Exemplo n.º 1
Matrix CoordinateSystem::getRotFromCompass(CompassData& compassData, GravityData& gravityData) {
    Vector compass_vector(3);
    compass_vector(0) = compassData.x();
    compass_vector(1) = compassData.y();
    compass_vector(2) = compassData.z();
    Vector gravity_vector(3);
    gravity_vector(0) = gravityData.x();
    gravity_vector(1) = gravityData.y();
    gravity_vector(2) = gravityData.z();

    Vector East(3);
    cross_prod(compass_vector, gravity_vector, East); // East = cross(compass_vector, gravity_vector)
    double normEast = norm_2(East);

    if (normEast < 0)
        return IdentityMatrix(3);

    East /= normEast; // normalization
    gravity_vector /= norm_2(gravity_vector);

    Vector North(3);
    cross_prod(gravity_vector, East, North); // North = cross(gravity_vector, East)

    Matrix rotmat(3, 3);
    row(rotmat, 0) = East;
    row(rotmat, 1) = North;
    row(rotmat, 2) = gravity_vector;

    return Matrix(rotmat);
bool LoadEstimator::updateRegression()
//    std::cout << "updateRegression()" << std::endl;
  Eigen::MatrixXd regress_matrix(num_input_data_, num_estimated_params_);
  Eigen::VectorXd regress_vector(num_input_data_);

  regress_matrix.setZero(num_input_data_, num_estimated_params_);

  tf::StampedTransform wrench_transform;

  tf::Vector3 wrench_torque;
  tf::vector3MsgToTF(end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque, wrench_torque);

  regress_vector(0) = - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.force.x;
  regress_vector(1) = - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.force.y;
  regress_vector(2) = - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.force.z;

    regress_vector(3) =  end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.x;
    regress_vector(4) =  end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.y;
    regress_vector(5) =  end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.z;
      regress_vector(3) =  - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.x;
      regress_vector(4) =  - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.y;
      regress_vector(5) =  - end_effector_state_msg_.wrench.torque.z;

  mass_naive = regress_vector.block(0,0,3,1).norm() / GRAVITY_CONSTANT_;
  //get the transform for the FT 

//    ros::Time(0); //Just the latest message
//    end_effector_state_msg_.header.stamp; //Time from a header
//    ros::Time::now(); //Current time from a clock
  bool success = false;
  while (!success)
      tf_listener_.waitForTransform(tf_base_name_, tf_wrench_name_, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(0.5));
      tf_listener_.lookupTransform(tf_base_name_, tf_wrench_name_, ros::Time(0), wrench_transform);
      success = true;
    catch (tf::ExtrapolationException ex)

  //get an eigen transform
  //we need to do everything in FT local frame to get the CoM invariant
  // (will not be the case in world frame since the CoM vector will be moving)
  Eigen::Affine3d world_to_wrench_transform;
  tf::transformTFToEigen(wrench_transform.inverse(), world_to_wrench_transform); //previously it was TransformTFToEigen

  //create the total vector from acceleration and gravity
  Eigen::Vector3d acceleration_vector;
  acceleration_vector(0) = end_effector_state_msg_.linear_acceleration.x;
  acceleration_vector(1) = end_effector_state_msg_.linear_acceleration.y;
  acceleration_vector(2) = end_effector_state_msg_.linear_acceleration.z;

  //get the angular acc and vel in FT frame
  Eigen::Vector3d angular_velocity = Eigen::Vector3d(end_effector_state_msg_.angular_velocity.x,

  Eigen::Vector3d angular_acceleration = Eigen::Vector3d(end_effector_state_msg_.angular_acceleration.x,

  //If we assume static case - let's get rid of noises introduced by angular vel and accelerations (just test option)
//    acceleration_vector.setZero();
  //create the gravity vector
  Eigen::Vector3d gravity_vector = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
  gravity_vector(2) = -GRAVITY_CONSTANT_;

  //total contribution
  Eigen::Vector3d total_contribution = acceleration_vector - gravity_vector;

  //create the moment matrix in local frame
  Eigen::Matrix3d moment_matrix;
  getCrossMatrix(-total_contribution, moment_matrix);
  moment_matrix = world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * moment_matrix * world_to_wrench_transform.rotation().transpose();

  //contribution of angular accelerations to the force
  Eigen::Matrix3d angular_vel_cross;
  getCrossMatrix(angular_velocity, angular_vel_cross);
  Eigen::Matrix3d angular_acc_cross;
  getCrossMatrix(angular_acceleration, angular_acc_cross);

  Eigen::Matrix3d angular_acc_contrib = angular_acc_cross + angular_vel_cross * angular_vel_cross;
  angular_acc_contrib = world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * angular_acc_contrib * world_to_wrench_transform.rotation().transpose();

  //fill the regression matrix
  regress_matrix.block(0, 0, 3, 1) = world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * total_contribution;
  regress_matrix.block(3, 1, 3, 3) = moment_matrix;
  regress_matrix.block(0, 1, 3, 3) = angular_acc_contrib;

  //fill with ones for the offset (i.e. unknown biases of sensors move to the regression matrix <=> add identity matrix)
	regress_matrix.block(0, 4, 3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(); 
	regress_matrix.block(3, 4 + 3, 3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();	  

  //add optional regession for inertial parameters Iii
    Eigen::MatrixXd angular_vel_dot = Eigen::MatrixXd(3, 6);
    getDotMatrix(world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * angular_velocity, angular_vel_dot);

    Eigen::MatrixXd angular_acc_dot = Eigen::MatrixXd(3, 6);
    getDotMatrix(world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * angular_acceleration, angular_acc_dot);

    Eigen::MatrixXd inertial_contrib = angular_acc_dot + world_to_wrench_transform.rotation() * angular_vel_cross * world_to_wrench_transform.rotation().transpose() * angular_vel_dot;

    regress_matrix.block(3, 4 + num_offset_params_, 3, 6) = inertial_contrib;
// 	regress_matrix.block(3, 4, 3, 6) = inertial_contrib;
// 	std::cout << "Inertial_contrib = " << std::endl << inertial_contrib << std::endl << std::endl;

//       std::cout << "the regress matrix looks like" << std::endl << std::endl << regress_matrix << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "Regressed vector looks like: " << regress_vector << std::endl;

    K_ = P_ * regress_matrix.transpose() * (lambda_ * Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(num_input_data_, num_input_data_) + regress_matrix * P_ * regress_matrix.transpose()).inverse();

    P_ = (1/lambda_) * (Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(num_estimated_params_, num_estimated_params_) - K_ * regress_matrix) * P_;

    regressed_parameters_ = regressed_parameters_ + K_ * (regress_vector - regress_matrix * regressed_parameters_);
//  std::cout << regressed_parameters_<< std::endl << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "K matrix = " << K_<< std::endl << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "P_ matrix = " << P_ << std::endl << std::endl;
    regressATA_ += regress_matrix.transpose() * regress_matrix;
    regressATb_ += regress_matrix.transpose() * regress_vector;
// 	std::cout << "A.transpose()*A:" << std::endl << regressATA_ << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;
// 	std::cout << "A.transpose()*b:" << std::endl << regressATb_ << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

  return true;