Exemplo n.º 1
//Duplicate every other sample to make it seem like its half speed
int HalfPlay(data_file file_, int l_, int* clusters_)
	int i, j, r = 0;
	BYTE playBuffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0};

	for (i = 0; i < l_ * BPB_SecPerClus; i++)
		if (_playing == 0)

		//Buffer current sector (i) from cluster into the playBuffer
		get_rel_sector(&file_, playBuffer, clusters_, i);
		for (j = 0; j < BUF_SIZE; j+=2)
			//Wait for signal to write for audio, then write to it with prepared bytes
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
			IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));

			//Logic to play the bytes twice (repeat every 4 bits)
			if (j % 4 == 0)
				if (r == 1){
					r = 0;
					j -= 4;
					r = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
int DelayPlay(data_file file_, int l_, int* clusters_)
	int i, j;

	//Create an additional delay buffer with the size of sample rate
	BYTE playBuffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0};
	UINT16 delayBuffer[SAMPLE_RATE] = {0};

	int idxDelay, flag = 0;

	//Iterate through the audio
	for (i = 0; i < l_ * BPB_SecPerClus; i++)
		if (_playing == 0)

		get_rel_sector(&file_, playBuffer, clusters_, i);

		for (j = 0; j < BUF_SIZE; j+=2)
			//Wait for signal to write for audio, then write to it with prepared bytes
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}

			//Populate delayBuffer using idxDelay with what's in playBuffer on an edge
			if (flag == 0){
				IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));
				flag = 1;
				IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, delayBuffer[idxDelay]);
				delayBuffer[idxDelay] = BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]);
				flag = 0;

			//If we exceed the buffer size, loop around to beginning of array
			if (idxDelay > SAMPLE_RATE)
				idxDelay = idxDelay % SAMPLE_RATE;

	//Finish from current delay index to end of delay array
	for (i = idxDelay; i < SAMPLE_RATE; i++)
		if (_playing == 0)

		while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
		IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, delayBuffer[i]);

	//Finish last remaining audio data from beginning to delayIdx
	for (i = 0; i < idxDelay; i++)
		if (_playing == 0)

		while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
		IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, delayBuffer[i]);
Exemplo n.º 3
//Plays the audio backwards by iterating from end of buffer to the beginning
int ReversePlay(data_file file_, int l_, int* clusters_)
	int i, j;
	BYTE playBuffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0};

	for (i = l_ * BPB_SecPerClus; i > 0; i--)
		if (_playing == 0)

		get_rel_sector(&file_, playBuffer, clusters_, i);

		//Starts from the end and works backwards
		for (j = 508; j > 0; j-=6)
			//Wait for signal to write for audio, then write to it with prepared bytes
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
			IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));

			//To play the next 2 bits of reverse batch (right side)
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
			IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));
Exemplo n.º 4
void play_normal(data_file* file, BYTE buffer[], int cluster_chain[]){
	int isector = 0, ibyte, retval, num_bytes;
	UINT16 tmp;

	while (player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING){
		retval = get_rel_sector(file, buffer, cluster_chain, isector++);
		if (retval != -1){
			num_bytes = (retval == 0) ?  BPB_BytsPerSec : retval;

			for (ibyte = 0; (player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING) && (ibyte < num_bytes); ibyte += 2){
				tmp = (buffer[ibyte + 1] << 8) | (buffer[ibyte]);
				while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0));
				IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, tmp);
Exemplo n.º 5
void play_reverse(data_file* file, BYTE buffer[], int cluster_chain[]){
	int isector = ceil(file->FileSize/BPB_BytsPerSec) - 1, ibyte, retval, num_bytes;
	UINT16 tmp;

	while (player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING){
		retval = get_rel_sector(file, buffer, cluster_chain, isector--);

		if (retval != -1){
			num_bytes = (retval == 0) ?  BPB_BytsPerSec : retval;

			for (ibyte = num_bytes - 1; ibyte >= 1; ibyte -= 2){
				tmp = (buffer[ibyte] << 8) | (buffer[ibyte-1]);
				while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0));
				IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, tmp);
Exemplo n.º 6
//Play song in regular speed
int NormalPlay(data_file file_, int l_, int* clusters_)
	int i, j;
	BYTE playBuffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0};

	for (i = 0; i < l_ * BPB_SecPerClus; i++)
		//If play flag is defaulted (user stops music), then stop playing from buffer
		if (_playing == 0)

		//Buffer current sector (i) from cluster into the playBuffer
		get_rel_sector(&file_, playBuffer, clusters_, i);
		for (j = 0; j < BUF_SIZE; j+=2){

			//Wait for signal to write for audio, then write to it with prepared bytes
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
			IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));
Exemplo n.º 7
void play_delay(data_file* file, BYTE buffer[], int cluster_chain[]){
	UINT16 tmp, data;
	int isector = 0, ibyte, ilagbuf = 0, channel = CHANNEL_LEFT, retval, num_bytes;
	UINT16 lag_buffer[DELAY_SAMPLES] = {0x0000};
	while (player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING){
		retval = get_rel_sector(file, buffer, cluster_chain, isector++);

		if (retval != -1) {
			num_bytes = (retval == 0) ?  BPB_BytsPerSec : retval;

			for (ibyte = 0; (player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING) && (ibyte < num_bytes); ibyte += 2){

				data = (buffer[ibyte + 1] << 8) | (buffer[ibyte]);

				if (channel == CHANNEL_LEFT){
					tmp = data;
				} else {
					if (ilagbuf == DELAY_SAMPLES) ilagbuf = 0;
					tmp = lag_buffer[ilagbuf];
					lag_buffer[ilagbuf++] = data;

				while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0));
				IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, tmp);
				channel ^= 1;

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < DELAY_SAMPLES*2 && player_state == PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING; i++){
		if (ilagbuf == DELAY_SAMPLES) ilagbuf = 0;
		tmp = (channel == CHANNEL_LEFT) ? 0x0000 : lag_buffer[ilagbuf++];
		while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0));
		IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0, tmp);
		channel ^=1 ;
Exemplo n.º 8
//Skips every other sample to make it seem like its playing double speed.
int DoublePlay(data_file file_, int l_, int* clusters_)
	int i, j = 0;
	BYTE playBuffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0};

	for (i = 0; i < l_ * BPB_SecPerClus; i++)
		if (_playing == 0)

		//Buffer current sector (i) from cluster into the playBuffer
		get_rel_sector(&file_, playBuffer, clusters_, i);
		for (j = 0; j < BUF_SIZE; j+=2)
			//Wait for signal to write for audio, then write to it with prepared bytes
			while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE, 0)){}
			IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , BytePrep(playBuffer[j], playBuffer[j + 1]));

			//Skip 2 lefts and 2 rights every 2 lefts and 2 rights... get it? HAHAHAHAA
			if (j % 4 == 0)
				j += 4;
Exemplo n.º 9
void play_music(int playType){

	/* Play Types
	 * 0 = Normal
	 * 1 = Double
	 * 2 = Half
	 * 3 = Delay
	 * 4 = Reverse
	int sectorSize;
	secCount = playType == 4 ? (floor( (float) returnData.FileSize/512) - 1) : 0;
	sectorSize = get_rel_sector(&returnData, buffer, cc, secCount);

	while(sectorSize != -1){


		if(sectorSize == 0){
			if(playType == 0 || playType == 4)
			else if(playType == 1)
			else if(playType == 2)
				UINT16 tmp;
				int i;

				for (i = 0; (i+4) < BPB_BytsPerSec; i+=4){

					rightBuffer[delay_cnt] = buffer[i+2];
					rightBuffer[delay_cnt+1] = buffer[i+3];

					delay_cnt += 2;

					if ((delay_cnt + 1) >= 88200){
						delay_cnt = 0;
					tmp = ((buffer[i+1] << 8) | (buffer[i]));
					while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE,0)) {} // Wait until FIFO is ready
					IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , tmp);

					tmp = ((rightBuffer[delay_cnt+1] << 8) | (rightBuffer[delay_cnt]));
					while(IORD(AUD_FULL_BASE,0)) {} // Wait until FIFO is ready
					IOWR(AUDIO_0_BASE, 0 , tmp);


			if(playType == 0 || playType == 4)
			else if(playType == 1)
			else if(playType == 2)
				printf("Playing End of Delay");

		secCount = playType == 4 ? secCount - 1 : secCount + 1 ;

		sectorSize = get_rel_sector(&returnData, buffer, cc, secCount);

	// Reset stop_flag
	if (stop_flag == 1)
		stop_flag = 0;
		stop_flag = 1;