void cairo_destroy (cairo_t *cr) { cairo_destroy_t orig = (cairo_destroy_t)getfn("cairo_destroy"); fprintf(stderr, "cairo_destroy(%p)\n", cr); if(!orig || !cr || orig==&cairo_destroy) { fprintf(stderr, " oops! %p %p\n", orig, cr); return; } (*orig)(cr); }
void cairo_set_operator (cairo_t *cr, cairo_operator_t op) { cairo_set_operator_t orig = (cairo_set_operator_t)getfn("cairo_set_operator"); fprintf(stderr, "cairo_set_operator(%p, %d)\n", cr, op); if(!orig || !cr || orig==&cairo_set_operator) { fprintf(stderr, " oops! %p %p\n", orig, cr); return; } (*orig)(cr, op); }
void object_attr_getvalueof(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, long *argc, t_atom **argv) { char realname[MAXPDSTRING]; method getvalue = NULL; sprintf(realname, "get%s", s->s_name); argc[0] = 0; argv[0] = NULL; getvalue = (method)getfn((t_pd *)x, gensym(realname)); if(getvalue) getvalue(x, s, argc, argv); }
void eobj_attr_getvalueof(void *x, t_symbol *s, int *argc, t_atom **argv) { char realname[MAXPDSTRING]; t_typ_method getvalue = NULL; sprintf(realname, "get%s", s->s_name); argc[0] = 0; argv[0] = NULL; getvalue = (t_typ_method)getfn((t_pd *)x, gensym(realname)); if(getvalue) { getvalue(x, s, argc, argv); } }
cairo_t * cairo_create (cairo_surface_t *target) { cairo_t *ret; cairo_create_t orig = (cairo_create_t)getfn("cairo_create"); if(!orig || !target || orig==&cairo_create) { fprintf(stderr, " oops! %p %p\n", orig, target); return NULL; } ret = (*orig)(target); fprintf(stderr, "cairo_create(%p) = %p\n", target, ret); return ret; }
static action_t cont_apply_apply() { ref_t func = C(cont)->val[0], args = expr; ref_t formals = getformals(func); size_t arity = getarity(func); C(cont)->closure = getclosure(func); for(; arity > 0; arity--, formals = cdr(formals), args = cdr(args)) bind(car(formals), car(args)); if (!isnil(formals)) bind(car(formals), args); init_vals(cont); if (isbuiltin(func)) { getfn(func)(); pop_cont(); } else eval_do(getbody(func)); return ACTION_APPLY_CONT; }
void eobj_attr_setvalueof(void *x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_typ_method setvalue = (t_typ_method)getfn((t_pd *)x, s); setvalue(x, s, argc, argv); }
string State::toString() { // formats string stringstream retstring; retstring << "State Position = (" << x << ", " << y << "), g(n)=" << gn << ", h(n)=" << hn << ", f(n)=" << getfn() << ", Parent=" << ((parent==-1)?"NULL--":"Value--") << ((parent != -1)? AI::closed[parent]->getx():0) << ", " << ((parent != -1)? AI::closed[parent]->gety():0); return retstring.str(); }
int executeCommand(char* command, char* param1, char* param2) { int (*func)(param1, param2) = getfn(command); (*func)(param1, param2); return 0; }
void object_method(void* x, t_symbol* s, void* z, t_typ_method method, long number, void* other) { t_ret_method nrmethod = (t_ret_method)getfn((t_pd *)x, s); nrmethod(x, s, z, method, number, other); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Begin declaration of variables */ char s0[SLEN], s1[SLEN],s2[SLEN],strfn[SLEN]; char s3[SLEN]; char q,qq; int j,j0,j1; FILE *fin, *fout; q='\''; qq='\"'; if( argc != 3) { goto hell; } /* create a string that has relative address to input file*/ sprintf(s0,"./%s",argv[1]); sprintf(s3,"./%s",argv[2]); fin = fopen( s0, "r"); fout = fopen( s3,"w"); fprintf(fout,"#EXTM3U\n"); while ( fgets(s1,bsize,fin) != NULL ) { removeNL(s1); sprintf(strfn, "%s",&s1[getfn(s1)] ); sprintf(s2,"%c%s%c",qq,s1,qq); fprintf(fout,"#EXTINF:1234,%s\n",strfn); fprintf(fout,"%s\n",s1); } fclose(fout); fclose(fin); return EXIT_SUCCESS; hell: return EXIT_FAILURE; }
void* object_method(void* x, t_symbol* s, void* z, method method, long number, void* other) { rmethod nrmethod = (rmethod)getfn((t_pd *)x, s); return nrmethod(x, s, z, method, number, other); }
void object_attr_setvalueof(t_object *x, t_symbol* s, long argc, t_atom* argv) { method setvalue = (method)getfn((t_pd *)x, s); setvalue(x, s, argc, argv); }
int exec_cmd(int under_glob, int under_until) { register int status; register char *p; int n; if((status = getrange()) <= ERROR) return( status ); status = ERROR9; switch( *lp++ ) { case 'i': laddr2 = prevln(laddr2); case 'a': status = append(laddr2, under_glob); break; case 'b': if(!under_glob && !under_until) status = branch(); break; case 'c': if((status = delete(laddr1, laddr2, SAVE)) == OK) status = append(prevln(laddr1), under_glob); break; case 'd': if((status = delete(laddr1, laddr2, SAVE)) == OK && nextln(curln) != 0) curln = nextln(curln); break; case 'e': if(lastln && dirty && *lp != 'e') { status = ERROR4; break; } if(*lp == 'e') ++lp; if(nladdrs == 0 && !under_glob && !under_until && (status = getfn()) == OK) { set_fn(curfile, lp); if(lastln != 0) delete(1, lastln, NOSAVE); num_delete_lines = 0; if((status = _read( lp, 0, 0)) == OK) { dirty = 0; if(lastln) curln = 1; } } lp = "\n"; break; case 'f': if(nladdrs == 0 && (status = getfn()) == OK) { set_fn(curfile, lp); putmsg(curfile); lp = "\n"; } change_state(CMD); break; case 'g': if(!under_glob) { if(*lp == '^') { ++lp; n = 0; } else n = 1; status = exec_glob(n, under_until); } break; case 'h': n = getint(); #ifndef __STDC__ while(n--) for(n1 = 0; n1 < 10; ++n1) time_slice(); #endif status = OK; break; case 'j': status = join(laddr2); break; case 'k': if((status = get_laddr_expr(&n)) == OK) status = kopy(n); break; case 'l': if(nladdrs == 0) status = learn(); break; case 'm': if((status = get_laddr_expr(&n)) == OK) status = move(n); break; case 'o': status = option(); break; case 'p': case 'P': status = prnt(laddr1, laddr2); break; case 'q': if(nladdrs==0 && !under_glob) { if((*lp=='\n' && !dirty) || *lp=='q' || lastln == 0) status = EOF; else status = ERROR4; } break; case 'r': if(!under_glob && !under_until && (status = getfn()) == OK) status = _read(lp, laddr2, 0); lp = "\n"; break; case 's': n = getint(); /* read occurance if present */ if((status=getpat()) == OK && (status=getsubst_str(tbuff)) == OK) status = substitute(tbuff, under_glob, n); break; case 't': case 'T': if(nladdrs == 0) status = translate(*(lp - 1) == 't'); break; case 'u': status = until(laddr1, laddr2, under_glob); break; case 'v': if(nladdrs <= 1) status = view(laddr1); break; case 'w': n = 0; if(*lp == 'w') { n |= 2; ++lp; } if(*lp == 'a') { n |= 1; ++lp; } if((status = getfn()) == OK) { if(nladdrs == 0) { if(curfile[0] == '\0') set_fn(curfile, lp); else { if((n & 2) == 0 && strcmp(curfile, lp) != 0) { for(p = lp ; *p ; ++p) if(*p == '$') goto ok; puterr(-19); lp = "\n"; break; } } ok: if((status = _write(lp, 1, lastln, n & 1, 0)) == OK) dirty = 0; } } else { status = _write(lp, laddr1, laddr2, n & 1, 0); } lp = "\n"; break; case 'x': if(!under_glob && !under_until && (status = getfn()) == OK) if(nladdrs == 0) status = exec_file(lp, under_glob, under_until); lp = "\n"; break; case 'y': status = yut(); break; case 'z': status = zap(); break; case '\n': --lp; /* put back newline for main */ if(laddr2 < 0 || laddr2 > lastln) status = lastln ? ERROR5 : OK; else { curln = laddr2; status = OK; } break; case ' ': case '\t': case CMD_CHAR: status = OK; break; case '=': dtoc(rbuff, laddr2); if(under_glob) prnt_screen(rbuff, 1); else putmsg(rbuff); status = OK; break; case '"': lp = "\n"; /* Ignore rest of line */ status = OK; break; case '!': if(escape_char == 0 || restrict_flag) { putmsg("Escape from ED inhibited"); status = NOTHING; } else status = exec_sys_cmd(under_glob, under_until); break; default: status = ERROR2; } return(status); }