Exemplo n.º 1
static boolean customiconload (bigstring bsiconname, short *rnum) {
	// 2006-06-18 creedon: FSRef-ized
	// 7.0b9 PBS: Open a resource file just once, store info about it, so it doesn't have to be opened for each rendering.
	bigstring bsappearancefolder = "\x0a" "Appearance";
	bigstring bsiconsfolder = "\x05" "Icons";
	tyfilespec programfilespec, appfolderfilespec, appearancefolder, iconsfolder, iconfilespec;
	short r, ixcurricon;
	if (ixnexticon >= maxcustomicontypes)
		return (false); // limit reached
	// get app filespec
	getapplicationfilespec (nil, &programfilespec);
	macgetfilespecparent(&programfilespec, &appfolderfilespec); //PBS 8 Sep 2010: need parent folder of app before getting Appearance folder
	// get Appearances folder
	if (macgetfilespecchildfrombigstring (&appfolderfilespec, bsappearancefolder, &appearancefolder) != noErr)
		return (false);
	// get Icons folder
	if (macgetfilespecchildfrombigstring (&appearancefolder, bsiconsfolder, &iconsfolder) != noErr)
		return (false);
	// get icon file
	if (macgetfilespecchildfrombigstring (&iconsfolder, bsiconname, &iconfilespec) != noErr)
		return (false);
	if (!openresourcefile (&iconfilespec, &r, resourcefork))
		return (false);
	if (r == -1)
		return (false);
	*rnum = r;
	ixcurricon = ixnexticon;
	alllower (bsiconname);
	copystring (bsiconname, icontypes [ixcurricon].bstype);
	icontypes [ixcurricon].rnum = r;
	return (true);	
} // customiconload
Exemplo n.º 2
void initfsdefault (void) {

    // 2010-01-24 creedon: assign fsdefault the path that the application is
    //                     in, not the path of the application itself,
    //                     restoring previous behavior, fix for problem with
    //                     relative paths not working
	// 2006-06-18 creedon: FSRef-ized
	// 2005-07-18 creedon, karstenw: created
		getapplicationfilespec ( nil, &fsdefault );
        macgetfilespecparent ( &fsdefault, &fsdefault );
	} /* initfsdefault */
Exemplo n.º 3
static void ccdrawfrontiericon (Rect rcicn, boolean flpressed) {

	// 2006-07-12 creedon: FSRef-ized
	// 7.0b53 PBS: draw an OS X style icon

		IconRef iconref;
		tyfilespec programfspec;
		short label;
		OSErr err;
		Rect r = rcicn;
		FSSpec fs;
		getapplicationfilespec (nil, &programfspec);
		err = macgetfsspec (&programfspec, &fs);

		if (GetIconRefFromFile (&fs, &iconref, &label) == noErr) {
			err = PlotIconRef (&r, kAlignAbsoluteCenter, flpressed? kTransformSelected : 0, kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag, iconref);			
			ReleaseIconRef (iconref);
			if (err == noErr)
			} // if

	#endif // MACVERSION
	ploticonresource ( &rcicn, kAlignAbsoluteCenter, flpressed ? kTransformSelected : 0, idfrontiericon );
	} // ccdrawfrontiericon
Exemplo n.º 4
boolean sysinitverbs (void) {

	getapplicationfilespec (nil, &programfspec);
	launchcallbacks.waitcallback = &shellsysverbwaitroutine;
	if (!loadfunctionprocessor (idsysverbs, &sysfunctionvalue))
		return (false);
	if (!loadfunctionprocessor (idlaunchverbs, &launchfunctionvalue))
		return (false);
	if (!loadfunctionprocessor (idclipboardverbs, &clipboardfunctionvalue))
		return (false);
	if (!loadfunctionprocessor (idfrontierverbs, &frontierfunctionvalue))
		return (false);
	if (!loadfunctionprocessor (idthreadverbs, &threadfunctionvalue))
		return (false);
	return (true);
	} // sysinitverbs
Exemplo n.º 5
	short __assert (char *expr, char *file, short line) {
		On OS X, DebugStr output gets automatically rerouted to stderr
		which in turn gets logged to console.log, viewable via Console.app.
		2003-05-26 AR: Include date/time, app name, and app version.
		static boolean flnorentry = false;
		short day, month, year, hour, minute, second;
		tyfilespec myfspec;
		bigstring bs, bslogstamp, bsline, bsfile, bsmessage;
		if (flnorentry)
			return (0);
		flnorentry = true;
		/*get timestamp*/
		secondstodatetime (timenow (), &day, &month, &year, &hour, &minute, &second);
		numbertostring ((long) year, bs);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar ('-', bslogstamp);
		numbertostring ((long) month, bs);
		padwithzeros (bs, 2);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar ('-', bslogstamp);
		numbertostring ((long) day, bs);
		padwithzeros (bs, 2);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar (' ', bslogstamp);
		numbertostring ((long) hour, bs);
		padwithzeros (bs, 2);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar (':', bslogstamp);
		numbertostring ((long) minute, bs);
		padwithzeros (bs, 2);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar (':', bslogstamp);
		numbertostring ((long) second, bs);
		padwithzeros (bs, 2);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar (' ', bslogstamp);

 		/*get filespec for app*/
		getapplicationfilespec (nil, &myfspec);
		pushstring (fsname (&myfspec), bslogstamp);
		pushchar (' ', bslogstamp);
		/*get version of app*/
		filegetprogramversion (bs);
		pushchar ('(', bslogstamp);
		pushstring (bs, bslogstamp);
		pushchar (')', bslogstamp);
		/*get file name*/
		moveleft (file, bsfile, (long) lenbigstring);
		convertcstring (bsfile);
		/*get line number*/
		numbertostring ((long) line, bsline);
		/*ouput message*/
		parsedialogstring (
				"\p\r^0: Assertion failed in file ^1, at line ^2.\r",
				bslogstamp, bsfile, bsline, nil,
		DebugStr (bsmessage);
		/*send message to stderr*/
		flnorentry = false;

		return (0);
	} /*__assert*/
Exemplo n.º 6
static boolean sysfunctionvalue (short token, hdltreenode hparam1, tyvaluerecord *vreturned, bigstring bserror) {
	// 2006-06-28 creedon: for Mac, FSRef-ized
	// 5.0b16 dmb: undo that change. it affect performance adversely if many threads do it.
	// 5.0b12 dmb: in systemtaskfunc, set flresting to false to make sure we don't slow down too much
	// 1/18/93 dmb: in systemtaskfunc, don't call processyield directly; use langbackgroundtask
	// 8/11/92 dmb: make apprunningfunc accept a string or an ostype
	// 5/20/92 dmb: do processyield directly on systemtaskfunc
	// 2/12/92 dmb: do partialeventloop on systemtask & bringapptofrontfunc
	register tyvaluerecord *v = vreturned;
	setbooleanvalue (false, v); /*assume the worst*/
	switch (token) { /*these verbs don't need any special globals pushed*/
		case systemversionfunc: {
			bigstring bs;
			getsystemversionstring (bs, nil);
			if (!langcheckparamcount (hparam1, 0))
				return (false);
			return (setstringvalue (bs, v));
		case systemtaskfunc:
			if (!langcheckparamcount (hparam1, 0)) /*shouldn't have any parameters*/
				return (false);
			shellsysverbwaitroutine ();
			if (!processyield ())
				return (false);
			if (!langbackgroundtask (true))
				return (false);
			(*v).data.flvalue = true;
			return (true);
		case browsenetworkfunc:
			#ifdef MACVERSION
				return (langipcbrowsenetwork (hparam1, v));
			#ifdef WIN95VERSION
				#pragma message ("WIN95: browsenetworkfunc - not yet implemented!")

		case apprunningfunc: {
			OSType appid;
			bigstring bsapp;
			tyvaluerecord val;
			flnextparamislast = true;
			if (!getostypevalue (hparam1, 1, &appid))
				return (false);
			(*v).data.flvalue = findrunningapplication (&appid, nil);
			if (!getparamvalue (hparam1, 1, &val))
				return (false);
			if (val.valuetype == ostypevaluetype) {
				setemptystring (bsapp);
				appid = val.data.ostypevalue;
			else {
				if (!coercetostring (&val))
					return (false);
				pullstringvalue (&val, bsapp);
				if (!stringtoostype (bsapp, &appid))
					appid = 0;
			(*v).data.flvalue = findrunningapplication (&appid, bsapp, nil);
			return (true);
		case frontappfunc: {
			bigstring bs;
			if (!langcheckparamcount (hparam1, 0))
				return (false);
			if (!getfrontapplication (bs, false))
				return (false);
			return (setstringvalue (bs, v));
		case bringapptofrontfunc: {
			bigstring bs;
			flnextparamislast = true;
			if (!getstringvalue (hparam1, 1, bs))
				return (false);
			(*v).data.flvalue = activateapplication (bs);
			return (true);
		case countappsfunc:
			if (!langcheckparamcount (hparam1, 0))
				return (false);
			return (setlongvalue (countapplications (), v));
		case getnthappfunc: {
			short n;
			bigstring bs;
			if (!getintvalue (hparam1, 1, &n))
				return (false);
			if (!getnthapplication (n, bs))
				setemptystring (bs);
			return (setstringvalue (bs, v));
		case getapppathfunc: {
			bigstring bs;
			tyfilespec fs;
			flnextparamislast = true;
			if ( ! getstringvalue ( hparam1, 1, bs ) )
				return ( false );
			if ( ! getapplicationfilespec ( bs, &fs ) ) // 2006-02-17 aradke: initializes fs even if it fails
				setemptystring (bs);
			return ( setfilespecvalue ( &fs, v ) );
		case memavailfunc:
			unsigned long memavail;

			#ifdef WIN95VERSION
				MEMORYSTATUS meminfo;

				meminfo.dwLength = sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS);

				GlobalMemoryStatus (&meminfo);

				memavail = meminfo.dwAvailVirtual;

			#ifdef MACVERSION
				memavail = TempFreeMem();
			if (!langcheckparamcount (hparam1, 0)) /*shouldn't have any parameters*/
				return (false);
			return (setlongvalue (memavail, v));
		case machinefunc:
			#ifdef MACVERSION
				//Code change by Timothy Paustian Friday, June 16, 2000 3:13:09 PM
				//Changed to Opaque call for Carbon
				//Carbon only runs on PPC
				return (setstringvalue (machinePPC, v));
				return (setstringvalue (machinePPC, v));
				return (setstringvalue (machine68K, v));

			#ifdef WIN95VERSION
				return (setstringvalue (machinex86, v));


		case osfunc:
			return (sysos (v));

		#ifdef WIN95VERSION
			case getenvironmentvariablefunc: {
				bigstring bsenvname;
				bigstring buf;
				DWORD res;
				flnextparamislast = true;
				if (!getstringvalue (hparam1, 1, bsenvname))
					return (false);


				res = GetEnvironmentVariable (stringbaseaddress(bsenvname), stringbaseaddress(buf), sizeof(buf)-2);

				if (res > sizeof(buf) - 2) {
					return (setbooleanvalue (false, v));		//safety valve

				setstringlength (buf, res);

				return (setstringvalue (buf, v));

			case setenvironmentvariablefunc: {
				bigstring bsenvname;
				bigstring bsenvval;
				bigstring bserror, bserror2;
				boolean res;
				if (!getstringvalue (hparam1, 1, bsenvname))
					return (false);

				flnextparamislast = true;
				if (!getstringvalue (hparam1, 2, bsenvval))
					return (false);


				res = SetEnvironmentVariable (stringbaseaddress(bsenvname), stringbaseaddress(bsenvval));

				if (res) {
					return (setbooleanvalue (true, v));	

				getsystemerrorstring (GetLastError(), bserror);


				wsprintf (bserror2, "Can't set environment variable \"%s\" to \"%s\" because %s", stringbaseaddress (bsenvname), stringbaseaddress (bsenvval), stringbaseaddress (bserror));

				setstringlength (bserror2, strlen(stringbaseaddress(bserror2)));

				shellerrormessage (bserror2);

				return (setbooleanvalue (false, v));	
			case unixshellcommandfunc: { /*7.0b51 PBS: call shell on OS X*/
				Handle hcommand, hreturn;
				flnextparamislast = true;
				if (!getexempttextvalue (hparam1, 1, &hcommand))
					return (false);
				newemptyhandle (&hreturn);
				if (!unixshellcall (hcommand, hreturn)) {
					disposehandle (hreturn);
					disposehandle (hcommand);
					return (false);
					} /*if*/
				disposehandle (hcommand);
				return (setheapvalue (hreturn, stringvaluetype, v));
		#ifdef WIN95VERSION

			case winshellcommandfunc: {
				Handle hcommand;
				Handle houttext = nil;
				Handle herrtext = nil;
				long exitcode = 0;
				tyaddress adrexitcode, adrstderr;
				short ctconsumed = 1;
				short ctpositional = 1;
				boolean flneedexitcode, flneedstderr;
				tyvaluerecord val;
				if (!getexempttextvalue (hparam1, 1, &hcommand))
					return (false);
				if (!getoptionaladdressparam (hparam1, &ctconsumed, &ctpositional, "\x0b" "adrExitCode", &adrexitcode.ht, adrexitcode.bs))
					return (false);
				flnextparamislast = true;
				if (!getoptionaladdressparam (hparam1, &ctconsumed, &ctpositional, "\x0b" "adrStdErr", &adrstderr.ht, adrstderr.bs))
					return (false);
				flneedexitcode = (adrexitcode.ht != nil) || !isemptystring (adrexitcode.bs);
				flneedstderr = (adrstderr.ht != nil) || !isemptystring (adrstderr.bs);

				newemptyhandle (&houttext);

				if (flneedstderr)
					newemptyhandle (&herrtext);
				if (!winshellcall (hcommand, houttext, herrtext,
										(flneedexitcode ? &exitcode : nil))) {
					disposehandle (houttext);
					disposehandle (herrtext);
					disposehandle (hcommand);
					return (false);
					} /*if*/
				disposehandle (hcommand);
				if (flneedexitcode) {

					setlongvalue (exitcode, &val);
					if (!langsetsymboltableval (adrexitcode.ht, adrexitcode.bs, val))
						return (false);
				if (flneedstderr) {

					setheapvalue (herrtext, stringvaluetype, &val);
					if (!langsetsymboltableval (adrstderr.ht, adrstderr.bs, val))
						return (false);
					exemptfromtmpstack (&val);
				return (setheapvalue (houttext, stringvaluetype, v));

		#endif //WIN95VERSION

	getstringlist (langerrorlist, unimplementedverberror, bserror);

	return (false);
	} /*sysfunctionvalue*/