Exemplo n.º 1
LOCAL int stringcmp P2C(LVAL, arg1, LVAL, arg2) /* compare two strings for equal */
                                                /* Written by TAA. Compares strings */
                                                /* with embedded nulls */
    char *s1 = getstring(arg1), *s2 = getstring(arg2);
    unsigned l = getslength(arg1);

    if (l != getslength(arg2)) return FALSE;

    while (l-- > 0) if (*s1++ != *s2++) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* xlength - return the length of a list or string */
LVAL xlength(void)
    FIXTYPE n=0;
    LVAL arg;

    /* get the list or string */
    arg = xlgetarg();

    /* find the length of a list */
    if (listp(arg))
        for (n = 0; consp(arg); n++)
            arg = cdr(arg);

    /* find the length of a string */
    else if (stringp(arg))
        n = (FIXTYPE)getslength(arg)-1;

    /* find the length of a vector */
    else if (vectorp(arg))
        n = (FIXTYPE)getsize(arg);

    /* otherwise, bad argument type */
        xlerror("bad argument type",arg);

    /* return the length */
    return (cvfixnum(n));
Exemplo n.º 3
/* xstrcat - concatenate a bunch of strings */
LVAL xstrcat(void)
    LVAL *saveargv,tmp,val;
    unsigned char *str;
    int saveargc,len;

    /* save the argument list */
    saveargv = xlargv;
    saveargc = xlargc;

    /* find the length of the new string */
    for (len = 0; moreargs(); ) {
        tmp = xlgastring();
        len += (int)getslength(tmp) - 1;

    /* create the result string */
    val = new_string(len+1);
    str = getstring(val);

    /* restore the argument list */
    xlargv = saveargv;
    xlargc = saveargc;
    /* combine the strings */
    for (*str = '\0'; moreargs(); ) {
        tmp = nextarg();
        strcat((char *) str, (char *) getstring(tmp));

    /* return the new string */
    return (val);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* getbounds - get the start and end bounds of a string */
LOCAL void getbounds(LVAL str, LVAL skey, LVAL ekey, int *pstart, int *pend)
    LVAL arg;
    int len;

    /* get the length of the string */
    len = getslength(str) - 1;

    /* get the starting index */
    if (xlgkfixnum(skey,&arg)) {
        *pstart = (int)getfixnum(arg);
        if (*pstart < 0 || *pstart > len)
            xlerror("string index out of bounds",arg);
        *pstart = 0;

    /* get the ending index */
    if (xlgkfixnum(ekey,&arg)) {
        *pend = (int)getfixnum(arg);
        if (*pend < 0 || *pend > len)
            xlerror("string index out of bounds",arg);
        *pend = len;

    /* make sure the start is less than or equal to the end */
    if (*pstart > *pend)
        xlerror("starting index error",cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)*pstart));
Exemplo n.º 5
/* search for string within a string */
LVAL xstrsearch(void)
    int start,end,pat_len,str_len;
    unsigned char *pat,*str,*patptr,*strptr,*patend;
    LVAL str1,str2;

    /* get the strings */
    str1 = xlgastring(); /* the pat */
    str2 = xlgastring(); /* the string */

    /* get the substring specifiers */
    getbounds(str2, k_start, k_end, &start, &end);    

    /* setup the string pointers */
    pat = getstring(str1);
    str = &getstring(str2)[start];

    pat_len = getslength(str1) - 1;
    str_len = end - start;
    patend = pat + pat_len;
    for (; pat_len <= str_len; str_len--) {
        patptr = pat;
        strptr = str;
        /* two outcomes: (1) no match, goto step (2) match, return */
        while (patptr < patend) {
            if (*patptr++ != *strptr++) goto step;
        /* compute match index */
        return cvfixnum(str - getstring(str2));
    /* no match */
    return NIL;
Exemplo n.º 6
/* changecase - change case */
LOCAL LVAL changecase(int fcn, int destructive)
    unsigned char *srcp,*dstp;
    int start,end,len,ch,i;
    LVAL src,dst;

    /* get the string */
    src = xlgastring();

    /* get the substring specifiers */
    len = getslength(src) - 1;

    /* make a destination string */
    dst = (destructive ? src : new_string(len+1));

    /* setup the string pointers */
    srcp = getstring(src);
    dstp = getstring(dst);

    /* copy the source to the destination */
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        ch = *srcp++;
        if (i >= start && i < end)
            switch (fcn) {
            case 'U':	if (islower(ch)) ch = toupper(ch); break;
            case 'D':	if (isupper(ch)) ch = tolower(ch); break;
        *dstp++ = ch;
    *dstp = '\0';

    /* return the new string */
    return (dst);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* xlgetfname - get a filename */
LVAL xlgetfname(V)
    LVAL name;

    /* get the next argument */
    name = xlgetarg();

    /* get the filename string */
    if (streamp(name) && getfile(name) > CONSOLE)
        /* "Steal" name from file stream */
        name = cvstring(filetab[getfile(name)].tname);
    if (symbolp(name))
	name = getpname(name);
    else if (!stringp(name))

    if (getslength(name) >= FNAMEMAX)
        xlerror("file name too long", name);

    /* return the name */
    return (name);
Exemplo n.º 8
/* cvstring - convert a string to a string node */
LVAL cvstring(char *str)
    LVAL val;
    val = newnode(STRING);
    val->n_strlen = strlen(str) + 1;
    val->n_string = stralloc(getslength(val));
    strcpy((char *) getstring(val),str);
    return (val);
Exemplo n.º 9
/* new_string - allocate and initialize a new string */
LVAL new_string(int size)
    LVAL val;
    val = newnode(STRING);
    val->n_strlen = size;
    val->n_string = stralloc(getslength(val));
    strcpy((char *) getstring(val),"");
    return (val);
Exemplo n.º 10
/* xsubseq - return a subsequence */
LVAL xsubseq(void)
    unsigned char *srcp,*dstp;
    int start,end,len;
    LVAL src,dst;

    /* get string and starting and ending positions */
    src = xlgastring();

    /* get the starting position */
    dst = xlgafixnum(); start = (int)getfixnum(dst);
    if (start < 0 || start > getslength(src) - 1)
        xlerror("string index out of bounds",dst);

    /* get the ending position */
    if (moreargs()) {
        dst = xlgafixnum(); end = (int)getfixnum(dst);
        if (end < 0 || end > getslength(src) - 1)
            xlerror("string index out of bounds",dst);
        end = getslength(src) - 1;

    /* setup the source pointer */
    srcp = getstring(src) + start;
    len = end - start;

    /* make a destination string and setup the pointer */
    dst = new_string(len+1);
    dstp = getstring(dst);

    /* copy the source to the destination */
    while (--len >= 0)
        *dstp++ = *srcp++;
    *dstp = '\0';

    /* return the substring */
    return (dst);
Exemplo n.º 11
/* xmkstrinput - make a string input stream */
LVAL xmkstrinput(void)
    int start,end,len,i;
    unsigned char *str;
    LVAL string,val;

    /* protect the return value */
    /* get the string and length */
    string = xlgastring();
    str = getstring(string);
    len = getslength(string) - 1;

    /* get the starting offset */
    if (moreargs()) {
        val = xlgafixnum();
        start = (int)getfixnum(val);
    else start = 0;

    /* get the ending offset */
    if (moreargs()) {
        val = xlgafixnum();
        end = (int)getfixnum(val);
    else end = len;

    /* check the bounds */
    if (start < 0 || start > len)
        xlerror("string index out of bounds",cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)start));
    if (end < 0 || end > len)
        xlerror("string index out of bounds",cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)end));

    /* make the stream */
    val = newustream();

    /* copy the substring into the stream */
    for (i = start; i < end; ++i)

    /* restore the stack */

    /* return the new stream */
    return (val);
Exemplo n.º 12
/* xchar - extract a character from a string */
LVAL xchar(void)
    LVAL str,num;
    int n;

    /* get the string and the index */
    str = xlgastring();
    num = xlgafixnum();

    /* range check the index */
    if ((n = (int)getfixnum(num)) < 0 || n >= getslength(str) - 1)
        xlerror("index out of range",num);

    /* return the character */
    return (cvchar(getstring(str)[n]));
Exemplo n.º 13
/* trim - trim character from a string */
LOCAL LVAL trim(int fcn)
    unsigned char *leftp,*rightp,*dstp;
    LVAL bag,src,dst;

    /* get the bag and the string */
    bag = xlgastring();
    src = xlgastring();

    /* setup the string pointers */
    leftp = getstring(src);
    rightp = leftp + getslength(src) - 2;

    /* trim leading characters */
    if (fcn & TLEFT)
        while (leftp <= rightp && inbag(*leftp,bag))

    /* trim character from the right */
    if (fcn & TRIGHT)
        while (rightp >= leftp && inbag(*rightp,bag))

    /* make a destination string and setup the pointer */
    dst = new_string((int)(rightp-leftp+2));
    dstp = getstring(dst);

    /* copy the source to the destination */
    while (leftp <= rightp)
        *dstp++ = *leftp++;
    *dstp = '\0';

    /* return the new string */
    return (dst);
Exemplo n.º 14
/* dmazzoni: was LOCAL void sweep(void) */
void sweep(void)
    SEGMENT *seg;
    LVAL p;
    int n;

    /* empty the free list */
    fnodes = NIL;
    nfree = 0L;

    /* add all unmarked nodes */
    for (seg = segs; seg; seg = seg->sg_next) {
        if (seg == fixseg)	 /* don't sweep the fixnum segment */
        else if (seg == charseg) /* don't sweep the character segment */
        p = &seg->sg_nodes[0];
        for (n = seg->sg_size; --n >= 0; ++p) {
#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
            if (xldmem_trace &&
                  ntype(p) == EXTERN &&
                  xldmem_trace == getinst(p)) {
                printf("sweep: EXTERN node %lx is %smarked, points to %lx\n",
                       p, (p->n_flags & MARK ? "" : "un"), getinst(p));
            if (!(p->n_flags & MARK)) {
                switch (ntype(p)) {
                case STRING:
                        if (getstring(p) != NULL) {
                            total -= (long)getslength(p);
                case STREAM:
                        if (getfile(p))
                case SYMBOL:
                case OBJECT:
                case VECTOR:
                case CLOSURE:
                        if (p->n_vsize) {
                            total -= (long) (p->n_vsize * sizeof(LVAL));
                            free((void *) p->n_vdata);
                case EXTERN:
                        /* printf("GC about to free %x\n", p);  
                         * fflush(stdout);
                        if (getdesc(p)) { (*(getdesc(p)->free_meth))(getinst(p));
                p->n_type = FREE_NODE;
                fnodes = p;
                nfree += 1L;
                p->n_flags &= ~MARK;