Exemplo n.º 1
test_iter_comp(Iter first, Sent last)
    Iter i = stl2::max_element(first, last, std::greater<int>());
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!std::greater<int>()(*i, *j));
        CHECK(i == last);

    auto rng = stl2::ext::make_range(first, last);
    i = stl2::max_element(rng, std::greater<int>());
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!std::greater<int>()(*i, *j));
        CHECK(i == last);

    auto res = stl2::max_element(std::move(rng), std::greater<int>());
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!std::greater<int>()(*res.get_unsafe(), *j));
        CHECK(res.get_unsafe() == last);
Exemplo n.º 2
test_iter(Iter first, Sent last)
    Iter i = stl2::max_element(first, last);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!(*i < *j));
        CHECK(i == last);

    auto rng = stl2::ext::make_range(first, last);
    i = stl2::max_element(rng);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!(*i < *j));
        CHECK(i == last);

    auto j = stl2::max_element(std::move(rng));
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter k = first; k != last; ++k)
            CHECK(!(*j.get_unsafe() < *k));
        CHECK(j.get_unsafe() == last);
Exemplo n.º 3
test_iter_comp(Iter first, Sent last)
    typedef std::greater<int> Compare;
    Compare comp;
    std::pair<Iter, Iter> p = ranges::minmax_element(first, last, comp);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!comp(*j, *p.first));
            CHECK(!comp(*p.second, *j));
        CHECK(p.first == last);
        CHECK(p.second == last);

    auto rng = ranges::make_range(first, last);
    p = ranges::minmax_element(rng, comp);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!comp(*j, *p.first));
            CHECK(!comp(*p.second, *j));
        CHECK(p.first == last);
        CHECK(p.second == last);

    auto res = ranges::minmax_element(std::move(rng), comp);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!comp(*j, *res.get_unsafe().first));
            CHECK(!comp(*res.get_unsafe().second, *j));
        CHECK(res.get_unsafe().first == last);
        CHECK(res.get_unsafe().second == last);
Exemplo n.º 4
test_iter(Iter first, Sent last)
    std::pair<Iter, Iter> p = ranges::minmax_element(first, last);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!(*j < *p.first));
            CHECK(!(*p.second < *j));
        CHECK(p.first == last);
        CHECK(p.second == last);

    auto rng = ranges::make_range(first, last);
    p = ranges::minmax_element(rng);
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!(*j < *p.first));
            CHECK(!(*p.second < *j));
        CHECK(p.first == last);
        CHECK(p.second == last);

    auto res = ranges::minmax_element(std::move(rng));
    if (first != last)
        for (Iter j = first; j != last; ++j)
            CHECK(!(*j < *res.get_unsafe().first));
            CHECK(!(*p.second < *j));
        CHECK(res.get_unsafe().first == last);
        CHECK(res.get_unsafe().second == last);
Exemplo n.º 5
test_one_rng(unsigned N, unsigned M)
    assert(M <= N);
    int* ia = new int[N];
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        ia[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(ia, ia+N);
    std::sort(ia, ia+M);
    std::sort(ia+M, ia+N);
    auto res = ranges::inplace_merge(::as_lvalue(ranges::make_range(Iter(ia), Sent(ia+N))), Iter(ia+M));
    CHECK(res == Iter(ia+N));
    if(N > 0)
        CHECK(ia[0] == 0);
        CHECK(ia[N-1] == (int)N-1);
        CHECK(std::is_sorted(ia, ia+N));

    std::random_shuffle(ia, ia+N);
    std::sort(ia, ia+M);
    std::sort(ia+M, ia+N);
    auto res2 = ranges::inplace_merge(ranges::make_range(Iter(ia), Sent(ia+N)), Iter(ia+M));
    CHECK(res2.get_unsafe() == Iter(ia+N));
    if(N > 0)
        CHECK(ia[0] == 0);
        CHECK(ia[N-1] == (int)N-1);
        CHECK(std::is_sorted(ia, ia+N));

    delete [] ia;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main()
    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();

    test_range<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<random_access_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();
    test_range<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();
    test_range<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*>>();

    test_iter_rvalue<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_iter_rvalue<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_iter_rvalue<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_iter_rvalue<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();
    test_iter_rvalue<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();
    test_iter_rvalue<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();

    test_range_rvalue<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_range_rvalue<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_range_rvalue<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
    test_range_rvalue<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();
    test_range_rvalue<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();
    test_range_rvalue<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, sentinel<std::unique_ptr<int>*>>();

    // Check projection
    S ia[] = {S{0}, S{1}, S{2}, S{3}, S{4}, S{2}, S{3}, S{4}, S{2}};
    constexpr unsigned sa = stl2::size(ia);
    S* r = stl2::remove(ia, 2, &S::i);
    CHECK(r == ia + sa-3);
    CHECK(ia[0].i == 0);
    CHECK(ia[1].i == 1);
    CHECK(ia[2].i == 3);
    CHECK(ia[3].i == 4);
    CHECK(ia[4].i == 3);
    CHECK(ia[5].i == 4);

    // Check rvalue range
    S ia2[] = {S{0}, S{1}, S{2}, S{3}, S{4}, S{2}, S{3}, S{4}, S{2}};
    constexpr unsigned sa2 = stl2::size(ia2);
    auto r2 = stl2::remove(stl2::move(ia2), 2, &S::i);
    CHECK(r2.get_unsafe() == ia2 + sa2-3);
    CHECK(ia2[0].i == 0);
    CHECK(ia2[1].i == 1);
    CHECK(ia2[2].i == 3);
    CHECK(ia2[3].i == 4);
    CHECK(ia2[4].i == 3);
    CHECK(ia2[5].i == 4);

    return ::test_result();
Exemplo n.º 7
    const unsigned n = 4;
    char ca[n] = {0};
    auto i = ranges::fill(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n), char(1));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 1);
    CHECK(i == Iter(ca + 4));

    auto rng = ranges::make_iterator_range(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n));
    i = ranges::fill(rng, char(2));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 2);
    CHECK(i == Iter(ca + 4));

    auto j = ranges::fill(ranges::make_iterator_range(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n)), char(3));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 3);
    CHECK(j.get_unsafe() == Iter(ca + 4));
Exemplo n.º 8
    const unsigned n = 4;
    char ca[n] = {0};
    auto i = count_and_fill(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n), char(1));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 1);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 1);
    CHECK(i == Iter(ca + 4));

    auto rng = stl2::ext::make_range(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n));
    i = count_and_fill(rng, char(2));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 2);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 2);
    CHECK(i == Iter(ca + 4));

    auto j = count_and_fill(stl2::ext::make_range(Iter(ca), Sent(ca+n)), char(3));
    CHECK(ca[0] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[1] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[2] == 3);
    CHECK(ca[3] == 3);
    CHECK(j.get_unsafe() == Iter(ca + 4));
Exemplo n.º 9
static inline void clear_item(iq_t iq, seqno_t i) {
    item_t *item = get_unsafe(iq, i) ;
    if (!item->msg) {
	return ;
    iq->free(item->msg) ;
    item->msg = NULL ;
Exemplo n.º 10
iq_item_t get_msg(iq_t iq, seqno_t i) {
    item_t *item ;
    assert(i >= iq->lo) ;
    if (i >= maxi(iq)) {
	return NULL ;
    item = get_unsafe(iq, i) ;
    return item->msg ;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool_t iq_read_prefix(iq_t iq, seqno_t *seqno, iq_item_t *msg) {
    seqno_t read = iq->read ;
    item_t *item ;

    if (!get_msg(iq, read)) {
	return FALSE ;
    item = get_unsafe(iq, read) ;
    *msg = item->msg ;
    *seqno = read ;
    iq->read = read + 1 ;
    return TRUE ;
Exemplo n.º 12
int main()
    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();

    test_range<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<random_access_iterator<int*> >();
    test_range<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_range<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_range<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();

    // Test projections
    S ia[] = {S{1}, S{2}, S{3}, S{4}, S{5}, S{6}, S{7}, S{8} ,S{9}};
    const unsigned sa = sizeof(ia)/sizeof(ia[0]);
    S* r = ranges::partition(ia, is_odd(), &S::i);
    CHECK(r == ia + 5);
    for (S* i = ia; i < r; ++i)
    for (S* i = r; i < ia+sa; ++i)

    // Test rvalue range
    auto r2 = ranges::partition(ranges::view::all(ia), is_odd(), &S::i);
    CHECK(r2.get_unsafe() == ia + 5);
    for (S* i = ia; i < r2.get_unsafe(); ++i)
    for (S* i = r2.get_unsafe(); i < ia+sa; ++i)

    return ::test_result();
Exemplo n.º 13
void iq_opt_insert_doread(iq_t iq, seqno_t i, iq_item_t msg) {
    item_t *item ;
    seqno_t next ;
    assert(iq_opt_insert_check(iq, i)) ;
    assert (i >= iq->lo) ;
    next = i + 1 ;
    iq->read = next ;
    iq->hi = next ;
    if (i >= maxi(iq)) {
	overflow(iq, i) ;
    item = get_unsafe(iq, i) ;
    do_set(item, msg) ;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main()
    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> >();

    test_iter<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_iter<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();

    test_rng<forward_iterator<int*> >();
    test_rng<bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
    test_rng<random_access_iterator<int*> >();

    test_rng<forward_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_rng<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();
    test_rng<random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel<int*> >();

    // test projection
        using P = std::pair<int,std::string>;
        P ia[] = {{0,"0"}, {1,"1"}, {2,"2"}, {3,"3"}, {4,"4"}};
        P *i = ranges::replace_if(ia, [](int i){return i==2;}, std::make_pair(42,"42"),
        CHECK(ia[0] == P{0,"0"});
        CHECK(ia[1] == P{1,"1"});
        CHECK(ia[2] == P{42,"42"});
        CHECK(ia[3] == P{3,"3"});
        CHECK(ia[4] == P{4,"4"});
        CHECK(i == ranges::end(ia));

    // test rvalue range
        using P = std::pair<int,std::string>;
        P ia[] = {{0,"0"}, {1,"1"}, {2,"2"}, {3,"3"}, {4,"4"}};
        auto i = ranges::replace_if(ranges::view::all(ia), [](int i){return i==2;}, std::make_pair(42,"42"),
        CHECK(ia[0] == P{0,"0"});
        CHECK(ia[1] == P{1,"1"});
        CHECK(ia[2] == P{42,"42"});
        CHECK(ia[3] == P{3,"3"});
        CHECK(ia[4] == P{4,"4"});
        CHECK(i.get_unsafe() == ranges::end(ia));

    return ::test_result();
Exemplo n.º 15
iq_status_t iq_get(iq_t iq, seqno_t i, iq_item_t *msg) {
    assert(msg) ;
    if (i < iq->lo) {
	return IQ_RESET ;
    } else if (i >= maxi(iq)) {
	return IQ_UNSET ;
    } else {
	item_t *item = get_unsafe(iq, i) ;
	if (!item->msg) {
	    return IQ_UNSET ;
	*msg = item->msg ;
	return IQ_DATA ;
Exemplo n.º 16
static inline bool_t set(iq_t iq, seqno_t i, iq_item_t msg) {
    item_t *item ;
    assert(msg) ;
    if (i < iq->lo) {
	return FALSE ;
    iq_set_hi(iq, i + 1) ;
    if (i >= maxi(iq)) {
	overflow(iq, i) ;
    item = get_unsafe(iq, i) ;

    if (item->msg) {
	return FALSE ;

    do_set(item, msg) ;
    return TRUE ;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool_t iq_get_prefix(iq_t iq, seqno_t *seqno, iq_item_t *msg) {
    seqno_t lo = iq->lo ;
    item_t *item ;

    if (!get_msg(iq, lo)) {
	return FALSE ;
    item = get_unsafe(iq, lo) ;

    *msg = item->msg ;
    *seqno = lo ;

    /* Watch out!  The iq_set_lo will try to zap this
     * item.
    item->msg = NULL ;

    iq_set_lo(iq, (lo + 1)) ;
    return TRUE ;
Exemplo n.º 18
test_larger_sorts(int N, int M)
    assert(N > 0);
    assert(M >= 0 && M <= N);
    int* array = new int[N];
    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        array[i] = i;

    using I = random_access_iterator<int*>;
    using S = sentinel<int*>;

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    int *res = ranges::partial_sort(array, array+M, array+N);
    CHECK(res == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    I res2 = ranges::partial_sort(I{array}, I{array+M}, S{array+N});
    CHECK(res2.base() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res = ranges::partial_sort(::as_lvalue(ranges::make_range(array, array+N)), array+M);
    CHECK(res == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res2 = ranges::partial_sort(::as_lvalue(ranges::make_range(I{array}, S{array+N})), I{array+M});
    CHECK(res2.base() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    auto res3 = ranges::partial_sort(ranges::make_range(array, array+N), array+M);
    CHECK(res3.get_unsafe() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    auto res4 = ranges::partial_sort(ranges::make_range(I{array}, S{array+N}), I{array+M});
    CHECK(res4.get_unsafe().base() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == i);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res = ranges::partial_sort(array, array+M, array+N, std::greater<int>());
    CHECK(res == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == N-i-1);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res2 = ranges::partial_sort(I{array}, I{array+M}, S{array+N}, std::greater<int>());
    CHECK(res2.base() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == N-i-1);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res = ranges::partial_sort(::as_lvalue(ranges::make_range(array, array+N)), array+M, std::greater<int>());
    CHECK(res == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == N-i-1);

    std::shuffle(array, array+N, gen);
    res2 = ranges::partial_sort(::as_lvalue(ranges::make_range(I{array}, S{array+N})), I{array+M}, std::greater<int>());
    CHECK(res2.base() == array+N);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        CHECK(array[i] == N-i-1);

    delete [] array;
Exemplo n.º 19
int main()
    int i = 0;
    int * r = ranges::partial_sort_copy(&i, &i, &i, &i+5);
    CHECK(r == &i);
    CHECK(i == 0);
    test<input_iterator<const int*> >();
    test<forward_iterator<const int*> >();
    test<bidirectional_iterator<const int*> >();
    test<random_access_iterator<const int*> >();
    test<const int*>();

    // Check projections
        constexpr int N = 256;
        constexpr int M = N/2-1;
        S input[N];
        U output[M];
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            input[i].i = i;
        std::random_shuffle(input, input+N);
        U * r = ranges::partial_sort_copy(input, output, std::less<int>(), &S::i, &U::i);
        U* e = output + std::min(N, M);
        CHECK(r == e);
        int i = 0;
        for (U* x = output; x < e; ++x, ++i)
            CHECK(x->i == i);

    // Check rvalue ranges
        constexpr int N = 256;
        constexpr int M = N/2-1;
        S input[N];
        U output[M];
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            input[i].i = i;
        std::random_shuffle(input, input+N);
        auto r = ranges::partial_sort_copy(input, ranges::view::all(output), std::less<int>(), &S::i, &U::i);
        U* e = output + std::min(N, M);
        CHECK(r.get_unsafe() == e);
        int i = 0;
        for (U* x = output; x < e; ++x, ++i)
            CHECK(x->i == i);

    // Check initialize_list
        U output[9];
        U * r = ranges::partial_sort_copy(
            {S{5}, S{3}, S{4}, S{1}, S{8}, S{2}, S{6}, S{7}, S{0}, S{9}},
            output, std::less<int>(), &S::i, &U::i);
        U* e = output + 9;
        CHECK(r == e);
        int i = 0;
        for (U* x = output; x < e; ++x, ++i)
            CHECK(x->i == i);

    return ::test_result();