Exemplo n.º 1
//static int8_t input0 (func_cb_ptr p, void *data, uint16_t length) {
static int8_t input0 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
	update_background_state_t *s = (update_background_state_t *)sys_get_state();	

	// Get token from port.

	if (s->state == UPD_STATE_INIT) {	

		s->backMat = (CYCLOPS_Matrix *)capture_token_data(t, s->pid);
		if (s->backMat == NULL) return -ENOMEM;
		s->state = UPD_STATE_PROCESS;								
	} else {		
		CYCLOPS_Matrix *M = (CYCLOPS_Matrix *)get_token_data(t);
		//check that input matrix's depth is 1 byte
		if( (M->depth != CYCLOPS_1BYTE) || (s->backMat->depth != CYCLOPS_1BYTE) )
				return -EINVAL;
		token_type_t *my_token = create_token(s->backMat, sizeof(CYCLOPS_Matrix), s->pid);
		if (my_token == NULL) return -EINVAL;
		set_token_type(my_token, CYCLOPS_MATRIX);
		//SOS_CALL(s->put_token, put_token_func_t, s->output0, my_token);
		dispatch(s->output0, my_token);
	return SOS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
//static int8_t input3 (func_cb_ptr p, void *data, uint16_t length) {
static int8_t input3 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
    over_thresh_state_t *s = (over_thresh_state_t *)sys_get_state();

    if (t == NULL) return -EINVAL;

    // Get token from port.
    s->col = *((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t));

    return process_input(s);
Exemplo n.º 3
static int8_t input0 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
    uint8_t value = *((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t));


    if (value & 0x01) LED_DBG(LED_RED_ON);
    if (value & 0x02) LED_DBG(LED_GREEN_ON);
    if (value & 0x04) LED_DBG(LED_YELLOW_ON);
    return SOS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int8_t input0 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
  element_state_t *s = (element_state_t *)sys_get_state();

  s->value = *((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t));

  // Get token from port.
  // If want to break the chain of calls here, then copy the token into a private
  // data structure(global), and return appropriate value (SOS_OK).

  //SOS_CALL(s->put_token, put_token_func_t, s->output0, &threshold, sizeof(uint8_t));

  sys_post_uart(TRANSMIT_MOD_PID, 0x80, sizeof(uint8_t), &(s->value), 0, BCAST_ADDRESS);
  return SOS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int8_t input0 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
    element_state_t *s = (element_state_t *)sys_get_state();

    // Get token from port.
    // If want to break the chain of calls here, then copy the token into a private
    // data structure(global), and return appropriate value (SOS_OK).

    // Process input: Extract 3 LSB's and pass it on to the next function.
    // We need a separate place to hold the output as we are modifying the input.
    // Remember, this module does not own the input token, so should not
    // overwrite it.
    uint8_t out_value = (*((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t))) & s->bit_mask;

    token_type_t *my_token = create_token(&out_value, sizeof(uint8_t), s->pid);
    if (my_token == NULL) return -ENOMEM;
    //SOS_CALL(s->put_token, put_token_func_t, s->output0, my_token);
    dispatch(s->output0, my_token);
    return SOS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int8_t input2 (func_cb_ptr p, token_type_t *t) {
  	element_state_t *s = (element_state_t *)sys_get_state();
	DEBUG("COMBINE: Accept - token %d on input 2.\n", *((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t)));
	return process_input(s, *((uint8_t *)get_token_data(t)));
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: iso.c Projeto: hanji/rufus
BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, bool scan)
	size_t i;
	int j;
	FILE* fd;
	iso9660_t* p_iso = NULL;
	udf_t* p_udf = NULL; 
	udf_dirent_t* p_udf_root;
	LONG progress_style;
	char* tmp;
	char path[64];
	const char* scan_text = "Scanning ISO image...";
	const char* basedir[] = { "i386", "minint" };
	const char* tmp_sif = ".\\txtsetup.sif~";

	if ((src_iso == NULL) || (dest_dir == NULL))
		return FALSE;

	scan_only = scan;
	psz_extract_dir = dest_dir;
	progress_style = GetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE);
	if (scan_only) {
		total_blocks = 0;
		memset(&iso_report, 0, sizeof(iso_report));
		// String array of all isolinux/syslinux locations
		StrArrayCreate(&config_path, 8);
		// Change the Window title and static text
		SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, scan_text);
		SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, scan_text);
		// Change progress style to marquee for scanning
		SetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE, progress_style | PBS_MARQUEE);
		SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETMARQUEE, TRUE, 0);
	} else {
		uprintf("Extracting files...\n");
		if (total_blocks == 0) {
			uprintf("Error: ISO has not been properly scanned.\n");
			goto out;
		nb_blocks = 0;
		iso_blocking_status = 0;
		SetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE, progress_style & (~PBS_MARQUEE));
		SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0);
	ShowWindow(hISOProgressDlg, SW_SHOW);

	/* First try to open as UDF - fallback to ISO if it failed */
	p_udf = udf_open(src_iso);
	if (p_udf == NULL)
		goto try_iso;
	uprintf("Disc image is an UDF image\n");

	p_udf_root = udf_get_root(p_udf, true, 0);
	if (p_udf_root == NULL) {
		uprintf("Couldn't locate UDF root directory\n");
		goto out;
	if (scan_only) {
		if (udf_get_logical_volume_id(p_udf, iso_report.label, sizeof(iso_report.label)) <= 0)
			iso_report.label[0] = 0;
	r = udf_extract_files(p_udf, p_udf_root, "");
	goto out;

	p_iso = iso9660_open_ext(src_iso, ISO_EXTENSION_ALL);
	if (p_iso == NULL) {
		uprintf("Unable to open image '%s'.\n", src_iso);
		goto out;
	i_joliet_level = iso9660_ifs_get_joliet_level(p_iso);
	uprintf("Disc image is an ISO9660 image\n");
	if (scan_only) {
		if (iso9660_ifs_get_volume_id(p_iso, &tmp)) {
			safe_strcpy(iso_report.label, sizeof(iso_report.label), tmp);
		} else
			iso_report.label[0] = 0;
	r = iso_extract_files(p_iso, "");

	iso_blocking_status = -1;
	if (scan_only) {
		// Remove trailing spaces from the label
		for (j=safe_strlen(iso_report.label)-1; ((j>=0)&&(isspace(iso_report.label[j]))); j--)
			iso_report.label[j] = 0;
		// We use the fact that UDF_BLOCKSIZE and ISO_BLOCKSIZE are the same here
		iso_report.projected_size = total_blocks * ISO_BLOCKSIZE;
		// We will link the existing isolinux.cfg from a syslinux.cfg we create
		// If multiple config file exist, choose the one with the shortest path
		if (iso_report.has_isolinux) {
			safe_strcpy(iso_report.cfg_path, sizeof(iso_report.cfg_path), config_path.Table[0]);
			for (i=1; i<config_path.Index; i++) {
				if (safe_strlen(iso_report.cfg_path) > safe_strlen(config_path.Table[i]))
					safe_strcpy(iso_report.cfg_path, sizeof(iso_report.cfg_path), config_path.Table[i]);
			uprintf("Will use %s for Syslinux\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
		if (IS_WINPE(iso_report.winpe)) {
			// In case we have a WinPE 1.x based iso, we extract and parse txtsetup.sif
			// during scan, to see if /minint was provided for OsLoadOptions, as it decides
			// whether we should use 0x80 or 0x81 as the disk ID in the MBR
			safe_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/%s/txtsetup.sif", 
				basedir[((iso_report.winpe&WINPE_I386) == WINPE_I386)?0:1]);
			ExtractISOFile(src_iso, path, tmp_sif);
			tmp = get_token_data(tmp_sif, "OsLoadOptions");
			if (tmp != NULL) {
				for (i=0; i<strlen(tmp); i++)
					tmp[i] = (char)tolower(tmp[i]);
				uprintf("Checking txtsetup.sif:\n  OsLoadOptions = %s\n", tmp);
				iso_report.uses_minint = (strstr(tmp, "/minint") != NULL);
	} else if (iso_report.has_isolinux) {
		safe_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\syslinux.cfg", dest_dir);
		// Create a /syslinux.cfg (if none exists) that points to the existing isolinux cfg
		fd = fopen(path, "r");
		if (fd == NULL) {
			fd = fopen(path, "w");	// No "/syslinux.cfg" => create a new one
			if (fd == NULL) {
				uprintf("Unable to create %s - booting from USB will not work\n", path);
				r = 1;
			} else {
				fprintf(fd, "DEFAULT loadconfig\n\nLABEL loadconfig\n  CONFIG %s\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
				for (i=safe_strlen(iso_report.cfg_path); (i>0)&&(iso_report.cfg_path[i]!='/'); i--);
				if (i>0) {
					iso_report.cfg_path[i] = 0;
					fprintf(fd, "  APPEND %s/\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
					iso_report.cfg_path[i] = '/';
				uprintf("Created: %s\n", path);
		if (fd != NULL)
	ShowWindow(hISOProgressDlg, SW_HIDE);
	if (p_iso != NULL)
	if (p_udf != NULL)
	if ((r != 0) && (FormatStatus == 0))
	return (r == 0);