int putc_IOBuf(IOBuf *ob, int c) { if (ob->redirect != NULL) return gputc(ob->redirect, c); if (ob->out_idx >= OUTPUTBUF_SIZE) if (flush_IOBuf(ob) == -1) return -1; ob->outbuf[ob->out_idx++] = c; return 0; }
int main(void){ PMInfoBlock *pm = NULL; installGDT(0xa000 >> 3,0xa0000,0xffff,0,0,1,0,1,2); installGDT(0xb000 >> 3,0xb0000,0xffff,0,0,1,0,1,2); memcpy(VGABASE,(void*)(0xc0000),VGALIMIT); pm = getPMInfo(); pm->biosDataSel = 0x10; entry = pm->entryPoint; memcpy((void*)0x1000,(void*)_int10,0x100); selectMode(M640x480x8); #if 0 drawX(0,640,0,480,33); drawX(40,600,40,440,60); drawX(40,600,40,60,150); drawX(60,580,60,420,200); #endif BMPRGB c = {0xff,0xff,0xff}; for(int i = 1;i < 140;i++){ drawCircle(320,240,i,0,i); setPalett(c,i); } for(int i = 1,ver = 1;; += 131, += 13, += 17){ do{ i += ver; for(int delay = 0xfff;delay--;); setPalett(c,i - ver); } while((i > 1)&& (i < 140)); ver = -ver; } #if 0 drawX(0,640,460,480,43); drawCircle(20,470,10,1,40); drawX(600,640,460,480,60); #endif #ifdef PRINT_TEXT for(int i = 'A';i < 127;i++) gputc(i); #endif //while(1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, n; char *s; char *bad = NULL; int c; int width = 0, height = 0, bpp = 8, gray = 192, attributes = 0; char *name, *testname; GrFontHeader *hdr; FILE *f; char buffer[210]; GrEvent ev; int key; /* unfortunately not all systems support getopt() */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { s = argv[i]; if(*s != '-' || ((c = *++s) == '\0') || *++s != '\0') break; if(c == '-') { i++; break; } if(++i == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "-%c: argument required\n", c); return(1); } if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &n) != 1 || n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid argument\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } switch(c) { case 'x' : width = n; break; case 'y' : height = n; break; case 'b' : if((bpp = n) < 2 || bpp > 32) bad = "bpp"; break; case 'g' : if((gray = n) > 255) bad = "gray"; break; case 'X' : if((deltax = n) > 31) bad = "deltax"; break; case 'Y' : if((deltax = n) > 31) bad = "deltay"; break; case 'a' : if((attributes = n) > 3) bad = "attributes"; break; default : { fprintf(stderr, "-%c: invalid option\n", c); return(1); } } if(bad) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s out of range\n", n, bad); return(1); } } if(i == argc) { printf( "usage:\tfontdemo [-x WIDTH] [-y HEIGHT] [-b BPP] [-g COMPONENT]\n" "\t[-X DELTAX] [-Y DELTAY] [-a ATTRIBUTES] FONT [FILE...]\n" ); return(0); } name = argv[i++]; opt.txo_font = GrLoadFont(name); if(opt.txo_font == NULL && (testname = malloc(strlen(name) + 10)) != NULL) { /* try again, this is a test and the path can not been set yet */ #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__WIN32__) sprintf( testname,"..\\fonts\\%s",name ); #else sprintf( testname,"../fonts/%s",name ); #endif opt.txo_font = GrLoadFont(testname); free(testname); } if(opt.txo_font == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: load error\n", name); return(1); } hdr = &opt.txo_font->h; if(height == 0) { if(width == 0) { switch(hdr->height) { case 8 : case 14 : height = 400; break; case 16 : height = 480; break; case 20 : height = 600; break; case 24 : height = 768; break; default : height = hdr->height < 20 ? 480 : 768; } } else height = width * 3 / 4; } if(width == 0) width = height == 400 ? 640 : height * 4 / 3; GrSetMode(GR_width_height_bpp_graphics, width, height, bpp); if(!gray || (opt.txo_fgcolor.v = GrAllocColor(gray, gray, gray)) == GrNOCOLOR) opt.txo_fgcolor.v = GrWhite(); if(attributes & 0x02) opt.txo_fgcolor.v |= GR_UNDERLINE_TEXT; opt.txo_bgcolor.v = GrBlack(); if(attributes & 0x01) revert(); opt.txo_chrtype = GR_BYTE_TEXT; opt.txo_direct = GR_TEXT_RIGHT; opt.txo_xalign = GR_ALIGN_LEFT; opt.txo_yalign = GR_ALIGN_TOP; sprintf(buffer, "Font name:%s %dx%d", hdr->name, GrCharWidth('A', &opt), GrCharHeight('A', &opt)); if (hdr->proportional) strcat(buffer, " proportional"); else strcat(buffer, " fixed"); gputs(buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Font family: %s", hdr->family); gputs(buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Min char, num chars: %d, %d", hdr->minchar,hdr->numchars); gputs(buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Screen res: %dx%d@%lu", GrSizeX(), GrSizeY(), (unsigned long) GrNumColors()); gputs(buffer); gnewl(); gputs("THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG"); gputs("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); gnewl(); // if(hdr->minchar <= 0xC0 && hdr->minchar + hdr->numchars >= 0x100) { // gputs("������� ��� ���� ���� ��"); // gputs("������� ��� ���� ���� ��"); // gnewl(); // } /* ascii table, or to be precise, a full table of the current font */ opt.txo_chrtype = GR_WORD_TEXT; for(c = 0; c < hdr->numchars; c++) { gputc(hdr->minchar + c); if(c % 0x20 == 0x1F) gnewl(); } gnewl(); if(c % 0x20 != 0) gnewl(); opt.txo_chrtype = GR_BYTE_TEXT; while(i < argc) { name = argv[i++]; if((f = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { perror(name); return(1); } while((c = getc(f)) != EOF) if(c != '\n') gputc(c); else gnewl(); if(ferror(f) != 0 || fclose(f) != 0) { perror(name); return(1); } } /* enter and esc are < 0x100 and displayed 1:1 */ gputs("F1-new line F5-toggle reverse F7-toggle underline F10-exit"); gnewl(); GrEventInit(); while(1) { GrEventWait(&ev); if(ev.type == GREV_KEY) { key = ev.p1; if( key == GrKey_F10) break; if(key == GrKey_F1) gnewl(); else if(key == GrKey_F5) revert(); else if(key == GrKey_F7) opt.txo_fgcolor.v ^= GR_UNDERLINE_TEXT; else if(key < 0x100) gputc(key); } } GrEventUnInit(); GrUnloadFont(opt.txo_font); return(0); }
static void gputs(const char *s) { while(*s != '\0') gputc((unsigned char) *s++); gnewl(); }