int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { return 1; } gpsmm gps("localhost", DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT); if (|WATCH_JSON) == NULL) { printf("GPSD error!\n"); return 1; } FILE *fpo = fopen(argv[1], "w"); while (1) { if (gps.waiting(50000)) { struct gps_data_t* data; if ((data = == NULL) { printf("Failed to read GPS data\n"); } else if (data->set & LATLON_SET) { printf("%.10f, %.10f; %f\n", data->fix.latitude, data->fix.longitude, data->fix.time); fprintf(fpo, "%.10f, %.10f; %f\n", data->fix.latitude, data->fix.longitude, data->fix.time); } } fflush(fpo); } }
bool RobotBrainServiceService::start(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { MYLOGVERB = LOG_INFO; char adapterStr[255]; //Create the topics // SimEventsUtils::createTopic(communicator(), "BeoGPSMessageTopic"); //Create the adapter int port = RobotBrainObjects::RobotBrainPort; bool connected = false; // try to connect to ports until successful LDEBUG("Opening Connection"); while(!connected) { try { LINFO("Trying Port:%d", port); sprintf(adapterStr, "default -p %i", port); itsAdapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints ("BeoGPS", adapterStr); connected = true; } catch(Ice::SocketException) { port++; } } //Create the manager and its objects itsMgr = new ModelManager("BeoGPSService"); LINFO("Starting BeoGPS System"); nub::ref<BeoGPS> gps(new BeoGPS(*itsMgr, "BeoGPS", "BeoGPS")); LINFO("BeoGPS created"); itsMgr->addSubComponent(gps); LINFO("BeoGPS Added As a subcomponent"); gps->init(communicator(), itsAdapter); LINFO("BeoGPS initiated"); // check command line inputs/options if (itsMgr->parseCommandLine (argc, argv, "<serdev>", 0, 0) == false) return(1); // let's configure our serial device: // gps->configureSerial(itsMgr->getExtraArg(0)); // LINFO("Using: %s", itsMgr->getExtraArg(0).c_str()); // activate manager and adapter itsAdapter->activate(); itsMgr->start(); return true; }
void pullOutGPS(BSONObjBuilder& b, map<string,double>& readings,string gpsField){ if(readings.count(gpsField) > 0){ size_t pos = gpsField.find("lon") != string::npos ? gpsField.find("lon") : gpsField.find("lat"); string fieldBase = gpsField.substr(0,pos); BSONArrayBuilder gps(2); gps.append(readings[fieldBase+"lon-lon"]); gps.append(readings[fieldBase+"lat-lat"]); b.append(fieldBase+"lonlat",gps.done()); readings.erase(fieldBase+"lon-lon"); readings.erase(fieldBase+"lat-lat"); } }
/*********************************************************************** * Main **********************************************************************/ int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){ uhd::set_thread_priority_safe(); //variables to be set by po std::string addr; std::string bind; //setup the program options po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "help message") ("addr", po::value<std::string>(&addr), "the resolvable address of the usrp (must be specified)") ("bind", po::value<std::string>(&bind)->default_value(""), "bind the server to this network address (default: any)") ; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); //print the help message if (vm.count("help") or not vm.count("addr")){ std::cout << boost::format("UHD Network Relay %s") % desc << std::endl << "Runs a network relay between UHD on one computer and a USRP on the network.\n" << "This example is basically for test purposes. Use at your own convenience.\n" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } { boost::shared_ptr<udp_relay_type> ctrl (new udp_relay_type(bind, addr, "49152")); boost::shared_ptr<udp_relay_type> rxdsp0(new udp_relay_type(bind, addr, "49156", 0, tx_dsp_buff_size, rx_dsp_buff_size, 0)); boost::shared_ptr<udp_relay_type> txdsp0(new udp_relay_type(bind, addr, "49157", tx_dsp_buff_size, 0, 0, tx_dsp_buff_size)); boost::shared_ptr<udp_relay_type> rxdsp1(new udp_relay_type(bind, addr, "49158", 0, tx_dsp_buff_size, rx_dsp_buff_size, 0)); boost::shared_ptr<udp_relay_type> gps (new udp_relay_type(bind, addr, "49172")); std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler); std::cout << "Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming..." << std::endl; while (not stop_signal_called){ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); } } //finished std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void SBGInsIg500N::init(){ SBGSetNavVelocitySrc vel(true,SBGSetNavVelocitySrc::USER); SBGSetLowPowerMode gps(true,SBGSetLowPowerMode::SBG_GPS_OFF_MODE); SBGSetDefaultOutputMask output(true, EULER ); SBGSetContinuousMode mode; if ( RS232_SendBuf(port, vel.to_bytes(), vel.getMessageLength()) != vel.getMessageLength() ) ROS_INFO("Problem while sending Velocity source"); getNextAck(); if ( RS232_SendBuf(port, gps.to_bytes(), gps.getMessageLength()) != gps.getMessageLength() ) ROS_INFO("Problem while sending GPS power mode"); getNextAck(); if ( RS232_SendBuf(port, output.to_bytes(), output.getMessageLength()) != output.getMessageLength() ) ROS_INFO("Problem while sending default output mask"); getNextAck(); if ( RS232_SendBuf(port, mode.to_bytes(), mode.getMessageLength()) != mode.getMessageLength() ) ROS_INFO("Problem while sending the continuous mode data"); getNextAck(); }
void ut_metadata::testClearGps() { QTemporaryFile file;;, "jpg"); QuillMetadata gps("/usr/share/libquillmetadata-tests/images/gps.jpg"); gps.removeEntries(QuillMetadata::TagGroup_GPS); QVERIFY(gps.write(file.fileName())); QCOMPARE(gps.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSLatitude).toString(), QString()); QCOMPARE(gps.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSLongitude).toString(), QString()); QCOMPARE(gps.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSAltitude).toString(), QString()); QuillMetadata writtenMetadata(file.fileName()); QVERIFY(writtenMetadata.isValid()); QCOMPARE(writtenMetadata.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSLatitude).toString(), QString("")); QCOMPARE(writtenMetadata.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSLongitude).toString(), QString("")); QCOMPARE(writtenMetadata.entry(QuillMetadata::Tag_GPSAltitude).toString(), QString("")); }
int CGps::SetCurGps( const void* v_pGps, BYTE v_bytSetType ) { int iRet = 0; tagGpsShare objGpsShare; tagGPSData gps(0); memcpy( &gps, v_pGps, sizeof(gps) ); _SemP(); memcpy( &objGpsShare, m_pShareMem, sizeof(objGpsShare) ); if( GPS_REAL & v_bytSetType ) { objGpsShare.m_objRealGps = gps; objGpsShare.m_dwSetGpsTm = GetTickCount(); if( !(GPS_LSTVALID & v_bytSetType) ) { if( 'A' == gps.valid && gps.speed <= BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // (要满足速度不超过最大可信速度) { objGpsShare.m_objValidGps = gps; } } } if( (GPS_LSTVALID & v_bytSetType) && gps.speed <= BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // (要满足速度不超过最大可信速度) { objGpsShare.m_objValidGps = gps; } memcpy( m_pShareMem, &objGpsShare, sizeof(objGpsShare) ); _SemV(); return iRet; }
int32_t main(int32_t a_argc, char **a_argv) { opendlv::proxy::sensor::gps::Gps gps(a_argc, a_argv); return gps.runModule(); }
unsigned int CGpsSrc::P_GpsReadThread() { int iRet = 0; GPSDATA gps(0); /// 循环读取GPS共享内存数据 char buf[GPS_BUFSIZE]; // struct timeval tagCurrTimeVal;//当前系统时间,gettimeofday // struct timezone tagCurrTimeZone; unsigned int uiGpsTickChk; char* szGps; char szSta[2]; DWORD dwContinueCount = 0; // 移动/静止 持续次数 BYTE bytRealMoveType = 0; // 实时状态, 移动 = 1, 静止 = 2. BYTE bytSndMoveType = 0; // 发送状态 static bool sta_bDoneSetTime = false; // 是否已校时 DWORD dwABegin; // GPS连续有效起始时刻 DWORD dwVBegin; // GPS连续无效起始时刻 DWORD dwCt = 0; unsigned char uszResult; static unsigned int uiStaWaitKillTime = GetTickCount(); static unsigned int uiStaAccValidTime = GetTickCount(); dwABegin = dwVBegin = GetTickCount(); szSta[0] = BYTE( 0xf0 ); char* pgpGga =NULL; //GGA数据起始地址 char* pgpRmc =NULL; //RMC数据起始地址 char* pgpGsa =NULL; //GSA数据起始地址 char* pgpVtg =NULL; //VTG数据起始地址 char* pgpGsvBeg =NULL;//GSV数据起始地址 char* pTemp; bool bGpsInvalid = false; bool bGpsUnComplete = false; while(!g_bProgExit) { usleep(500000); if (g_bProgExit) { goto _LOOP_READ_END; } // // 升级root前,先把GPS进程关闭 // if( m_bUpdateQuit ) // { // _ReleaseGpsSrc(); // return 0; // } if( m_bNeedGpsOn ) { m_bNeedGpsOn = false; if( stSleep == m_iGpsSta ) { uiStaAccValidTime = GetTickCount(); m_iGpsSta = stInit; } } switch(m_iGpsSta) { case stInit: { PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"GPS STA: stInit\n"); // 通知QianExe,GPS退出省电状态 char szSta = 0xf8; // 0xf1表示退出省电 DataPush(&szSta, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, LV1); if(false == m_bFinishKill) { if ( (GetTickCount()-uiStaWaitKillTime) > 60*1000 ) { goto _LOOP_READ_END; } usleep(100000); continue; } if( !_InitGpsSrc() ) { //g_bProgExit = true; G_ResetSystem(); } if(true == m_bGpsInit) { m_pShm = (gps_data_share *)_GetShm(m_iShmid);//获取GPS共享内存数据 if( NULL == m_pShm) { PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"获取GPS共享内存数据失败\n"); #if VEHICLE_TYPE == VEHICLE_V8 || VEHICLE_TYPE == VEHICLE_M2 g_objDiaodu.show_diaodu("GPS模块异常"); RenewMemInfo(0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); #endif m_iGpsSta = stReset; break; } sleep(1); m_iGpsSta = stGetData; PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"stInit succ,intering stGetData!\n"); } else { m_iGpsSta = stReset; } } break; case stReset: { PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"GPS STA: stReset\n"); //reset GPS 前先置uiStaWaitKillTime uiStaWaitKillTime = GetTickCount(); if ( false ==_ReleaseGpsSrc() ) { break; } //获取共享内存que m_iGpsSta = stWaitKill; } break; case stSleep: { //PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"GPS STA: stSleep\n"); IOGet((byte)IOS_ACC, &uszResult); if( IO_ACC_OFF == uszResult || GpsSwitch) { sleep(1); } else { uiStaAccValidTime = GetTickCount(); m_bGpsSleep = false; m_iGpsSta = stInit; } } break; case stWaitKill: { PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"GPS STA: stWaitKill\n"); //reset GPS 前先置uiStaWaitKillTime if ( (GetTickCount()-uiStaWaitKillTime) > 20*1000 ) { goto _LOOP_READ_END; } usleep(200000); pid_t pid = waitpid(-1,NULL,WNOHANG); if (-1 == pid ) { perror("waitpid: "); } else if ( pid == m_ChildPid ) { m_bFinishKill = true; if ( true == m_bGpsSleep ) { PRTMSG(MSG_NOR,"Intering stSleep !\n"); m_iGpsSta = stSleep; // 通知QianExe,GPS进入省电状态 char szSta = 0xf7; // 0xf0表示进入省电 DataPush(&szSta, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, LV1); } else { sleep(30);//gps的复位操作,复位后等待一段时间再重新初始化 m_iGpsSta = stInit; } } PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "waitpid:%d\n",pid); } break; case stGetData: { iRet = _GetGpsOrigData(&m_objGpsDataShm); if (true != iRet) { m_iGpsSta = stReset; pgpGga = pgpRmc = pgpGsa = pgpVtg = pgpGsvBeg =NULL; PRTMSG(MSG_ERR, "获取GPS原始数据失败:无法获取共享内存数据!\n"); #if VEHICLE_TYPE == VEHICLE_V8 || VEHICLE_TYPE == VEHICLE_M2 g_objDiaodu.show_diaodu("GPS模块异常"); RenewMemInfo(0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); #endif break; } pgpGga = (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).gga_data; pgpRmc = (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).rmc_data; pgpGsa = (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).gsa_data; pgpVtg = (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).vtg_data; pTemp = pgpVtg + DATA_LENGTH; pgpGsvBeg = strstr(pTemp, "$GPGSV"); if(0 == pgpGsvBeg) { m_iGpsSta = stReset; pgpGga = pgpRmc = pgpGsa = pgpVtg = pgpGsvBeg =NULL; break; } #if PRINT_GPS_DATA == 1 usleep(500000); printf("\n"); printf("%s", (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).gga_data); printf("%s", (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).rmc_data); printf("%s", (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).gsa_data); printf("%s", (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).vtg_data); printf("%s", (m_objGpsDataShm.combine_data[0]).gsv_data); printf("\n"); #endif #if VEHICLE_TYPE == VEHICLE_M //使用组件GetTickCount进行时间戳检查 uiGpsTickChk = GetTickCount(); if( (uiGpsTickChk - m_objGpsDataShm.n1_time) > 30*1000 )//30s { PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"GPS data invalod too long ,reset the gps\n"); m_objGpsDataShm.n1_time = uiGpsTickChk; // 避免重复复位 m_iGpsSta = stReset; break; } #endif /// 解析前初始化 gps.Init(); bGpsInvalid = false; bGpsUnComplete = false; /// 解析RMC格式数据 szGps = strstr(pgpRmc,"$GPRMC,"); if( szGps ) { if( !_DecodeRMCData( szGps, gps ) ) { bGpsUnComplete = true; //continue; } } else { bGpsUnComplete = true; //continue; } if( gps.valid != 'A' ) bGpsInvalid = true; // GPS长时间无效检查 static unsigned int sta_uiGpsBeginInvalid = uiGpsTickChk; { if( bGpsInvalid || bGpsUnComplete ) { if( uiGpsTickChk - sta_uiGpsBeginInvalid >180000 ) { PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"GPS data invalod too long ,reset the gps\n"); sta_uiGpsBeginInvalid = uiGpsTickChk; // 避免重复复位 m_iGpsSta = stReset; break; } else if( bGpsUnComplete ) { continue; } } else { sta_uiGpsBeginInvalid = uiGpsTickChk; } } #ifdef GPSGSA_ENB /// 解析GSA格式数据 { static DWORD sta_dwNoGsaCt = 0; szGps = strstr( pgpGsa, "$GPGSA," ); if( szGps ) { sta_dwNoGsaCt = 0; _DecodeGSAData(szGps, gps); } else continue; } #endif // 解析GSV格式数据 szGps = strstr( pgpGsvBeg, "$GPGSV," ); if( szGps ) { tagSatelliteInfo objSatsInfo; if( _DecodeGSVData(szGps, objSatsInfo) ) // 成功解析后 { pthread_mutex_lock( &m_hMutexGsv ); m_objSatsInfo = objSatsInfo; m_dwGsvGetTm = GetTickCount(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_hMutexGsv ); } else PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"Decode GSV Fail !\n"); } // 定位标志若不一致则纠正,以RMC格式的数据为准 if( 'A' != gps.valid ) gps.valid = 'V'; if( 'A' == gps.valid && ('2' != gps.m_cFixType && '3' != gps.m_cFixType) ) gps.m_cFixType = '2'; else if( 'A' != gps.valid && ('2' == gps.m_cFixType || '3' == gps.m_cFixType) ) gps.m_cFixType = '1'; //通过GPS时间校时设置系统时间 // 设置时间 if( !sta_bDoneSetTime ) { #if CHK_VER == 1 || GPSVALID_FASTFIXTIME == 1 if( 'A' == gps.valid ) { // 校时 if( true == _SetGpsTime( gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ) ) { PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Set SysTime: %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ); // 通知QianExe BYTE byt = 0xf1; DataPush((char*)&byt, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); sta_bDoneSetTime = true; } } #else DWORD dwCur = GetTickCount(); static DWORD sta_dwLstChk = dwCur; if( dwCur - sta_dwLstChk >= 5000 ) // 若2次GPS接收时刻超过5秒 { dwABegin = dwCur; // GPS连续有效的计时重新开始计算 } if( 'A' == gps.valid ) { if( dwCur - dwABegin >= TIMEBELIV_GPSAPERIOD ) // 连续有效超过一定时间,则认为GPS时间可信,可以设置为系统时间 { // 校时 if( true == _SetGpsTime( gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ) ) { PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Set SysTime: %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ); // 通知QianExe BYTE byt = 0xf1; DataPush((char*)&byt, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); sta_bDoneSetTime = true; } } else { dwVBegin = dwCur; // 确保以后的GPS无效时长都可以重新计时 } } else { if( dwCur - dwVBegin >= TIMEUNBLV_GPSVMINPERIOD ) // 若GPS连续无效超过一定时间 { dwABegin = dwCur; // GPS连续有效的计时重新开始计算 } } sta_dwLstChk = dwCur; // 更新上次检查时间 #endif } /// { 格林威治->北京时区 // 无效数据也要转换,因为可能时间是正确的 if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // 若数据有效 { bool bCarry = false; // 时间计算时的进位标志 gps.nHour += 8; if( gps.nHour >= 24 ) { gps.nHour -= 24; bCarry = true; } gps.nDay += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); int nMaxDay = 31; if( 2 == gps.nMonth ) { if( 0 == gps.nYear % 400 || (0 == gps.nYear % 4 && 0 != gps.nYear % 100) ) // 闰年 { nMaxDay = 29; } else nMaxDay = 28; } else if( gps.nMonth <= 7 ) { if( 0 == gps.nMonth % 2 ) nMaxDay = 30; } else { if( 1 == gps.nMonth % 2 ) nMaxDay = 30; } if( gps.nDay > nMaxDay ) { gps.nDay -= nMaxDay; bCarry = true; } else { bCarry = false; } gps.nMonth += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); if( gps.nMonth > 12 ) { gps.nMonth -= 12; bCarry = true; } else { bCarry = false; } gps.nYear += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); } /// } 格林威治->北京时区 // if( sta_bFstValid ) // { // if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // || (gps.nYear > 2007) || (2007 == gps.nYear && gps.nMonth >= 5) ) // { // _SetGpsTime( BYTE(gps.nYear - 2000), BYTE(gps.nMonth), BYTE(gps.nDay), BYTE(gps.nHour), // BYTE(gps.nMinute), BYTE(gps.nSecond) ); // sta_bFstValid = false; // } // } // 若速度不可信,则设为无效 if( gps.speed > BELIV_MAXSPEED ) { gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; } if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // 若GPS数据有效 { if( gps.speed > SPEED_MOVE ) // 若现在是移动的 { if( 1 != bytRealMoveType ) // 若原先不是移动的 { bytRealMoveType = 1; // 修改为移动标志 dwContinueCount = 1; // 重置状态持续次数 } else { ++ dwContinueCount; // 递增该状态持续次数 } // 若持续次数达到设定,且上次发送状态不是移动,发送车辆变为移动的通知 if( SPEED_COUNT == dwContinueCount && 1 != bytSndMoveType ) { szSta[1] = 1; PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Send car move msg!\n" ); DataPush(szSta, 2, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); bytSndMoveType = 1; } } else if( gps.speed < SPEED_STOP ) // 若现在是静止的 { if( 2 != bytRealMoveType ) // 若原先不是静止的 { bytRealMoveType = 2; // 修改为静止标志 dwContinueCount = 1; // 重置状态持续次数 } else { ++ dwContinueCount; // 递增该状态持续次数 } // 若持续次数达到设定,且上次发送状态不是静止,发送车辆变为静止的通知 if( SPEED_COUNT == dwContinueCount && 2 != bytSndMoveType ) { szSta[1] = 2; PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Send car silent msg!\n" ); DataPush(szSta, 2, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); bytSndMoveType = 2; } } } else { // dwContinueCount = 0; // GPS数据无效,重置状态持续计数 // bytRealMoveType = 0; // 清除移动/静止标志 } // ACC无效时,强制让速度等于0 IOGet((byte)IOS_ACC, &uszResult); if( IO_ACC_OFF == uszResult ) { gps.speed = 0; } else { uiStaAccValidTime = GetTickCount(); } //acc无效达20分钟,关闭SiRfNav进程,gps进入省电 if ( (GetTickCount()-uiStaAccValidTime) > 20*60*1000 || GpsSwitch) { PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"acc invalid too long or close Gps, gps sleep, GpsSwitch=%d\n", GpsSwitch); m_bGpsSleep = true; m_iGpsSta = stReset; } gps.m_bytMoveType = bytSndMoveType; // 与发送状态同步 if( gps.speed <= BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // 速度可信的才保留 { SetCurGps( &gps, GPS_REAL ); } if( 0 == dwCt ++ % 3 ) { // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG,"Gps:%c %u:%u:%u", char(gps.valid), gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Lon=%0.6f", gps.longitude ); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Lat=%0.6f", gps.latitude ); } } break; default: { PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"GPS sta Unknown, Reset gps\n"); m_iGpsSta = stReset; } } } _LOOP_READ_END: g_bProgExit = true; return 0; }
unsigned int CGpsSrc::P_GpsReadThread() { int iRet = 0; GPSDATA gps(0); /// 循环读取GPS共享内存数据 char buf[GPS_BUFSIZE]; // struct timeval tagCurrTimeVal;//当前系统时间,gettimeofday // struct timezone tagCurrTimeZone; unsigned int uiGpsTickChk; char* szGps; char szSta[2]; DWORD dwContinueCount = 0; // 移动/静止 持续次数 BYTE bytRealMoveType = 0; // 实时状态, 移动 = 1, 静止 = 2. BYTE bytSndMoveType = 0; // 发送状态 static bool sta_bDoneSetTime = false; // 是否已校时 DWORD dwABegin; // GPS连续有效起始时刻 DWORD dwVBegin; // GPS连续无效起始时刻 DWORD dwCt = 0; unsigned char uszResult; static unsigned int uiStaWaitKillTime = GetTickCount(); dwABegin = dwVBegin = GetTickCount(); szSta[0] = BYTE( 0xf0 ); // iRet = pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); // if( 0 != iRet ) // PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"ComRcv设置允许线程接收取消请求失败: %x\n",iRet); // // iRet = pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); // if( 0 != iRet ) // PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"ComRcv线程接收到取消请求后退出失败: %x\n", iRet); char* pgpGga =NULL; //GGA数据起始地址 char* pgpRmc =NULL; //RMC数据起始地址 char* pgpGsa =NULL; //GSA数据起始地址 char* pgpVtg =NULL; //VTG数据起始地址 char* pgpGsvBeg =NULL;//GSV数据起始地址 char* pTemp; _mGpsComOpen(); while(!g_bProgExit) { sleep(1); if (g_bProgExit) { goto _LOOP_READ_END; } int iLen = read(m_imGpsComPort,buf,sizeof(buf)); //PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "mcom Recv %s\n", buf); buf[iLen] = 0; pgpGga = strstr(buf,"$GPGGA,"); pgpRmc = strstr(buf,"$GPRMC,"); pgpGsa = strstr(buf,"$GPGSA,"); pgpGsvBeg = strstr(buf,"$GPGSV"); if(NULL == pgpGga || NULL == pgpRmc || NULL == pgpGsa || NULL == pgpGsvBeg ) { // PRTMSG(MSG_ERR, "pgpGga is null!\n"); pgpGga = pgpRmc = pgpGsa = pgpVtg = pgpGsvBeg =NULL; continue; } // //testc // sleep(1); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG,pgpGga); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG,"gps.valid:%c, gps.speed:%d\n",gps.valid,(int)(gps.speed)); // //testc /// 解析前初始化 gps.Init(); /// 解析RMC格式数据 szGps = strstr(pgpRmc,"$GPRMC,"); if( szGps ) { if( !_DecodeRMCData( szGps, gps ) ) continue; } else { continue; } #ifdef GPSGSA_ENB /// 解析GSA格式数据 { static DWORD sta_dwNoGsaCt = 0; szGps = strstr( pgpGsa, "$GPGSA," ); if( szGps ) { sta_dwNoGsaCt = 0; _DecodeGSAData(szGps, gps); } else continue; } #endif // 解析GSV格式数据 szGps = strstr( pgpGsvBeg, "$GPGSV," ); if( szGps ) { tagSatelliteInfo objSatsInfo; if( _DecodeGSVData(szGps, objSatsInfo) ) // 成功解析后 { pthread_mutex_lock( &m_hMutexGsv ); m_objSatsInfo = objSatsInfo; m_dwGsvGetTm = GetTickCount(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_hMutexGsv ); } else PRTMSG(MSG_ERR,"Decode GSV Fail !\n"); } // 定位标志若不一致则纠正,以RMC格式的数据为准 if( 'A' != gps.valid ) gps.valid = 'V'; if( 'A' == gps.valid && ('2' != gps.m_cFixType && '3' != gps.m_cFixType) ) gps.m_cFixType = '2'; else if( 'A' != gps.valid && ('2' == gps.m_cFixType || '3' == gps.m_cFixType) ) gps.m_cFixType = '1'; //通过GPS时间校时设置系统时间 // 设置时间 if( !sta_bDoneSetTime ) { #if CHK_VER == 1 || GPSVALID_FASTFIXTIME == 1 if( 'A' == gps.valid ) { // 校时 if( true == _SetGpsTime( gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ) ) { PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Set SysTime: %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ); // 通知QianExe BYTE byt = 0xf1; DataPush((char*)&byt, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); sta_bDoneSetTime = true; } } #else DWORD dwCur = GetTickCount(); static DWORD sta_dwLstChk = dwCur; if( dwCur - sta_dwLstChk >= 5000 ) // 若2次GPS接收时刻超过5秒 { dwABegin = dwCur; // GPS连续有效的计时重新开始计算 } if( 'A' == gps.valid ) { if( dwCur - dwABegin >= TIMEBELIV_GPSAPERIOD ) // 连续有效超过一定时间,则认为GPS时间可信,可以设置为系统时间 { // 校时 if( true == _SetGpsTime( gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ) ) { PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Set SysTime: %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", gps.nYear, gps.nMonth, gps.nDay, gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond ); // 通知QianExe BYTE byt = 0xf1; DataPush((char*)&byt, 1, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); sta_bDoneSetTime = true; } } else { dwVBegin = dwCur; // 确保以后的GPS无效时长都可以重新计时 } } else { if( dwCur - dwVBegin >= TIMEUNBLV_GPSVMINPERIOD ) // 若GPS连续无效超过一定时间 { dwABegin = dwCur; // GPS连续有效的计时重新开始计算 } } sta_dwLstChk = dwCur; // 更新上次检查时间 #endif } /// { 格林威治->北京时区 // 无效数据也要转换,因为可能时间是正确的 if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // 若数据有效 { bool bCarry = false; // 时间计算时的进位标志 gps.nHour += 8; if( gps.nHour >= 24 ) { gps.nHour -= 24; bCarry = true; } gps.nDay += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); int nMaxDay = 31; if( 2 == gps.nMonth ) { if( 0 == gps.nYear % 400 || (0 == gps.nYear % 4 && 0 != gps.nYear % 100) ) // 闰年 { nMaxDay = 29; } else nMaxDay = 28; } else if( gps.nMonth <= 7 ) { if( 0 == gps.nMonth % 2 ) nMaxDay = 30; } else { if( 1 == gps.nMonth % 2 ) nMaxDay = 30; } if( gps.nDay > nMaxDay ) { gps.nDay -= nMaxDay; bCarry = true; } else { bCarry = false; } gps.nMonth += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); if( gps.nMonth > 12 ) { gps.nMonth -= 12; bCarry = true; } else { bCarry = false; } gps.nYear += (bCarry ? 1 : 0); } /// } 格林威治->北京时区 // if( sta_bFstValid ) // { // if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // || (gps.nYear > 2007) || (2007 == gps.nYear && gps.nMonth >= 5) ) // { // _SetGpsTime( BYTE(gps.nYear - 2000), BYTE(gps.nMonth), BYTE(gps.nDay), BYTE(gps.nHour), // BYTE(gps.nMinute), BYTE(gps.nSecond) ); // sta_bFstValid = false; // } // } // 若速度不可信,则设为无效 if( gps.speed > BELIV_MAXSPEED ) { gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; } if( 'A' == gps.valid ) // 若GPS数据有效 { if( gps.speed > SPEED_MOVE ) // 若现在是移动的 { if( 1 != bytRealMoveType ) // 若原先不是移动的 { bytRealMoveType = 1; // 修改为移动标志 dwContinueCount = 1; // 重置状态持续次数 } else { ++ dwContinueCount; // 递增该状态持续次数 } // 若持续次数达到设定,且上次发送状态不是移动,发送车辆变为移动的通知 if( SPEED_COUNT == dwContinueCount && 1 != bytSndMoveType ) { szSta[1] = 1; PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Send car move msg!\n" ); DataPush(szSta, 2, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); bytSndMoveType = 1; } } else if( gps.speed < SPEED_STOP ) // 若现在是静止的 { if( 2 != bytRealMoveType ) // 若原先不是静止的 { bytRealMoveType = 2; // 修改为静止标志 dwContinueCount = 1; // 重置状态持续次数 } else { ++ dwContinueCount; // 递增该状态持续次数 } // 若持续次数达到设定,且上次发送状态不是静止,发送车辆变为静止的通知 if( SPEED_COUNT == dwContinueCount && 2 != bytSndMoveType ) { szSta[1] = 2; PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Send car silent msg!\n" ); DataPush(szSta, 2, DEV_GPS, DEV_QIAN, 2); bytSndMoveType = 2; } } } else { // dwContinueCount = 0; // GPS数据无效,重置状态持续计数 // bytRealMoveType = 0; // 清除移动/静止标志 } // ACC无效时,强制让速度等于0 IOGet((byte)IOS_ACC, &uszResult); if( IO_ACC_OFF == uszResult ) gps.speed = 0; gps.m_bytMoveType = bytSndMoveType; // 与发送状态同步 if( gps.speed <= BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // 速度可信的才保留 { SetCurGps( &gps, GPS_REAL ); } if( 0 == dwCt ++ % 3 ) { // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG,"Gps:%c %u:%u:%u", char(gps.valid), gps.nHour, gps.nMinute, gps.nSecond); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Lon=%0.6f", gps.longitude ); // PRTMSG(MSG_DBG, "Lat=%0.6f", gps.latitude ); } } _LOOP_READ_END: g_bProgExit = true; return 0; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // loop! Autogenerated by RubyToC, sorry it's ugly. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop() { digitalWrite(led(), 1); serial_print(read(gps())); }
/** * @brief Creates an XsOutputConfigurationArray and pushes it to the sensor. * @details * - Configures the sensor with desired modules * - Refer to xsdataidentifier.h */ void mtiG::configure(){ XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray; if(mSettings.orientationData){ //Quaternion - containsOrientation XsOutputConfiguration quat(XDI_Quaternion, mSettings.orientationFreq);// para pedir quaternion configArray.push_back(quat); } if(mSettings.gpsData){ //LATITUDE E LONGITUDE -containsLatitudeLongitude XsOutputConfiguration gps(XDI_LatLon, mSettings.gpsFreq);// para pedir gps, //XDI_Quaternion 06/04 configArray.push_back(gps); XsOutputConfiguration gps_age(XDI_GpsAge, mSettings.gpsFreq);// para pedir gps, //XDI_Quaternion 06/04 configArray.push_back(gps_age); XsOutputConfiguration gps_sol(XDI_GpsSol, mSettings.gpsFreq);// para pedir gps, //XDI_Quaternion 06/04 configArray.push_back(gps_sol); XsOutputConfiguration gps_dop(XDI_GpsDop, mSettings.gpsFreq);// para pedir gps, //XDI_Quaternion 06/04 configArray.push_back(gps_dop); } if(mSettings.temperatureData){ //TEMPERATURA - containsTemperature XsOutputConfiguration temp(XDI_Temperature, mSettings.temperatureFreq); configArray.push_back(temp); } if(mSettings.accelerationData){ //ACCELERATION - containsCalibratedAcceleration XsOutputConfiguration accel(XDI_Acceleration, mSettings.accelerationFreq); configArray.push_back(accel); } if(mSettings.pressureData){ //PRESSURE - containsPressure XsOutputConfiguration baro(XDI_BaroPressure, mSettings.pressureFreq); configArray.push_back(baro); } if(mSettings.magneticData){ //MAGNETIC FIELD - containsCalibratedMagneticField XsOutputConfiguration magnet(XDI_MagneticField, mSettings.magneticFreq); configArray.push_back(magnet); } if(mSettings.altitudeData){ //ALTITUDE - containsAltitude XsOutputConfiguration alt(XDI_AltitudeEllipsoid, mSettings.altitudeFreq); configArray.push_back(alt); } if(mSettings.gyroscopeData){ //GYRO - containsCalibratedGyroscopeData XsOutputConfiguration gyro(XDI_RateOfTurn, mSettings.gyroscopeFreq); configArray.push_back(gyro); } if(mSettings.velocityData){ //VELOCIDADE XYZ XsOutputConfiguration vel_xyz(XDI_VelocityXYZ, mSettings.velocityFreq); configArray.push_back(vel_xyz); } // Puts configArray into the device, overwriting the current configuration if (!device->setOutputConfiguration(configArray)) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting."); } }
int CGps::GetCurGps( void* v_pGps, const unsigned int v_uiSize, BYTE v_bytGetType ) { // 可以同时设置实时GPS和有效GPS if( v_uiSize < sizeof(tagGPSData) ) return ERR_BUFLACK; int iRet = 0; tagGpsShare objGpsShare; tagGPSData gps(0); _SemP(); memcpy( &objGpsShare, m_pShareMem, sizeof(objGpsShare) ); _SemV(); switch( v_bytGetType ) { case GPS_REAL: { gps = objGpsShare.m_objRealGps; if( gps.speed > BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // 若实时GPS数据速度超过最大可信速度,则认为不可信,使用上次有效数据 { gps = objGpsShare.m_objValidGps; gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; } } break; case GPS_LSTVALID: default: gps = objGpsShare.m_objValidGps; } if( GetTickCount() - objGpsShare.m_dwSetGpsTm >= 5000 // 若连续一段时间没有设置GPS数据 || objGpsShare.m_objRealGps.valid != 'A' ) // 或GPS无效 { // 用系统时间修正无效的GPS数据,并且GPS数据强制为无效的 struct tm pCurrentTime; G_GetTime(&pCurrentTime); gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; gps.nYear = pCurrentTime.tm_year + 1900; gps.nMonth = pCurrentTime.tm_mon + 1; gps.nDay = pCurrentTime.tm_mday; gps.nHour = pCurrentTime.tm_hour; gps.nMinute = pCurrentTime.tm_min; gps.nSecond = pCurrentTime.tm_sec; } if( gps.nYear < 2001 ) { gps.nYear = 2001; // 前置机有bug,不支持2000年以前的,而2000年会使得上发的数据中存在0 } if( gps.speed >= BELIV_MAXSPEED ) // 若速度超过最大可信速度,则都设为无效数据 { gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; } else if( gps.speed < 0 ) // 若速度小于0,则强制修正速度,并且都设为无效数据 { gps.speed = 0; gps.valid = 'V'; gps.m_cFixType = '1'; } memcpy( v_pGps, &gps, sizeof(tagGPSData) ); return iRet; }
double testPointing(double dtheta = 0, int run = 332, int event = 55448680) // double testPointing(double dtheta = 0, int run = 352, int event = 60832108) { AnitaDataset d(run); d.getEvent(event); UsefulAdu5Pat gps(d.gps()); double wais_phi, wais_theta; gps.getThetaAndPhiWaveWaisDivide(wais_theta, wais_phi); wais_theta += dtheta * TMath::DegToRad(); double rampdem_wais_alt = AnitaLocations::getWaisAltitude(); printf("Real WAIS lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n", AnitaLocations::getWaisLatitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisLongitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisAltitude()); printf(" According to AnitaGeomTool, WAIS at phi=%g theta=%g\n", wais_phi* TMath::RadToDeg(), wais_theta* TMath::RadToDeg()); PayloadParameters pp0(d.gps(), AntarcticCoord(AntarcticCoord::WGS84, AnitaLocations::getWaisLatitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisLongitude(), rampdem_wais_alt )); printf(" According to PayloadParameters, wais at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp0.source_phi, pp0.source_theta); double lat,lon,alt; int trace = gps.traceBackToContinent(wais_phi, wais_theta, &lon, &lat,&alt,0); printf("traceBackToContent projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",lat,lon,alt); double payload_phi, payload_theta; gps.getThetaAndPhiWave(lon,lat,alt, payload_theta, payload_phi); printf("In payload coordinates that is: phi=%g theta=%g\n", payload_phi * TMath::RadToDeg(), payload_theta * TMath::RadToDeg()); AntarcticCoord c(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt); PayloadParameters pp(d.gps(), c); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp.source_phi, pp.source_theta); int get = gps.getSourceLonAndLatAtAlt(wais_phi, wais_theta, lon, lat, alt); printf("getSourceLonAndLatAtAlt projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",lat,lon,alt); gps.getThetaAndPhiWave(lon,lat,alt, payload_theta, payload_phi); printf("In payload coordinates that is: phi=%g theta=%g\n", payload_phi * TMath::RadToDeg(), payload_theta * TMath::RadToDeg()); AntarcticCoord c2(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt); PayloadParameters pp2(d.gps(), c2); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp2.source_phi, pp2.source_theta); PayloadParameters pp3; int success = PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(pp0.source_theta, pp0.source_phi, d.gps(), &pp3); if (success==1) { AntarcticCoord c3 =; printf("findSourceOnContinent projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",c3.x,c3.y,c3.z); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp3.source_phi, pp3.source_theta); } else { printf("findSourceOnContinent found no solution :(\n"); } double x0 =; double y0 =; TFile * fout = new TFile("refraction.root","RECREATE"); TH2I * old_h = new TH2I("traceBack","TraceBack", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h3 = new TH2I("traceBack3","TraceBack3", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h = new TH2I("findSource","FindSource", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h_col = new TH2I("findSourceColl","FindSourceColl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h_ref = new TH2I("findSourceRef","FindSourceRefract", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * old_payload_el = new TProfile2D("traceBackPayloadEl","TraceBackPayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_h3_payload_el = new TProfile2D("traceBack3PayloadEl","TraceBack3PayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadEl","findSourcePayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el_col = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadElCol","findSourcePayloadElCol", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el_ref = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadElRef","findSourcePayloadElRef", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); Refraction::SphRay m; for (double phi = 0; phi <=360; phi+= 0.2) { printf("%g\n",phi); double step = 0.001; for (double sin_theta = 0.0; sin_theta < 0.9; sin_theta+= step) { double theta = asin(sin_theta*sin_theta) * TMath::RadToDeg(); trace = gps.traceBackToContinent(phi*TMath::DegToRad(), theta*TMath::DegToRad(), &lon, &lat,&alt,0); if (trace) { AntarcticCoord w(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt);; old_h->Fill(w.x, w.y); PayloadParameters pw(d.gps(), w); old_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pw.payload_el); } trace = gps.traceBackToContinent3(phi*TMath::DegToRad(), theta*TMath::DegToRad(), &lon, &lat,&alt,0); if (trace) { AntarcticCoord w(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt);; new_h3->Fill(w.x, w.y); PayloadParameters pw(d.gps(), w); new_h3_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pw.payload_el); } PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3); AntarcticCoord w =; new_h->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3,0, 50); w =; new_h_col->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el_col->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3,&m); w =; new_h_ref->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el_ref->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); } } TCanvas * cc = new TCanvas; cc->Divide(5,2); cc->cd(1); old_h->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(2); new_h->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(3); new_h_col->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(4); new_h_ref->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(5); new_h3->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(6); old_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(7); new_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(8); new_payload_el_col->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(9); new_payload_el_ref->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(10); new_h3_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->SaveAs("refraction.pdf"); fout->cd(); old_h->Write(); new_h->Write(); new_h_col->Write(); new_h_ref->Write(); old_payload_el->Write(); new_payload_el->Write(); new_payload_el_col->Write(); new_payload_el_ref->Write(); return wais_phi * TMath::RadToDeg() - pp0.source_phi; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { std::ofstream to_log(to_log_file_path.c_str()); std::ofstream to_rpy(rpy_file_path.c_str()); std::ofstream gps_out(gps_out_path.c_str()); std::ofstream gps_filter_out(gps_filter_out_path.c_str()); std::ofstream mag_out(mag_out_path.c_str()); try { // Declaring objects used for inertial navigation ACCELEROMETER acc(acc_file_path, Captor::COLD_START); GYRO gyro(gyro_file_path, Captor::COLD_START); MAGNETOMETER mag(mag_file_path, Captor::COLD_START); GPS gps(gps_file_path,GPS::UBLOX); GPS_Filter gps_filter(&gps); EKF ekf(&gps_filter,&acc,&gyro,&mag); // Getting offset and gain for accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. Getting GPS HOME field. // This routine will warn you if one of the offset couldn't be updated int ret = acc.initOffsets(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get acc offsets !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Acc offsets updated" << std::endl; ret = acc.initGain(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get acc gain !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Acc gain updated" << std::endl; // Advanced calibration for acc (offset and gain) #ifdef ADCALIBRATION ret = acc.performAdvancedAccCalibration(); if (ret !=1) std::cout << "Couldn't perform acc advanced calibration method" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "Acc advanced calibration performed" << std::endl; acc.correct_GN(); } #endif ret = gyro.initOffsets(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get gyro offsets !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Gyro offsets updated" << std::endl; ret = gyro.initGain(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get gyro gain !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Gyro gain updated" << std::endl; ret = mag.initOffsets(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get magnetometer offsets !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Mag offsets updated" << std::endl; ret = gps.setHome(); if (ret != 1) std::cout << "Couldn't get HOME !" << std::endl; else std::cout << "HOME updated" << std::endl; // Reading lines // We create the buffer for the sensor's output values Eigen::Vector3f acc_vector_buffer; Eigen::Vector3f gyro_vector_buffer; Eigen::Vector3d gps_buffer_vector; Eigen::Vector3d gps_position_vector; // We update and correct the magnetometer mag._init_earth_even_magnetic_field(); mag.update_correct(); // We initialize the state vector giving the initial heading ekf.init_state_vector(mag.getHeading()); //ekf.init_state_vector(); to_rpy << TODEG*(ekf.toRPY(ekf.get_state_vector())).transpose() << std::endl; // Storing operation while (!acc.line_end && !gyro.line_end){ // Reading from inertial captors and correcting the outputs acc.getOutput(&acc_vector_buffer); acc.correctOutput(&acc_vector_buffer, ekf.getDCM()); gyro.getOutput(&gyro_vector_buffer); gyro.correctOutput(&gyro_vector_buffer); // Updating and correcting magnetometer mag.update_correct(); // Updating GPS and storing into the &gps_buffer_vector gps.update(&gps_buffer_vector); // Predicting the state vector // Extended Kalman Filter according step is the prediction step. We first build the Jacobian matrix linearized around the current state and we then multiply the currrent state vector by such a matrix ekf.build_jacobian_matrix(&acc_vector_buffer, &gyro_vector_buffer); ekf.predict(); to_rpy << TODEG*(ekf.getRPY()).transpose() << std::endl; // Storing operation for data exploitation to_log << ekf.get_state_vector().transpose() << std::endl; // Storing operation for data exploitation //mag_out << TODEG*mag.getHeading() << std::endl; // Storing operation for data exploitation mag_out << TODEG*mag.getHeading((ekf.getRPY())(1),(ekf.getRPY())(0)) << std::endl; // Storing operation for data exploitation // Checking inf a new gps data is availaible if (gps.isAvailable()){ // If yes, we first update the GPS filter gps.calculatePositionFromHome(&gps_buffer_vector); gps_out << gps.getActualPosition().transpose() << std::endl; gps.actualizeInternDatas(&gps_buffer_vector); gps_filter.predict(); gps_filter.updateFilter(); gps_filter_out << gps_filter.getState().transpose() << std::endl; // Storing operation for data exploitation // And we then correct the EKF filter by correcting in order position, speed and quaternion attitude vector //ekf.correct(); //gps_filter.updateSpeedEKF(ekf.getCurrentSpeed()); } } } catch (std::exception const& e) { std::cout << e.what() << " file " << std::endl; } return 0; }