[*P], ii)) {
			//get weight(K)
			PetscScalar weight_K = w_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]);

			if (weight_K <= weight_P) {
			    //is_not_independent(K) = true
			    is_not_independent_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]) = 1;
			} else { // (weight(P) < weight_K)
			    is_not_independent_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[*P]) = 1;

	    if (debug) {LTRACE();}
	    //VecView(is_not_independent_nonlocal, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);
	    //reconstruct is_not_independent vector with a ADD_VALUES, which
	    //performs boolean OR
	    VecSet(is_not_independent, 0);
	    VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, is_not_independent_nonlocal, is_not_independent, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE);
	    VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, is_not_independent_nonlocal, is_not_independent, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE);
	    IntSet new_coarse_points;
		RawVector is_not_independent_raw(is_not_independent);
		//for all unknown points P
		FOREACH(P, unknown) {
		    //if (!is_not_independent(P))
		    if (is_not_independent_raw.at(*P) == 0) {
			if (debug) {SHOWVAR(*P, d);}
	    //Post: new coarse points (independent set)
	    if (debug) {LTRACE();}
	    //Pre: independent set
		RawVector node_type_raw(node_type);
		// for each independent point
		FOREACH(I, new_coarse_points) {
		    //mark that point as coarse
		    node_type_raw.at(*I) = COARSE;
	    //Post: updated coarse local
	    if (debug) {LTRACE();}
	    //Pre: updated coarse local
	    //scatter changes to other processors
	    VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, node_type, node_type_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
	    VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, node_type, node_type_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
	    //Post: updated coarse non-local
	    if (debug) {LTRACE();}
	    //Pre: updated coarse non-local, new local coarse points
	    VecSet(w_update_nonlocal, 0);
		RawVector node_type_nonlocal_raw(node_type_nonlocal);
		RawVector w_update_nonlocal_raw(w_update_nonlocal);
		//for all new coarse points C
		FOREACH(C, new_coarse_points) {
		    //for all K st C->K
		    for(PetscInt ii=0; ii<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row(nonlocal.map[*C]); ii++) {
			//mark (C->K)
			dep_nonlocal_raw.mark(nonlocal.map[*C], ii);
			PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col(nonlocal.map[*C], ii);
			//if K is unknown
			if (node_type_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]) == UNKNOWN) {
			    w_update_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]) -= 1;
		//for all unknown points I
		FOREACH(I, unknown) {
		    IntSet common_coarse;
		    //for all (J->K)
		    for (PetscInt kk=0; kk<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row(nonlocal.map[*I]); kk++) { 
			if (!dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked(nonlocal.map[*I], kk)) {
			    //if K is coarse
			    PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col(nonlocal.map[*I], kk);
			    if (node_type_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[K]) == COARSE) {
				//mark K as common coarse
				//mark (J->K) if unmarked
				dep_nonlocal_raw.mark(nonlocal.map[*I], kk);

		    //for all unmarked (I->J)
		    for (PetscInt jj=0; jj<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row(nonlocal.map[*I]); jj++) {
			if (!dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked(nonlocal.map[*I], jj)) {
			    //for all (J->K), marked or no
			    PetscInt J = dep_nonlocal_raw.col(nonlocal.map[*I], jj);
			    for(PetscInt kk=0; kk<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row(nonlocal.map[J]); kk++) {
				//if K is in layer or ghost layer and common-coarse
				PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col(nonlocal.map[J], kk);
				if (is_member(K, common_coarse)) {
				    //mark (I->J)
				    dep_nonlocal_raw.mark(nonlocal.map[*I], jj);
				    w_update_nonlocal_raw.at(nonlocal.map[J]) -= 1;