boost::uint64_t thread_pool_attached_executor<Scheduler>::num_pending_closures(
        error_code& ec) const
        if (&ec != &throws)
            ec = make_success_code();

        return get_thread_count() - get_thread_count(terminated);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: find.cpp Projeto: noj/CodeDB
void find(const bfs::path& cdb_path, const options& opt)
    config cfg = load_config(cdb_path / "config");

    const bfs::path cdb_root = cdb_path.parent_path();
    const bfs::path search_root = bfs::initial_path();

    std::size_t prefix_size = 0;
    std::string file_match;
    if(opt.m_options.count("-a") == 0 && search_root != cdb_root)
        file_match = "^" + escape_regex(
            search_root.generic_string().substr(cdb_root.string().size() + 1) + "/") + ".*";
        prefix_size = search_root.string().size() - cdb_root.string().size();

    file_lock lock(cdb_path / "lock");

    const char* find_regex_options =
        opt.m_options.count("-i") ? "i" : "";
    const char* file_regex_options =
        cfg.get_value("nocase-file-match") == "on" ? "i" : "";

    bool trim = cfg.get_value("find-trim-ws") == "on";
    unsigned thread_count = get_thread_count(cfg);
    unsigned buffer_count = get_buffer_count(thread_count);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i != opt.m_args.size(); ++i)
        database_ptr db = open_database(cdb_path / "db");

        std::string pattern = opt.m_args[i];
            pattern = escape_regex(pattern);

        mt_search mts(*db, trim, prefix_size, buffer_count);

        auto worker = [&]
            mts.search_db(compile_regex(pattern, 0, find_regex_options),
                          compile_regex(file_match, 0, file_regex_options));

        boost::thread_group workers;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i != thread_count-1; ++i)


Exemplo n.º 3
size_t fastq_paired_two_files_for_each_parallel(string& file1, string& file2, function<void(Alignment&, Alignment&)> lambda) {
    gzFile fp1 = (file1 != "-") ? gzopen(file1.c_str(), "r") : gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
    gzFile fp2 = (file2 != "-") ? gzopen(file2.c_str(), "r") : gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
    size_t len = 2 << 18; // 256k
    size_t nLines = 0;
    int thread_count = get_thread_count();
    //vector<Alignment> alns; alns.resize(thread_count);
    vector<char*> bufs; bufs.resize(thread_count);
    for (auto& buf : bufs) {
        buf = new char[len];
    bool more_data = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(fp1, fp2, more_data, bufs)
        int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
        while (more_data) {
            Alignment mate1, mate2;
            char* buf = bufs[tid];
            bool got_anything = false;
#pragma omp critical (fastq_input)
                if (more_data) {
                    got_anything = more_data = get_next_alignment_pair_from_fastqs(fp1, fp2, buf, len, mate1, mate2);
            if (got_anything) {
                lambda(mate1, mate2);
    for (auto& buf : bufs) {
        delete buf;
    return nLines;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool UDTPPeer::remove_thread()
    if(get_thread_count()  <= 0) return false;

    UDTPThreadFlow *removeFlowThread = front_flow_thread();
    UDTPThreadProcess *removeProcessThread = front_process_thread();


    sem_post(&_semProcessChunkThread); /*Have to post one!*/

    close(removeFlowThread->flow_socket()); /****FIND A WAY TO CLOSE BUT KEEP WHATEVER IS REMAINING INSIDE!*/

    removeFlowThread = NULL;
    removeProcessThread = NULL;

    std::cout << "PEER " << get_unique_id() << " has removed a flow and process thread!"  << std::endl;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
int hts_for_each_parallel(string& filename, function<void(Alignment&)> lambda) {

    samFile *in = hts_open(filename.c_str(), "r");
    if (in == NULL) return 0;
    bam_hdr_t *hdr = sam_hdr_read(in);
    map<string, string> rg_sample;
    parse_rg_sample_map(hdr->text, rg_sample);

    int thread_count = get_thread_count();
    vector<bam1_t*> bs; bs.resize(thread_count);
    for (auto& b : bs) {
        b = bam_init1();

    bool more_data = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(in, hdr, more_data, rg_sample)
        int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
        while (more_data) {
            bam1_t* b = bs[tid];
#pragma omp critical (hts_input)
            if (more_data) {
                more_data = sam_read1(in, hdr, b) >= 0;
            if (more_data) {
                Alignment a = bam_to_alignment(b, rg_sample);

    for (auto& b : bs) bam_destroy1(b);
    return 1;

Exemplo n.º 6
vector<edge_t> find_edges_to_prune(const HandleGraph& graph, size_t k, size_t edge_max) {
    // for each position on the forward and reverse of the graph
    //unordered_set<edge_t> edges_to_prune;
    vector<vector<edge_t> > edges_to_prune;
    graph.for_each_handle([&](const handle_t& h) {
            // for the forward and reverse of this handle
            // walk k bases from the end, so that any kmer starting on the node will be represented in the tree we build
            for (auto handle_is_rev : { false, true }) {
                //cerr << "###########################################" << endl;
                handle_t handle = handle_is_rev ? graph.flip(h) : h;
                list<walk_t> walks;
                // for each position in the node, set up a kmer with that start position and the node end or kmer length as the end position
                // determine next positions
                id_t handle_id = graph.get_id(handle);
                size_t handle_length = graph.get_length(handle);
                string handle_seq = graph.get_sequence(handle);
                for (size_t i = 0; i < handle_length;  ++i) {
                    pos_t begin = make_pos_t(handle_id, handle_is_rev, handle_length);
                    pos_t end = make_pos_t(handle_id, handle_is_rev, min(handle_length, i+k));
                    walk_t walk = walk_t(offset(end)-offset(begin), begin, end, handle, 0);
                    if (walk.length < k) {
                        // are we branching over more than one edge?
                        size_t next_count = 0;
                        graph.follow_edges(walk.curr, false, [&](const handle_t& next) { ++next_count; });
                        graph.follow_edges(walk.curr, false, [&](const handle_t& next) {
                                if (next_count > 1 && edge_max == walk.forks) { // our next step takes us over the max
                                    int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                                    edges_to_prune[tid].push_back(graph.edge_handle(walk.curr, next));
                                } else {
                                    auto& todo = walks.back();
                                    todo.curr = next;
                                    if (next_count > 1) {
                    } else {
                // now expand the kmers until they reach k
                while (!walks.empty()) {
                    // first we check which ones have reached length k in the current handle; for each of these we run lambda and remove them from our list
                    auto walks_end = walks.end();
                    for (list<walk_t>::iterator q = walks.begin(); q != walks_end; ++q) {
                        auto& walk = *q;
                        // did we reach our target length?
                        if (walk.length >= k) {
                            q = walks.erase(q);
                        } else {
                            id_t curr_id = graph.get_id(walk.curr);
                            size_t curr_length = graph.get_length(walk.curr);
                            bool curr_is_rev = graph.get_is_reverse(walk.curr);
                            size_t take = min(curr_length, k-walk.length);
                            walk.end = make_pos_t(curr_id, curr_is_rev, take);
                            walk.length += take;
                            if (walk.length < k) {
                                // if not, we need to expand through the node then follow on
                                size_t next_count = 0;
                                graph.follow_edges(walk.curr, false, [&](const handle_t& next) { ++next_count; });
                                graph.follow_edges(walk.curr, false, [&](const handle_t& next) {
                                        if (next_count > 1 && edge_max == walk.forks) { // our next step takes us over the max
                                            int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                                            edges_to_prune[tid].push_back(graph.edge_handle(walk.curr, next));
                                        } else {
                                            auto& todo = walks.back();
                                            todo.curr = next;
                                            if (next_count > 1) {
                                q = walks.erase(q);
                            } else {
                                // nothing, we'll remove it next time around
        }, true);
    uint64_t total_edges = 0;
    for (auto& v : edges_to_prune) total_edges += v.size();
    vector<edge_t> merged; merged.reserve(total_edges);
    for (auto& v : edges_to_prune) {
        merged.insert(merged.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
    // duplicates are assumed to be dealt with externally
    return merged;
Exemplo n.º 7
void * echo_server(void * arg) {
    int status;
    char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LEN];
    ServerTag * server_tag = arg;
    int c_socket = server_tag->c_socket;
    ssize_t num_read;
    struct timeval time_out;
    char * error_msg;

    /*  Free struct allocated by calling function before we do
        anything that might cause us to exit()                   */


    DFPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering thread - number of active threads is %d.\n",

    /*  Detach thread, the main server doesn't wait for it */

    status = pthread_detach(pthread_self());
    if ( status != 0 ) {
        mk_errmsg("Error detaching thread", &error_msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);

    /*  Loop over input lines  */

    while ( 1 ) {

        /*  Note: Linux modifies the struct timeval on a call to
            select(), so we need to reset it before each call.    */

        time_out.tv_sec = time_out_secs;
        time_out.tv_usec = time_out_usecs;

        num_read = socket_readline_timeout_r(c_socket, buffer,
                MAX_BUFFER_LEN, &time_out, &error_msg);
        if ( num_read < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);
        if ( num_read == 0 ) {

            /*  We've timed out getting a line of input  */

            DFPRINTF ((stderr, "No input available.\n"));
            if ( socket_writeline_r(c_socket, time_out_msg,
                    strlen(time_out_msg), &error_msg) < 0 ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);

        /*  Echo the line of input  */

        DFPRINTF ((stderr, "Echoing input.\n"));
        if ( socket_writeline_r(c_socket, buffer,
                    strlen(buffer), &error_msg) < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);

    if ( close(c_socket) == - 1 ) {
        mk_errmsg("Error closing socket", &error_msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);

    DFPRINTF ((stderr, "Exiting from thread.\n"));

    return NULL;