Exemplo n.º 1
static void
pushvalue(lua_State *L, const void *v, int type, const struct document * doc) {
	switch (type) {
	case VALUE_NIL:
		lua_pushinteger(L, (int32_t)getuint32(v));
		lua_pushnumber(L, getfloat(v));
		lua_pushboolean(L, getuint32(v));
		create_proxy(L, doc, getuint32(v));
		lua_pushstring(L,  (const char *)doc + doc->strtbl + getuint32(v));
		luaL_error(L, "Invalid type %d at %p", type, v);
Exemplo n.º 2
int pof_turret (uint8_t *buf, int len, POF_MODEL *model){
    int nr_banks;
    int nr_slots;
    int n;
    int i;
    MODEL *sm;

    /* Number of turrets */
    nr_banks = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;

    for (i=0; i<nr_banks; i++){
        /* Subobject Number */
        n = getuint32 (buf);
	buf += 8;
	len -= 8;
	ASSERT_PRINTF (n >= 0 && n < model->nr_submodels, "Turret Submodel out of range\n");
	sm = &model->submodels[n];
	sm->axis = getvec3d (buf);
	nr_slots = getuint32 (buf + 12);
	buf += 16 + nr_slots * 12;
	len -= 16 + nr_slots * 12;
	if (sm->movetype == 1){
	    sm->movetype = 2;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int pofdecode (uint8_t *buf, int len, POF_MODEL *model){
    uint32_t ftype;
    uint32_t htype;
    uint32_t hlen;
    off_t offset;
    int i;
    ftype = getuint32 (buf);
    ASSERT_PRINTF (ftype == getuint32 ("PSPO"), "Not a POF model\n");
    model->version = getuint32 (buf + 4);
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# POF version %d\n", model->version);
    for (offset = 8; 
         (htype = getuint32 (buf + offset)) != 0 &&
	 (hlen = getuint32 (buf + offset + 4)) >= 4 &&
	 offset < len;
	 offset += hlen + 8){
        for (i=0; 
	     pof_fcc_handler[i].fcc != NULL &&
	     getuint32 (pof_fcc_handler[i].fcc) != htype;
	if (pof_fcc_handler[i].handler (buf + offset + 8, hlen, model)){
	    return -1;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int pof_textures (uint8_t *buf, int len, POF_MODEL *model){
    int i, j, l, p, lt, n;
    char **tmp;
    /* Number of textures */
    n = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# %d Textures:\n", n);

    /* Allocate and zero string pointer list */
    tmp = malloc (n * sizeof(char *));
    ASSERT_PERROR (tmp != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for texture name list\n");
    memset (tmp, 0, n * sizeof(char *));

    /* Get the texture names */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
        l = getuint32 (buf);
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;
	tmp[i] = malloc (l + 1);
	ASSERT_PERROR (tmp[i] != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for texture name\n");
	memset (tmp[i], 0, l + 1);
        strncpy (tmp[i], buf, l);
	/* strtolower */
	for (j=0; tmp[i][j] != 0; j++){
	    tmp[i][j] = tolower (tmp[i][j]);

	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# %10d: %s\n", i, tmp[i]);
	buf += l;
	len -= l;
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# End of Textures\n\n");
    model->nr_textures = n;
    model->textures = tmp;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
void proxy_copy(const char *tag, char *sequence, char *name, int myrights,
                int usinguid, struct backend *s)
    char mytag[128];
    struct d {
        char *idate;
        char *flags;
        unsigned int seqno, uid;
        struct d *next;
    } *head, *p, *q;
    int c;

    /* find out what the flags & internaldate for this message are */
    proxy_gentag(mytag, sizeof(mytag));
                "%s %s %s (Flags Internaldate)\r\n",
                tag, usinguid ? "Uid Fetch" : "Fetch", sequence);
    head = (struct d *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct d));
    head->flags = NULL; head->idate = NULL;
    head->seqno = head->uid = 0;
    head->next = NULL;
    p = head;
    /* read all the responses into the linked list */
    for (/* each FETCH response */;;) {
        unsigned int seqno = 0, uidno = 0;
        char *flags = NULL, *idate = NULL;

        /* read a line */
        c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != '*') break;
        c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

        /* check for OK/NO/BAD/BYE response */
        if (!isdigit(c = prot_getc(backend_current->in))) {
            prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %c", c);
            pipe_to_end_of_response(backend_current, 0);

        /* read seqno */
        prot_ungetc(c, backend_current->in);
        c = getuint32(backend_current->in, &seqno);
        if (seqno == 0 || c != ' ') {
            /* we suck and won't handle this case */
            c = EOF; break;
        c = chomp(backend_current->in, "fetch (");
        if (c == EOF) {
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "exists\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got EXISTS response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d EXISTS\r\n", seqno);
        if (c == EOF) {
            /* XXX  the "exists" check above will eat "ex" */
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "punge\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got EXPUNGE response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d EXPUNGE\r\n", seqno);
        if (c == EOF) {
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "recent\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got RECENT response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d RECENT\r\n", seqno);
        /* huh, don't get this response */
        if (c == EOF) break;
        for (/* each fetch item */;;) {
            /* looking at the first character in an item */
            switch (c) {
            case 'f': case 'F': /* flags? */
                c = chomp(backend_current->in, "lags");
                if (c != ' ') { c = EOF; }
                else c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
                if (c != '(') { c = EOF; }
                else {
                    flags = grab(backend_current->in, ')');
                    c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
            case 'i': case 'I': /* internaldate? */
                c = chomp(backend_current->in, "nternaldate");
                if (c != ' ') { c = EOF; }
                else c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
                if (c != '"') { c = EOF; }
                else {
                    idate = grab(backend_current->in, '"');
                    c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
            case 'u': case 'U': /* uid */
                c = chomp(backend_current->in, "id");
                if (c != ' ') { c = EOF; }
                else c = getuint32(backend_current->in, &uidno);
            default: /* hmm, don't like the smell of it */
                c = EOF;
            /* looking at either SP seperating items or a RPAREN */
            if (c == ' ') { c = prot_getc(backend_current->in); }
            else if (c == ')') break;
            else { c = EOF; break; }
        /* if c == EOF we have either a protocol error or a situation
           we can't handle, and we should die. */
        if (c == ')') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != '\n') {
            c = EOF;

        /* if we're missing something, we should echo */
        if (!flags || !idate) {
            char sep = '(';
            prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d FETCH ", seqno);
            if (uidno) {
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "%cUID %d", sep, uidno);
                sep = ' ';
            if (flags) {
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "%cFLAGS %s", sep, flags);
                sep = ' ';
            if (idate) {
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "%cINTERNALDATE %s", sep, flags);
                sep = ' ';
            prot_printf(imapd_out, ")\r\n");
            if (flags) free(flags);
            if (idate) free(idate);

        /* add to p->next */
        p->next = xmalloc(sizeof(struct d));
        p = p->next;
        p->idate = idate;
        p->flags = editflags(flags);
        p->uid = uidno;
        p->seqno = seqno;
        p->next = NULL;
    if (c != EOF) {
        prot_ungetc(c, backend_current->in);

        /* we should be looking at the tag now */
        pipe_until_tag(backend_current, tag, 0);
    if (c == EOF) {
        /* uh oh, we're not happy */
        fatal("Lost connection to selected backend", EC_UNAVAILABLE);

    /* start the append */
    prot_printf(s->out, "%s Append {" SIZE_T_FMT "+}\r\n%s",
                tag, strlen(name), name);
    prot_printf(backend_current->out, "%s %s %s (Rfc822.peek)\r\n",
                mytag, usinguid ? "Uid Fetch" : "Fetch", sequence);
    for (/* each FETCH response */;;) {
        unsigned int seqno = 0, uidno = 0;

        /* read a line */
        c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != '*') break;
        c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

        /* check for OK/NO/BAD/BYE response */
        if (!isdigit(c = prot_getc(backend_current->in))) {
            prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %c", c);
            pipe_to_end_of_response(backend_current, 0);

        /* read seqno */
        prot_ungetc(c, backend_current->in);
        c = getuint32(backend_current->in, &seqno);
        if (seqno == 0 || c != ' ') {
            /* we suck and won't handle this case */
            c = EOF; break;
        c = chomp(backend_current->in, "fetch (");
        if (c == EOF) { /* not a fetch response */
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "exists\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got EXISTS response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d EXISTS\r\n", seqno);
        if (c == EOF) { /* not an exists response */
            /* XXX  the "exists" check above will eat "ex" */
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "punge\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got EXPUNGE response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d EXPUNGE\r\n", seqno);
        if (c == EOF) { /* not an exists response */
            c = chomp(backend_current->in, "recent\r");
            if (c == '\n') { /* got RECENT response */
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "* %d RECENT\r\n", seqno);
        if (c == EOF) {
            /* huh, don't get this response */
        /* find seqno in the list */
        p = head;
        while (p->next && seqno != p->next->seqno) p = p->next;
        if (!p->next) break;
        q = p->next;
        p->next = q->next;
        for (/* each fetch item */;;) {
            int sz = 0;

            switch (c) {
            case 'u': case 'U':
                c = chomp(backend_current->in, "id");
                if (c != ' ') { c = EOF; }
                else c = getuint32(backend_current->in, &uidno);

            case 'r': case 'R':
                c = chomp(backend_current->in, "fc822");
                if (c == ' ') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
                if (c != '{') {
                    /* NIL? */
                    eatline(backend_current->in, c);
                    c = EOF;
                else c = getint32(backend_current->in, &sz);
                if (c == '}') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
                if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
                if (c != '\n') c = EOF;

                if (c != EOF) {
                    /* append p to s->out */
                    prot_printf(s->out, " (%s) \"%s\" {%d+}\r\n",
                                q->flags, q->idate, sz);
                    while (sz) {
                        char buf[2048];
                        int j = (sz > (int) sizeof(buf) ?
                                 (int) sizeof(buf) : sz);

                        j = prot_read(backend_current->in, buf, j);
                        if(!j) break;
                        prot_write(s->out, buf, j);
                        sz -= j;
                    c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);

                break; /* end of case */
                c = EOF;
            /* looking at either SP seperating items or a RPAREN */
            if (c == ' ') { c = prot_getc(backend_current->in); }
            else if (c == ')') break;
            else { c = EOF; break; }

        /* if c == EOF we have either a protocol error or a situation
           we can't handle, and we should die. */
        if (c == ')') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(backend_current->in);
        if (c != '\n') { c = EOF; break; }

        /* free q */
    if (c != EOF) {
        char *appenduid, *b;
        int res;

        /* pushback the first character of the tag we're looking at */
        prot_ungetc(c, backend_current->in);

        /* nothing should be left in the linked list */
        assert(head->next == NULL);

        /* ok, finish the append; we need the UIDVALIDITY and UIDs
           to return as part of our COPYUID response code */
        prot_printf(s->out, "\r\n");

        /* should be looking at 'mytag' on 'backend_current',
           'tag' on 's' */
        pipe_until_tag(backend_current, mytag, 0);
        res = pipe_until_tag(s, tag, 0);

        if (res == PROXY_OK) {
            if (myrights & ACL_READ) {
                appenduid = strchr(s->last_result.s, '[');
                /* skip over APPENDUID */
                if (appenduid) {
                    appenduid += strlen("[appenduid ");
                    b = strchr(appenduid, ']');
                    if (b) *b = '\0';
                    prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s OK [COPYUID %s] %s\r\n", tag,
                                appenduid, error_message(IMAP_OK_COMPLETED));
                    prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s OK %s\r\n", tag, s->last_result.s);
            else {
                prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s OK %s\r\n", tag,
        } else {
            prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s %s", tag, s->last_result.s);
    } else {
        /* abort the append */
        prot_printf(s->out, " {0+}\r\n\r\n");
        pipe_until_tag(backend_current, mytag, 0);
        pipe_until_tag(s, tag, 0);

        /* report failure */
        prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s NO inter-server COPY failed\r\n", tag);

    /* free dynamic memory */
    while (head) {
        p = head;
        head = head->next;
        if (p->idate) free(p->idate);
        if (p->flags) free(p->flags);
Exemplo n.º 6
int proxy_catenate_url(struct backend *s, struct imapurl *url, FILE *f,
                       unsigned long *size, const char **parseerr)
    char mytag[128];
    int c, r = 0, found = 0;
    unsigned int uidvalidity = 0;

    *size = 0;
    *parseerr = NULL;

    /* select the mailbox (read-only) */
    proxy_gentag(mytag, sizeof(mytag));
    prot_printf(s->out, "%s Examine {" SIZE_T_FMT "+}\r\n%s\r\n",
                mytag, strlen(url->mailbox), url->mailbox);
    for (/* each examine response */;;) {
        /* read a line */
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != '*') break;
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

        c = chomp(s->in, "ok [uidvalidity");
        if (c == EOF) {
            /* we don't care about this response */
            eatline(s->in, c);

        /* read uidvalidity */
        c = getuint32(s->in, &uidvalidity);
        if (c != ']') { c = EOF; break; }
        eatline(s->in, c); /* we don't care about the rest of the line */
    if (c != EOF) {
        prot_ungetc(c, s->in);

        /* we should be looking at the tag now */
        eatline(s->in, c);
    if (c == EOF) {
        /* uh oh, we're not happy */
        fatal("Lost connection to backend", EC_UNAVAILABLE);

    if (url->uidvalidity && (uidvalidity != url->uidvalidity)) {
        *parseerr = "Uidvalidity of mailbox has changed";
        r = IMAP_BADURL;
        goto unselect;

    /* fetch the bodypart */
    proxy_gentag(mytag, sizeof(mytag));
    prot_printf(s->out, "%s Uid Fetch %lu Body.Peek[%s]\r\n",
                mytag, url->uid, url->section ? url->section : "");
    for (/* each fetch response */;;) {
        unsigned int seqno;

        /* read a line */
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != '*') break;
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

        /* read seqno */
        c = getuint32(s->in, &seqno);
        if (seqno == 0 || c != ' ') {
            /* we suck and won't handle this case */
            c = EOF; break;
        c = chomp(s->in, "fetch (");
        if (c == EOF) { /* not a fetch response */
            eatline(s->in, c);

        for (/* each fetch item */;;) {
            unsigned uid, sz = 0;

            switch (c) {
            case 'u': case 'U':
                c = chomp(s->in, "id");
                if (c != ' ') { c = EOF; }
                else {
                    c = getuint32(s->in, &uid);
                    if (uid != url->uid) {
                        /* not our response */
                        eatline(s->in, c);
                        goto next_resp;

            case 'b': case 'B':
                c = chomp(s->in, "ody[");
                while (c != ']') c = prot_getc(s->in);
                if (c == ']') c = prot_getc(s->in);
                if (c == ' ') c = prot_getc(s->in);
                if (c == '{') {
                    c = getuint32(s->in, &sz);
                    if (c == '}') c = prot_getc(s->in);
                    if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(s->in);
                    if (c != '\n') c = EOF;
                else if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {
                    c = chomp(s->in, "il");
                    r = IMAP_BADURL;
                    *parseerr = "No such message part";

                if (c != EOF) {
                    /* catenate to f */
                    found = 1;
                    *size = sz;

                    while (sz) {
                        char buf[2048];
                        int j = (sz > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : sz);

                        j = prot_read(s->in, buf, j);
                        if(!j) break;
                        fwrite(buf, j, 1, f);
                        sz -= j;
                    c = prot_getc(s->in);

                break; /* end of case */
                /* probably a FLAGS item */
                eatline(s->in, c);
                goto next_resp;
            /* looking at either SP separating items or a RPAREN */
            if (c == ' ') { c = prot_getc(s->in); }
            else if (c == ')') break;
            else { c = EOF; break; }

        /* if c == EOF we have either a protocol error or a situation
           we can't handle, and we should die. */
        if (c == ')') c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != '\n') { c = EOF; break; }
    if (c != EOF) {
        prot_ungetc(c, s->in);

        /* we should be looking at the tag now */
        eatline(s->in, c);
    if (c == EOF) {
        /* uh oh, we're not happy */
        fatal("Lost connection to backend", EC_UNAVAILABLE);

    /* unselect the mailbox */
    proxy_gentag(mytag, sizeof(mytag));
    prot_printf(s->out, "%s Unselect\r\n", mytag);
    for (/* each unselect response */;;) {
        /* read a line */
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != '*') break;
        c = prot_getc(s->in);
        if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

        /* we don't care about this response */
        eatline(s->in, c);
    if (c != EOF) {
        prot_ungetc(c, s->in);

        /* we should be looking at the tag now */
        eatline(s->in, c);
    if (c == EOF) {
        /* uh oh, we're not happy */
        fatal("Lost connection to backend", EC_UNAVAILABLE);

    if (!r && !found) {
        r = IMAP_BADURL;
        *parseerr = "No such message in mailbox";

    return r;
Exemplo n.º 7
int pof_header (uint8_t *buf, int len, POF_MODEL *model){
    int flags;
    float radius;
    int nr_submodels;
    int nr_debris;
    int i;

    if (getuint32 (buf - 8) == getuint32 ("OHDR")){
        model->nr_submodels = getuint32 (buf);
        radius = getfloat (buf + 4);
	buf += 8;
	len -= 8;
	if (model->version >= VERSION_FREESPACE){
	    flags = getuint32 (buf);
	    buf += 4;
	    len -= 4;
    } else {
        radius = getfloat (buf);
        flags = getuint32 (buf + 4);
        model->nr_submodels = getuint32 (buf + 8) + 1;
        buf += 12;
        len -= 12;
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# radius: %f\n", radius);
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# %d submodels\n", model->nr_submodels);

    /* Allocate and zero memory for the submodels */
    model->submodels = malloc(model->nr_submodels * sizeof(MODEL));
    ASSERT_PERROR (model->submodels != 0, "Unable to allocate memory for models");
    memset (model->submodels, 0, model->nr_submodels * sizeof(MODEL));

    /* We don't need the Bounding box */
    buf += 24;
    len -= 24;

    /* Get the Levels of Detail */
    model->nr_lod = getuint32 (buf);
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Number of Levels of Detail: %d\n", model->nr_lod);
    model->lod = malloc(sizeof(int) * model->nr_lod);
    ASSERT_PERROR (model->lod != 0, "Unable to allocate memory for LOD list");
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
    for (i=0; i < model->nr_lod; i++){
        model->lod[i] = getuint32 (buf);
	model->submodels[model->lod[i]].path.lod = i + 1;
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;

    /* We don't want the debris */
    nr_debris = getuint32 (buf);
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Pieces of debris: %d\n", nr_debris);
    buf += (nr_debris + 1) * 4;

    /* Mass and its effects */
    if (model->version < 1903){
        /* No mass, centre of mass, an no inertia vectors */
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# No mass\n");
    } else if (model->version < 2009){
        float mass;
        float masscor;
	VECTOR_3D com;
	VECTOR_3D iv[3];
        /* Volume-based mass */
	mass = pow(getfloat(buf), 2/3) * 4.65;
	masscor = mass / getfloat(buf);
	com = getvec3d (buf + 4);
	iv[0] = getvec3d (buf + 16);
	iv[1] = getvec3d (buf + 28);
	iv[2] = getvec3d (buf + 40);

	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Mass: %f\n"
	              "# Centre of Mass: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
	              "# Right/Left Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
	              "# Up/Down Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
		      "# Fore/Aft Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n",
		      com.x, com.y, com.z,
		      iv[0].x * masscor, iv[0].y * masscor, iv[0].z * masscor,
		      iv[1].x * masscor, iv[1].y * masscor, iv[1].z * masscor,
		      iv[2].x * masscor, iv[2].y * masscor, iv[2].z * masscor);
	buf += 52;
	len -= 52;
    } else {
        float mass;
	VECTOR_3D com;
	VECTOR_3D iv[3];
        /* Area-based mass */
	mass = getfloat(buf);
	com = getvec3d (buf + 4);
	iv[0] = getvec3d (buf + 16);
	iv[1] = getvec3d (buf + 28);
	iv[2] = getvec3d (buf + 40);

	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Mass: %f\n"
	              "# Centre of Mass: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
	              "# Right/Left Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
	              "# Up/Down Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n"
		      "# Fore/Aft Inertial Vector: [ %f %f %f ]\n",
		      com.x, com.y, com.z,
		      iv[0].x, iv[0].y, iv[0].z,
		      iv[1].x, iv[1].y, iv[1].z,
		      iv[2].x, iv[2].y, iv[2].z);
	buf += 52;
	len -= 52;

    /* We don't want the Cross-section */
    if (model->version >= 2014){
        int nr_xs;
        nr_xs = getuint32 (buf);
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Number of cross-sections: %d\n", nr_xs);
	if (nr_xs <= 0){
	    nr_xs = 0;
	buf += (nr_xs * 2 + 1) * 4;

    /* Look at all the pretty lights */
    if (model->version >= 2007){
        int n;
	int type;
	MODEL *m;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Setting up lights around model\n");
	memset (&v, 0, sizeof(v));
	n = model->nr_submodels - 1;
	m = &model->submodels[n];
        m->nr_polyvtx = getuint32 (buf);
	m->nr_poly = m->nr_polyvtx;
	m->min.x = m->min.y = m->min.z = (1.0 / 0.0);
	m->max.x = m->max.y = m->max.z = -(1.0 / 0.0);
	if (m->nr_poly > 0 && model->nr_lod >= 1){
            m->path.name = malloc (strlen("lights")+1);
	    ASSERT_PERROR (m->path.name != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for name `lights'");
	    strcpy (m->path.name, "lights");
	    m->path.parent = &model->submodels[model->lod[0]].path;
	    m->path.nr_parents = 2;
	    m->path.lod = 1;
	    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# %d Lights:\n", m->nr_poly);
	    buf += 4;
	    m->polyvtx = malloc(m->nr_poly * sizeof(POLY_VTX));
	    ASSERT_PERROR (m->polyvtx != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for lights");
	    memset (m->polyvtx, 0, m->nr_poly * sizeof(POLY_VTX));

            m->mat = malloc(sizeof(MATERIAL));
	    ASSERT_PERROR (m->mat != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for light material");
	    memset (m->mat, 0, sizeof(MATERIAL));
	    m->nr_mat = 1;

	    v.mat.emissive.r = 1;
	    v.mat.emissive.g = 1;
	    v.mat.emissive.b = 1;
	    v.mat.emissive.a = 1;
	    v.mat.opacity = 1;
	    m->mat[0] = v.mat;
	    v.matn = 0;
	    v.nverts = 1;
	    v.vtxn = 0;

	    for (i=0; i<m->nr_poly; i++){
		v.polyn = i;
		v.vtx.pos = getvec3d (buf);
		type = getuint32 (buf + 12);
		if (v.vtx.pos.x > m->max.x){
		    m->max.x = v.vtx.pos.x;
		if (v.vtx.pos.y > m->max.y){
		    m->max.y = v.vtx.pos.y;
		if (v.vtx.pos.z > m->max.z){
		    m->max.z = v.vtx.pos.z;
		if (v.vtx.pos.x < m->min.x){
		    m->min.x = v.vtx.pos.x;
		if (v.vtx.pos.y < m->min.y){
		    m->min.y = v.vtx.pos.y;
		if (v.vtx.pos.z < m->min.z){
		    m->min.z = v.vtx.pos.z;
		DEBUG_PRINTF ("# %10d: [ %f %f %f ] type %d\n",
			      i, v.vtx.pos.x, v.vtx.pos.y, v.vtx.pos.z,
		m->polyvtx[i] = v;
		buf += 16;
	    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# End of Lights\n");
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("\n");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int pof_object (uint8_t *buf, int len, POF_MODEL *model){
    uint32_t n;
    uint32_t l;
    int i;
    int m;
    int axis;
    int movetype;
    int nchunks;
    int bsp_data_size;
    int parent;
    char *name;

    /* Submodel number */
    n = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
    ASSERT_PRINTF (n < model->nr_submodels, "Submodel number out of range\n");
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Submodel %d\n", n);
    if (getuint32 (buf - 8) == getuint32 ("SOBJ")){
        /* Parent submodel */
        parent = getuint32 (buf);
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Parent: %d\n", parent);

	/* Descent had the normal and point for clip planes. We don't need these */
	if (model->version < VERSION_FREESPACE){
	    buf += 24;
	    len -= 24;

	/* Offset of model */
	model->submodels[n].offset = getvec3d (buf);
	buf += 12;
	len -= 12;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Offset: [ %f %f %f ]\n", 
	              model->submodels[n].offset.x, model->submodels[n].offset.y, model->submodels[n].offset.z);

	/* Radius of submodel */
	model->submodels[n].radius = getfloat (buf);
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("Radius: %f\n", model->submodels[n].radius);

	/* TODO: Pointers into IDTA block */
        if (model->version < VERSION_FREESPACE){
            buf += 4;
	    len -= 4;
    } else {
	/* Radius of submodel */
	model->submodels[n].radius = getfloat (buf);
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("Radius: %f\n", model->submodels[n].radius);

        /* Parent submodel */
        parent = getuint32 (buf);
	buf += 4;
	len -= 4;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Parent: %d\n", parent);

	/* Offset of model */
	model->submodels[n].offset = getvec3d (buf);
	buf += 12;
	len -= 12;
	DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Offset: [ %f %f %f ]\n", 
	              model->submodels[n].offset.x, model->submodels[n].offset.y, model->submodels[n].offset.z);

    /* Point to the parent object */
    if (parent < 0 || parent >= model->nr_submodels){
        model->submodels[n].path.parent = &model->path;
    } else {
        model->submodels[n].path.parent = &model->submodels[parent].path;
    model->submodels[n].path.nr_parents = model->submodels[n].path.parent->nr_parents + 1;
    if (model->submodels[n].path.lod == 0){
        model->submodels[n].path.lod = model->submodels[n].path.parent->lod;
    /* Geometric centre */
    model->submodels[n].centre = getvec3d (buf);
    buf += 12;
    len -= 12;
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Geometric Centre: [ %f %f %f ]\n", 
                  model->submodels[n].centre.x, model->submodels[n].centre.y, model->submodels[n].centre.z);
    /* bounding box */
    model->submodels[n].min = getvec3d (buf);
    model->submodels[n].max = getvec3d (buf + 12);
    buf += 24;
    len -= 24;

    /* Submodel name */
    l = getuint32 (buf);
    if (l != 0){
        model->submodels[n].path.name = malloc (l + 1);
        ASSERT_PERROR (model->submodels[n].path.name != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for submodel name");
        memcpy (model->submodels[n].path.name, buf + 4, l);
        model->submodels[n].path.name[l] = 0;
    } else {
        model->submodels[n].path.name = malloc (16);
        ASSERT_PERROR (model->submodels[n].path.name != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for submodel name");
	snprintf (model->submodels[n].path.name, 15, "_%d_", n);

    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Name: %s\n", model->submodels[n].path.name);
    buf += l + 4;
    len -= l + 4;

    /* Properties */
    l = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
        char *tmp;
	char **tmpptr;
	tmp = malloc (l + 1);
        ASSERT_PERROR (tmp != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for submodel properties");
        memcpy (tmp, buf, l);
	buf += l;
	len -= l;
        tmp[l] = 0;
	m = 0;
	for (i=0; i <= l; i++){
	    if (tmp[i] == '\r' || tmp[i] == '\n'){
	        tmp[i] = '\0';
	    if (tmp[i] == '\0' && tmp[i-1] != '\0'){
	tmpptr = malloc ((m + 1) * sizeof(char *));
	ASSERT_PERROR (tmpptr != NULL, "Unable to allocate memory for submodel properties list");
	memset (tmpptr, 0, (m + 1) * sizeof(char *));

	tmpptr[0] = tmp;
	m = 1;
	for (i=1; i < l; i++){
	    if (tmp[i-1] == '\0' && tmp[i] != '\0'){
	        tmpptr[m] = tmp + i;
	model->submodels[n].props = tmpptr;
	model->submodels[n].nr_props = m;

    /* Ignore the movement type, but keep the movement axis */
    movetype = getuint32 (buf);
    axis = getuint32 (buf + 4);
    buf += 8;
    len -= 8;
    switch (movetype){
        case -1: DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Movement Type: None\n"); break;
	case 0:  DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Movement Type: Linear\n"); break;
	case 1:  DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Movement Type: Rotating\n"); break;
	case 2:  DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Movement Type: Turret\n");
    switch (axis){
	case 0: model->submodels[n].axis.x = 1; break;
	case 1: model->submodels[n].axis.z = 1; break;
	case 2: model->submodels[n].axis.y = 1;
    model->submodels[n].movetype = movetype;
    DEBUG_PRINTF ("# Movement Axis: [ %f %f %f ]\n",
                  model->submodels[n].axis.x, model->submodels[n].axis.y, model->submodels[n].axis.z);
    /* nchunks */
    nchunks = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
    ASSERT_PRINTF (nchunks == 0, "Cannot handle chunked models\n");

    /* BSP data */
    bsp_data_size = getuint32 (buf);
    buf += 4;
    len -= 4;
    ASSERT_PRINTF (bsp_data_size <= len, "BSP Data end past end of block\n");

    DEBUG_PRINTF ("\n");
    if (bspdecode (buf, bsp_data_size, &model->submodels[n])){
        return -1;

    /* Fill in the texture names */
    for (i=0; i<model->submodels[n].nr_mat; i++){
        m = (int)model->submodels[n].mat[i].texture[0];
	if (m != 0 && m <= model->nr_textures){
	    model->submodels[n].mat[i].texture[0] = model->textures[m-1];
	    if (!strcmp (model->textures[m-1], "invisible")){
	        model->submodels[n].mat[i].opacity = 0;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int logr_read(struct logr *lgr,
              struct msg *k,
              struct msg *v,
              msgtype_t *t,
              uint32_t *tbn)
	int r;
	uint32_t size = 0U;

	if (lgr->read < lgr->fsize) {
		char *base;
		uint32_t read;

		if (ness_os_read(lgr->fd, lgr->base, 4) != 4) {
			__ERROR(" log read size error, errno [%d]", r);
			goto ERR;

		getuint32(lgr->base, &size);

		if (size > lgr->base_size) {
			lgr->base_size = size;
			lgr->base = xrealloc(lgr->base, lgr->base_size);

		/* skip the length */
		read = (size - 4);
		if (ness_os_read(lgr->fd, lgr->base, read) != read) {
			__ERROR(" log read entry error, errno [%d]", r);
			goto ERR;

		base = lgr->base;

		uint32_t exp_xsum;
		uint32_t act_xsum;

		getuint32(base + read - 4, &exp_xsum);
		buf_xsum(base, read - 4, &act_xsum);

		if (exp_xsum != act_xsum) {
			__ERROR("log read xsum error, exp_xsum [%" PRIu32 "],act_xsum [%" PRIu32 "]",
			goto ERR;

		int pos = 0;

		/* tbn */
		getuint32(base + pos, tbn);
		pos += 4;

		/* key */
		uint32_t fixsize;

		getuint32(base + pos, &fixsize);
		pos += 4;
		k->size = (fixsize >> 8);
		*t = (msgtype_t)(fixsize & 0xff);

		getnstr(base + pos, k->size, (char**)&k->data);
		pos += k->size;

		if (*t != MSG_DELETE) {
			/* value */
			getuint32(base + pos, &v->size);
			pos += 4;
			getnstr(base + pos, v->size, (char**)&v->data);
			pos += v->size;
	} else {
Exemplo n.º 10
EXPORTED int dlist_parse(struct dlist **dlp, int parsekey,
                          struct protstream *in, const char *alt_reserve_base)
    struct dlist *dl = NULL;
    static struct buf kbuf;
    static struct buf vbuf;
    int c;

    /* handle the key if wanted */
    if (parsekey) {
        c = getastring(in, NULL, &kbuf);
        c = next_nonspace(in, c);
    else {
        buf_setcstr(&kbuf, "");
        c = prot_getc(in);

    /* connection dropped? */
    if (c == EOF) goto fail;

    /* check what sort of value we have */
    if (c == '(') {
        dl = dlist_newlist(NULL, kbuf.s);
        c = next_nonspace(in, ' ');
        while (c != ')') {
            struct dlist *di = NULL;
            prot_ungetc(c, in);
            c = dlist_parse(&di, 0, in, alt_reserve_base);
            if (di) dlist_stitch(dl, di);
            c = next_nonspace(in, c);
            if (c == EOF) goto fail;
        c = prot_getc(in);
    else if (c == '%') {
        /* no whitespace allowed here */
        c = prot_getc(in);
        if (c == '(') {
            dl = dlist_newkvlist(NULL, kbuf.s);
            c = next_nonspace(in, ' ');
            while (c != ')') {
                struct dlist *di = NULL;
                prot_ungetc(c, in);
                c = dlist_parse(&di, 1, in, alt_reserve_base);
                if (di) dlist_stitch(dl, di);
                c = next_nonspace(in, c);
                if (c == EOF) goto fail;
        else if (c == '{') {
            struct message_guid tmp_guid;
            static struct buf pbuf, gbuf;
            unsigned size = 0;
            const char *fname;
            const char *part;
            c = getastring(in, NULL, &pbuf);
            if (c != ' ') goto fail;
            c = getastring(in, NULL, &gbuf);
            if (c != ' ') goto fail;
            c = getuint32(in, &size);
            if (c != '}') goto fail;
            c = prot_getc(in);
            if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(in);
            if (c != '\n') goto fail;
            if (!message_guid_decode(&tmp_guid, gbuf.s)) goto fail;
            part = alt_reserve_base ? alt_reserve_base : pbuf.s;
            if (reservefile(in, part, &tmp_guid, size, &fname)) goto fail;
            dl = dlist_setfile(NULL, kbuf.s, pbuf.s, &tmp_guid, size, fname);
            /* file literal */
        else {
            /* unknown percent type */
            goto fail;
        c = prot_getc(in);
    else if (c == '{') {
        prot_ungetc(c, in);
        /* could be binary in a literal */
        c = getbastring(in, NULL, &vbuf);
        dl = dlist_setmap(NULL, kbuf.s, vbuf.s, vbuf.len);
    else if (c == '\\') { /* special case for flags */
        prot_ungetc(c, in);
        c = getastring(in, NULL, &vbuf);
        dl = dlist_setflag(NULL, kbuf.s, vbuf.s);
    else {
        prot_ungetc(c, in);
        c = getnastring(in, NULL, &vbuf);
        dl = dlist_setatom(NULL, kbuf.s, vbuf.s);

    /* success */
    *dlp = dl;
    return c;

    return EOF;
Exemplo n.º 11
char *find_free_server(void)
    const char *servers = config_getstring(IMAPOPT_SERVERLIST);
    unsigned long max_avail = 0;
    char *server = NULL;

    if (servers) {
	char *tmpbuf, *cur_server, *next_server;
	char mytag[128];
	struct backend *be;

	/* make a working copy of the list */
	cur_server = tmpbuf = xstrdup(servers);

	while (cur_server) {
	    /* eat any leading whitespace */
	    while (Uisspace(*cur_server)) cur_server++;

	    if (!*cur_server) break;

	    /* find end of server */
	    if ((next_server = strchr(cur_server, ' ')) ||
		(next_server = strchr(cur_server, '\t')))
		*next_server++ = '\0';

	    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "checking free space on server '%s'", cur_server);

	    /* connect to server */
	    be = proxy_findserver(cur_server, &imap_protocol,
				  proxy_userid, &backend_cached,
				  &backend_current, &backend_inbox, imapd_in);
	    if (be) {
		unsigned avail = 0;
		int c;

		/* fetch annotation from remote */
		proxy_gentag(mytag, sizeof(mytag));
			    "%s GETANNOTATION \"\" "
			    "\"/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/freespace\" "
			    "\"value.shared\"\r\n", mytag);

		for (/* each annotation response */;;) {
		    /* read a line */
		    c = prot_getc(be->in);
		    if (c != '*') break;
		    c = prot_getc(be->in);
		    if (c != ' ') { /* protocol error */ c = EOF; break; }

		    c = chomp(be->in,
			      "ANNOTATION \"\" "
			      "\"/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/freespace\" "
			      "(\"value.shared\" \"");
		    if (c == EOF) {
			/* we don't care about this response */
			eatline(be->in, c);

		    /* read uidvalidity */
		    c = getuint32(be->in, &avail);
		    if (c != '\"') { c = EOF; break; }
		    eatline(be->in, c); /* we don't care about the rest of the line */
		if (c != EOF) {
		    prot_ungetc(c, be->in);

		    /* we should be looking at the tag now */
		    eatline(be->in, c);
		if (c == EOF) {
		    /* uh oh, we're not happy */
		    fatal("Lost connection to backend", EC_UNAVAILABLE);
		if (avail > max_avail) {
		    server = cur_server;
		    max_avail = avail;

	    /* move to next server */
	    cur_server = next_server;

	if (server) server = xstrdup(server);


    return server;