Exemplo n.º 1
// 与えられた入力ベクトルを用いて、inputとhiddenとoutputを更新する
void nn_compute_with_ts(nn_sys_t *nnins, int index)
    int i, j;
    // 入力層が隠れ層に出力した値を覚えておく。
    for (i = 0; i < nnins->input_n; i++)
        nnins->input[i] = getts(nnins, index, i);

    // 入力層からの出力を元に隠れ層の出力を計算する。
    for (i = 0; i < nnins->hidden_n; i++) {
        float sum = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < nnins->input_n; j++)
            sum += nnins->ih_w[i][j] * nnins->input[j];
        sum = sigmoid(sum);
        // 隠れ層が出力層に出力した値を覚えておく。
        nnins->hidden[i] = sum;

    // 隠れ層からの出力を元に出力層の出力を計算する。
    for (i = 0; i < nnins->output_n; i++) {
        float sum = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < nnins->hidden_n; j++)
            sum += nnins->ho_w[i][j] * nnins->hidden[j];
        sum = sigmoid(sum);

        // 出力層に現れた値を覚えておく。
        nnins->output[i] = sum;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int l_addhistory(lua_State *L)
  TelnetState* ts = getts(L);

  // history is only available in edit mode
  if (ts->editmode != TELNET_EDIT_MODE)
    return 0;

  size_t len;
  const char* buf = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len);

  teel_addhistory(ts->teel, buf, len);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int l_showprompt(lua_State *L)
  TelnetState* ts = getts(L);

  size_t len;
  const char* p = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len);

  if (ts->editmode == TELNET_EDIT_MODE)
    teel_showprompt(ts->teel, p, len);
    WriteBytes(&ts->out, p, len);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int l_close(lua_State *L)
  TelnetState* ts = getts(L);

  luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ts->autocompletefuncref); // erase the entry for that user data in the registry

  if (ts->teel)
    ts->teel = 0;


  ReadBuffer* in = &ts->in;
  in->buffer = 0;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int l_output(lua_State *L)
  TelnetState* ts = getts(L);

  return output(ts);
Exemplo n.º 6
// call: interpret(telnetstate, readbytes)
// return: boolean: again, string: towritebytes, string: command, [string: arg]
static int l_interpret(lua_State *L)
  TelnetState* ts = getts(L);
  size_t inputlen = 0;
  const char* inputbuffer = 0;
  if (lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING)
    inputbuffer = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &inputlen);

  ReadBuffer* in = &ts->in;

  if (in->len && inputbuffer) // make the two buffers (old + new data) only one
    int len = in->len + inputlen;
    char* buf = MEM_ALLOC(len);
    memcpy(buf, in->p, in->len);
    memcpy(buf+in->len, inputbuffer, inputlen);
    in->p = in->mark = in->buffer = buf;
    in->len = len;

  else if (inputbuffer) // we only have new data
    in->buffer = 0; // this buffer is not allocated
    in->p = in->mark = (char*) inputbuffer;
    in->len = inputlen;

  InterpretCommand cmd;
  if (ts->editmode == TELNET_EDIT_MODE)
    cmd = processeditmode(ts);
    cmd = processlinemode(ts);

  if (cmd != IC_EOS)
    cmd = IC_NOP; // EOS command is equivalent to a NOP for the caller

  // Again ?
  if (in->len) // Only need to be called again if we did not exhaust the input buffers
    lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
    lua_pushboolean(L, 0);

  // Store the unprocessed bytes, if any and if they are not already stored
  if (in->mark < in->p && !in->buffer)
    int len = in->p-in->mark+in->len;
    in->buffer = MEM_ALLOC(len);
    memcpy(in->buffer, in->mark, len);
    in->p = in->mark = in->buffer;
    in->len = len;
  // free the input buffer if it was allocated and is empty
  else if (in->mark == in->p && !in->len && in->buffer)
    in->buffer = in->p = in->mark = 0;
    in->len = 0;

  // Byte to send
  if (ts->out.buffer)
    lua_pushlstring(L, ts->out.buffer, ts->out.len);

  // Command
  assert(cmd < IC_NB_OF_CMD);
  lua_pushstring(L, ic_names[cmd]); // push command

  // Optional argument
  int opt = 0;
  if (cmd == IC_LINE)
    if (ts->editmode == TELNET_EDIT_MODE)
      char* line;
      int len;
      teel_getline(ts->teel, &line, &len, 1);
      lua_pushlstring(L, line, len);
    else // TELNET_LINE_MODE
      lua_pushlstring(L, ts->linemodebuffer.buffer, ts->linemodebuffer.len);

  return 3 + opt;
Exemplo n.º 7
  const struct dt_interpolation* itor,
  float *out,
  const dt_iop_roi_t* const roi_out,
  const int32_t out_stride,
  const float* const in,
  const dt_iop_roi_t* const roi_in,
  const int32_t in_stride)
  int* hindex = NULL;
  int* hlength = NULL;
  float* hkernel = NULL;
  int* vindex = NULL;
  int* vlength = NULL;
  float* vkernel = NULL;
  int* vmeta = NULL;

  int r;

    "resampling %p (%dx%d@%dx%d scale %f) -> %p (%dx%d@%dx%d scale %f)\n",
    roi_in->width, roi_in->height, roi_in->x, roi_in->y, roi_in->scale,
    roi_out->width, roi_out->height, roi_out->x, roi_out->y, roi_out->scale);

  // Fast code path for 1:1 copy, only cropping area can change
  if (roi_out->scale == 1.f) {
    const int x0 = roi_out->x*4*sizeof(float);
    const int l = roi_out->width*4*sizeof(float);
  int64_t ts_resampling = getts();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(out)
    for (int y=0; y<roi_out->height; y++) {
      float* i = (float*)((char*)in + in_stride*(y + roi_out->y) + x0);
      float* o = (float*)((char*)out + out_stride*y);
      memcpy(o, i, l);
  ts_resampling = getts() - ts_resampling;
  fprintf(stderr, "resampling %p plan:0us resampling:%"PRId64"us\n", in, ts_resampling);
    // All done, so easy case

  // Generic non 1:1 case... much more complicated :D
  int64_t ts_plan = getts();

  // Prepare resampling plans once and for all
  r = prepare_resampling_plan(itor, roi_in->width, roi_in->x, roi_out->width, roi_out->x, roi_out->scale, &hlength, &hkernel, &hindex, NULL);
  if (r) {
    goto exit;

  r = prepare_resampling_plan(itor, roi_in->height, roi_in->y, roi_out->height, roi_out->y, roi_out->scale, &vlength, &vkernel, &vindex, &vmeta);
  if (r) {
    goto exit;

  ts_plan = getts() - ts_plan;

  int64_t ts_resampling = getts();

  // Process each output line
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(out, hindex, hlength, hkernel, vindex, vlength, vkernel, vmeta)
  for (int oy=0; oy<roi_out->height; oy++) {
    // Initialize column resampling indexes
    int vlidx = vmeta[3*oy + 0]; // V(ertical) L(ength) I(n)d(e)x
    int vkidx = vmeta[3*oy + 1]; // V(ertical) K(ernel) I(n)d(e)x
    int viidx = vmeta[3*oy + 2]; // V(ertical) I(ndex) I(n)d(e)x

    // Initialize row resampling indexes
    int hlidx = 0; // H(orizontal) L(ength) I(n)d(e)x
    int hkidx = 0; // H(orizontal) K(ernel) I(n)d(e)x
    int hiidx = 0; // H(orizontal) I(ndex) I(n)d(e)x

    // Number of lines contributing to the output line
    int vl = vlength[vlidx++]; // V(ertical) L(ength)

    // Process each output column
    for (int ox=0; ox < roi_out->width; ox++) {
      debug_extra("output %p [% 4d % 4d]\n", out, ox, oy);

      // This will hold the resulting pixel
      __m128 vs = _mm_setzero_ps();

      // Number of horizontal samples contributing to the output
      int hl = hlength[hlidx++]; // H(orizontal) L(ength)

      for (int iy=0; iy < vl; iy++) {
        // This is our input line
        const float* i = (float*)((char*)in + in_stride*vindex[viidx++]);

        __m128 vhs = _mm_setzero_ps();

        for (int ix=0; ix< hl; ix++) {
          // Apply the precomputed filter kernel
          int baseidx = hindex[hiidx++]*4;
          float htap = hkernel[hkidx++];
          __m128 vhtap = _mm_set_ps1(htap);
          vhs = _mm_add_ps(vhs, _mm_mul_ps(*(__m128*)&i[baseidx], vhtap));

        // Accumulate contribution from this line
        float vtap = vkernel[vkidx++];
        __m128 vvtap = _mm_set_ps1(vtap);
        vs = _mm_add_ps(vs, _mm_mul_ps(vhs, vvtap));

        // Reset horizontal resampling context
        hkidx -= hl;
        hiidx -= hl;

      // Output pixel is ready
      float* o = (float*)((char*)out + oy*out_stride + ox*4*sizeof(float));
      _mm_stream_ps(o, vs);

      // Reset vertical resampling context
      viidx -= vl;
      vkidx -= vl;

      // Progress in horizontal context
      hiidx += hl;
      hkidx += hl;

    // Progress in vertical context
    viidx += vl;
    vkidx += vl;


  ts_resampling = getts() - ts_resampling;
  fprintf(stderr, "resampling %p plan:%"PRId64"us resampling:%"PRId64"us\n", in, ts_plan, ts_resampling);

  /* Free the resampling plans. It's nasty to optimize allocs like that, but
   * it simplifies the code :-D. The length array is in fact the only memory
   * allocated. */