Exemplo n.º 1
void gController::__cb_recAction()
Exemplo n.º 2
int gKeyboard::handle(int e)
	int ret = Fl_Group::handle(e);  // assume the buttons won't handle the Keyboard events
	switch (e) {
		case FL_FOCUS:
		case FL_UNFOCUS: {
			ret = 1;                	// enables receiving Keyboard events
		case FL_SHORTCUT:           // in case widget that isn't ours has focus
		case FL_KEYDOWN:            // Keyboard key pushed
		case FL_KEYUP: {            // Keyboard key released

			/* rewind session. Avoid retrigs */

			if (e == FL_KEYDOWN) {
				if (Fl::event_key() == FL_BackSpace && !bckspcPressed) {
					bckspcPressed = true;
					ret = 1;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == FL_End && !endPressed) {
					endPressed = true;
					glue_startStopInputRec(false);  // update gui
					ret = 1;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == FL_Enter && !enterPressed) {
					enterPressed = true;
					glue_startStopActionRec(false); // update gui
					ret = 1;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == ' ' && !spacePressed) {
					spacePressed = true;
          glue_startStopSeq(false);   // update gui
					ret = 1;
			else if (e == FL_KEYUP) {
				if (Fl::event_key() == FL_BackSpace)
					bckspcPressed = false;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == FL_End)
					endPressed = false;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == ' ')
					spacePressed = false;
				else if (Fl::event_key() == FL_Enter)
					enterPressed = false;

			/* Walk button arrays, trying to match button's label with the Keyboard event.
			 * If found, set that button's value() based on up/down event,
			 * and invoke that button's callback() */

			for (unsigned i=0; i<columns.size(); i++)
				for (int k=1; k<columns.at(i)->children(); k++)
					ret &= ((geChannel*)columns.at(i)->child(k))->keyPress(e);
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
void callback(double t, std::vector<unsigned char> *msg, void *data) {

	/* 0.8.0 - for now we handle other midi signals (common and real-time
	 * messages) as unknown, for debugging purposes */

	if (msg->size() < 3) {
		printf("[KM] MIDI received - unkown signal - size=%d, value=0x", (int) msg->size());
		for (unsigned i=0; i<msg->size(); i++)
			printf("%X", (int) msg->at(i));

	/* in this place we want to catch two things: a) note on/note off
	 * from a keyboard and b) knob/wheel/slider movements from a
	 * controller */

	uint32_t input = getIValue(msg->at(0), msg->at(1), msg->at(2));
	uint32_t chan  = input & 0x0F000000;
	uint32_t value = input & 0x0000FF00;
	uint32_t pure  = input & 0xFFFF0000;   // input without 'value' byte

	printf("[KM] MIDI received - 0x%X (chan %d)", input, chan >> 24);

	/* start dispatcher. If midi learn is on don't parse channels, just
	 * learn incoming midi signal. Otherwise process master events first,
	 * then each channel in the stack. This way incoming signals don't
	 * get processed by glue_* when midi learning is on. */

	if (cb_learn)	{
		cb_learn(pure, cb_data);
	else {

		/* process master events */

		if      (pure == G_Conf.midiInRewind) {
			printf(" >>> rewind (global) (pure=0x%X)", pure);
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInStartStop) {
			printf(" >>> startStop (global) (pure=0x%X)", pure);
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInActionRec) {
			printf(" >>> actionRec (global) (pure=0x%X)", pure);
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInInputRec) {
			printf(" >>> inputRec (global) (pure=0x%X)", pure);
			glue_startStopInputRec(false, false);   // update gui, no popup messages
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInMetronome) {
			printf(" >>> metronome (global) (pure=0x%X)", pure);
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInVolumeIn) {
			float vf = (value >> 8)/127.0f;
			printf(" >>> input volume (global) (pure=0x%X, value=%d, float=%f)", pure, value >> 8, vf);
			glue_setInVol(vf, false);
		else if (pure == G_Conf.midiInVolumeOut) {