int SDCard_Init() { #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf("\nSDCard_Init()"); #endif //closing all open Files write back the cache and then shutdown em! fatUnmount("SD:/"); //right now mounts first FAT-partition if (fatMount("SD", &__io_wiisd, 0, CACHE, SECTORS)) { fat_sd_mount = MOUNT_SD; fat_sd_sec = _FAT_startSector; #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf(":1"); #endif return 1; } else if (fatMount("SD", &__io_sdhc, 0, CACHE, SDHC_SECTOR_SIZE)) { fat_sd_mount = MOUNT_SDHC; fat_sd_sec = _FAT_startSector; #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf(":1"); #endif return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf(":-1"); #endif return -1; }
int USBDevice_Init() { #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf("\nUSBDevice_Init()"); #endif //closing all open Files write back the cache and then shutdown em! fatUnmount("USB:/"); //right now mounts first FAT-partition //try first mount with cIOS // if (!fatMount("USB", &__io_wiiums, 0, CACHE, SECTORS)) { // //try now mount with libogc if (!fatMount("USB", &__io_usbstorage2, 0, CACHE, SECTORS)) { #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf(":-1"); #endif return -1; } // } fat_usb_mount = 1; fat_usb_sec = _FAT_startSector; #ifdef DEBUG_FAT gprintf(":0"); #endif return 0; }
/* Print out the given expression node to the given file. * Returns the index of the node following the given indexed * expression. */ static int NaClPrintDisassembledExp(struct Gio* file, NaClInstState* state, uint32_t index) { NaClExp* node; NaClExpVector* vector = NaClInstStateExpVector(state); assert(index < vector->number_expr_nodes); node = &vector->node[index]; switch (node->kind) { default: gprintf(file, "undefined"); return index + 1; case ExprRegister: NaClPrintDisassembledReg(file, node); return index + 1; case OperandReference: return NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, index + 1); case ExprConstant: NaClPrintDisassembledConst(file, state, node); return index + 1; case ExprSegmentAddress: return NaClPrintDisassembledSegmentAddr(file, state, index); case ExprMemOffset: return NaClPrintDisassembledMemOffset(file, state, index); case ExprNaClIllegal: gprintf(file, "*NaClIllegal*"); return index + 1; } }
/* Print out the given (segment address) expression node to the * given file. Returns the index of the node following the * given (indexed) segment address. */ static int NaClPrintDisassembledSegmentAddr(struct Gio* file, NaClInstState* state, int index) { int memory_address; NaClExpVector* vector = NaClInstStateExpVector(state); /* If segment register is default. If so, do not print. */ if (IsSegmentAddressDsRegPair(state, index) || IsSegmentAddressEsRegPair(state, index)) { /* Segment register matches default. Don't print. */ } else { /* Print the segment register associated with the segment address. */ NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, index + 1); gprintf(file, ":"); } memory_address = NaClGetExpKidIndex(vector, index, 1); if (vector->node[memory_address].kind == ExprRegister) { /* Special case segment address, where the register corresponds to * a memory address. Print out the register in '[]' brackets to * communicate that it is a memory reference. */ int result; gprintf(file, "["); result = NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, memory_address); gprintf(file, "]"); return result; } else { /* print out memory address associated with segment address. */ return NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, memory_address); } }
void NandSave::LoadSettings() { if(loaded == false) return; u32 size = 0; memset(&ISFS_Path, 0, ISFS_MAXPATH); strcpy(ISFS_Path, IOS_SAVE_PATH); ios_settings_t *file = (ios_settings_t*)ISFS_GetFile(ISFS_Path, &size, -1); if(file != NULL && size == sizeof(ios_settings_t)) { gprintf("Loading IOS Settings from NAND\n"); cur_ios = file->cios; if(cur_ios > 0) mainIOS = cur_ios; cur_load = file->use_cios; useMainIOS = cur_load; } if(file != NULL) free(file); strcpy(ISFS_Path, PORT_SAVE_PATH); u8 *port = ISFS_GetFile(ISFS_Path, &size, -1); if(port != NULL && size == sizeof(u8)) { gprintf("Using Port Settings from NAND\n"); currentPort = port[0] & 1; } if(port != NULL) free(port); }
void GraficoEspSecund ( void ) { int col; float far *apt; inicEsp2 = inicEsp1; AtivaJanelaGrafica ( GRAF2 ); clearviewport (); DesenhaEixos ( 25 , 235 , 10 , 110 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 12 ); ScalaEspSecund (); moveto ( 25 , 62 ); apt = inicEsp2; col = 25; for (; (*apt != FIM) && (apt < (inicEsp2 + NUMMAXPONTOS - 40)) ; apt += 40 , ++col) lineto ( col , 62 - *apt * 12 ); CapacVital2 = CapacidadeVital; CapacInspi2 = CapacidadeInspiratoria; VolResExpi2 = VolumeReservaExpiratorio; CVpercen2 = CVpercent; gprintf ( 5 , 160 , "Param. Teorico Calculado %%"); gprintf ( 5 , 170 , " CV %7.2f %6.2f %5d" , CVteorico , CapacVital2 , (int)(CVpercen2 + 0.5) ); gprintf ( 5 , 180 , " CI - %6.2f -" , CapacInspi2 ); gprintf ( 5 , 190 , " VRE - %6.2f -" , VolResExpi2 ); DesativaJanelaGrafica ( GRAF2 ); }
void CreateTitleTMD(const char *path, struct dir_discHdr *hdr) { struct stat filestat; if (stat(path, &filestat) == 0) { gprintf("%s Exists!\n", path); return; } gprintf("Creating Game TMD: %s\n", path); wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc(hdr->id, hdr->path); if (!disc) return; u8 *titleTMD = NULL; u32 tmd_size = wbfs_extract_file(disc, (char *) "TMD", (void **)&titleTMD); WBFS_CloseDisc(disc); if(!titleTMD) return; FILE *file = fopen(path, "wb"); if(file) { fwrite(titleTMD, 1, tmd_size, file); gprintf("Written Game TMD to: %s\n", path); fclose(file); } else gprintf("Openning %s failed returning %i\n", path, file); SAFE_FREE(titleTMD); }
void updateboard(int i, int j, int color) { int other = OTHER_COLOR(color); assert(i >= 0 && i < board_size && j >= 0 && j < board_size); if (p[i][j] != EMPTY) { gprintf("Stone overlay problem at %m!\n", i, j); gprintf("Try reducing the move range with -s and -e.\n"); abort(); } p[i][j] = color; if (1) DEBUG("Update board : %m = %d\n", i,j, color); if (i > 0 && p[i-1][j] == other) check_for_capture(i-1, j, other); if (i < board_size-1 && p[i+1][j] == other) check_for_capture(i+1, j, other); if (j > 0 && p[i][j-1] == other) check_for_capture(i, j-1, other); if (j < board_size-1 && p[i][j+1] == other) check_for_capture(i, j+1, other); }
bool loadIOS(int ios, bool MountDevices) { int CurIOS = IOS_GetVersion(); bool ret = true; if(ios != CurIOS && IOS_GetType(ios) != IOS_TYPE_STUB) { WDVD_Close(); gprintf("Reloading into IOS %i from %i...\n", ios, CurIOS); ShutdownBeforeExit(); NandHandle.Patch_AHB(); //No AHBPROT for the next IOS ret = IOS_ReloadIOS(ios) == 0; gprintf("AHBPROT after IOS Reload: %u\n", AHBRPOT_Patched()); NandHandle.Init_ISFS(); WDVD_Init(); } IOS_GetCurrentIOSInfo(); if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_HERMES) load_ehc_module_ex(); else if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_WANIN && CurrentIOS.Revision >= 18) load_dip_249(); DeviceHandle.SetModes(); if(MountDevices && ios != CurIOS) DeviceHandle.MountAll(); return ret; }
void NaClDisassembleSegment(uint8_t* mbase, NaClPcAddress vbase, NaClMemorySize size, NaClDisassembleFlags flags) { if (NaClHasBit(flags, NACL_DISASSEMBLE_FLAG(NaClDisassembleFull))) { if (NaClHasBit(flags, NACL_DISASSEMBLE_FLAG(NaClDisassembleValidatorDecoder))) { gprintf(NaClLogGetGio(), "Error: can't specify both full and validator disassembly,\n" " assuming full disassembly.\n"); } NaClDisassembleSegmentUsingTables(mbase, vbase, size, flags, kNaClDecoderTables); } else if (NaClHasBit (flags, NACL_DISASSEMBLE_FLAG(NaClDisassembleValidatorDecoder))) { if (64 == NACL_TARGET_SUBARCH) { NaClDisassembleSegmentUsingTables(mbase, vbase, size, flags, kNaClValDecoderTables); } else { NCDecodeSegment(mbase, vbase, size); } } else { gprintf(NaClLogGetGio(), "Error: No decoder tables specified, can't disassemble\n"); } }
/* With ARM and GHS toolsets, the entry point is main() - this will allow the linker to generate wrapper code to setup stacks, allocate heap area, and initialize and copy code and data segments. For GNU toolsets, the entry point is through __start() in the crt0_gnu.asm file, and that startup code will setup stacks and data */ int main(void) { COORDINATE_Type point1,point2,point3; COLORCFG_Type tricfg; System_Init(); // Initialize System GLCD_Clear(White); // Triangle coordinates point1.x = 20; point1.y = 20; point2.x = 80; point2.y = 80; point3.x = 30; point3.y = 120; tricfg.fill = YES; tricfg.bndry= YES; tricfg.bcolor = Blue; tricfg.fill_color=Green; // Display Triangle GLCD_Triangle(&point1,&point2,&point3,&tricfg); // Display Coordinates gprintf(point1.x+2,point1.y,1,Black,"(%d03,%d03)",point1.x,point1.y); gprintf(point2.x+2,point2.y,1,Black,"(%d03,%d03)",point2.x,point2.y); gprintf(point3.x+2,point3.y,1,Black,"(%d03,%d03)",point3.x,point3.y); while(1); return 1; }
static int UnzipControllers(const char* filepath) { char unzip_directory[20]; unzFile uf = unzOpen(filepath); if (uf==NULL) { gprintf("Cannot open %s, aborting\r\n", Downloads[DOWNLOAD_CONTROLLERS].filename); return -1; } gprintf("%s opened\n", Downloads[DOWNLOAD_CONTROLLERS].filename); sprintf(unzip_directory, "%s:/controllers", UseSD ? "sd" : "usb"); mkdir(unzip_directory,S_IWRITE|S_IREAD); // attempt to make dir if(chdir(unzip_directory)) { gprintf("Error changing into %s, aborting\r\n", unzip_directory); return -2; } if (extractZip(uf,0,1,0)) { gprintf("Failed to extract %s\r\n", filepath); return -3; } unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); remove(Downloads[DOWNLOAD_CONTROLLERS].filename); return 1; }
void IOS_GetCurrentIOSInfo() { memset(&CurrentIOS, 0, sizeof(IOS_Info)); CurrentIOS.Version = IOS_GetVersion(); CurrentIOS.Base = CurrentIOS.Version; CurrentIOS.Revision = IOS_GetRevision(); CurrentIOS.SubRevision = 0; CurrentIOS.Type = IOS_GetType(CurrentIOS.Version); if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_D2X) { iosinfo_t *iosInfo = IOS_GetInfo(CurrentIOS.Version); CurrentIOS.Revision = iosInfo->version; CurrentIOS.Base = iosInfo->baseios; gprintf("D2X IOS%i[%i] v%i\n", CurrentIOS.Version, CurrentIOS.Base, CurrentIOS.Revision); MEM2_free(iosInfo); } else if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_WANIN) { if(CurrentIOS.Revision >= 18) CurrentIOS.Base = wanin_mload_get_IOS_base(); gprintf("Waninkoko IOS%i[%i] v%i\n", CurrentIOS.Version, CurrentIOS.Base, CurrentIOS.Revision); } else if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_HERMES) { CurrentIOS.Base = mload_get_IOS_base(); if(CurrentIOS.Revision > 4) { CurrentIOS.Revision = mload_get_version() >> 4; CurrentIOS.SubRevision = mload_get_version() & 0xF; }
/* ***********************************************************/ static void process_scancode(int scancode) { char sq[3]; char fin_sq[3]; int i; char temp[5]; strcpy(sq,""); for (i=0;i<SCANCODES;i++) { if (i == scancode) { strcpy(sq,board_position[i]); break; } } if (start_square) { gprintf(sq); strcpy(st_sq,sq); start_square = 0; from = scancode; to = 999; } else { strcpy(fin_sq,sq); start_square = 1; to = scancode; sprintf(temp,"%s%s",st_sq,fin_sq); gprintf(temp); } }
bool USB::Mount() { if (isMounted) return true; gprintf("Mounting USB Drive \n"); USB::Unmount(); // To Hopefully Wake Up The Drive fatMountSimple("usb", &__io_usbstorage); bool isInserted = __io_usbstorage.isInserted(); gprintf("USB::IsInserted = %d\n", isInserted); if (!isInserted) return false; // USB Drive may be "sleeeeping". // We need to try Mounting a few times to wake it up int retry = 10; while (retry) { isMounted = fatMountSimple("usb", &__io_usbstorage); if (isMounted) break; sleep(1); retry--; } if (isMounted) gprintf("USB Drive Is Mounted\n"); return isMounted; }
/* print_result() checks to see if the game is over */ void print_result() { int i; /* is there a legal move? */ for (i = 0; i < first_move[1]; ++i) if (makemove(gen_dat[i].m.b)) { takeback(); break; } if (i == first_move[1]) { if (in_check(side)) { if (side == LIGHT) gprintf("Black mates"); else gprintf("White mates"); } else gprintf("Stalemate"); } else if (reps() == 3) gprintf("Draw by repetition"); else if (fifty >= 100) gprintf("Draw by fifty move rule"); }
int ocarina_load_code(const u8 *cheat, u32 cheatSize) { if (debuggerselect == 0x00) codelist = (u8 *) 0x800022A8; else codelist = (u8 *) 0x800028B8; codelistend = (u8 *) 0x80003000; if(cheatSize <= 0) { //gprintf("Ocarina: No codes found\n"); code_buf = NULL; code_size = 0; return 0; } code_size = cheatSize; code_buf = (u8*)MEM1_lo_alloc(code_size); if(code_buf == NULL) { gprintf("Ocarina: Couldnt allocate buffer!\n"); code_buf = NULL; code_size = 0; return 0; } memcpy(code_buf, cheat, code_size); gprintf("Ocarina: Codes found.\n"); DCFlushRange(code_buf, code_size); return code_size; }
s32 WDVD_OpenDataPartition() { //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); u64 dataPartitionOffset; // u32 status = 0; //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); s32 ret = WDVD_FindPartition( &dataPartitionOffset ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_FindPartition(): %d\n", ret ); return ret; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); ret = WDVD_OpenPartition( dataPartitionOffset ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_OpenPartition( %016llx ): %d\n", dataPartitionOffset, ret ); return ret; } // partitionOpen = true; //gprintf("opened partition @ %016llx\n", dataPartitionOffset ); return 0; }
void Banner::SetBanner(u8 *bnr, u32 bnr_size, bool custom, bool alloc) { ClearBanner(); if(bnr == NULL || bnr_size == 0) return; opening = bnr; opening_size = bnr_size; allocated = alloc; imet = (IMET *)opening; if(imet->sig != IMET_SIGNATURE) imet = (IMET *) (opening + IMET_OFFSET); if(imet->sig == IMET_SIGNATURE) { DCFlushRange(opening, opening_size); unsigned char md5[16]; unsigned char imetmd5[16]; memcpy(imetmd5, imet->md5, 16); memset(imet->md5, 0, 16); MD5(md5, (unsigned char*)(imet), sizeof(IMET)); memcpy(imet->md5, imetmd5, 16); if(memcmp(imetmd5, md5, 16) == 0 || custom) this->imet = imet; else gprintf("Invalid md5, banner not valid\n"); } else gprintf("Invalid signature found, banner not valid\n"); }
static void output_number(double coord, int axis, char *buffer) { if (isnan(coord)) { sprintf(buffer, " NaN"); /* treat timedata and "%s" output format as a special case: * return a number. * "%s" in combination with any other character is treated * like a normal time format specifier and handled in time.c */ } else if (axis_array[axis].tictype == DT_TIMEDATE && strcmp(axis_array[axis].formatstring, "%s") == 0) { gprintf(buffer, BUFFERSIZE, "%.0f", 1.0, coord); } else if (axis_array[axis].tictype == DT_TIMEDATE) { buffer[0] = '"'; if (!strcmp(axis_array[axis].formatstring,DEF_FORMAT)) gstrftime(buffer+1, BUFFERSIZE-1, timefmt, coord); else gstrftime(buffer+1, BUFFERSIZE-1, axis_array[axis].formatstring, coord); while (strchr(buffer,'\n')) {*(strchr(buffer,'\n')) = ' ';} strcat(buffer,"\""); } else if (axis_array[axis].log) { double x = pow(axis_array[axis].base, coord); gprintf(buffer, BUFFERSIZE, axis_array[axis].formatstring, 1.0, x); } else gprintf(buffer, BUFFERSIZE, axis_array[axis].formatstring, 1.0, coord); strcat(buffer, " "); }
/**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Tests the MCS_saveCurrentSettings function ****************************************************************************/ void testMCS_saveCurrentSettings(void) { if (MCS_saveCurrentSettings()) gprintf("Current settings saved in monitor NVRAM"); else gprintf("MCS_saveCurrentSettings failed!"); EVT_getch(); }
static inline bool LatestVersion(int *major, int *minor, int *current_line) { u32 http_status = 0; u8* outbuf = NULL; u32 filesize; int line = *current_line; PrintFormat(DEFAULT_SIZE, BLACK, MENU_POS_X, MENU_POS_Y + 20*line, Downloads[DOWNLOAD_VERSION].text); UpdateScreen(); line++; if(!http_request(Downloads[DOWNLOAD_VERSION].url, Downloads[DOWNLOAD_VERSION].max_size)) { PrintFormat(DEFAULT_SIZE, BLACK, MENU_POS_X, MENU_POS_Y + 20*line, "Failed to retrieve version"); UpdateScreen(); *current_line = line; return false; } http_get_result(&http_status, &outbuf, &filesize); if (((int)*outbuf & 0xF0000000) == 0xF0000000) { if (outbuf != NULL) free(outbuf); *current_line = line; return false; } sscanf((char*)outbuf, " #ifndef %*s #define %*s #define NIN_MAJOR_VERSION %i #define NIN_MINOR_VERSION %i", major, minor); gprintf("major = %i, minor = %i\r\n", *major, *minor); if (outbuf != NULL) free(outbuf); if ((*major <= NIN_MAJOR_VERSION) && (*minor <= NIN_MINOR_VERSION)) { bool still_download = true; PrintFormat(DEFAULT_SIZE, BLACK, MENU_POS_X, MENU_POS_Y + 20*line, "You already have the latest version"); line++; PrintFormat(DEFAULT_SIZE, BLACK, MENU_POS_X, MENU_POS_Y + 20*line, "Download anyway? (A: Yes, B: No)"); line++; UpdateScreen(); while(true) { DrawBuffer(); FPAD_Update(); if (FPAD_Cancel(0)) { gprintf("Cancelling download\n"); still_download = false; break; } if (FPAD_OK(0)) { gprintf("okay\n"); break; } GRRLIB_Render(); } if(!still_download) { *current_line = line; return false; } } *current_line = line; return (*major + *minor) > 0; }
void BuildSaveListNand() { for( u32 j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { u32 type; switch( j ) { case 0: type = 0x10000; break; case 1: type = 0x10001; break; case 2: type = 0x10004; break; } u32 cnt = NandTitles.SetType( type ); for( u32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { u64 tid = NandTitles.Next(); char pathBuf[ 65 ]__attribute__((aligned( 32 ))); snprintf( pathBuf, sizeof( pathBuf ), "/title/%08x/%08x/data/banner.bin", TITLE_UPPER( tid ), TITLE_LOWER( tid ) ); u8* buf; u32 len; int ret = -1234; if( ( ret = NandTitle::LoadFileFromNand( pathBuf, &buf, &len ) ) < 0 || !buf ) { //gprintf( "error loading: \"%s\" %i %p\n", pathBuf, ret, buf ); continue; } //gprintf( "load %016llx\n", tid ); BannerBin *save = new BannerBin( NULL, 0, tid ); if( !save->SetData( buf, len ) ) { gprintf( "error creating save: \"%s\"\n", pathBuf ); delete save; continue; } // get size u32 s1 = 0, s2 = 0; snprintf( pathBuf, sizeof( pathBuf ), "/title/%08x/%08x/data", TITLE_UPPER( tid ), TITLE_LOWER( tid ) ); if( !(ret = ISFS_GetUsage( pathBuf, &s1, &s2 )) ) { save->blocks = RU( s1, 8 ) / 8; } else { gprintf( "ISFS_GetUsage( \"%s\" ): %i\n", pathBuf, ret ); save->blocks = 0; } save->tid = tid; saveList << save; //return; } } }
/**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Display an error message on the screen and wait for a key press ****************************************************************************/ static void displayError( char *msg) { y += 16; gprintf(msg); y += 16; gprintf("Press any key to continue"); EVT_getch(); }
void PasekOpcjiGorny()//wypisuje pasek górny { gprintf(NAZWAPROGRAMU,WysrodkujTekst(NAZWAPROGRAMU),1); gprintf(AUTORZY,WysrodkujTekst(AUTORZY),2); gprintf(WERSJA,WysrodkujTekst(WERSJA),3); gprintf(KRESKA,0,4); gprintf(KRESKA,0,WYSOKOSC_MENU_GORNEGO-1); }
void decide_eye(int pos) { int color; struct eyevalue value; int attack_point; int defense_point; int eyepos; SGFTree tree; reset_engine(); silent_examine_position(BLACK, EXAMINE_DRAGONS_WITHOUT_OWL); if (black_eye[pos].color == BLACK_BORDER) color = BLACK; else if (white_eye[pos].color == WHITE_BORDER) color = WHITE; else { gprintf("The eye at %1m is not of a single color.\n", pos); return; } if (printboard) showboard(0); /* Enable sgf output. */ if (*outfilename) sgffile_begindump(&tree); count_variations = 1; if (black_eye[pos].color == BLACK_BORDER) { eyepos = black_eye[pos].origin; compute_eyes(eyepos, &value, &attack_point, &defense_point, black_eye, half_eye, 0, EMPTY); gprintf("Black eyespace at %1m: %s\n", eyepos, eyevalue_to_string(&value)); if (eye_move_urgency(&value) > 0) { gprintf(" vital points: %1m (attack) %1m (defense)\n", attack_point, defense_point); } } if (white_eye[pos].color == WHITE_BORDER) { eyepos = white_eye[pos].origin; compute_eyes(eyepos, &value, &attack_point, &defense_point, white_eye, half_eye, 0, EMPTY); gprintf("White eyespace at %1m: %s\n", eyepos, eyevalue_to_string(&value)); if (eye_move_urgency(&value) > 0) { gprintf(" vital points: %1m (attack) %1m (defense)\n", attack_point, defense_point); } } /* Finish sgf output. */ sgffile_enddump(outfilename); count_variations = 0; }
void Debug_hexdump (void *d, int len) { u8 *data; int i, off; data = (u8*) d; gprintf("\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF"); gprintf("\n==== =============================================== ================\n"); for (off = 0; off < len; off += 16) { gprintf("%04x ", off); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if ((i + off) >= len) gprintf(" "); else gprintf("%02x ", data[off + i]); gprintf(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if ((i + off) >= len) gprintf(" "); else gprintf("%c", ascii(data[off + i])); gprintf("\n"); } }
int Playlog_Update(const char ID[6], const u8 title[84]) { gprintf("Update Play log\n"); u32 sum = 0; u8 i; //Open play_rec.dat s32 playrec_fd = IOS_Open(PLAYRECPATH, IPC_OPEN_RW); if(playrec_fd == -106) { gprintf("IOS_Open error ret: %i\n",playrec_fd); IOS_Close(playrec_fd); //In case the play_rec.dat wasn´t found create one and try again if(ISFS_CreateFile(PLAYRECPATH,0,3,3,3) < 0 ) goto error_2; playrec_fd = IOS_Open(PLAYRECPATH, IPC_OPEN_RW); if(playrec_fd < 0) goto error_2; } else if(playrec_fd < 0) goto error_2; u64 stime = getWiiTime(); playrec_buf.ticks_boot = stime; playrec_buf.ticks_last = stime; //Update channel name and ID memcpy(, title, 84); strcpy(playrec_buf.title_id, ID); memset(playrec_buf.padding2, 0, 18); //Calculate and update checksum for(i=0; i<31; i++) sum +=[i]; playrec_buf.checksum=sum; //Write play_rec.dat if(IOS_Write(playrec_fd, &playrec_buf, sizeof(playrec_buf)) != sizeof(playrec_buf)) goto error_1; IOS_Close(playrec_fd); return 0; error_1: gprintf("error_1\n"); IOS_Close(playrec_fd); error_2: gprintf("error_2\n"); return -1; }
/* Print out the opcode operand in a simplified (i.e. more human readable) * form. */ void NaClOpPrint(struct Gio* f, const NaClOp* operand) { gprintf(f, "%s", NaClOpKindName(operand->kind)); if (operand->flags) { size_t i; for (i = strlen(NaClOpKindName(operand->kind)); i < 24; ++i) { gprintf(f, " "); } NaClOpFlagsPrint(f, operand->flags); } gprintf(f, "\n"); }
void load_dip_249() { gprintf("Starting mload\n"); if(mload_init() < 0) return; gprintf("Loading 249 dip..."); int ret = mload_module((void *)dip_plugin_249, size_dip_plugin_249); gprintf("%d\n", ret); mload_close(); }