int cmd_sample (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds) { struct sample_trns *trns; int type; int a, b; unsigned frac; if (!lex_force_num (lexer)) return CMD_FAILURE; if (!lex_is_integer (lexer)) { unsigned long min = gsl_rng_min (get_rng ()); unsigned long max = gsl_rng_max (get_rng ()); type = TYPE_FRACTION; if (lex_tokval (lexer) <= 0 || lex_tokval (lexer) >= 1) { msg (SE, _("The sampling factor must be between 0 and 1 " "exclusive.")); return CMD_FAILURE; } frac = lex_tokval (lexer) * (max - min) + min; a = b = 0; } else { type = TYPE_A_FROM_B; a = lex_integer (lexer); lex_get (lexer); if (!lex_force_match_id (lexer, "FROM")) return CMD_FAILURE; if (!lex_force_int (lexer)) return CMD_FAILURE; b = lex_integer (lexer); if (a >= b) { msg (SE, _("Cannot sample %d observations from a population of " "%d."), a, b); return CMD_FAILURE; } frac = 0; } lex_get (lexer); trns = xmalloc (sizeof *trns); trns->type = type; trns->n = a; trns->N = b; trns->m = trns->t = 0; trns->frac = frac; add_transformation (ds, sample_trns_proc, sample_trns_free, trns); return CMD_SUCCESS; }
/* * Generates a random directed weighted graph with N nodes and K edges. Weights * are chosen uniformly between wmin and wmax. No edges are placed on the main * diagonal. */ MATRIX_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::makerandCIJ_wd(int N, int K, FP_T wmin, FP_T wmax) { gsl_rng* rng = get_rng(); VECTOR_T* w = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(K); for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { VECTOR_ID(set)(w, i, gsl_rng_uniform(rng) * (wmax - wmin) + wmin); } // ind = ~eye(N); MATRIX_T* eye_N = eye(N); MATRIX_T* ind = logical_not(eye_N); MATRIX_ID(free)(eye_N); // i = find(ind); VECTOR_T* i = find(ind); MATRIX_ID(free)(ind); // rp = randperm(length(i)); gsl_permutation* rp = randperm(length(i)); // irp = i(rp); VECTOR_T* irp = permute(rp, i); gsl_permutation_free(rp); VECTOR_ID(free)(i); // CIJ = zeros(N); MATRIX_T* CIJ = zeros(N); // CIJ(irp(1:K)) = w; VECTOR_ID(view) irp_subv = VECTOR_ID(subvector)(irp, 0, K); ordinal_index_assign(CIJ, &irp_subv.vector, w); VECTOR_ID(free)(w); VECTOR_ID(free)(irp); return CIJ; }
/* * Generates a random directed weighted graph with the same number of nodes, * number of edges, and weight distribution as the given graph. No edges are * placed on the main diagonal. The given matrix should therefore not contain * nonzero entries on the main diagonal. */ MATRIX_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::makerandCIJ_wd_wp(const MATRIX_T* m) { if (safe_mode) check_status(m, SQUARE | NO_LOOPS, "makerandCIJ_wd_wp"); int N = m->size1; int K = N * (N - 1); FP_T* w = new FP_T[K]; for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < (int)m->size1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)m->size2; j++) { if (i != j) { w[k++] = MATRIX_ID(get)(m, i, j); } } } gsl_rng* rng = get_rng(); gsl_ran_shuffle(rng, w, K, sizeof(FP_T)); MATRIX_T* rand_m = MATRIX_ID(alloc)(m->size1, m->size2); for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < (int)m->size1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)m->size2; j++) { if (i == j) { MATRIX_ID(set)(rand_m, i, j, 0.0); } else { MATRIX_ID(set)(rand_m, i, j, w[k++]); } } } delete[] w; return rand_m; }
bool tr_rand_buffer(void* buffer, size_t length) { bool ret; tr_lock* rng_lock = get_rng_lock(); TR_ASSERT(buffer != NULL); tr_lockLock(rng_lock); ret = check_result(API(RNG_GenerateBlock)(get_rng(), buffer, length)); tr_lockUnlock(rng_lock); return ret; }
bool tr_dh_make_key (tr_dh_ctx_t raw_handle, size_t private_key_length UNUSED, uint8_t * public_key, size_t * public_key_length) { struct tr_dh_ctx * handle = raw_handle; word32 my_private_key_length, my_public_key_length; tr_lock * rng_lock = get_rng_lock (); assert (handle != NULL); assert (public_key != NULL); if (handle->private_key == NULL) handle->private_key = tr_malloc (handle->key_length); tr_lockLock (rng_lock); if (!check_result (DhGenerateKeyPair (&handle->dh, get_rng (), handle->private_key, &my_private_key_length, public_key, &my_public_key_length))) { tr_lockUnlock (rng_lock); return false; } tr_lockUnlock (rng_lock); tr_dh_align_key (public_key, my_public_key_length, handle->key_length); handle->private_key_length = my_private_key_length; if (public_key_length != NULL) *public_key_length = handle->key_length; return true; }
void Botan_server::load_credentials( const std::string& server_name, fs::Dirent& file_ca_key, fs::Dirent& file_ca_cert, fs::Dirent& file_server_key) { // load CA certificate assert(file_ca_cert.is_valid()); auto ca_cert =; std::vector<uint8_t> vca_cert(ca_cert.begin(), ca_cert.end()); // load CA private key auto ca_key = read_pkey(file_ca_key); // load server private key auto srv_key = read_pkey(file_server_key); auto* credman = net::Credman::create( server_name, get_rng(), std::move(ca_key), Botan::X509_Certificate(vca_cert), std::move(srv_key)); this->credman.reset(credman); }
inline std::unique_ptr<Botan::Private_Key> read_pkey(fs::Dirent& key_file) { assert(key_file.is_file()); Botan::DataSource_Memory data{}; return std::unique_ptr<Botan::Private_Key>(Botan::PKCS8::load_key(data, get_rng())); }
/* * Generates a random directed binary graph with the given in-degree and out- * degree sequences. Returns NULL if the algorithm failed to generate a graph * satisfying the given degree sequences. */ MATRIX_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::makerandCIJdegreesfixed(const VECTOR_T* in, const VECTOR_T* out) { gsl_rng* rng = get_rng(); // n = length(in); int n = length(in); // k = sum(in); int k = sum(in); // inInv = zeros(k,1); VECTOR_T* inInv = zeros_vector(k); // outInv = inInv; VECTOR_T* outInv = copy(inInv); // iIn = 1; iOut = 1; int iIn = 0; int iOut = 0; // for i = 1:n for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // inInv(iIn:iIn+in(i) - 1) = i; VECTOR_T* inInv_ind = sequence(iIn, iIn + (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(in, i) - 1); if (inInv_ind != NULL) { ordinal_index_assign(inInv, inInv_ind, (FP_T)i); VECTOR_ID(free)(inInv_ind); } // outInv(iOut:iOut+out(i) - 1) = i; VECTOR_T* outInv_ind = sequence(iOut, iOut + (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(out, i) - 1); if (outInv_ind != NULL) { ordinal_index_assign(outInv, outInv_ind, (FP_T)i); VECTOR_ID(free)(outInv_ind); } // iIn = iIn+in(i); iIn += (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(in, i); // iOut = iOut+out(i); iOut += (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(out, i); } // cij = eye(n); MATRIX_T* cij = eye(n); // edges = [outInv(1:k)'; inInv(randperm(k))']; VECTOR_T* outInv_ind = sequence(0, k - 1); VECTOR_T* edges_row_0 = ordinal_index(outInv, outInv_ind); VECTOR_ID(free)(outInv); VECTOR_ID(free)(outInv_ind); gsl_permutation* inInv_ind = randperm(k); VECTOR_T* edges_row_1 = permute(inInv_ind, inInv); gsl_permutation_free(inInv_ind); VECTOR_ID(free)(inInv); MATRIX_T* edges = concatenate_columns(edges_row_0, edges_row_1); VECTOR_ID(free)(edges_row_0); VECTOR_ID(free)(edges_row_1); bool flag = true; // for i = 1:k for (int i = 0; i < k && flag; i++) { // if cij(edges(1,i),edges(2,i)), if (fp_nonzero(MATRIX_ID(get)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, i), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, i)))) { // warningCounter = 1; int warningCounter = 1; // while (1) while (true) { // switchTo = ceil(k*rand); int switchTo = (int)std::ceil((k - 1) * gsl_rng_uniform(rng)); // if ~(cij(edges(1,i),edges(2,switchTo)) || cij(edges(1,switchTo),edges(2,i))), if (!(fp_nonzero(MATRIX_ID(get)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, i), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, switchTo))) || fp_nonzero(MATRIX_ID(get)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, switchTo), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, i))))) { // cij(edges(1,i),edges(2,switchTo)) = 1; MATRIX_ID(set)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, i), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, switchTo), 1.0); // if switchTo < i, if (switchTo < i) { // cij(edges(1,switchTo),edges(2,switchTo)) = 0; MATRIX_ID(set)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, switchTo), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, switchTo), 0.0); // cij(edges(1,switchTo),edges(2,i)) = 1; MATRIX_ID(set)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, switchTo), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, i), 1.0); } // temp = edges(2,i); FP_T temp = MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, i); // edges(2,i) = edges(2,switchTo); MATRIX_ID(set)(edges, 1, i, MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, switchTo)); // edges(2,switchTo) = temp; MATRIX_ID(set)(edges, 1, switchTo, temp); // break break; } // warningCounter = warningCounter+1; warningCounter++; // if warningCounter == 2*k^2 if (warningCounter == 2 * k * k) { // flag = 0; flag = false; // return; break; } } } else { // cij(edges(1,i),edges(2,i)) = 1; MATRIX_ID(set)(cij, (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 0, i), (int)MATRIX_ID(get)(edges, 1, i), 1.0); } } MATRIX_ID(free)(edges); // flag = 1; if (!flag) { MATRIX_ID(free)(cij); return NULL; } // cij = cij - eye(n); MATRIX_T* eye_n = eye(n); MATRIX_ID(sub)(cij, eye_n); MATRIX_ID(free)(eye_n); return cij; }
/* * Returns a latticized graph with equivalent degree sequence to the original * weighted undirected graph. On average, each edge is rewired ITER times. * Strength distributions are not preserved for weighted graphs. */ MATRIX_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::latmio_und(const MATRIX_T* R, int ITER) { if (safe_mode) check_status(R, SQUARE | UNDIRECTED, "latmio_und"); gsl_rng* rng = get_rng(); // n=length(R); int n = length(R); // D=zeros(n); MATRIX_T* D = zeros(n); // u=[0 min([mod(1:n-1,n);mod(n-1:-1:1,n)])]; VECTOR_T* seq1 = sequence(1, n - 1); VECTOR_T* seq2 = sequence(n - 1, -1, 1); MATRIX_T* seq1_seq2 = concatenate_columns(seq1, seq2); VECTOR_ID(free)(seq1); VECTOR_ID(free)(seq2); VECTOR_T* min_seq1_seq2 = min(seq1_seq2); MATRIX_ID(free)(seq1_seq2); VECTOR_T* u = concatenate(0.0, min_seq1_seq2); VECTOR_ID(free)(min_seq1_seq2); // for v=1:ceil(n/2) for (int v = 1; v <= (int)std::ceil((FP_T)n / 2.0); v++) { // D(n-v+1,:)=u([v+1:n 1:v]); VECTOR_T* u_indices1 = sequence(v, n - 1); VECTOR_T* u_indices2 = sequence(0, v - 1); VECTOR_T* u_indices = concatenate(u_indices1, u_indices2); VECTOR_ID(free)(u_indices1); VECTOR_ID(free)(u_indices2); VECTOR_T* u_idx = ordinal_index(u, u_indices); VECTOR_ID(free)(u_indices); MATRIX_ID(set_row)(D, n - v, u_idx); VECTOR_ID(free)(u_idx); // D(v,:)=D(n-v+1,n:-1:1); VECTOR_T* D_rows = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(1); VECTOR_ID(set)(D_rows, 0, (FP_T)(n - v)); VECTOR_T* D_cols = sequence(n - 1, -1, 0); MATRIX_T* D_idx = ordinal_index(D, D_rows, D_cols); VECTOR_ID(free)(D_rows); VECTOR_ID(free)(D_cols); VECTOR_T* D_idx_v = to_vector(D_idx); MATRIX_ID(free)(D_idx); MATRIX_ID(set_row)(D, v - 1, D_idx_v); VECTOR_ID(free)(D_idx_v); } // [i j]=find(tril(R)); MATRIX_T* tril_R = tril(R); MATRIX_T* find_tril_R = find_ij(tril_R); MATRIX_ID(free)(tril_R); VECTOR_ID(view) i = MATRIX_ID(column)(find_tril_R, 0); VECTOR_ID(view) j = MATRIX_ID(column)(find_tril_R, 1); // K=length(i); int K = length(&i.vector); // ITER=K*ITER; ITER = K * ITER; MATRIX_T* _R = copy(R); // for iter=1:ITER for (int iter = 1; iter <= ITER; iter++) { // while 1 while (true) { int e1, e2; int a, b, c, d; // while 1 while (true) { // e1=ceil(K*rand); e1 = gsl_rng_uniform_int(rng, K); // e2=ceil(K*rand); e2 = gsl_rng_uniform_int(rng, K); // while (e2==e1), while (e2 == e1) { // e2=ceil(K*rand); e2 = gsl_rng_uniform_int(rng, K); } // a=i(e1); b=j(e1); a = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&i.vector, e1); b = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&j.vector, e1); // c=i(e2); d=j(e2); c = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&i.vector, e2); d = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&j.vector, e2); // if all(a~=[c d]) && all(b~=[c d]); if (a != c && a != d && b != c && b != d) { // break break; } } // if rand>0.5 if (gsl_rng_uniform(rng) > 0.5) { // i(e2)=d; j(e2)=c; VECTOR_ID(set)(&i.vector, e2, (FP_T)d); VECTOR_ID(set)(&j.vector, e2, (FP_T)c); // c=i(e2); d=j(e2); c = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&i.vector, e2); d = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(&j.vector, e2); } // if ~(R(a,d) || R(c,b)) if (fp_zero(MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, a, d)) && fp_zero(MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, c, b))) { // if (D(a,b)+D(c,d))>=(D(a,d)+D(c,b)) if (fp_greater_or_equal(MATRIX_ID(get)(D, a, b) + MATRIX_ID(get)(D, c, d), MATRIX_ID(get)(D, a, d) + MATRIX_ID(get)(D, c, b))) { // R(a,d)=R(a,b); R(a,b)=0; MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, a, d, MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, a, b)); MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, a, b, 0.0); // R(d,a)=R(b,a); R(b,a)=0; MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, d, a, MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, b, a)); MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, b, a, 0.0); // R(c,b)=R(c,d); R(c,d)=0; MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, c, b, MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, c, d)); MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, c, d, 0.0); // R(b,c)=R(d,c); R(d,c)=0; MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, b, c, MATRIX_ID(get)(_R, d, c)); MATRIX_ID(set)(_R, d, c, 0.0); // j(e1) = d; VECTOR_ID(set)(&j.vector, e1, (FP_T)d); // j(e2) = b; VECTOR_ID(set)(&j.vector, e2, (FP_T)b); // break; break; } } } } MATRIX_ID(free)(D); MATRIX_ID(free)(find_tril_R); return _R; }