Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: text.c Projeto: zid/naev
 * @brief Renders a text widget.
 *    @param txt Text widget to render.
 *    @param bx Base X position.
 *    @param by Base Y position.
static void txt_render( Widget* txt, double bx, double by )
   /* Must have text to display. */
   if (txt->dat.txt.text==NULL)
   if (txt->dat.txt.centered)
      gl_printMidRaw( txt->dat.txt.font, txt->w,
            bx + (double)SCREEN_W/2. + txt->x,
            by + (double)SCREEN_H/2. + txt->y,
            txt->dat.txt.colour, txt->dat.txt.text );
      gl_printTextRaw( txt->dat.txt.font, txt->w, txt->h,
            bx + (double)SCREEN_W/2. + txt->x,
            by + (double)SCREEN_H/2. + txt->y,
            txt->dat.txt.colour, txt->dat.txt.text );
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: font.c Projeto: nenau/naev
 * @brief Prints a block of text that fits in the dimensions given.
 * Positions are based on origin being top-left.
 *    @param ft_font Font to use (NULL defaults to gl_defFont).
 *    @param width Maximum width to print to.
 *    @param height Maximum height to print to.
 *    @param bx X position to display text at.
 *    @param by Y position to display text at.
 *    @param c Colour to use (NULL defaults to white).
 *    @param fmt Text to display formatted like printf.
 *    @return 0 on success.
 * prints text with line breaks included to a maximum width and height preset
int gl_printText( const glFont *ft_font,
      const int width, const int height,
      double bx, double by,
      const glColour* c, const char *fmt, ... )
   /*float h = ft_font->h / .63;*/ /* slightly increase fontsize */
   char text[4096]; /* holds the string */
   va_list ap;

   if (fmt == NULL) return -1;
   else { /* convert the symbols to text */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      vsnprintf(text, 4096, fmt, ap);

   return gl_printTextRaw( ft_font, width, height, bx, by, c, text );
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Renders a input widget.
 *    @param inp Input widget to render.
 *    @param bx Base X position.
 *    @param by Base Y position.
static void inp_render( Widget* inp, double bx, double by )
   double x, y, ty;
   char buf[ PATH_MAX ];
   int w;
   int m;

   x = bx + inp->x;
   y = by + inp->y;

   /* main background */
   toolkit_drawRect( x, y, inp->w, inp->h, &cWhite, NULL );

   /* center vertically */
   if (inp->dat.inp.oneline)
      ty = y - (inp->h - gl_smallFont.h)/2.;
   else {
      WARN("Multi-line input widgets unsupported atm.");

   /* Draw text. */
   gl_printTextRaw( inp->dat.inp.font, inp->w-10., inp->h,
         x+5., ty, &cBlack, &inp->dat.inp.input[ inp->dat.inp.view ] );

   /* Draw cursor. */
   if (wgt_isFlag( inp, WGT_FLAG_FOCUSED )) {
      m = MIN( inp->dat.inp.pos - inp->dat.inp.view, PATH_MAX-1 );
      strncpy( buf, &inp->dat.inp.input[ inp->dat.inp.view ], m );
      buf[ m ] = '\0';
      w = gl_printWidthRaw( inp->dat.inp.font, buf );
      toolkit_drawRect( x+5.+w, y + (inp->h - inp->dat.inp.font->h - 4.)/2.,
            1., inp->dat.inp.font->h + 4., &cBlack, &cBlack );

   /* inner outline */
   toolkit_drawOutline( x, y, inp->w, inp->h, 0.,
         toolkit_colLight, toolkit_col );
   /* outter outline */
   toolkit_drawOutline( x, y, inp->w, inp->h, 1.,
         toolkit_colDark, NULL );
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Prints a block of text on the screen.
 * @usage gfx.printText( true, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, col ) -- Displays a 100x100 block of text
 *    @luaparam small Whether or not to use a small font.
 *    @luaparam str String to print.
 *    @luaparam x X position to print at.
 *    @luaparam y Y position to print at.
 *    @luaparam w Width of the block of text.
 *    @luaparam h Height of the block of text.
 *    @luaparam col Colour to print text.
 * @luafunc printText( small, str, x, y, w, h, col )
static int gfxL_printText( lua_State *L )
   glFont *font;
   const char *str;
   int w, h;
   double x, y;
   LuaColour *lc;

   /* Parse parameters. */
   font  = lua_toboolean(L,1) ? &gl_smallFont : &gl_defFont;
   str   = luaL_checkstring(L,2);
   x     = luaL_checknumber(L,3);
   y     = luaL_checknumber(L,4);
   w     = luaL_checkinteger(L,5);
   h     = luaL_checkinteger(L,6);
   lc    = luaL_checkcolour(L,7);

   /* Render. */
   gl_printTextRaw( font, w, h, x, y, &lc->col, str );

   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: toolkit.c Projeto: Delll/naev
 * @brief Draws an alt text.
 *    @param bx X position to draw at.
 *    @param by Y position to draw at.
 *    @param alt Text to draw.
void toolkit_drawAltText( int bx, int by, const char *alt )
   double w, h;
   double x, y, o;
   glColour c;
   glColour c2;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   w = 160.;
   h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, alt );
   /* One check to make bigger. */
   if (h > 160.) {
      w = 200;
      h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, alt );

   /* Choose position. */
   x = bx + 10.;
   y = by - h - gl_smallFont.h - 10.;
   if (y < -SCREEN_H/2+10) {
      o  = -(SCREEN_H/2 + y) + 10;
      y += o;

   /* Set colours. */
   c.r = cGrey80.r;
   c.g = cGrey80.g;
   c.b = cGrey80.b;
   c.a = 0.8;
   c2.r = cGrey30.r;
   c2.g = cGrey30.g;
   c2.b = cGrey30.b;
   c2.a = 0.7;
   toolkit_drawRect( x-1, y-5, w+6, h+6, &c2, NULL );
   toolkit_drawRect( x-3, y-3, w+6, h+6, &c, NULL );
   gl_printTextRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, h, x+SCREEN_W/2, y+SCREEN_H/2, &cBlack, alt );