static void traceexec (lua_State *L) { CallInfo *ci = L->ci; lu_byte mask = L->hookmask; int counthook = ((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) && L->hookcount == 0); if (counthook) resethookcount(L); /* reset count */ if (ci->callstatus & CIST_HOOKYIELD) { /* called hook last time? */ ci->callstatus &= ~CIST_HOOKYIELD; /* erase mark */ return; /* do not call hook again (VM yielded, so it did not move) */ } if (counthook) luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1); /* call count hook */ if (mask & LUA_MASKLINE) { Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->p; int npc = pcRel(ci->u.l.savedpc, p); int newline = getfuncline(p, npc); if (npc == 0 || /* call linehook when enter a new function, */ ci->u.l.savedpc <= L->oldpc || /* when jump back (loop), or when */ newline != getfuncline(p, pcRel(L->oldpc, p))) /* enter a new line */ luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline); /* call line hook */ } L->oldpc = ci->u.l.savedpc; if (L->status == LUA_YIELD) { /* did hook yield? */ if (counthook) L->hookcount = 1; /* undo decrement to zero */ ci->u.l.savedpc--; /* undo increment (resume will increment it again) */ ci->callstatus |= CIST_HOOKYIELD; /* mark that it yielded */ ci->func = L->top - 1; /* protect stack below results */ luaD_throw(L, LUA_YIELD); } }
static int do_getinstruction(lua_State *L) /** getinstruction(f,i) */ { const Proto* f=Pget(L,1); int pc=luaL_checkinteger(L,2); if (pc<=0 || pc>f->sizecode || f->code==NULL) return 0; pc--; { const Instruction* code=f->code; Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int ax=GETARG_Ax(i); int bx=GETARG_Bx(i); int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i); int line=getfuncline(f,pc); if (line>0) lua_pushinteger(L,line); else lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L,luaP_opnames[o]); switch (getOpMode(o)) { case iABC: lua_pushinteger(L,a); if (getBMode(o)!=OpArgN) lua_pushinteger(L,ISK(b) ? (MYK(INDEXK(b))) : b); else lua_pushnil(L); if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) lua_pushinteger(L,ISK(c) ? (MYK(INDEXK(c))) : c); else lua_pushnil(L); break; case iABx: lua_pushinteger(L,a); if (getBMode(o)==OpArgK) lua_pushinteger(L,MYK(bx)); else lua_pushinteger(L,bx); lua_pushnil(L); break; case iAsBx: lua_pushinteger(L,a); lua_pushinteger(L,sbx); lua_pushnil(L); break; case iAx: lua_pushinteger(L,MYK(ax)); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); break; } switch (o) { case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_FORPREP: case OP_TFORLOOP: lua_pop(L,1); lua_pushinteger(L,sbx+pc+2); break; default: break; } } return 5; }
static void traceexec (lua_State *L) { CallInfo *ci = L->ci; lu_byte mask = L->hookmask; if ((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) && L->hookcount == 0) { resethookcount(L); luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1); } if (mask & LUA_MASKLINE) { Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->p; int npc = pcRel(ci->u.l.savedpc, p); int newline = getfuncline(p, npc); if (npc == 0 || /* call linehook when enter a new function, */ ci->u.l.savedpc <= L->oldpc || /* when jump back (loop), or when */ newline != getfuncline(p, pcRel(L->oldpc, p))) /* enter a new line */ luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline); } L->oldpc = ci->u.l.savedpc; if (L->status == LUA_YIELD) { /* did hook yield? */ ci->u.l.savedpc--; /* undo increment (resume will increment it again) */ luaD_throw(L, LUA_YIELD); } }
static int currentline (CallInfo *ci) { return getfuncline(ci_func(ci)->p, currentpc(ci)); }
static void PrintCode(const Proto* f) { const Instruction* code=f->code; int pc,n=f->sizecode; for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++) { Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int ax=GETARG_Ax(i); int bx=GETARG_Bx(i); int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i); int line=getfuncline(f,pc); printf("\t%d\t",pc+1); if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t"); printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]); switch (getOpMode(o)) { case iABC: printf("%d",a); if (getBMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(b) ? (MYK(INDEXK(b))) : b); if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(c) ? (MYK(INDEXK(c))) : c); break; case iABx: printf("%d",a); if (getBMode(o)==OpArgK) printf(" %d",MYK(bx)); if (getBMode(o)==OpArgU) printf(" %d",bx); break; case iAsBx: printf("%d %d",a,sbx); break; case iAx: printf("%d",MYK(ax)); break; } switch (o) { case OP_LOADK: printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bx); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: case OP_SETUPVAL: printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b)); break; case OP_GETTABUP: printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b)); if (ISK(c)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); } break; case OP_SETTABUP: printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(a)); if (ISK(b)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); } if (ISK(c)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); } break; case OP_GETTABLE: case OP_SELF: if (ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); } break; case OP_SETTABLE: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MUL: case OP_POW: case OP_DIV: case OP_IDIV: case OP_BAND: case OP_BOR: case OP_BXOR: case OP_SHL: case OP_SHR: case OP_EQ: case OP_LT: case OP_LE: if (ISK(b) || ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); if (ISK(b)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); else printf("-"); printf(" "); if (ISK(c)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); else printf("-"); } break; case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_FORPREP: case OP_TFORLOOP: printf("\t; to %d",sbx+pc+2); break; case OP_CLOSURE: printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx])); break; case OP_SETLIST: if (c==0) printf("\t; %d",(int)code[++pc]); else printf("\t; %d",c); break; case OP_EXTRAARG: printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,ax); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } }
static void PrintCode(const Proto* f) { const Instruction* code=f->code; int pc,n=f->sizecode; for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++) { Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int ax=GETARG_Ax(i); int bx=GETARG_Bx(i); int sb=GETARG_sB(i); int sc=GETARG_sC(i); int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i); int isk=GETARG_k(i); int line=getfuncline(f,pc); printf("\t%d\t",pc+1); if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t"); printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]); switch (o) { case OP_MOVE: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_LOADI: printf("%d %d",a,sbx); break; case OP_LOADF: printf("%d %d",a,sbx); break; case OP_LOADK: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bx); break; case OP_LOADKX: printf("%d",a); break; case OP_LOADBOOL: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); if (c) printf("\t; to %d",pc+2); break; case OP_LOADNIL: printf("%d %d",a,b); printf("\t; %d out",b+1); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: printf("%d %d",a,b); printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b)); break; case OP_SETUPVAL: printf("%d %d",a,b); printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b)); break; case OP_GETTABUP: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b)); printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,c); break; case OP_GETTABLE: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_GETI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_GETFIELD: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); break; case OP_SETTABUP: printf("%d %d %d%s",a,b,c, isk ? "k" : ""); printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(a)); printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,b); if (isk) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,c); } break; case OP_SETTABLE: printf("%d %d %d%s",a,b,c, isk ? "k" : ""); if (isk) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); } break; case OP_SETI: printf("%d %d %d%s",a,b,c, isk ? "k" : ""); if (isk) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); } break; case OP_SETFIELD: printf("%d %d %d%s",a,b,c, isk ? "k" : ""); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,b); if (isk) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,c); } break; case OP_NEWTABLE: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_SELF: printf("%d %d %d%s",a,b,c, isk ? "k" : ""); if (isk) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); } break; case OP_ADDI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_SUBI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_MULI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_MODI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_POWI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_DIVI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_IDIVI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,sc); break; case OP_BANDK: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); break; case OP_BORK: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); break; case OP_BXORK: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c); break; case OP_SHRI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_SHLI: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_ADD: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_SUB: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_MUL: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_MOD: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_POW: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_DIV: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_IDIV: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_BAND: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_BOR: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_BXOR: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_SHL: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_SHR: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_UNM: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_BNOT: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_NOT: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_LEN: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_CONCAT: printf("%d %d",a,b); break; case OP_CLOSE: printf("%d",a); break; case OP_JMP: printf("%d",GETARG_sJ(i)); printf("\t; to %d",GETARG_sJ(i)+pc+2); break; case OP_EQ: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,isk); break; case OP_LT: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,isk); break; case OP_LE: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,isk); break; case OP_EQK: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,isk); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,b); break; case OP_EQI: printf("%d %d %d",a,sb,isk); break; case OP_LTI: printf("%d %d %d",a,sb,isk); break; case OP_LEI: printf("%d %d %d",a,sb,isk); break; case OP_GTI: printf("%d %d %d",a,sb,isk); break; case OP_GEI: printf("%d %d %d",a,sb,isk); break; case OP_TEST: printf("%d %d",a,isk); break; case OP_TESTSET: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,isk); break; case OP_CALL: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); if (b==0) printf("all in "); else printf("%d in ",b-1); if (c==0) printf("all out"); else printf("%d out",c-1); break; case OP_TAILCALL: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; %d in",b-1); break; case OP_RETURN: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); printf("\t; "); if (b==0) printf("all out"); else printf("%d out",b-1); break; case OP_RETURN0: break; case OP_RETURN1: printf("%d",a); break; case OP_FORLOOP1: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; to %d",pc-bx+2); break; case OP_FORPREP1: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; to %d",pc+bx+2); break; case OP_FORLOOP: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; to %d",pc-bx+2); break; case OP_FORPREP: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; to %d",pc+bx+2); break; case OP_TFORCALL: printf("%d %d",a,c); break; case OP_TFORLOOP: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; to %d",pc-bx+2); break; case OP_SETLIST: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case OP_CLOSURE: printf("%d %d",a,bx); printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx])); break; case OP_VARARG: printf("%d %d",a,c); printf("\t; "); if (c==0) printf("all out"); else printf("%d out",c-1); break; case OP_PREPVARARG: printf("%d",a); break; case OP_EXTRAARG: printf("%d",ax); printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,ax); break; } printf("\n"); } }
static char *buildop2(Proto *p, int pc, char *buff, size_t len) { int line = getfuncline(p, pc); snprintf(buff, len, "(%4d) %4d - ", line, pc); raviP_instruction_to_str(buff + strlen(buff), len - strlen(buff), p->code[pc]); return buff; }