Exemplo n.º 1
void	refresh_command_line(t_char **list)
	t_char	*temp;
	t_char	**activechar;
	int		i;
	char	*tempstr;

	tputs(tgetstr("cd", NULL), 1, t_write);
	activechar = getactivechar();
	ft_putstr_fd("$> ", *(gettty()));
	if (*list)
		tempstr = char_to_str((*list)->next);
		*(getcurpos()) = 3 + ft_strlen(tempstr);
		ft_putstr_fd(tempstr, *(gettty()));
		ft_memdel((void **)&tempstr);
		temp = (*list)->next;
		i = 3;
		while (temp && temp != *activechar)
			temp = temp->next;
		cursor_move_left(*(getcurpos()) - i);
Exemplo n.º 2
int			main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
	t_char	*list;
	t_env	**env;

	list = NULL;
	char_add(&list, char_new('-'));
	*(getactivelist()) = &list;
	env = ft_getenv();
	*env = ft_load_env(envp);
	(ft_saved_env())->home = ft_strdup(get_env_value("HOME"));
	ft_putstr_fd("$> ", *(gettty()));
	*(getcurpos()) = 3;
	show_prompt(&list, envp);
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 3
static uLong editpwrec (OZ_Handle h_pwdfile, OZ_IO_fs_readrec *fs_readrec, int oldlen, char *oldstr, int newlen, char *newstr)

  char *oldbuf, recbuf2[RECORD_MAX];
  OZ_IO_fs_readrec fs_readrec2;
  OZ_IO_fs_writerec fs_writerec;
  uLong oldsiz, sts;

  memset (&fs_writerec, 0, sizeof fs_writerec);

  /* If lengths are the same, we can do an in-place update */
  /* This will be a common case for changing passwords, as the hash string is always the same length */

  oldsiz = *(fs_readrec -> rlen);
  oldbuf = fs_readrec -> buff;

#if 00
  oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: old at %u.%u\n", fs_readrec -> atblock, fs_readrec -> atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (oldsiz, oldbuf);
  oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: oldstr\n"); oz_knl_dumpmem (oldlen, oldstr);
  oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: newstr\n"); oz_knl_dumpmem (newlen, newstr);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
    memcpy (oldstr, newstr, oldlen);
    fs_writerec.size    = oldsiz;
    fs_writerec.buff    = oldbuf;
    fs_writerec.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize;
    fs_writerec.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff;
    fs_writerec.atblock = fs_readrec -> atblock;
    fs_writerec.atbyte  = fs_readrec -> atbyte;
    sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec);
    return (sts);

  /* Different lengths, make sure new length not too long */

  if (oldsiz - oldlen + newlen > RECORD_MAX) return (OZ_BUFFEROVF);

  /* Copy rest of records over the old one */

  memset (&fs_readrec2, 0, sizeof fs_readrec2);
  fs_readrec2.size    = sizeof recbuf2;
  fs_readrec2.buff    = recbuf2;
  fs_readrec2.rlen    = &fs_writerec.size;
  fs_readrec2.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize;
  fs_readrec2.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff;

  fs_writerec.buff    = recbuf2;
  fs_writerec.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize;
  fs_writerec.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff;
  fs_writerec.atblock = fs_readrec -> atblock;
  fs_writerec.atbyte  = fs_readrec -> atbyte;

  while (1) {
    sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_READREC, sizeof fs_readrec2, &fs_readrec2);
    if (sts == OZ_ENDOFFILE) break;
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts);
    sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec2.atblock, &fs_readrec2.atbyte);
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts);
#if 00
    oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: cpy at %u.%u\n", fs_writerec.atblock, fs_writerec.atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (fs_writerec.size, fs_writerec.buff);
    sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec);
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts);
    sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_writerec.atblock, &fs_writerec.atbyte);
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts);

  /* Write the modified record to the end of the file */

  memmove (oldstr + newlen, oldstr + oldlen, oldbuf + oldsiz - oldstr - oldlen);
  memcpy (oldstr, newstr, newlen);
  fs_writerec.size     = oldsiz - oldlen + newlen;
  fs_writerec.buff     = oldbuf;
  fs_writerec.truncate = 1;
#if 00
  oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: end at %u.%u\n", fs_writerec.atblock, fs_writerec.atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (fs_writerec.size, fs_writerec.buff);
  sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec);
  if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts);

  /* Close file */

  sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
  return (sts);
Exemplo n.º 4
OZ_HW_SYSCALL_DEF_2 (password_change, const char *, oldpw, const char *, newpw)

  char newpwhashstr[OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE], *oldstr, *p, pwdrec[RECORD_MAX], sepc;
  const char *username;
  int oldlen, si, username_l;
  OZ_Handle h_pwdfile;
  OZ_IO_fs_getinfo1 fs_getinfo1;
  OZ_IO_fs_readrec fs_readrec;
  uByte hashbin1[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE], hashbin2[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE];
  uLong pwdrec_l, sts;

  h_pwdfile = 0;
  si = oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (0);

  /* Open the password file - given by kernel mode logical OZ_PASSWORD_FILE */

  sts = oz_sys_io_fs_parse3 ("OZ_PASSWORD_FILE", 0, NULL, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, openpwfile, &h_pwdfile);
  if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts;

  /* Scan password file for the username */

  memset (&fs_getinfo1, 0, sizeof fs_getinfo1);
  memset (&fs_readrec, 0, sizeof fs_readrec);
  fs_readrec.size    = sizeof pwdrec - 1;
  fs_readrec.buff    = pwdrec;
  fs_readrec.rlen    = &pwdrec_l;
  fs_readrec.trmsize = 1;
  fs_readrec.trmbuff = "\n";

  username   = oz_knl_user_getname (NULL);
  username_l = strlen (username);

  while (1) {
    sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec.atblock, &fs_readrec.atbyte);
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts;
    sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_READREC, sizeof fs_readrec, &fs_readrec);
    if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts;
    if (pwdrec_l == 0) continue;
    pwdrec[pwdrec_l] = 0;
    sepc = pwdrec[0];
    if (pwdrec[username_l+1] != sepc) continue;
    if (memcmp (pwdrec + 1, username, username_l) == 0) break;

  /* Get what's in password record to hashbin2 */

  oldstr = pwdrec + username_l + 2;
  p = memchr (oldstr, sepc, pwdrec_l - username_l - 2);
  if (p == NULL) goto rtnsts;
  oldlen = p - oldstr;
  if ((oldlen != OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1) || !oz_sys_hash_str2bin (oldstr, hashbin2)) oz_sys_hash (oldlen, oldstr, hashbin2);

  /* Get what caller gave us for old password to hashbin1 */

  oz_sys_hash (strlen (oldpw), oldpw, hashbin1);

  /* See if they match */

  if (memcmp (hashbin1, hashbin2, OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE) != 0) goto rtnsts;

  /* Make new password hash string */

  oz_sys_hash (strlen (newpw), newpw, hashbin1);
  oz_sys_hash_bin2str (hashbin1, newpwhashstr);

  /* Edit password record replacing the old password with new one */

  sts = editpwrec (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec, oldlen, oldstr, OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1, newpwhashstr);

  /* Close password file and return final status */

  oz_sys_handle_release (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile);
  oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (si);
  return (sts);