Exemplo n.º 1
/** Connect a GtkSpinButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param button A pointer to the spin button that should be
 *  connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_spin_button (GtkSpinButton *spin)
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(spin)), &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (spin), "value");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Connect a GtkEntry widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param entry A pointer to the entry that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_entry (GtkEntry *entry)
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(entry)), &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (entry), "text");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Connect a GtkComboBox widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param box A pointer to the combo box that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_combo_box (GtkComboBox *box)
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(box)), &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (box), "active");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Connect a GtkCheckButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param button A pointer to the check button that should be
 *  connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_check_button (GtkCheckButton *button)
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(button)), &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (button), "active");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 5
/** Connect a GncDateEdit widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param gde A pointer to the date_edit that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_date_edit (GNCDateEdit *gde , const gchar *boxname )
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (boxname, &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (gde), "time");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 6
/** Connect a GncPeriodSelect widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param period A pointer to the GncPeriodSelect that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_period_select (GncPeriodSelect *period, const gchar *boxname )
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (boxname, &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (period), "active");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 7
/** Connect a GtkFontButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param fb A pointer to the font button that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_font_button (GtkFontButton *fb)
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(fb)), &group, &pref);
    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (fb), "font-name");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);

Exemplo n.º 8
/** Connect a GncCurrencyEdit widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param gce A pointer to the currency_edit that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_currency_edit (GNCCurrencyEdit *gce, const gchar *boxname )
    gchar *group, *pref;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (boxname, &group, &pref);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (gce), "mnemonic");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);

Exemplo n.º 9
/** Connect a GtkComboBox widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param box A pointer to the combo box that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_combo_box (GtkComboBox *box)
    gchar *group, *pref;
    gint active;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(box)), &group, &pref);

//    active = gnc_prefs_get_int(group, pref);
//    gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(box), active);
//    DEBUG(" Combo box %s/%s set to item %d", group, pref, active);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (box), "active");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 10
/** Connect a GtkSpinButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param button A pointer to the spin button that should be
 *  connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_spin_button (GtkSpinButton *spin)
    gchar *group, *pref;
    gdouble value;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(spin)), &group, &pref);

//    value = gnc_prefs_get_float (group, pref);
//    gtk_spin_button_set_value(spin, value);
//    DEBUG(" Spin button %s/%s has initial value %f", group, pref, value);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (spin), "value");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 11
/** Connect a GtkCheckButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param button A pointer to the check button that should be
 *  connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_check_button (GtkCheckButton *button)
    gchar *group, *pref;
    gboolean active;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(button)), &group, &pref);

//    active = gnc_prefs_get_bool (group, pref);
//    DEBUG(" Checkbox %s/%s initially %sactive", group, pref, active ? "" : "in");
//    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button), active);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (button), "active");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 12
/** Connect a GtkEntry widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param entry A pointer to the entry that should be connected.
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_entry (GtkEntry *entry)
    gchar *group, *pref;
    gchar *text;


    gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(entry)), &group, &pref);

//    text = gnc_prefs_get_string(group, pref);
//    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), text ? text : "");
//    DEBUG(" Entry %s/%s set to '%s'", group, pref, text ? text : "(null)");
//    g_free(text);

    gnc_prefs_bind (group, pref, G_OBJECT (entry), "text");

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
Exemplo n.º 13
/** Connect a GtkFileChooserButton widget to its stored value in the preferences database.
 *  @internal
 *  @param fb A pointer to the file chooser button that should be connected.
 *  @param boxname The Hbox name that contains the GtkFileChooserButton and Clear button
static void
gnc_prefs_connect_file_chooser_button (GtkFileChooserButton *fcb, const gchar *boxname)
    GtkImage *image;
    gchar *group, *pref;
    gchar *uri;
    gboolean folder_set = TRUE;


    if (boxname == NULL)
        gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (gtk_buildable_get_name(GTK_BUILDABLE(fcb)), &group, &pref);
        gnc_prefs_split_widget_name (boxname, &group, &pref);

    uri = gnc_prefs_get_string (group, pref);

    PINFO("Uri is %s", uri);

    if ((uri != NULL) && (g_strcmp0 (uri, "") != 0)) // default entry
        gchar *path_head = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, NULL);

        // test for current folder present and set chooser to it
        if (g_file_test (path_head, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
            gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_uri (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fcb), uri);
            folder_set = FALSE;

        g_free (path_head);

    image = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(fcb), "path_head_error");

    if (folder_set) // If current folder missing, display error and tt message
        gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET(image));
        gchar *uri_u = g_uri_unescape_string (uri, NULL);
        gchar *path_head = g_filename_from_uri (uri_u, NULL, NULL);
        gchar *ttip = g_strconcat (_("Path does not exist, "), path_head, NULL);

        gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(GTK_WIDGET(image), ttip);
        gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(image));

        g_free (ttip);
        g_free (uri_u);
        g_free (path_head);

    g_signal_connect (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fcb), "selection-changed",
                      G_CALLBACK(file_chooser_selected_cb), NULL);

    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT(fcb),"group", g_strdup (group), (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT(fcb),"pref", g_strdup (pref), (GDestroyNotify) g_free);

    g_free (group);
    g_free (pref);
    g_free (uri);
