Exemplo n.º 1
int gp_ColorVerticesIntegrityCheck(graphP theGraph, graphP origGraph)
	int I, J, w;
    ColorVerticesContext *context = (ColorVerticesContext *) gp_GetExtension(theGraph, COLORVERTICES_ID);

    if (theGraph == NULL || origGraph == NULL || context == NULL)
        return NOTOK;

    if (gp_GetNumColorsUsed(theGraph) <= 0 && theGraph->M > 0)
    	return NOTOK;

    if (_TestSubgraph(theGraph, origGraph) != TRUE)
        return NOTOK;

    if (_TestSubgraph(origGraph, theGraph) != TRUE)
        return NOTOK;

    for (I=0; I < theGraph->N; I++)
        J = gp_GetFirstArc(theGraph, I);
        while (gp_IsArc(theGraph, J))
             w = theGraph->G[J].v;
             if (context->color[I] < 0 || context->color[I] == context->color[w])
            	 return NOTOK;

             J = gp_GetNextArc(theGraph, J);

	return OK;
int gp_ColorVerticesIntegrityCheck(graphP theGraph, graphP origGraph)
    int v, w, e;
    ColorVerticesContext *context = (ColorVerticesContext *) gp_GetExtension(theGraph, COLORVERTICES_ID);

    if (theGraph == NULL || origGraph == NULL || context == NULL)
        return NOTOK;

    if (gp_GetNumColorsUsed(theGraph) <= 0 && theGraph->M > 0)
        return NOTOK;

    if (_TestSubgraph(theGraph, origGraph) != TRUE)
        return NOTOK;

    if (_TestSubgraph(origGraph, theGraph) != TRUE)
        return NOTOK;

    for (v = gp_GetFirstVertex(theGraph); gp_VertexInRange(theGraph, v); v++)
        e = gp_GetFirstArc(theGraph, v);
        while (gp_IsArc(e))
            w = gp_GetNeighbor(theGraph, e);
            if (context->color[v] < 0 || context->color[v] == context->color[w])
                return NOTOK;

            e = gp_GetNextArc(theGraph, e);

    return OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
void WriteAlgorithmResults(graphP theGraph, int Result, char command, platform_time start, platform_time end, char *infileName)
	if (infileName)
		 sprintf(Line, "The graph '%s' ", infileName);
	else sprintf(Line, "The graph ");

	switch (command)
		case 'p' : sprintf(Line, "is%s planar.\n", Result==OK ? "" : " not"); break;
		case 'd' : sprintf(Line, "is%s planar.\n", Result==OK ? "" : " not"); break;
		case 'o' : sprintf(Line, "is%s outerplanar.\n", Result==OK ? "" : " not"); break;
		case '2' : sprintf(Line, "has %s subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}.\n", Result==OK ? "no" : "a"); break;
		case '3' : sprintf(Line, "has %s subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}.\n", Result==OK ? "no" : "a"); break;
		case '4' : sprintf(Line, "has %s subgraph homeomorphic to K_4.\n", Result==OK ? "no" : "a"); break;
		case 'c' : sprintf(Line, "has been %d-colored.\n", gp_GetNumColorsUsed(theGraph)); break;
		default  : sprintf(Line, "nas not been processed due to unrecognized command.\n"); break;

	sprintf(Line, "Algorithm '%s' executed in %.3lf seconds.\n",
			GetAlgorithmName(command), platform_GetDuration(start,end));
Exemplo n.º 4
int  RandomGraphs(char command, int NumGraphs, int SizeOfGraphs)
char theFileName[256];
int  K, countUpdateFreq;
int Result=OK, MainStatistic=0;
int  ObstructionMinorFreqs[NUM_MINORS];
graphP theGraph=NULL, origGraph=NULL;
platform_time start, end;
int embedFlags = GetEmbedFlags(command);
int ReuseGraphs = TRUE;

     GetNumberIfZero(&NumGraphs, "Enter number of graphs to generate:", 1, 1000000000);
     GetNumberIfZero(&SizeOfGraphs, "Enter size of graphs:", 1, 10000);

   	 theGraph = MakeGraph(SizeOfGraphs, command);
   	 origGraph = MakeGraph(SizeOfGraphs, command);
   	 if (theGraph == NULL || origGraph == NULL)
   		 return NOTOK;

     // Initialize a secondary statistics array
     for (K=0; K < NUM_MINORS; K++)
          ObstructionMinorFreqs[K] = 0;

   	 // Seed the random number generator with "now". Do it after any prompting
   	 // to tie randomness to human process of answering the prompt.

   	 // Select a counter update frequency that updates more frequently with larger graphs
   	 // and which is relatively prime with 10 so that all digits of the count will change
   	 // even though we aren't showing the count value on every iteration
   	 countUpdateFreq = 3579 / SizeOfGraphs;
   	 countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq < 1 ? 1 : countUpdateFreq;
   	 countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq % 2 == 0 ? countUpdateFreq+1 : countUpdateFreq;
   	 countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq % 5 == 0 ? countUpdateFreq+2 : countUpdateFreq;

   	 // Start the count
     fprintf(stdout, "0\r");

     // Start the timer

     // Generate and process the number of graphs requested
     for (K=0; K < NumGraphs; K++)
          if ((Result = gp_CreateRandomGraph(theGraph)) == OK)
              if (tolower(OrigOut)=='y')
                  sprintf(theFileName, "random\\%d.txt", K%10);
                  gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST);

              gp_CopyGraph(origGraph, theGraph);

              if (strchr("pdo234", command))
                  Result = gp_Embed(theGraph, embedFlags);

                  if (gp_TestEmbedResultIntegrity(theGraph, origGraph, Result) != Result)
                      Result = NOTOK;

                  if (Result == OK)

                       if (tolower(EmbeddableOut) == 'y')
                           sprintf(theFileName, "embedded\\%d.txt", K%10);
                           gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJMATRIX);

                       if (tolower(AdjListsForEmbeddingsOut) == 'y')
                           sprintf(theFileName, "adjlist\\%d.txt", K%10);
                           gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST);
                  else if (Result == NONEMBEDDABLE)
                       if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR || embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR)
                           if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_A)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[0] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_B)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[1] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_C)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[2] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_D)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[3] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[4] ++;

                           if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E1)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[5] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E2)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[6] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E3)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[7] ++;
                           else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E4)
                                ObstructionMinorFreqs[8] ++;

                           if (tolower(ObstructedOut) == 'y')
                               sprintf(theFileName, "obstructed\\%d.txt", K%10);
                               gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJMATRIX);
              else if (command == 'c')
      			if ((Result = gp_ColorVertices(theGraph)) == OK)
      				 Result = gp_ColorVerticesIntegrityCheck(theGraph, origGraph);
				if (Result == OK && gp_GetNumColorsUsed(theGraph) <= 5)

              // If there is an error in processing, then write the file for debugging
              if (Result != OK && Result != NONEMBEDDABLE)
                   sprintf(theFileName, "error\\%d.txt", K%10);
                   gp_Write(origGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST);

          // Reinitialize or recreate graphs for next iteration
          ReinitializeGraph(&theGraph, ReuseGraphs, command);
          ReinitializeGraph(&origGraph, ReuseGraphs, command);

          // Show progress, but not so often that it bogs down progress
          if (quietMode == 'n' && (K+1) % countUpdateFreq == 0)
              fprintf(stdout, "%d\r", K+1);

          // Terminate loop on error
          if (Result != OK && Result != NONEMBEDDABLE)
        	  ErrorMessage("\nError found\n");
              Result = NOTOK;

     // Stop the timer

     // Finish the count
     fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", NumGraphs);

     // Free the graph structures created before the loop

     // Print some demographic results
     if (Result == OK || Result == NONEMBEDDABLE)
         Message("\nNo Errors Found.");
     sprintf(Line, "\nDone (%.3lf seconds).\n", platform_GetDuration(start,end));

     // Report statistics for planar or outerplanar embedding
     if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR || embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR)
         sprintf(Line, "Num Embedded=%d.\n", MainStatistic);

         for (K=0; K<5; K++)
        	  // Outerplanarity does not produces minors C and D
        	  if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR && (K==2 || K==3))

              sprintf(Line, "Minor %c = %d\n", K+'A', ObstructionMinorFreqs[K]);

         if (!(embedFlags & ~EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR))
             sprintf(Line, "\nNote: E1 are added to C, E2 are added to A, and E=E3+E4+K5 homeomorphs.\n");

             for (K=5; K<NUM_MINORS; K++)
                  sprintf(Line, "Minor E%d = %d\n", K-4, ObstructionMinorFreqs[K]);

     // Report statistics for graph drawing
     else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_DRAWPLANAR)
         sprintf(Line, "Num Graphs Embedded and Drawn=%d.\n", MainStatistic);

     // Report statistics for subgraph homeomorphism algorithms
     else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK23)
         sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_{2,3} homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic);
     else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK33)
         sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_{3,3} homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic);
     else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK4)
         sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_4 homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic);

     // Report statistics for vertex coloring
     else if (command == 'c')
         sprintf(Line, "Num Graphs colored with 5 or fewer colors=%d.\n", MainStatistic);


     return Result==OK || Result==NONEMBEDDABLE ? OK : NOTOK;