Exemplo n.º 1
void display_scent_map(void)
	int y, x;
	byte a;
	int age;

	/* Redraw map */

	/* Update map */
	for (y = p_ptr->wy; y < p_ptr->wy + SCREEN_HGT; y++)
		for (x = p_ptr->wx; x < p_ptr->wx + SCREEN_WID; x++)
			age = get_scent(y, x);
			/* Must have scent */
			if (age == -1) continue;
			/* Pretty colors by age */
			if (age < 10) a = TERM_RED;
			else if (age < 20) a = TERM_L_RED;
			else if (age < 30) a = TERM_ORANGE;
			else if (age < 40) a = TERM_YELLOW;
			else if (age < 50) a = TERM_L_GREEN;
			else if (age < 60) a = TERM_GREEN;
			else if (age < 70) a = TERM_L_BLUE;
			else a = TERM_BLUE;
			/* Display player/floors/walls */
			if ((y == p_ptr->py) && (x == p_ptr->px))
				// do nothing
			// ignore closed doors
			else if (cave_any_closed_door_bold(y,x))
				// do nothing
			// ignore visible monsters
			else if ((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && (&mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]])->ml)
				// do nothing
				print_rel('0' + (age % 10), a, y, x);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Debug scent trails and noise bursts.
static void do_cmd_wiz_hack_ben(void)
	struct keypress cmd;

	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int i, y, x, y2, x2;

	/* Get a "debug command" */
	if (!get_com("Press 'S' for scent, 'N' for noise info: ", &cmd))

	/* Analyze the command */
	switch (cmd.code) {
	case 'S':
	case 's':
			/* Update map */
			for (y = Term->offset_y; y <= Term->offset_y + SCREEN_HGT; y++) {
				for (x = Term->offset_x; x <= Term->offset_x + SCREEN_WID;
					 x++) {
					byte a;

					int age = get_scent(y, x);

					/* Must have scent */
					if (age == -1)

					/* Pretty colors by age */
					if (age > SMELL_STRENGTH)
						a = TERM_L_DARK;

					else if (age < 10)
						a = TERM_BLUE;
					else if (age < 20)
						a = TERM_L_BLUE;
					else if (age < 30)
						a = TERM_GREEN;
					else if (age < 40)
						a = TERM_L_GREEN;
					else if (age < 50)
						a = TERM_YELLOW;
					else if (age < 60)
						a = TERM_ORANGE;
					else if (age < 70)
						a = TERM_L_RED;
						a = TERM_RED;

					/* Display player/floors/walls */
					if ((y == py) && (x == px)) {
						print_rel('@', a, y, x);
					} else {
						print_rel('0' + (age % 10), a, y, x);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Scent ages", 0, 0);

			/* Wait for a keypress */
			(void) inkey();

			/* Redraw map */



	case 'N':
	case 'n':

			/* Get a "debug command" */
			if (!get_com
				("Press 'D' for direction of flow, 'C' for actual cost values: ",

			if ((cmd.code == 'D') || (cmd.code == 'd')) {
				/* Update map */
				for (y = Term->offset_y; y <= Term->offset_y + SCREEN_HGT;
					 y++) {
					for (x = Term->offset_x;
						 x <= Term->offset_x + SCREEN_WID; x++) {
						int lowest_cost = cave_cost[y][x];
						int dir = -1;
						int cost;

						if (lowest_cost == 0)

						for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
							/* Get the location */
							y2 = y + ddy_ddd[i];
							x2 = x + ddx_ddd[i];

							cost = cave_cost[y2][x2];
							if (!cost)

							/* If this grid's scent is younger, save it */
							if (lowest_cost > cost)
								lowest_cost = cost;

							/* If it isn't, look elsewhere */

							/* Save this direction */
							dir = i;

						/* If we didn't find any younger scent, print a '5' */
						if (dir == -1)
							print_rel('5', TERM_YELLOW, y, x);

						/* Otherwise, convert to true direction and print */
						else {
							i = ddd[dir];
							print_rel('0' + i, TERM_L_BLUE, y, x);

				/* Prompt */
				prt("Directions given to advancing monsters using noise info", 0, 0);

				/* Wait for a keypress */
				(void) inkey();

				/* Redraw map */

			/* Actual cost values */
			else {
				int j;
				struct keypress key;

				for (i = cost_at_center - 2; i <= 100 + NOISE_STRENGTH;
					 ++i) {
					/* First show grids with no scent */
					if (i == cost_at_center - 2)
						j = 0;

					/* Then show specially marked grids (bug-checking) */
					else if (i == cost_at_center - 1)
						j = 255;

					/* Then show standard grids */
						j = i;

					/* Update map */
					for (y = Term->offset_y;
						 y <= Term->offset_y + SCREEN_HGT; y++) {
						for (x = Term->offset_x;
							 x <= Term->offset_x + SCREEN_WID; x++) {
							byte a = TERM_YELLOW;
							feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

							/* Display proper cost */
							if (cave_cost[y][x] != j)

							/* Display player/floors/walls */
							if ((y == py) && (x == px)) {
								print_rel('@', a, y, x);
							} else if (!tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_NO_SCENT)) {
								print_rel('*', a, y, x);
							} else {
								print_rel('#', a, y, x);

					/* Prompt */
					if (j == 0) {
						prt("Grids with no scent", 0, 0);
					} else if (j == 255) {
						prt("Specially marked grids", 0, 0);
					} else {
						prt(format("Depth %d: ", j), 0, 0);

					/* Get key */
					key = inkey();
					if (key.code == ESCAPE)

					/* Redraw map */



	/* Done */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Redraw map */